If you are flying to and from Inisfree as a guest, or arriving via recurring portal, you’ll pass through here.


Table of Contents:

  1. Nomenclature
  2. A Means to an End:  Polar Vortex(es)
  3. Speed Lanes
  4. Common Connections Include
  5. Gate Aspects
  6. Predominant Aspects (Building Sections)
  7. Vehicle Lanes and Crosswalks
  8. Parking Garage & Airport Suites
  9. Runways
  10. Terminals Directory
  11. Seating Areas
  12. Lounges
  13. Restrooms
  14. Restaurants
  15. Outland Realms Where Each Terminal and Gate Connect, and Usage Constraints
  16. Two of a Kind (Our Other Aerospaceport)
  17. Our Airline
  18. Our Air Force One
  19. Museum Annex
  20. Total Staff
  21. Other Special Features
  22. Traffic Over the Years
  23. Policies and Procedures
  24. Relevant Holidays
  25. Novels Excerpt
  26. 2020 Newcomer Flights
  27. Overall (Image Albums Start)
  28. Airport Interior – Concepts
  29. Scale-model of Inisfree in the 1st-floor Terminal Hall
  30. Giant Hovering Crystals in the Terminals
  31. Stargates for All the Terminal Gates
  32. Indirect-lighting Color-schemes
  33. Aircraft Interiors
  34. Helicopter Interiors
  35. Pilot-class Seating is Beyond First-class
  36. (All Our Pilots and Flight Attendants are) Girls
  37. Aurora Views when Flying to and from Inisfree
  38. Aircraft Examples
  39. Inisfree Spaceways’ Commercial Flying Saucers
  40. Airport Shuttles & Taxis
  41. Below the Runways & Landing Pads
  42. 2022 Update:  Scale-model in Minecraft
  43. 2023/+ Updates



Though Inisfreeans more accurately call this type of facility an aerospaceport, as its flights can and do go both into the air, as well as Space, it is still a common practice to refer to it more colloquially as just an ‘airport’.  Its layout is almost identical to that of many Outlands airports (i.e. a main street, a parking area, a sidewalk for drop-offs and arriving/exiting passengers, a check-in hall, a passengers-only hall connected to the terminals, and runways on the other side), and the term ‘airport’ still gets much of the same point across.  To be completely accurate in referring to this facility, however, one might best choose its official designation on the Inisfree map; the Civilian Aerospaceport, as all civilian and declassified air-and-Space travel is routed through here. 

(*Those are the only two facilities with the authority and ability to open up portals allowing guest/outsider air/Space traffic in/out of our airspace, by the way; the only other way for guests/outsiders to get into Inisfree is through one of our Perimeter Wall gates –though trusted family of Inisfree’s High King can bypass those routes, arriving directly.)


A Means to an End:

Utilizing the local polar vortex, this facility’s airships (aerospaceships) are able to reduce the energy they require to both launch out of and land into the realm of Inisfree.  The vortex, resulting in Earth‘s magnetosphere being in the form of a doughnut (toroidal vortex) is basically a giant, invisible tornado or whirlpool, and just like when an object enters a more rapidly moving body of air (such as the jet-stream) or water (such as river-like underwater currents), one may take advantage of the way this vortex energizes, rotates, and accelerates.  In short, almost like a glider or gravity-slingshot method, pilots can easily guide their airships into the ‘receiving areas’ of this vortex, thereby enjoying the atmospheric equivalent of ‘tail-gating’; the vortex, at a certain point in their trajectory, takes hold of their vessel and gives it all the lift and thrust it needs to spiral out and up (and out some more) from Inisfree, Antarctica, and (if one stays in the vortex long enough) even the whole world’s high-orbit range.

The basics of this vortex (similar to the properties of a tornado) are as follows:

  • ​​​To go up and out (just like in a tornado), fly into the outside of the vortex and ride its outer current.​
  • To go down and in, fly into the inside of the vortex and ride its inner current.
  • To speed up, fly closer to the vortex ‘wall cloud equivalent’ (the division between its inner and outer currents).
  • To slow down, fly closer to either the vortex’s ‘eye of the storm’ (its calmer center) or out away from its form (a few miles or more outside the perimeter of influence of its cone form).​​

A good pilot can easily ride the winds and other energy streams such that their ships require almost no energy what-so-ever –even for launching many thousands of miles away or more.​


Speed Lanes:

Though almost never used (or even authorized), each gate (door) in each terminal (wing/level) of this ‘airport’ has an expediting option; these doors can be activated to function like the Stargates. Instead of flying somewhere (covering a distance via conventional, linear traversing), one can instead ‘connect the dots’; stepping through a portal allows the traveler to move through a Space-time warp virtually (temporarily) overlapping two points (very small areas, more accurately, about the size of a closet).  Once they have stepped through one of these doors, when it is activated and connecting to a similar ‘doorway’ at their destination, the door is closed (deactivated as a Stargate), severing the connection and, thereby, ending the Space-time warp (which is so precise that it doesn’t affect anything between the two point; it only temporarily connects the activated gates).  This speedier method of travel is for Outlanders, as only Inisfreeans are capable of willing portals to open and close around their own bodies (meaning Inisfreeans don’t need these Stargate-like ‘doors’ (portals) in order to do this form of teleporting/warping).

In the coming years, however, these ‘speed lanes’ will be the standard for the gates of the highest terminal; terminal/floor 3 in the main building will almost always be opened/activated on a regular/daily schedule, instantly connecting the places which are both 1) fully allied with us, and 2) communicating to us that they have many people wishing to visit us / vacation here often.


Common Connections Include:

The gates of our upper terminal are frequently connected to other high-traffic spots/devices.

Again, however, the majority of the time… these upper-terminal gates will connect to realms allied/united with us –namely to their biggest cities, such as their capitals.


Gate Aspects:

It is important to note that these ‘doors’ cannot connect to any other points in Creation; they require another portal-like gateway in order to establish a connection (a portal, sometimes called a ‘worm-hole’), much like how telephones can only connect to other telephones, and computers to other computers; not to bodies or minds.

All of these ‘doors’ in Inisfree are indestructible, but any such ‘door’ equivalents in the Outlands can be damaged or destroyed.​​  This is because things in Inisfree are made of SRC, which is a new type of custom subatomic particle engineered by the supercomputer-brained Inisfreeans –one which cannot interact with any other particle or force, other than how their maker intends it/them to.  There is a lot to be said for this manifestation / ‘power of the mind’ –which most places outside Inisfree simply did not have the destiny/nature to develop.  (*Note, however, that whenever Auz or any Inisfreean (ICV) travels through to one of the gates connected in/from the Outlands, just him/them passing through that Outlands gate temporarily renders it invincible, that effect lingering for some time.)

Should any traveler find his or herself in just such a situation, they will be unable to travel back via the same route (unless they know how to, and are able to repair or rebuild these kind of ‘doors’), thereby requiring an Inisfreean to will one of the Inisfreean portals open for them (and this usually means summoning an Inisfreean or Inisfreeans to form a human, 3-D, Celtic infinity-knot with their interwoven limbs, fingers, and thumbs).

This facility’s portals/stargates dialing system is:

  1. the sigil for the destination’s universe/dimension
  2. the sigil for its galaxy or galaxy-sized volume
  3. the sigil for the solar system
  4. the sigil for the planet or moon
  5. (5-7) 3 symbols for X-Y-Z coordinates assigned to the destination based on that world’s grid/map
  6. (8) the time; past, now, or future (i.e. you can choose to arrive in a time other than the present –though this requires special clearance/permissions from deity-level leadership on both sides; the departure point and the arrival point)
  7. (9) whether the portal is one-way or not

We do not spin a symbols-ring to dial a destination (as was done/featured in Stargate).

All of our gates auto block/deny anyone not compatible with High King Auz; it is not possible to use / get/go through any of these gates unless he has personally approved them, having found them to be fully compatible with him / his culture.

The 9 symbols-areas/panels/displays arranged evenly around the walkthrough area (the part of the gate you walk through) show digital symbols once selected; they are blank/dark/off otherwise.


Predominant Aspects:

This airport/Spaceport of ours has eight main sections.

  1. Main Entrance:  the Uber C-5
  2. Drop-off and Pick-up ‘Street’:  the G.A.H.
  3. Parking Garage:  Greco-Roman temple with landscaping, fountains, and babbling brooks around every parking space and landing pad.
  4. Check-in Area:  no kiosks, desks, or wait lines; like the Grocery Store, the ‘smart’-doorframes do the scanning, identifying, luggage inventorying, ticket issuing, ​​​and roster updating.
  5. Terminals:  parallel, stacked, wide-corridor, rectangular-prisms; a triple-decker arrangement of lateral rows of gates out to the aerospacecrafts.
  6. Gates:  appearing as the ivory-and-gold, luxurious version of the Stargate design; can be set to function as normal doors connecting to the tube-ramps out to the docked aerospacecrafts, or as worm-hole portals connecting to other like-functioning ‘doors’ elsewhere across the Universe and other dimensions.​​  From the outside (the runway’s vantage point), these gates are separated by towering, stone-brick stacks based, castle turrets, and from the top of each of these castle-style turrets is a tall, narrow waterfall pouring out and down to fall into a swimming-pool-sized collection basin, resulting in areas of mist and many small rainbows near the runway and the bottoms of most of the aerospacecraft.
  7. Runway(s)*:  a paved area (sometimes called a ‘tarmac’) 1/2-mile by 1-mile, supported by/on giant Chess-piece-shaped pillars in order to prevent potential floods from affecting the runway’s take-off and landing surface; many stories above ground-level, allowing for the storage of hundreds of aerospacecraft beneath it (which can be flown (hovered) or brought up to the topside runway via aircraft-carrier-style ‘lifts’; industrial elevators designed for jets).
  8. Main Exit:  Uber U.F.O. (‘flying saucer’)

The most common size of landing pad on our runways area is for our tiny ‘flying saucers’; there are 52 of those pads.  Our medium-size ‘flying saucers’ are the size most comparable to a commercial jet, thus are the ones used the most often by big groups and major cities/destinations/allies, able to efficiently move the normal/average amount of people other air/Spaceports’ terminals’ seating areas can stage/organize.  We have 36 landing pads for that size craft.

*Technically there are only 4 runways, their outer sides used as 8 separate runways when corporate/private/smaller jets are present, and their insides/medians available for the larger commercial Outlands jets/airliners.

When not in use as air/Spacecraft-elevators, the 6 lifts (at the corners of the runways-surface) can be used as small-craft landing pads; this is why we count 14 of this size pad even though there only appear to be 8 on the map.


Vehicle Lanes and Crosswalks:

The section of our highway which gets people to and from this ‘airport’ has an allotted area hundreds of feet wide, just as its other sections elsewhere do.  This allows us to provide even more room and lanes for the local flow of traffic –while we have it only going one direction between the parking garage and the terminals building.  With a single signal from the Grid Mind, executing the will of High King Auz, a median barrier can be raised up, bisecting this span between those two buildings/halves of this ‘airport’, allowing the local GAH section to have two sides/directions of traffic.  (This is an option reserved for the years ahead, depending on traffic and demand/need.)

Pedestrians walk in tunnels under these lanes; there are no crosswalks here (in keeping with our city/civilization-wide theme of weaving things/lanes/routes around one another, thus allowing everyone to maintain their speed, reducing “wear & tear”, and reducing the potential for collisions).  Walking at 3 MPH, a person can go between the parking garage and the terminals building, via one of these pedestrians tunnels, in ~1.75 minutes; ~105 seconds.  Each tunnel is a hollow cylindrical prism, excepting its flat floor, with a floor width of ~60′; that’s enough room for ~20 lines of people, not shoulder-width apart, giving each line room on its sides to spare.  All tunnels connect the 2nd level down from the top of the parking garage… to staircases coming up and out to the dropoffs-and-pickups sidewalk.

The GAH section here has no turnarounds except in the parking garage; there are none of Inisfree’s signature vertical/inversion turnaround lanes/loops/arches.  All lanes of vehicle traffic are parallel, horizontal/flat (no slope/steepness), and are always for slow-moving buses and personal vehicles.  The middle lanes are for the normal flow of traffic; no stopping/pausing/parking allowed –and any vehicle paused/parked along the outermost lanes for more than a minute will alert its driver/occupants that it must engage its auto-driver feature and at least go into the parking garage to park in a parking space, if not circle back around the GAH sections outside this ‘airport’.


Parking Garage & Airport Suites:

The area where passengers/users of this ‘airport’ of ours can leave their personal vehicles (anything shorter than 9′ tall; no mobile-houses, of course) is a 27-story mega-structure spanning a vast area on the side of this facility nearest its corner of our Perimeter Wall.

40×19 pixels on the map = 2,640′ x 1,254′ = (3,310,560 sq.ft. per story) x 27 stories = 89,385,120 sq.ft. (minus the GAH corkscrew).
(and this does not include the space used for 1) airport suites, or 2) private/reserved parking spaces for those suites)

89,385,120 sq.ft. / 3 = 29,795,040 sq.ft. for parking spaces (and the 5′-wide landscaping strips between them),
and 59,590,080 sq.ft. for driving space between/to those parking spaces (minus the GAH corkscrew).

The GAH corkscrew here takes up a cylindrical prism volume (“area”).
On each level of this parking garage, it uses ~31,791 sq.ft.; that leaves 29,763,249 sq.ft. (29,795,040 – 31,791).
(3 pixels wide/diameter = 66’x3)

Each parking space is ~10′ wide x ~20′ deep (“long”), with 5′ of landscaping/dispersion on both sides;
15×20 = 300 sq.ft. per parking space here.
On each level of this parking garage, there are ~99,210 parking spaces (29,763,249 / 300).
99,210 x 27 levels = 2,678,670; 2,678,670 vehicles can be parked/kept here (not counting those of the suites/residents).
This parking garage can hold ~3,000,000 vehicles at any time.
Assuming each vehicle seats at least 4, that means ~12,000,000 people/carpoolers can leave their vehicles here.
(For some, this makes the most sense; it means a vehicle is ready and waiting near the curb the moment they arrive/return –and that helps us reduce/prevent congestion at/in the GAH lanes outside.)

In the Summer of 2022, an additional 2 small GAH-‘corkscrews’ were added to this parking garage.  The first/original one remains in the center of the parking garage.  There is now one on both sides of it, those two new ones both at the center/halfway point between the original one and the far/short sides/walls of the parking garage.

Each of these ‘corkscrews’ is a much smaller (narrower and shorter) version of the giant / full-size ones elsewhere in our city.  One of these local (airport parking-garage) ‘corkscrews’ has a drivable part/band 66′ across/wide.  That’s room for 3 standard 12′-wide highway lanes; IOW:  1 lane going up, 1 lane going down, and a half-lane shoulder on both outside edges, with a no-shoulder dividing-wall/partition between the up-lane and down-lane.

The Suites/Residences:

66’x66′ (the area allotted for each of these live-in parts of this facility)… across a 40-pixel long-side span of the parking garage … x27 10′-tall stories = 71,280 suites.
Each suite has 4,356′ of floorspace (minus the walls, etc.); ~1.7x the avg. size of an Outlands house in the former U.S.A..
One of those avg. U.S.A. houses usually had 3 people living in it; our suites here being almost 2x more horizontally spacious, and our residents and guests all being part of the same family, we typically see 5 or more living in each of these suites.
71,280 x (at least) 5 residents/users = ~356,400 people living in the suites of this air/Spaceport (with room for at least half a million, total –and perhaps twice that during standing-room events/parties).

Each suite is the same height as the level of the parking garage it is on/in; all these suites are ~10′ tall.

With special permission from High King Auz himself, it is possible to open up a vertical pair of suites here to make them/it ~20′ tall instead, though this has yet to be proposed/requested.



Just like Outlands runways, ours are numbered based on the numerical abbreviation of the compass direction they point toward (i.e. the direction aircraft takeoff from each runway).

  1. Runway 09:  points east (at least during Inisfree’s first location and orientation), ~3,960′ long, ~264′ wide, usually for OLDER average/large commercial airplanes (Airbuses, Boeings, etc.) withOUT sophisticated computers to help guide/land them (because this runway faces miles of open sky ahead)
  2. Runway 18:  points south, ~2,640′ long, ~264′ wide, usually for NEWER smaller/private airplanes (corporate jets, etc.) WITH sophisticated computers to help guide/land them (because this runway ends facing the Perimeter Wall)
  3. Runway 27:  points west, ~3,960′ long, ~264′ wide, usually for NEWER average/large commercial airplanes (Airbuses, Boeings, etc.) WITH sophisticated computers to help guide/land them (because this runway ends facing the terminals building)
  4. Runway 36:  points north, ~2,640′ long, ~264′ wide, usually for OLDER smaller/private airplanes (corporate jets, etc.) withOUT sophisticated computers to help guide/land them (because this runway faces miles of open sky ahead)

Most Earth human Outlander commercial jets takeoff and land at ~160-170 MPH; ~242’/sec.; at this speed, they will traverse our ~2,640′-long runways in ~11 seconds.
Most Earth human Outlander commercial jets accelerate to takeoff speed, and decelerate to landing/walking speed, in ~25-30 seconds; in Inisfree, they must be able to accelerate and decelerate ~2.5x faster.
We make this possible by helping them with various invisible technologies/forces, such as using our H.A.A.R.P. II facility and portals to give them either the strong headwind they need to slow down faster, or the strong tailwind they need to speed up faster.

Also, of course, the majority of people coming to, and going from, this air/Spaceport of ours fly via our fleet of flying saucers, and more than half of the other people traveling to/from here come/go via our terminal-gate portals in Terminal 3.

Those who still choose to come here by old-fashioned airplane often have advanced custom version of the planes they are using, sometimes with hidden repulsines of their own, allowing for almost any speed and maneuver you can think of.

A lot of factors affect how many seconds it takes to takeoff or land; airspeed (your speed), air/Spacecraft shape/form, flaps positions, if you are using reverse-thrusters, wind direction, temperature, altitude/pressure, runway slope, runway conditions (dry vs. icy, etc.), and so on.
With a strong headwind, slowing to a stop on a runway can take as few as 3-5 seconds. With too much of a tailwind, it can take ~90 seconds.
The windspeed in Inisfree is kept near 5 MPH; slightly breezy. In other words, it is not windy enough in our city to significantly affect/help your air/Spacecraft takeoffs or landings.

You can tell from the length of our runways and the location of our airport that it was intended almost exclusively for VTOL air/Spacecraft, with the ability to cater to small and medium-sized air/Spacecraft which do not have VTOL capability.

There is no street which makes it possible for personal vehicles on the G.A.H. to drive onto our runways-surface; residents of Inisfree cannot drive their personal vehicle directly up to where their private jet is parked on a landing pad here.  To go directly to such an air/Spacecraft, a passenger will still enter through our check-ins hall/section, proceed into/through the terminals-building, ask any ICV at any terminal-gate to open the door there to the outside (runways-surface) for them, and then board any waiting airport/indoor taxi or luxury-bus right outside, which will drive them the rest of the way.  We are always happy to make single-person trips/drives to get passengers to/from our terminals-building to/from their/any air/Spacecraft, private/personal or otherwise.

*If the/enough landing pads in a row are unoccupied, the overall/maximum available ‘runway’ length can be ‘extended’ by landing a jet diagonally across the entire runways-surface.  Doing so increases the acceleration/takeoff or deceleration/landing distance up from 3,960′ (on any of the longer of our sets of runways) to 4,759‘.  This has never been used; it has not been needed yet.


Terminals Directory:

See what each terminal of Inisfree’s Schloss-like, Chess-pillar-elevated, aerospaceport looks like, including their open-air frequent-travelers’ bedroom-based lounges:

  1. Terminal 1:  (lowest) for air & spacecraft that taxi and takeoff laterally; on lobby-floor level with the check-ins entry-and-exiting-hall, the smooth polished-looking terminals-building floor continues straight to this terminal’s seating areas and gates, and indoor-taxis (always either a luxury sedan or exotic sports-car) are driven by naked ICVs to and from those areas, always kept on an elliptical (rounded rectangle) driving loop/lane
  2. Terminal 2:  (middle)​ for air & spacecraft that taxi and takeoff vertically; a ‘glass’ (transparent metal) railing with a chrome-looking horizontal-cylinder railing is at the inside edge of this balcony/loft-like middle-tier inside our main/terminals building, also complete with the same kind of seductive seating-area furniture (chairs-and-a-half plus some canopy beds, not regular/Outlands/human airport linked basic plastic/padded seats), though the indoor-taxis do/can not come up here (and there is no “sky tram” / monorail; passengers walk/climb to/from this level –via either of the two AIOWs in this building, each of which is on one of the far short-sides of the terminals-building, connecting all three terminals/levels inside)
  3. Terminal 3:​​​  (highest) for portals; another ‘glass’ waist-level wall-with-railing lines the inside edge of this slightly-more-inset balcony/tier of the main/terminals building, and it is the only one which does not have a moveable terminal-gate ramp-tunnel-bridge for each terminal-gate to guide passengers to parked/hovering air/Spacecraft outside its/their window-walls (as passengers here use these uppermost terminal-gates as portals directly to destinations)


“All things happen in threes.”  Like so many things in our realm and related to High King Auz, this structure’s most-trafficked section was wisely divided into three even but distinct parts.  The first is the lowest (lobby-level) terminal, used in the earliest days of Inisfree, as everyone back then was taking ‘normal’ airplanes to and from this city, still under construction back then, with VTOL-capable ‘flying saucers’ tending to pick up and drop passengers/experts off directly at other sites on and around our central mountain.  Then, once commercial saucer-traffic began to increase, the next terminal up was opened and designated strictly for that, as those types of craft could park/hover above the ones on the runways-surface below, so it just made sense.  Finally, the uppermost terminal was made available, the Inisfreeans’ understanding of portal/s science considered so excellent that it was flawless, thereby making commercial ones here safe enough for general/all passengers / pedestrian traffic, regardless of its/their frequency (meaning these portals can be used by any number/amount of our guests, always stable no matter how many people go through them or how quickly).

*Since Inisfreeans almost never use words with negative connotations, “terminal” having one definition which is synonymous with mortal/fatal/death, you will more often hear Inisfreean girls referring to these three levels of our airport’s main building just as its floors, levels, stories, or terraces.

Technically there is also a 4th terminal to this air/Spaceport; the air/Spacecraft parking level beneath the runways has its own, just for some of our pilots and mechanics/technicians (all of whom are ICVs).


Seating Areas:

In front of each terminal-gate is a 66’x66′ area with rows of comfortable chairs-and-a-half and some canopy beds; there are 63 seating areas in this ‘airport’.  Each of these areas has the kind of moveable waist-level poles and hanging red-velvet ropes connecting them that you would see outside a fancy night-club or celebrity red-carpet event.

Each bed here takes up ~40 sq.ft., and each chair-and-a-half takes up ~18 sq.ft.; there is room, with aisles between their rows, for ~100 chairs-and-a-half plus ~10 beds.  Since each chair-and-a-half comfortably seats 2-3 guests, and each bed comfortably seats ~3-5, each seating-area in our ‘airport’ seats ~230-350 people waiting to board one of our commercial flying-saucers or other craft.  This is perfect for the flying-saucers which can dock outside these terminal-gates; our tiny and compact sizes/models are designed to transport about that many human-sized passengers.

63 terminal-gates means 63 seating-areas, but there are 107 landing pads + 63 normal-airplane gate-docking parking-spaces + 63 hovering-‘saucer’ gate-docking above-ground parking-spaces.  21 of our seating areas are also just for the Terminal 3 (level/floor/balcony 3) gates; this ‘airport’ only has 42 seating-areas for the remaining 149 landing/parking/hovering spots/spaces outside.  Once we have enough passengers queuing in this airport (in the centuries and millennia ahead) that we need to create more seats / seating-areas / staging-areas for them, Terminal 1 (lobby-level) has ~3x the floorspace its current/original seating-areas take up; we can add another ~2,100 chairs-and-a-half, plus another ~210 beds, making room for ~4,830-7,350 more human-sized people.  We’ll also be adding/staging airport-use-only luxury-buses outside the terminal-gates; on the runways-surface, between the docking-areas, which will be able to seat and transport ~34 more human-sized passengers per vehicle/trip than our nice/luxury airport/indoor-taxis can.

Passengers waiting in these seating areas are typically only there for less than a quarter of an hour; there are never check-in lines to arrive early to make it through on time (since the archways and ICVs of our ‘airport’ automatically scan/see/sense everything), and it only takes a few minutes to board any of our flying saucers outside, each of which spends only ~11-12 minutes (max’) on/over their landing-pad or docking-spot.  Some passengers like to arrive early anyway, though, as that affords them a comfortable amount of time to try one of the restaurants here, then freshen up in one of the toilet-rooms, and even further indulge by sampling some of our girls they can take to one of the airport lounges.  Sometimes people arriving via flying saucer also like to “people watch” and “girls shop” for a bit after they step into their terminal-gate from its ramp-tunnel-bridge; they check out all the sexy people here, invite one or more of them to hook up with them, and then enjoy them in one of the suites on the far-side of the parking-garage –and/or in their vehicle on the way, etc..

It is a very common sight to see a kajira, ICV, or female passenger in any of these seating areas giving a blowjob or even a lap-dance-with-penetration to any of the male passengers waiting in them.  Sometimes you’ll see rows of chairs-and-a-half, each with one or more girls on their knees in front of each, giving blowjobs or double/group-blowjobs.  There have been times when almost every chair-and-a-half and canopy-bed in a seating-area had this going on at/on it.  We’ve also seen female passengers offer to give a turn to everyone in her whole seating-area; some female guests of/in our realm like to show off what they can do –for dozens to even hundreds of fellow-guests at a time.

(For those who pulled this sexy feat off, it takes one female ~5 seconds per person, thus ~10-15 seconds per chair-and-a-half, and ~15-25 seconds per canopy-bed, when she is just getting into position to give each person one thrust/fingering/penetration of her, thus 1,150-1,750 seconds to give a one-penetration group-quickie to a full seating-area; 19-30 minutes when the female is taking her time –which is 13-24 minutes more than most groups of passengers waiting in a seating-area have; the females who were able to quickie-suck/fuck everyone in their seating area were 1) moving skillfully and quickly from person to person, not taking a full 5 seconds to get into position over each chair/bed, and 2) usually in smaller groups of passengers, such as those waiting to board our tiny or compact-sized flying-saucers –or the female just stood in place while everyone walked past her in a ‘usage line’.)

There are no “moving walkways” on the floor along/’outside’ any of our terminal-gates.  It is easy for our guests and residents to walk the ~1/4-mile from the terminal’s halfway/middle point to either end (where the AIOWs are), and the ~1/8-mile distance between the Terminal 1 (lobby-level) gates and the dropoffs-and-pickups curb outside, especially since indoor taxis are available to help them across the terminals-building/section part of that distance.  Some of our guests can also fly via natural wings (Angels) or telekinesis (Kryptonians, some X-Men, etc.).  Unassisted/natural flying, within reason (directly to/from an archway or restaurant table to a terminal-gate seating-area, for example), is allowed inside this ‘airport’.



Each of these terminals/levels has a few partitioned-off seating/rest areas where there are only canopy beds (meaning there are nine of these lounges; there are three on each level / in each terminal).  You can always tell right where they are, because each lounge is a 66′-diameter ring/circle of six ~9.5′-wide VIP booth-like one-bed (king-size) bedrooms encircled by the hollow cylindrical prism wall they are in, those cylinders doubling as the only non-wall supports for the two upper terminals’ floors, each lounge having an archway opening up toward the runways-side window-walls.  The walls look like dark pink granite, smooth and polished, and lighting is kept dim; low, romantic, and conducive of rest/sleep.  There are no curtains or draperies hanging in/from the archway, though each bedroom inside these lounges has diaphanous ones tastefully tied back halfway up their sides (and which anyone is welcome to untie so that they hang down/together, indicating that particular bedroom is in use / not to be disturbed).  *If you like the way either ICV on duty at the receptionist desk looks, you can either request that she join you in your bedroom in their lounge, at which point she will be replaced/relieved by another ICV on-call in this airport, or you can wait for her to summon an identical ICV to join you while she stays on-duty at her desk.

In the open center of these bedrooms-lined circular lounges is an entry-facing waist-height receptionist desk staffed by two ICVs who stand behind it; one remains at the desk to greet and bid farewell to everyone using her lounge, and the 2nd ICV walks/shows them to the available bedrooms they can choose from, both ICVs always naked except for the colorful diaphanous armbands which identify their current educational and vocational roles/status in our city.  They will warmly smile and wave to you as you enter through the archway, politely raising one pointer-finger to their lips to ask you to be respectfully quiet, helping the people already in some of the bedrooms of their lounge stay at rest / asleep.  They’ll then ask you in their “library voice” (low volume, like a whisper but in lower notes so as to be even quieter) if you have a bedroom preference and if anyone will be joining you in a moment.

These areas they staff are our airport’s equivalent of the private/exclusive/’sky’ lounges Outlands airports often included in their designs, available to ‘frequent fliers’ and higher-paying clientele (though here in Inisfree, our lounges are available and free for everyone who is using/in our Civilian Aerospaceport).  Unlike those lounges / ‘sky clubs’ in the Outlands airports, we do not have chairs or buffets in ours.  You can always request food and/or drinks from any of our airport’s restaurants, though, and an ICV will bring it up and into your bedroom once it is ready.

As always, this being Inisfree, you can take any sexy girl you see in this airport (ICV, kajira, or passenger) into one for as much fun as you like.  (The ICVs and kajirae will always immediately go with you.  You only need consent from the passengers, as playing with them in these lounges could lead to having to reschedule their flight.)  Please just stay as quiet/silent as you can, though, even if you are having a great time in there together.

Most people who use these lounges are just doing so to get some non-suite/residence shuteye between connecting flights –though almost everyone getting shuteye in any of our nine airport-lounges is resting naked and between at least two naked girls (usually ICVs or kajirae, though all the female users of this airport love joining in whenever they are invited).  People in Inisfree almost never sleep or even rest/relax alone.  This is just how our culture and nature is.

*Since ICVs always know what everyone in Inisfree needs, and what all other ICVs and ICs (craft and structures made by Inisfree) are doing and about to do, the nearest ICV will always politely and sexily let you know if you need to wake up and get dressed so you don’t miss your scheduled flight –and she’ll usually do this by starting with slow and gentle oral sex to usher you back to “the waking world/side”.  Once you start to ‘come to’ (come-pun not intended), she’ll smile while still slowly ‘blowing’ you, then sweetly softly say while smiling, “Good morning.”  She’ll ‘blow’ you a bit more to help you finish waking up, then add, “Your flight will be boarding and departing soon.”  Then she’ll finish ‘blowing’ you (always mindful of your body language, letting her know whether you want to finish in her mouth or not), then similarly gently rouse the girls with you, offering to hold any of your hands to help you stand up from your lounge bed.  She’ll also help you get dressed if you want, hugging and (after rinsing her mouth out) French kissing you goodbye.



In Inisfree, we call rooms with beds either bedrooms or restrooms, because, of course, you rest in them.  Bathrooms are what we call rooms which have a bathtub in them.  The ‘restrooms’ in this ‘airport’ of ours only have sinks and toilets, so we call them toilet-rooms.

Each terminal-gate seating-area has its own toilet-room –minus one; these toilet-rooms are between each terminal-gate.  This is so no one has to walk far to find/use a sink or toilet.  All of our toilet-rooms here are a 66’x66′ area behind where the back of the waterfall-walls are (for the waterfalls that separate the window-walls and air/Spacecraft parking/hovering areas outside each of those terminal-gate window-walls), giving them ~3,456 sq.ft. of floorspace; room for 20 toilet-stalls along each of the three outermost walls, with the 4th (inner) wall being for the entry/exit archway, a sinks-countertop on both of its sides.

Light fixtures are such that they provide an almost-natural lighting effect; we do not use fluorescent bulbs.  Lights are in three places in these toilet-rooms; they are 1) above each sink and toilet, 2) around each mirror, and 3) lining the underside of each above-floor stall wall/divider/panel, plus the underside of the countertops for the sinks.  This results in even illumination of all surfaces, making for easier spot-checking and cleaning.

There are no disposable / one-use / trees-based paper-towels here.  We offer normal hand-towels instead.  The ICVs on duty in each of these toilet-rooms will collect your hand-towel when you are finished with it, depositing it in a towels cart/container to be cleaned and replaced at the end of her shift.  All towels are white and soft.

We do not have separate toilet-rooms for males vs. females –and this is something everyone in our realm is perfectly fine with.  We also don’t have urinals, as we prefer privacy when relieving ourselves in a toilet-room.  Also, you will not see any fold-down ‘changing stations’ in our toilet-rooms; everyone in Inisfree is at or above the age of sexual maturity.

Quiet fans above and around all the toilets in these toilet-rooms maintain constant fresh-air flow.  No fragrances/scents/sprays are added.  We only allow natural, chemicals-free air in our realm.



Arranged in a row of separate house-sized enclosures of kitchens and inside dining/seating areas, surrounded by a perimeter of nearby/’outside’ (not outside-outside; just outside the respective restaurant ‘house’-like enclosure) circular dining tables and simple, sturdy, white, plastic-like chairs on chrome/metal legs, the restaurants in this ‘airport’ are all in a straight line bisecting the lobby-level floor of our terminals-building.  They are equidistant between the airlocks allowing foot-traffic between the check-ins hall/section and this hall/section for the terminals.  Each restaurant is allotted a 66’x66′ area of the floor, the intervals/spaces between these restaurants being that same amount (though five of those interval/spacing areas are occupied by the giant floating crystals).

There is room in this line/area of the terminals-building/hall floor for 20 of those 66’x66′ restaurant spots.  Instead of only offering 20 of the many more types of restaurants/cuisine we have in our city, the 80 unique/named restaurants in our realm are evenly divided/arranged at these 20 spots; 1/4 of each spot is for 1 of them, 4 being at each of the 20 spots.  Starting with terminal-gate 1, these restaurants are arranged in alphabetical order; “264 Fresco” is the first one, and “Zydeco” is the last one over by the last (21st) terminal-gate on the other end of this floor.

Everything here is vegan, and there are no non-vegan options; our entire community/civilization is vegan, no exceptions.  You’ll find, however, that we have many menu items which are seasoned and textured to taste almost identical to their nonvegan Outlands inspirations/counterparts.  We do care about making all our guests feel as “at home” as we can, so long as doing that never harms any innocent being.

These restaurants are managed by ICVs, staffed by kajirae who serve the food and drinks, and open 24/7/365.  The ICVs have normal/full shifts, as they never tire for any reason.  The kajirae work half-shifts, as needed, as they are basically highly-skilled somewhat-fragile human girls who need a little more rest and pampering to stay as soft, beautiful, and upbeat as they all are.

You can always take any of these ICVs or kajirae with you to your seating area or one of our airport lounges for ‘full use’, as desired.  Another ICV will immediately fill her/their spot/s with other ICVs/kajirae nearby.  It won’t cause anyone to be stressed/overworked back in the restaurant you were in at all.  (While it is perfectly permissible in our culture/society to ‘use’ (have sex with) any of them right at your table in any of these restaurants, we and our guests prefer to focus on the food and beverages while here, so please keep any ‘play’ at your table to a respectfully quiet and discrete nature.)


Outland Realms Where Each Terminal and Gate Connect, and Usage Constraints:

* The only beings who may pass through these portals are those whose holistic-signatures have been recorded and approved by Inisfree, via its Grid Mind, upon the completion of their 41-day Official Tour of Inisfree-city, and who do not have travel-bans due to detainment sentences, such as those being detained in Inisfree’s Subterranean Prison have.  All newcomers go through our Receiving Facility before they can use our ‘airport’ for return visits.  Even gods and goddesses do not have the ability/power to get around, or force their way through, this system –and don’t even have the desire to try, or the nature to consider such a thing; High King Auz’s nature/will has that effect on them and all other beings/things.

Some connect to the air/Spaceports of the biggest capital cities of the home-worlds of the species and empires Inisfree is allied with;

  1. Ar (largest city of Gor)
  2. Arcadia (capital of the Fae’s realm)
  3. Armali (city with the finest omni-tools and bio-amps, on Thessia; the Asari homeworld)
  4. Asgard (capital of the Aesir; of Thor Odinsson, and of Freyja; Dis af Vanir, etc.)
  5. Commorragh (capital of the Dark Eldar, in the Webway)
  6. Hammer Bay (capital of Genosha; Magneto‘s mutant island nation)
  7. Nazjatar (capital of the Naga; night-elves turned mer-people)
  8. New Bhaerynden (rebuilt Drow capital)
  9. New Kandor (capital of New Krypton; new homeworld of the race of Kara Zor-El; Supergirl)
  10. Nos Astra (capital of Illium; an Asari entrepôt world)
  11. Pandemonium (fortress-temple-capitol of Hell)
  12. R’lyeh (beneath the Pacific Ocean)
  13. Telos (beneath Mt. Shasta)
  14. Tirion (capital of Valinor, on Aman; hidden continent of the Elves)
  15. Treve (city of the greatest tarn-mounted raiders of Gor)

Others connect to the private, royal airports of the human, humanoid, and alien wives the King of Inisfree has married;

  • Acropolis of Thanatos (main temple of a temple-city of Kiaransalee, on the old site of V’elddrinnsshar)
  • The Promenade (main temple of Eilistraee, on the ancient temple of Ghaunadaur, near Skullport, in the depths of Undermountain)​
  • Xull’rae Zauviir‘s estate

* Civilian aerospacecraft, commonly called ‘repulsines’, are used to fly at warp-speeds out from Inisfree, via Pearly Gate 1, through the South Polar Vortex, and on to any place in the Universe which the Civilian Aerospaceport terminal portals do not directly connect to (though it often makes sense to fly through a portal first, then fly from there at warp speeds).

* All MKM hard-copies are shipped in bulk via our commercial repulsines along this route; via this aerospaceport.  (MKM copies are shipped by our cargo trucks across local distances to destinations with highways and that kind of vehicle traffic they can blend in with, while other destinations farther away and/or without cargo trucks get their MKM copies flown to them.)

Connections Added in 2022:

  1. Aldebaran capital (where Maria Orsic often commutes to/from)
  2. Agharta capital (where Aryana Sheshna often commutes to/from)
  3. Atlantis capital (where Queen Atlanna often commutes to/from)
  4. Attilan (where Crystalia Amaquelin often commutes to/from)
  5. Cybertron capital (where Alice Lucas often commutes to/from)
  6. Dragonhome capital (where Samantha Rae often commutes to/from)
  7. Mars capital (where Alexia often commutes to/from)
  8. Moon capital (where many Dark Fleet Barbies often commutes to/from)
  9. Jupiter capital (where Jupiter Jones often commutes to/from)
  10. Latveria capital (where Valeria Richards often commutes to/from)
  11. Madripoor capital (where Carmilla Black often commutes to/from)
  12. Majesdane capital (where Karolina Dean often commutes to/from)
  13. New Valyria capital (where Daenerys Targaryen often commutes to/from)
  14. Pleiades capital (where Maya Erra often commutes to/from)
  15. Tamaran capital (where Kory Anders often commutes to/from)
  16. Thanagar capital (where Kendra Saunders often commutes to/from)
  17. Themyscira (where Diana Prince often commutes to/from)
  18. Transia capital (where Wanda Maximoff often commutes to/from)
  19. Vampiria capital (where Ambrosia LeMorte Himmler often commutes to/from)

This makes 34 connections, while Terminal 3 only has 21 gates; some of Terminal 3’s gates are on a time-share (meaning, when turned on, they don’t always reconnect to the same gate/place).

~101 landing pads and 34 common/major destinations = ~3 pads/destination
and (at capacity many millennia ahead)
at 12 minutes (allotted for each craft to be at/over each landing site) per pad = ~120 flights per pad per day

so ~360 flights per day to each of the 34 major destinations (listed above)… by ~23000 A.D.


Two of a Kind:

Inisfree has two air-&-spaceports.  Both have significant traffic to and from the rest of the world, as well as to and from other worlds, but there is a key difference between the two facilities.  All Inisfreean air-shows are hosted at this aerospaceport, while the 2nd of Inisfree’s two aerospaceports (on the opposite corner of Inisfree-city) is strictly reserved for nonstop military-pilots’ training exercises. 

Of course, if you count the collection/network of hangars located beneath Inisfree’s surface terrain, this realm of ours technically has three different air-and-Spaceports; one for our guests, one for elite teams training here with us, and one just for our own fleet/personnel.


Our Airline

Inisfree’s own airline is actually a spaceline; it flies people to and from other worlds frequently/daily.  All the craft in its fleet are able to fly through the air and Space –as well as other places, such as underwater.  For lots of details about this exclusive fleet of air-and-spacecraft of ours, see here.


2024 October note:

  • 219,001 Inisfreean cities this air/spaceline can fly to/from (by/after 2088 A.D.)
    and 37 Outlands major/frequent gate connections
    but only 745 commercial saucers
    though thousands more personal craft (2,000/+)
    219,038÷2,745= ~80 destinations per craft;
    each of those 2,745/+ civilian-transporting air/spacecraft allowed in our realm might be used for reaching 80/+ of our cities
    219,038÷745= ~294; each of the saucers in this fleet might regularly make trips to nearly 300 different destinations
  • almost always only for moving groups of dozens, hundreds, or thousands of civilians to/from compatible peaceful/stable destinations
  • not for classified/dangerous/military destinations/travel; not for expeditions/sightseeing


Our Air Force One

Inisfree has its own version of the U.S. President’s ‘Air Force One’ airliner.  It is for the city’s Council of Elders and other distinguished guests, visiting dignitaries, and so on.  It’s no boring “monkey-suits” in the interior; this plane is for Inisfree-level parties between volunteer/charity work, meaning the people who ride in it don’t wear concealing or overly-formal attire.  Details about it are here.

This is not part of Inisfree Spaceways; it is not available for the normal population/traffic of Inisfree.


Museum Annex:

Not shown on the map images below… is the part of this airport which is like a small museum focused on milestones in beyond-human aviation and spaceflight.  You’ll see life-size lifelike replicas of the following types of air/Spacecraft:

  • silver “oddly-moving” airship (guess-model) of the Hav-Musuvs
  • Roswell/recovered UFO
  • Haunebu I (German)
  • Inisfree Spaceways compact-model (and you can enter it!)
  • Beam-ship (Pleiadian)
  • Star-gate
  • ARV (Alien Reconstruction Vehicle)

There are also scale-models of the following air/Spacecraft (as the life-size ones would not fit in our airport terminal/annex:

  • B2-L
  • Enterprise (the classic from Star Trek)
  • Inisfree Spaceways (all 6 sizes)
  • The New Horizon (Spacecraft-carrier) –with Persephone (modified Firefly-class ship)
  • Vimanas
  • Star Trek spaceships



Total Staff:

We keep one or more ICVs at each main traffic nexus and other important spots in this facility.  We also always have more kajirae than ICVs working here.

  • 1 ICV beside the ramp of each parking-garage floor/level of each GAH-‘corkscrew’ there; 81 ICVs
  • 1 ICV on patrol outside each parking-garage floor/level of suites; 27 ICVs
  • 1 ICV as the chief maid/butler/escort in each of the airport suites/residences; 71,280 ICVs
  • 100 ICVs in club Astroglide in the parking garage; 25 ICVs in each of its 4 internal sections
  • 1 ICV in each curbside entry/exit archway/revolving-door; 21 ICVs
  • 1 ICV outside each terminals-access archway/revolving-door (on/in the check-ins side/section); 19 ICVs
  • 1 ICV as the hostess of each restaurant here; 80 ICVs
  • 1 ICV as the chef / kitchen-manager in each restaurant here; 80 ICVs
  • 3 ICVs at each terminal-gate; 189 ICVs
  • 1 ICV driving each indoor-taxi and runways-taxi; 21 indoor-taxi driver ICVs & 107 runways-taxi driver ICVs (1 for each landing-pad –which may increase based on demand/flights, as some of our flying-saucers carry hundreds of passengers, while each of our airport-taxis only has room for 3-4)
  • 2 ICVs at the desk in each of our airport lounges; 18 ICVs
  • 1 ICV in each of our toilet-rooms; 63 ICVs
  • 2 ICVs at the desk in this airport’s mini-museum; 2 ICVs
  • numerous ICVs at work in the 3D-printer hangar-halls beneath the highway-section and terminals-building; ~300 ICVs (though there are times we go years without 3D-printing another commercial flying-saucer for our fleet, so that number can drop down to just 2 ICVs on patrol in each printer/hangar down there; ~20 total for this section of the ‘airport’)
  • ICVs on patrol in our Police Tumbler squad-cars; ~30 ICVs (1 ICV per Police Tumbler)
  • and then, of course, ICVs as pilots and stewardesses in each of our commercial flying-saucers (so add dozens more ICVs in our first years, and up to many thousands of them at-capacity in ~23000 A.D. and beyond)
  • subtotal:  ~72,063-72,343 ICVs working here each day, all day/night (replaced/relieved only based on the Jobs Rotation)

Kajirae working here:

  • 2 kajirae as basic maids/fucktoys in each of the airport suites/residences; up to 142,560 kajirae (based on demand; only in the suites reserved/used by guests of Inisfree –so this number would only be in the hundreds during Inisfree’s earliest operational years)
  • 2 kajirae as waitresses in every airport restaurant; 160 kajirae
  • 2 kajirae as cooks in every airport restaurant; 160 kajirae
  • 2 kajirae as janitors in and right outside every toilet-room (to keep both the toilet-rooms and terminal floors spotless); 120 kajirae
  • 3 kajirae as ‘fluffers’ standing in-wait at/in each terminal-gate seating-area; 189 kajirae
  • and then all the kajirae serving as fucktoys obeying the instructions of our stewardess ICVs aboard our commercial flying-saucers (dozens of kajirae in our first years, and up to many thousands of them at-capacity in ~23000 A.D. and beyond)
  • subtotal:  ~3,804 (634 x 6 half-shifts, as kajirae never get ‘kept on their feet’ for a full/8-hour shift) to ~859,134 (143,189 x 6 half-shifts) kajirae working here each day, each of those girls only for ~4 hours at a time (per 24-hour period, replaced/relieved whenever they are bought, desired, sold, traded, or otherwise needed/assigned elsewhere)

Grand Total:  ~75,867 (during our earlier years) to ~931,477 (near/at our ‘capacity’ millennia ahead) girls (ICVs and kajirae) work at/in this ‘airport’, *not counting however many we end up needing/having aboard our commercial flying-saucers (which will eventually add many thousands more to this total).


Other Special Features:

The 66′-wide blue border on the map, around the runways-surface edges, is concentric ‘smart’ devices designed to stop, catch, and slide back any aircraft that get too far.  It/they can even ‘catch’ and assist flying saucers, if ever one of them has a guidance/hovering issue.  We’ve made sure that nothing will ever just tip/fall off/over the side/s.

Pollution is illegal in Inisfree, so while we have copies of many Outlands aircraft, we modified their engines so they perform the same way but without burning fuel.  Only private jets which do not burn fuel may enter our airspace.  No matter who our guests are, they are only permitted to fly their own aircraft into our airspace if those aircraft do not emit pollution in any way.

Most of our air/Spacecraft have DJs working DJ booths in them.  Inisfreeans are big on music.  You’ll only hear their work if you put on the headset that comes with your seat.

Some guests have ranches with horses, and are able, upon occasion, to ride on and off our air/Spacecraft with their horses.  Any air/Spacecraft outfitted with a horse stable offers this option.  Pets are not allowed in Inisfree, but horses kept in our city zoo are sometimes temporarily permitted.

Inisfree’s airports are silent; our air/Spacecraft don’t make any noise during taxing, takeoff, or landing.  The taxis, shuttles, and maintenance vehicles don’t make noise, either.  You’ll only hear the waterfalls between the terminal gates, and the passengers boarding or disembarking.

Both the CIV and MIL Aerospaceports have multiple ways of helping stop a runaway air/Spacecraft;
the runways have tractor beams and retractable guard rails,
the buildings (such as the ATC towers and terminals) have E.M. bumpers and forcefields,
other air/Spacecraft can use tractor beams of their own,
and the ATC towers and larger vessels can open up portals not only to make it easier for primitive/old-fashioned aircraft to approach and take off from our air/Spaceports, but also to get them back to the start of the runaway or even outside our Perimeter Wall, if need be.

The portals the ATC towers open for these air/Spacecraft are always wide enough that no accidental/slight trajectory change (such as from the loss of power from an engine) would ever be enough to result in part/s of any air/Spacecraft not making it through. ATC towers in Inisfree can also instantly ‘dial up’ any of the portals they open; they can increase or otherwise change their diameters whenever needed.
Our ATC towers usually don’t open portals for our air/Spacecraft which can open portals for themselves; we prefer to let them keep as much of their energy/power as possible for every flight/warp.

* This airport/Spaceport now features its own night-and-dance club:  Astroglide!


Traffic Over the Years:

During the 2010s, roughly 1,000,000 visitors came to Inisfree each year, increasing closer to 10,000,000 by 2100 A.D..  This translates to ~114 per hour in the 2010s, and with so many landing surfaces, terminal gates, and floor-space per terminal/level, this airport can certainly handle that (and many times over).  Here are the details:

  • Area:  116 map pixels x 66′ x 45 map pixels x 66′ = 7,656′ by 2,970′; 22,738,320 sq.ft. (slightly less than 1 square mile)
  • Parking Area:  21(66) x 45(66) = 1,386′ by 2,970′; 4,116,420 sq.ft. (~82,500 parking spaces) per level
  • Terminals’ Areas:  11(66) x 41(66) = 726′ by 2,706′; 1,964,556 sq.ft. per floor
  • # gates per terminal:  21 (20 waterfalls between; intervals) x 3 terminals (floors) = 63 gates
    * Most commercial planes have a 200′ wingspan, and the biggest have a 262′ wingspan

Terminal 1: (lowest) for air/spacecraft taxi/takeoff laterally; they pull up to the gate like normal planes would
Terminal 2: (middle) for air/spacecraft taxi/takeoff vertically; they hover at/outside the gate; above the ground
Terminal 3: (highest) for portals; the gate IS the destination (and nothing above the VTOLs of terminal 2)
* There are no hangars off to the side; all aircraft are stored under the runways; there is room for: ~160 commercial airplane-sized air/spacecraft down there.

[8 runways + 52 tiny pads + 14 small pads + 36 medium pads + 4 large pads + 1 giant pad] means ~115 air/spacecraft can land/takeoff simultaneously (and more if they use the fields and highway sections surrounding this airport, etc.).

Compare our airport to the new biggest one for humans elsewhere in the world.  It is in China, and was made to handle ~197,000 people per day.  It was named Beijing Capital International.  It soon saw 83,000,000 people per year after opening, and reached 100,000,000/year by 2012.
5,000,000 guests/residents per year ~2019 in Inisfree, increasing to 10,000,000 by 2100 A.D.;
~384,615/mo.; 13,736/d; 572/hr; 1-3 normal-sized flights every hour

and at our 2B/yr capacity:  153,846,153/mo.; 5,494,505/d; 228,937/hr;
~763 of the ~300-seat flights per hour (most being 200-500/plane); 12 flights/minute; 1 every 5 seconds

BUT:  many of our guests come in by the portals/stargates; this means less runway/pad needs

At capacity in ~23000 A.D.; with 1 air/Spacecraft departing every ~5 seconds, the

12 flights per minute, at capacity = 1 every 5 sec.; Calculating Time Per Landing/Parking:
With 42 dockable terminal gates (all 21 gates of Terminal/floor 1 + all 21 gates of Terminal/floor 2)  + ~101 pads, that could mean (5 sec. x 143 places to depart in an air/Spaceship from); ~715 seconds to cycle through all those spots; ~12 minutes, then, for each craft to be parked at one/any of those spots, thus 6 minutes to unload any/each, and another 6 minutes to load after that.

Most Outlander airplanes start boarding 30 minutes before departure, stopping boarding 15 minutes before departure; they allow ~double that time (2 x 6 or 7 minutes) to get everyone onboard, and quadruple to quintuple that time (4 or 5 x 6 minutes) before takeoff.

Unloading of Outlands airplanes takes ~10 min.
Servicing the/each emptied Outlands plane takes ~30 min.
How do we get it (ours) closer to racing pitstop times?

  • no luggage (most people have no need to bring any, and almost nothing other than one’s own body is permitted to leave our realm)
  • no refueling (since all our craft/ICs are powered renewably by multiple means, such as auroral/ionic, bioelectric, biothermal, kinetic/piezoelectric, solar, sonic, Space/void, wind, etc., along with what is portal-ed into them, as needed)
  • dozens of pads not requiring taxiing or filing through a gate tunnel (i.e. many people just board/leave the craft right on our runway, picked up / dropped off by a luxury automobile)

So our craft can maneuver straight to their pad or gate, only primitive jets taxiing etc. (which are sometimes brought/preferred by our wealthy guests who have their own in the Outlands, just like some people enjoy collecting antique cars),
and everyone can walk off in that first minute of being in Inisfree (meaning the whole plane’s/craft’s passenger population can leave the plane the moment it has docked/parked; they don’t have to wait for everyone to find and take out of a compartment their pieces of luggage).

Why we don’t need time (between unloading and boarding) to clean/service/inspect our air/Spacecraft:

  • Our pilots need no rest, but can be rotated out just as quickly.
  • Our craft can pilot themselves.
  • Our stewardesses are ICVs who can see through chairs and walls, spotting anything needing cleaning vs ready.

The final half (6mins) of being stationary (i.e. a craft docked/parked here) means loading ~300 people into a mid-sized ‘flying saucer’ in that time; 1 person walking in every ~1.2 seconds, which is a normal rate.

Again, however, for the first ~century Inisfree was operational, this air/Spaceport had a normal/small amount of traffic, with only one or two flights/departures per hour.


Policies and Procedures:

There are numerous rules and guidelines which the Inisfreeans (ICVs) piloting/operating our air/Spacecraft always follow and live by.  A few of the ones passengers of our airline (Inisfree Spaceways) should know about are here.

  • Inisfree Spaceways is the only commercial air/Space traffic allowed to/from our realm.
  • All our craft are made (3D-printed) here in Inisfree, and we do not ship in any parts or materials from outside Inisfree, and do not contract with any businesses/companies outside our realm.
  • Based on demand/reservations, we 3D-print more craft; we only have as many air/Spacecraft as our confirmed guests and regularly-returning residents need.
  • Only people who are pre-screened and found to be compatible with High King Auz may board and be transported in any of our craft/vessels.  (This means, among other things, that all passengers must be in shape, must like Auz’s lifestyle, and males should wear at least something like shorts, while females can wear just about anything or nothing at all.)
  • Pets can be brought onboard with you and kept at your seat –though the only pets we allow are kajirae.  (We recommend giving each of your pets (kajirae) a seat of her own, so you should let us know when booking your flight how many you plan to bring with you.)  All kajirae must at least be collared, if not also leashed.
  • You will not have to watch a safety video/refresher every time you board one of our craft, but one is always available for you to watch if you would like to.
  • Your seatbelt/harness does not need to remain fastened during flights, as turbulence does not occur to our craft, though we do recommend it, if only for your added peace-of-mind.
  • Our normal range of altitudes for commercial flights is a few miles above any terrain, whether land or water.  (Our technology cancels out air resistance, so we have no reason to fly at the altitude human planes fly to avoid/lessen air friction.)
  • Having no need to avoid turbulence or storms (since air friction doesn’t affect our craft), we typically fly straight to and through even hurricanes –another aspect of flying with us which many of our passengers consider to be a special treat.
  • While we can open up portals and move our craft almost instantly between destinations, most prefer that we fly them at our own equivalent of ‘cruising speed’, so almost all our flights around the world take half an hour or so, affording everyone the chance to see the continents and oceans passing underneath at an exciting speed.
  • If somehow spotted and pursued (though human RADAR cannot detect our craft), we do not take evasive action; human aircraft cannot reach the supersonic and warp-level speeds ours naturally do, so we just continue along our normal course/s, always seeing them appear to shrink away in the distance behind us.
  • Contrails are not created by our craft, and they move too quickly for most spy satellites to notice, plus almost no one pays attention to the part of Antarctica where all our flight paths converge, so we do not make an effort to fly based on any version of the Cole Protocol (from the Halo series); we do not fly or ‘jump’ (warp/portal) to random places –like a packet of data being routed in a complex/sneaky way through the Internet might be moved/rerouted.
  • ICVs and the ICs (craft itself/themselves) constantly passively/noninvasively monitor vital signs, body language, and even thoughts, and are able to anticipate wants and needs –as well as be gracefully proactive regarding issues/’scenes’.
  • Only healthy vegan meals and nonalcoholic vegan beverages are served aboard our craft, as is the case throughout our city and fleet, and these are always cooked fresh (by ICVs) from scratch, all the ingredients fresh and freshly loaded per landing, cycling them out every time passengers disembark in Inisfree.
  • Movies and shows which are compatible with our tastes/culture are available onboard, and you can view them on a flat-screen or via the hologram projector in front of your seat.  We do not offer/allow access to movies, shows, TV channels, or radio stations which play/broadcast things not in alignment with our culture/values.  In some cases, you will see movies/shows, and/or hear songs, which we have modified slightly; just enough so that their content/lyrics are compatible with us (similarly to how video/computer games marketed in some foreign countries have to code out certain elements, such as too much graphic violence).
  • You can leave your cell phone or laptop (or other electronic devices) on the whole time you are being flown by any of our craft, as they cannot interfere with our systems —*though you will rapidly lose signal, as we fly at incredible speeds far beyond all human cell-towers / networks.  (Cell phones –and any/all communication/tracking devices– also won’t/can’t work once in our Perimeter Orb.)
  • Anytime contraband has somehow still made it onboard, if ever, our craft have been designed to seamlessly continue their flight paths while the unauthorized item/items is/are removed by Inisfreean portal technology.
  • Unruly passengers can be isolated, detained, or portal-ed back to their departure airports/communities without changing/interrupting a flight path.
  • We have no equivalent of Air Marshalls, as all our stewardesses and pilots are ICVs; they know all there is to know about warning signs, martial arts, escalations of force, diplomacy and negotiations, and much more.
  • Threats can largely be disregarded, as the moment approved passengers board/touch any of our craft or ICVs… they become essentially/effectively invincible, not just immortal –and nothing can harm our craft; they are indestructible –even in the face of a nuclear blast.  (Everyone allied with us is at deity level, after all.)
  • Emergency landings are unheard of, though we follow the same basic procedure for them, should one somehow occur; stay buckled in, follow stewardess (ICV) instructions, and use one of the provided floatation devices if needed –and only once you are out of the craft (as activating a floatation device inside any craft can make it more difficult to get out through moving water).  *Our response-time to any emergency might surprise you, by the way; Inisfreean forces/personnel (ICVs) can open up portals so quickly and precisely that they can get all passengers out of their seats and safely to Inisfree (or any of our ships) within seconds –before the craft experiencing a trajectory issue even has a chance to start decreasing its altitude or doing anything else.
  • There are always at least two staff girls per passenger –though you will rarely ever see more than a few of them at a time in any of our craft’s suites or aisles/halls.  This is to ensure every passenger always has the option for a threesome; another foundational part of our wisdom and culture.  Typically, we staff each of our craft with 1 ICV per passenger, and 1 kajira per passenger, if not more –and can accommodate more, by request.  (So if you are flying on/in one of our mid-sized craft (made for ~300 passengers), either there will be 100 passengers + 100 ICVs + 100 kajirae + the pilots (if everyone wants spaciousness), or there will be up to 300 passengers + 300 ICVs + 300 kajirae + the pilots (if everyone is fine with having our staff girls snuggled up more closely with them the whole time).)
  • All our stewardesses are “full service”; they are ICVs you can request to do anything full-body with, such as massages and even sex.  Being ICVs, it is in their nature to always be happy, excited, and eager for this, and they are programmed, trained, and experienced enough to always do a world-class –if not perfect– job.  We highly recommend you try at least one of them out on every flight, if you are in the mood.  (Many passengers prefer to have their in-flight meal served to them nyotaimori; atop the naked body of one of our females; an ICV or kajira –while at least one other (ICV or kajira) mounts or otherwise services that passenger sexually.)
  • Sex at your seat is perfectly fine –and even commonplace and encouraged, if not also celebrated, as per our culture.  If you are likely to make noise / be loud while having sex at your seat, an ICV will close your cabin/suite’s door as a soundproofing courtesy to the passengers who do not wish to hear your noises.  (You are always welcome to invite attractive passengers in to join you, too, so don’t be shy.)
  • Since our craft are as immortal and invincible as we and our treasured guests are, we do not decommission, recycle, or replace them.
  • Only civilian/commercial craft may use this air/Spaceport; all military / non-civilian craft must use our Military Aerospaceport on the opposite corner of Inisfree within our Perimeter Wall.
  • Our craft never warp/’jump’ inside Inisfreean airspace or through solid objects such as planets.  To prevent guest-craft(s) from warping within our airspace, we monitor their craft and pilots, and can instantly disable their warp-drives/fields if need be.  Also, all our structures are based on unbendable invincible SRC, and all people in our city are just as invincible, so an accidental warp couldn’t hurt anything here anyway.
  • Flights are always free, though you do need to give us enough notice to reserve a seat for you.
  • Once you have arrived, you must depart the craft within a few minutes, tops.  (Don’t worry about flirting and exchanging contact information with anyone you meet during the flight; this is Inisfree; we always detect who you are attracted to, and we always make sure to help you get in touch with them as soon as possible later on.  We developed our own version of the Internet, and our own version of Facebook and dating websites just for that/you, after all.)
  • Pilots of our flying saucers and other craft are always notified when it will help traffic at this ‘airport’ if they slightly speed up or slow down their craft at certain points/spans along the way.  They do their best to keep all flights to 30 minutes, though, which is designed to help people aboard them relax, unwind, and do plenty of sightseeing along the way.
  • Every craft and pilot, and the ‘smart’ runways-surface itself, are all always checking/scanning for any debris/particulars on the runways and landing pads, ensuring the whole takeoffs-and-landings area is as clean and featureless as can be.
  • The only people allowed on the runways-surface are 1) ICVs assigned to pilot or otherwise service the craft ferrying passengers to/from this area/facility, and 2) passengers boarding or exiting the authorized craft here.
  • Non-commercial air/Spacecraft (except for approved private/personal air/Spacecraft of residents of Inisfree) are not allowed to fly anywhere near or above this facility –and the low mountains-range bordering two of the sides/edges of this region of Inisfree serve as part of its border; they are a clear indicator of where all other air/Space traffic must stop.
  • Portal-ing directly into or out of the seat of any of the commercial flying saucers or other air/Spacecraft here is not allowed; passengers must either 1) check in by walking through the dropoffs-lane windows-wall doorways/revolving-doors, then wait to be directed by an ICV-on-duty through the corresponding terminal-gate to board their assigned/reserved air/Spacecraft, or 2) follow the line of passengers walking off/out of their air/Spacecraft once it has landed, then proceeding into the terminals-building via the path the ICV/s-on-duty indicate / point out to them.  (ICVs, of course, can portal directly in/onto and out off/from their seats, such as pilots to/from the cockpit.)  We have technology and other means in place at all times to prevent unauthorized portals/’jumps’ from even working.
  • It is impossible for any non-ICV to touch controls in any of our IC cockpits, and our craft are A.I. which can pilot themselves, so, while we rarely ever allow anyone in our cockpits, it is not forbidden; on special occasions, usually only by the request of someone we have come to trust very much over multiple years being friends/family with them, we have allowed passengers to go up into the cockpits of our commercial flying-saucers to check out what they look like, flirt with and have sexual relations with the ICVs piloting/copiloting the craft, and then return to the passengers-section of the craft to take their seat/s.  During flight, of course, no one is allowed in our cockpits –other than the ICVs piloting them.  Passengers still wouldn’t be able to touch/change (or even see) any of the controls in there (as most of ours are by-mind and via our private shared-consciousness ICVs-only technopathy-based Internet), but this remains one of our “best practices” policies for maintaining a respectful, professional, and distractions-free environment and flight/piloting.


Relevant Holidays:

  1. 19 August (7 Agharta on our calendar): Aviation Day
  2. 18 September (9 Harvest on our calendar): USAF Birthday
  3. 14 October (7 Thor on our calendar): Sound Barrier Broken (1947)
  4. 25 October (18 Thor on our calendar): 1st scheduled trans-continental air service
  5. 17 December (15 Nibiru on our calendar): Wright Brothers’ Day


Novels Excerpt:

Flying around the hemisphere toward the airspace of the newly-restored realm in the farthest north, the aircraft which looked like a cross between a cargo plane and a traditional flying saucer decelerated so steadily that it appeared, to those on the ground near where it came over the horizon, to blur into view, halting in an instant. There was an optical illusion in effect around its hull, and the nature of its engines caused water vapor in the air to condense around it, forming a small cloud. This made it very difficult to see, by human standards, though the good beings would still be able to tell it apart from the rest of the sky; the collective aura of the people piloting and staffing it was unmistakably clean and gentle.

Slowly drifting its way toward the face of the nearby mountain, where the other normal clouds were naturally passing by, the airship took its time until it was just a few feet over a meadow clearing between many grown evergreens. Its aft ramp opened down, soon meeting the meadow’s terrain, and two humanoid figures in matte-white suites of armor flanked its interior bay. The king of the south knew of its coming, and so had made his way from the latest work-site to meet them there.

Walking out from the tree-line, his simple cape and tunic moving with the breeze, he smiled to them, and they removed their helmets’ face-plates to smile back. It was the greeting more akin to family than service members and subordinates. Calling out to the Light Bringer with his heart and mind, he asked if she would like to join them on a brief trip back home. She would know where to find them on that mountain within her lands.

Once the queen of the north had answered the call and come into view between the alpine trees, another smile softened the features of the king’s face. He turned his face toward the direction of her approach, and waited for her to be near before greeting her verbally. “Good morning, your majesty,” he rumbled as a natural baritone and bass, his tone indicating a complete appreciation of her.

Offering her his hand as a polite and inviting way of escorting her to and up the ramp of the silent airship, he then provided formal introductions between her and the vessel’s personnel. Though they appeared to be in gender-neutral protective suits like modern knights or even an Iron Man equivalent, their open face-plates revealed the faces of females who appeared to be healthily in their primes; they had the facial structures and radiance of flawless angels, though they did not glow or float. The irises of their eyes, as well as their full heads of beautifully-braided hair, very subtly changed colors. Each bowed her head in recognition of the new royal, offering a kind smile, their eyes almost watery with the thrill of meeting and playing hostess to such a wonderful lady.

The ramp raised its outer edge back up from the meadow and closed quietly behind them, and in another blur… the airship left the small cloud that had formed around it, leaving that white puff to return to the rest of the regular clouds making their way amidst the trees and over the ridge of that mountain they’d been on. Meanwhile inside the airship, it felt as if they were still hovering in place, standing still. After another few introductions, High King Auz was unable to withhold his smile; he wanted to see their guest’s reaction to the view of the Earth passing by so quickly outside.

There was one other room in that airship as spacious as the aft loading bay they’d entered; it was the observation auditorium which had a few rows of seats, and walls which turned entirely transparent, revealing that their stable and silent airship was traveling well above the maximum speeds most human aircraft could ever dream of. Rivers and mountains shot by beneath them, entire provinces and states being flown over within minutes instead of hours. It was a good thing the chairs in this viewing room were comfortable and had plenty of components one could hold onto if they felt disoriented.

“We’ll be at Antarctica in no time,” he rumbled with a smile, standing at her side, ready to help her regain her balance if she, like others who’d experienced this before, started to sway or fall. He was more interested in her reaction to the whole matter than the impressive views through the see-through walls.

With such excitement, and a smile so big, she had tears of joy to see all of this.

Following the Rockies down from Alaska and northern Canada, their airship maneuvered gracefully below the summits, often guiding left or right a hair to stay between some of the sub-ranges. This technique was no longer needed to keep them out of radar view; it was more for fun; ‘the scenic route’. The Baja peninsula and Gulf of California were soon approaching from the horizon in front of them, and then they were out over the mid-Pacific, all of central America seeming to fly by on their left side.

The pilots knew what their king liked to share with passengers on these flights, and so they took their airship up several miles so that more of the lands to their east would still be in view. This allowed them to see Panama on the curve of the horizon, as well as Colombia‘s northwest before Ecuador and the Andes came into view. The infamous Convergence Zone they’d flown through had no measurable effect at all on their trajectory; the aerospace engineering of their people was beyond that of the mainstream.

Seeing the expression on her face, and the tears forming in her eyes, he gave her hand a friendly squeeze, then let his remain at his side; it was up to her if she wanted to take it back. His smile grew, and he tried not to look her way anymore, letting her whole attention be on the changing view of practically the whole world. Within another few minutes, South America‘s western side had been flown past, and they were out over the dreaded Drake Passage, where the waves which sometimes reached 60 feet in their storm swells all looked like twinkling particles far below.

Then the tail of Antarctica came into view right in front of them, and their airship descended back to be within reach of its uncommonly steep and swooping mountains of dark rock and blanketing white. Icebergs the size of towns dotted both sides of the snaking landmass closest to the bottom of South America. The southern continent’s icy surface had an almost painfully-bright shine to it until the transparent walls adjusted their polarization.

In the cockpit behind and slightly above their observation auditorium, the three pilots let their guest hear their telepathic conversation with Inisfree’s air-traffic control; their language was a fusion of all major world languages, as if they’d reversed what had happened when all the languages were created and growing distinct, and their voices were soft and musical, as if they were singing more than speaking to each other. Few outside Inisfree had ever been allowed to hear their special language. One of the copilots then translated what they’d said, speaking it in her mind in the language their guest would understand best, her voice still sounding like a calm and practiced singer.

The towering, miles-tall perimeter-wall enclosing their polar city then came into view, their airship slowing to a normal cruising speed, and it appeared at first as if they were flying straight for a sheer and icy cliff. How could anyone but the gods or titans have made such a straight, flat, and vertical surface? Then their view blurred into a gray haze for a moment, and the wall was gone; they’d passed through an unseen portal, coming out on the wall’s other side.

“Welcome to Inisfree,” Auz whispered, a view of a majestic city with signature architecture tucked neatly into a verdant landscape encircling their mighty central mountain now filling their field of vision. There were neighborhoods below, elegant spires, a suburb on a massive man-made arch, clear-blue ponds, meadows and greenbelts, a golden highway cleaner than anything from the movies, and the airport expanding beneath them as they lowered to one of its helipad-like landing surfaces. Rainbows appeared in the mist of the waterfalls flowing from each of its terminal gates’ megalithic dividing walls meeting the tarmac. Other saucer-shaped and regular-looking aircraft were coming and going from its runways and other pads.

She was beyond words.

Hovering over the landing pad, their airship re-opened its aft ramp, which then met the tarmac with its outer edge. In the observation auditorium, Auz politely motioned for Lucifera to walk through its ship-like doorway back into the hallway which led to that bay they’d entered through. On their walk to it and down out, a few of the white-armored Inisfreean women stepped back to stand at attention nearly against the walls, keeping their path clear for the two, and their face-plates turned off.

“You’ll see many statues of women we admire here, and many people who are not required to wear much at all, so I hope that won’t be overwhelming for you,” he calmly explained, again offering her his hand to hold as they reached the outside surface beneath the back of the airship. “Inisfree is a very open and free community, with a mild climate which seldom requires clothes.” A faint mist could be felt from the nearest airport terminal’s waterfall, and the only sound seemed to come from all of those waterfalls, all the aircraft here silent like their own.

A white stretch limousine was driving up to slow to a stop with its passenger doors right in front of them. Another pair of Inisfreean women stepped out, both in matching couture dresses of shimmering white in honor of the Light Bringer’s nature and name. Their hair was golden, eyes blue like the sky, and they lovingly smiled to her as the limo’s passenger door opened not at an angle to the side, but out and then down, curving under the bottom of the pristine vehicle.

“We are always happy to dress in accordance with your wishes, my queen,” he added, motioning for her to proceed ahead a second time. The interior revealed by the open side door was one of a palatial luxury jet more than an elongated automobile; there was a central seat not unlike a throne as a chair-and-a-half, and it was flanked by couch-like seats that hugged both sides of that passenger section. They looked to be of white leather, but no animal products were used in all of their city or within any of their ships; this was something more.

Once they were seated, the door seemed to slide back up around the side from where it had gone underneath the limo’, and it sealed as quietly as the ramp on their airship had. The two Inisfreeans outside got back into the front of the vehicle, and it smoothly began to drive along the tarmac around the airport’s main building to where it could access the city’s heavenly highway. The interior window between them and where Auz sat with Lucifera lowered and stayed down for easy questioning and conversing, should she wish.


2020 Newcomer Flights:

The following excerpt details the latest procedure for bringing first-timers to Inisfree up to speed on the basics of our city during their air-transit, assuming they have not elected to take the full tour upon arrival.

The airship silently hovered into place just outside of town, its ‘parking space’ chosen to be beyond the visual range and lines of sight of everyone around. Once Eden was ready, Auz showed her the way, and they were greeted up inside by his usual squad of short, fit, naked, effervescent Inisfreean girls. They hugged and complimented Eden warmly, asking if she wanted any refreshments once she and Auz were at their reserved seats in the observation room.

It would be what they considered a leisurely flight; thirty minutes in the air from the northern former U.S. (the U.S. and all other human nations having been erased back in the first couple days of 2013, only a few dozen new ones still being established to replace them), all the way around two-thirds the circumference of the Earth, until they were entering Inisfree. They had the capability to make that transit (and any transit) as instant as when Ambi chose to step through time and out of shadows, so half an hour to do Anything felt rather slow and casual to them. Eden, then, would be able to see all the states, shorelines, gulfs, seas, and oceans move by quickly underneath.

Her host conversed with her as if they’d always been friends, telling her how flights on this type of airship always reminded him of one of his fondest memories; that night he’d been picked up in one, extracted by Inisfreeans wearing skin-tight black ‘operator’ suits and matching gear, all of them ‘all smiles’, so eager and happy to pick him up, concluding his long exodus from thousands of miles north. Back then, he never would have believed just how comfortable and quick these aircraft would have gotten –or how many they’d end up printing in so few years. Wonders had transpired.

After he’d spoken for a few minutes, it was time to let their pilots do the talking. There was much to say to bring a newcomer up to speed on the best-hidden city that had a culture, technology, and calling all its own. Through their by-mind interface, after requesting Eden’s permission to communicate with her technopathically, of course, they told her the tale of Inisfree; how it had come to be, starting as just a few unrelated sketches, then taking the form of creative writing in roleplay sessions online, and eventually becoming one website, then another, that grew and grew throughout the years, until all the tools and backing to bring it into this plane of reality aligned.

Eden would see photographs of each step of that humble journey, starting with ones Auz himself had taken with those simple cameras and camera phones back in the day, when he was poor and alone, just passing the time by indulging in fantasy, daydreams, and crude art projects. Then videos of the scale models being built and explained came on the wrap-around wall-sized view-screen, the outside world still rushing by under their airship now blurred as if the airship’s eyelids had closed, giving the sequence of images and recordings their time to be the focus. Several minutes of that passed, and now the attractive voices of their female pilot and two copilots, each taking their turns finishing one another’s eloquent and heartfelt sentences, smoothly announced, amidst the slowly fading professional footage of that remote stand-alone mountain, standing so dark and tall in contrast with Antarctica’s gleaming white ice and snow plateau, being shaped by Auz’s team, “We are here.”

The womb-like front of the observation room, which was the inside curve of the front of their cloaked airship, let the stirring views out in front of them come back into perfect brightness and focus. They were slowing down, though that could not be felt, and the mile-tall ice-wall surrounding their home was spreading out.

She’d likely soon come to realize that the man she was with saw her that way; smart as a whip, as she’d stayed in shape, done what it took to survive in a world overrun by humans, and had remained confident, brave, and in the company of good beings in spite of it all. She had his deep respect. He saw her as very much like him.

Having passed through an unseen portal that let their airship get to the other side of the wall, they were greeted at the airport landing-pad by a luxury sedan driven by another of the unmistakable Inisfreeans he’d designed, made, and raised. A second of her kind stepped out and opened the back passenger door for them.



Located near one corner of our 10×10 mile property inside the Perimeter Wall, this ‘airport’ is a vast rectangular prism with parking on one side, the local highway-section and terminals-building in the middle, and the runways-surface on its other side.  The parking extends up from ground-level, the air/Spacecraft are 3D-printed and stored in hangars and vertical hover-aisles/columns between the runways-surface support-pillars, and there will always be something breathtakingly beautiful in the sky outside/overhead; we always have a great view of the starry sky, the nacreous clouds (when they are present), and two levels of auroral bands (the natural/global/polar one, plus the one we generate via our mountaintop next-gen’ H.A.A.R.P. station).  For centuries, you won’t see much traffic on our runways, as all our commercial air/Space-traffic needs have been met by a small fleet of flying-saucers and other craft, ICVs here only 3D-printing and commissioning more based on the slow and steady increase in visitors and demand.

Airport Interior – Concepts:

The main building of our ‘airport’ has a sleek, stylish, ‘glass’-and-metal/chrome ‘look and feel’ to it, with the entire wall/side facing the connecting highway-section being a window-wall, the entire inside wall separating the check-ins hall from the terminals-hall also being a window-wall, and each terminal-gate’s seating-area having a window-wall providing a great view out to our runways-surface and the surrounding landscape/terrain.  The ceiling is six stories high.  Each terminal is two stories tall.

Scale-model of Inisfree in the 1st-floor Terminal Hall:

There is much more detail on the actual model in this ‘airport’ of ours; if you walk up close to it, you will be able to make out all of the major buildings and private/reserved residences in our city, individual trees (at least the largest ones), and a lifelike lighting and rippling of the surfaces of all bodies of water.  Its tiny (proportionately scaled-down) version of Cloud City II even moves along its actual mountaintop ‘orbital’ path above the central mountain, accurate to where it actually is along that permanent circular sky route in real life at each very moment.  As of 2022, if you are here and looking at this model during the approach of midnight on New Year’s Eve, you’ll also see that this model’s downtown area now shows the Awesome Blossom forming/closing as it starts to rise up and slowly rotate to its above-downtown position… before just as slowly and precisely rotating and lowering back down, completing one rotation like that, just like the giant one outside does each New Year.

Giant Hovering Crystals in the Terminals:

There are five of these ~50′-tall, ~20′-diameter, pointed-ends, faceted-ellipsoid, good-energy crystals floating steadily (horizontally and vertically; they do not turn/rotate) and silently in place, spread throughout our terminals-building at even intervals, all ~5′ above the lobby-level floor.  All of these five crystals are the same color halfway between red and purple.  Magenta is a good way of describing the range of colors that they show.  *Anyone in this main building will likely feel their effect, especially the closer they walk to any of the crystals; it will feel like a very pleasant tactile-version of a massage or lullaby, not enough to make anyone fall asleep, but certainly enough to make them feel as if they have just the right amount of energy and comfort.

Stargates for All the Terminal Gates:

All 63 terminal-gates in our ‘airport’ look like a white-and-gold/electrum luxury version of the popularized/famous Stargates.  The 9 symbols-panels/displays on them are arranged at even intervals along their center ‘line’.  When turned on, they show the view looking out through the connected portal at the destination; they do not have a water/whirlpool activation effect like the original Stargate was said to.

Indirect-lighting Color-schemes:

All our commercial flying saucers and other air/Spacecraft come standard with cool, sexy, romantic light fixtures like these, and we set them to both 1) help with mood/’atmosphere’, and 2) mimic the real-time outside day-night cycle –of any/every world we fly/’jump’ to (so passengers’ eyes don’t have to adjust much when they board or walk out).

Aircraft Interiors:

There are only luxurious air/Spacecraft in Inisfree.  Passengers will always be treated to the Universe’s absolute finest.  You’ll always feel like royalty –from the moment you step onboard and look around.

Helicopter Interiors:

Even the civilian/commercial helicopters we use/allow in our realm are luxurious.  Due to how many thousands of miles away from all colonized/developed lands of the Earth our city is, you’ll probably only be traveling via one of these/our helicopters if you are commuting to/from one of the Outlands research stations elsewhere across/on Antarctica.

Pilot-class Seating is Beyond First-class:

This area is available in many of our air/Spacecraft, and is basically a passenger section with a window-wall and/or window-ceiling instead of just normal Outlands-style aircraft porthole-like windows beside each outer-row seat.  As always, this is not glass; we only use transparent metal in our large windows; it is much, much stronger.  Also, of course, being made of SRC means it can’t crack or break, so don’t worry!

(All Our Pilots and Flight Attendants are) Girls:

Only the sexiest females in Creation ever fly and service our air/Spacecraft.  All of them are ICVs, excepting only the kajirae we assign to them as supplemental helpers (such as for the in-flight dining/meal service/s).  All of them are full-service/use; you can ask them to do just about whatever you want –and they’ll all be happy to oblige –and not because we told/trained them to be; it is in their very natures to want to connect with all our interested passengers that way.

Aurora Views when Flying to and from Inisfree:

These are the most visible/likely during each 3-year ‘high’/surge in each 11-year solar (Sun) cycle, especially if you are traveling to Inisfree during the season-long Antarctic night.  If you travel here during the season-long Antarctic day, you might still be able to make out some auroral bands/shows.  Plan ahead and ask one of us (one of the ICVs) when the best/guaranteed times for aurora sightseeing are if you want to make this a priority of your itinerary; we’ll always know.  *We also have local man-made aurora-based ‘light shows’ during most overnight periods when there is not a visible meteor-shower.

Aircraft Examples:

You’ll see all the sleek / nice-looking civilian/commercial/luxury flying saucers coming and going here, as well as corporate/private jets, commercial jumbo-jets, slow-moving hover-jets which look like open-topped cruise-ship blimp hybrids, and even the ‘cigar-shaped’ craft reported a number of times in UFO websites and shows.

Inisfree Spaceways’ Commercial Flying Saucers:

This image shows how three of our six commercial flying-saucer models (the compact, the tiny, and the medium; not shown are the small, the large, or the giant) compare to 1) common Outlander human airplanes, 2) common Outlander human helicopters, and 3) the saucer-section of the first Starship Enterprise.

Airport Shuttles & Taxis:

Whether going to/from the check-ins hall to a Terminal 1 gate, or to/from the terminals-building to an air/Spacecraft waiting/hovering over a landing pad too far away from that building to be connected to one of its gates via a ramp-tunnel-bridge, we provide only the most luxurious family-size (4-person) automobiles as our indoor and outdoor ‘shuttle’ service.  These vehicles are part of our city’s collective/shared-consciousness of living A.I. beings/people; they can drive themselves perfectly, anticipating and sensing/detecting the needs of their passengers and everyone around/outside them.  That means you can snuggle up (or do much more) with the Inisfreean (ICV) driving the one you are riding in if you want –so don’t be shy about asking her to kiss, sit on your lap, or do a whole lot of other steamy things along the way.

Below the Runways & Landing Pads:

All Inisfree Spaceways craft (commercial flying saucers) are 3D-printed in the hangars down here beneath the runways-surface.

This is why we can store all the (except 1 of our giant) flying saucers of our commercial fleet beneath this air/Spaceport’s runways surface:

  • (3 pixels underneath a 1pixel runway surface = the runway is 264′ above ground-level (~26.5 stories), the runway is 1 story thick (~10′), and the clearance beneath it for storing/parking civilian air/Spacecraft in Inisfree is ~254′.)
  • Our tallest flying saucer (the giant size/model) is ~53′ tall; 4 of them can be hover-stacked underneath the runways-surface’s giant landing pad.
    4 under 1 pad = 4 (with the 5th (at capacity) able to stay on top, as its pad is then not time-shared)
  • Our large flying saucers are ~46′ tall; they can be hover-stacked ~5 high underneath the runways-surface’s large landing pads.
    5 under 4 pads = 20 (and we only need 20 at capacity)
  • Our medium flying saucers are ~40′ tall; they can be hover-stacked ~6 high underneath the runways-surface’s large landing pads.
    6 under 36 pads = 216 (and we need 390 at capacity; to store the other 174, we use the space not being taken up under the landing pads of other sizes, keeping these medium-size saucers at ground-level; bigger craft are stored/hovered lower)
  • Our small flying saucers are ~34′ tall; they can be hover-stacked ~7 high underneath the runways-surface’s large landing pads.
    7 under 14 pads = 98 (and we only need 70 at capacity)
  • Our tiny flying saucers are ~25′ tall; they can be hover-stacked ~10 high underneath the runways-surface’s large landing pads.
    10 under 52 pads = 520 (and we only need 260 at capacity)
  • *ALTERNATIVE to the tiny-size craft:
    Our compact flying saucers are ~14′ tall; they can be hover-stacked ~18 high underneath the runways-surface’s large landing pads.
    18 under 52 pads = 936 (and we only need 260 at capacity)

Anyone allowed down here will see these stacks of UFO-like commercial Spacecraft hovering silently and motionlessly between the big columns supporting the runway-surface high above them, with the craft no longer in use for the day hovering or portal-ing (“blinking”) into place in their assigned stack, and the craft about to be needed for the day hovering or portal-ing away from their stack, heading/flying up to the landing pad or terminal-gate they’ll be loaded up at before departing our realm.  None of them make any noise when hovering or moving.  This is Inisfree.

2022 Update:  Scale-model in Minecraft

2023/+ Updates:

The runways surface is kept snow-/ice-free at all times.

Stargate-like portals are 1-way, similar to how some wormholes are, preventing collisions within.
Their devices used to be what regulated this. Now, the connection itself also regulates it; a higher-tech’ redundancy.
Being ICs, they are AI, thus ‘smart’ devices and extensions of His (Auz’s) will.
The gates outside Inisfree they can connect to are not ICs, thus not invincible or extensions of his will, however… with every connection/activation to gates which are ICs, the Outlands gates become temporarily invincible, plus repaired if they were damaged.
What is the point when the Grid Mind and other ICs can open portals anywhere? These gates allow allies in the Outlands to “dial in” without waiting on a Grid Mind or other IC response, and they mark the exact location a reliable portal/connection will be at; no one has to guess, estimate, worry, or clear a larger area to be safe. These gates also free up ICs to deploy elsewhere, as those ICs are then not needed to open portals themselves. Finally, these gates help keep outsiders used to them, thus less likely to develop generating portals of their own.

All our stargates have a ‘bubble’ around them; a spherical volume prevents any unapproved from approaching them, similar to the opposite of a gravity field, meaning that they somewhat keep pushed back all who are not compatible with Auz.

Those who Are compatible can approach the membrane/portal, but cannot go through a 1-way portal the wrong way, or enter it from its backside; they would be similarly pushed back before touching it.

Connections to Be Added:

  1. planet Ba’al (only for residents of Inisfree who have been educated about it, thus sure to be welcomed through its selective/compatibility barrier)
  2. 2089 A.D.:  SSA‘s Inisfree-like cities
  3. millions of years in the future:  Ideal World

We offer military escorts to all guest flights/craft, and always escort our own.

We report all UFO sightings and RADAR contacts, avoid areas with frequent UFOs, and have numerous proven ways of keeping UFOs away from our craft/flightpaths.  (Remember that our natural abilities include automatic-overrides / mind-control and mind-scanning, and all things in Creation/reality end up willingly doing what we want them to.)

2024 May:  The terminal-portals (arrival/departure gates at each waiting-area in view of the runways) are to allied realms far from any bad humans, so people returning to our realm from those places can arrive at those airports/portals nude, or strip and leave their clothes back there with someone, and exit our realm to those places still nude. They might have a friend waiting there with their clothes.
One ICV is always on duty at those Outlands portals (her hair and eyes’ irises’ colors steadily changing so people know who the ICV in charge of the portal is), scanning everyone to ensure they haven’t forgotten to remove any contraband our portals automatically disintegrate.

2024 August:  Commercial laundry (service) is on site; it is done in apartments/suites devoted to that (for all the pillows and sheets used by our passengers, etc.).
Also, other aptmts/suites in the far-side of the parking-garage of this facility are devoted to meal prep’ (even though meals can be made fresh / to-order in the kitchens built into some of the larger aircraft).

2024 October 29 Tuesday:  The Difference Between Business-class, First-class, and Private Jets

  • Business-class (“Biz”):  slightly bigger seats,
    maybe the only ones with a TV in the back of the headrest of the seat in front of them,
    still need to book months in advance,
    still need hours to arrive/prepare; perhaps you live an hour from the airport + standing hrs in line for security + hr taxi arranging once at destination, etc. = ~6hrs w/o flight added (so usu. a full day or two of traveling just to make a 1-way flight work),
    slightly-sooner boarding-time from main waiting-area
  • 1st-class:  most spread out and private in commercial aircraft,
    most menu options,
    least competition for toilet (when flying commercial),
    book ~month or just weeks in advance (less competition b/c pricier seats),
    not quite as much time to wait in line, but just as much time to commute, arrange a taxi at destination, etc.,
    first to board commercial (excepting handicapped/military, etc.),
    better waiting area (private lounge/restaurant/buffet),
    still usu. limited to only landing within hours of your final destination; major airports rarely close to nice homes/vacations
  • Private Jet:  you are never late (b/c can wait for you),
    book just 48hrs in advance,
    drive right up to your private part of the airport, not just a separate lounge adjacent the regular waiting-area in a terminal-gate,
    mere minutes to get into the airport/airplane, and transportation pre-arranged at your destination, also waiting for you,
    you have total privacy (cabin to yourself),
    you can bring ~anything onboard (bigger luggage, big bottles of drinks, no need for airport food),
    you have your own toilet (zero competition for it, unless you invite family/friends to fly with you),
    can land at far more (smaller) airports (not limited to big/international ones with long runways),
    can fly direct (no need for layovers),
    fewer chances another passenger will cause an issue,
    usu. faster than commercial planes (less weight to propel, not limited to regular-altitude airplane ‘highways’),
    can change seats at any time, and often change the orientation of seats; to face inward, or backward, etc.,
    can get you within minutes of your destination; not just to a major airport, but to any of the smallest/local airports
  • That means instead of basically a full shift (or even an entire day or two) just to get somewhere, then a meeting the next day; after you rested, you can have same-day in-person meetings, and be back home in time for dinner.
  • And, with Inisfree’s private airline, we can even further expedite/streamline this; via portals, etc..
    –Spaceways:  can hover directly over your destination
    –AF1:  doesn’t even need to slow down and hover, and you can take a shuttle from it even if it is going in a completely different direction


Video Player

Pardon all the retarded nonsense/gibberish near the end of the “Alien Craft…” video; about aliens and ‘beings of light’, and “everyone” (sweeping generalization) being asked to help a certain way, then everyone getting their own universe.  That video is here just to introduce some concepts and theories about unconventional propulsion and steering, not to preach the latest ‘spin’ on xian plagiarism of other belief systems.  Energy-beings aren’t the know-all end-all, light isn’t always good, not everyone is asked to do something, let alone something specific, and aliens are not expendable nor dependent upon humans –obviously.

“We Own the Sky HD” M83 M83
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