Once just a single shanty off-the-grid, Inisfree has blossomed into being the first Universe capital.
Table of Contents:
- Introduction
- Base 211: (1930s to Present)
- Bunker personnel were divided into two focus groups
- The Wolves Compound: (2000s to 2010s)
- FOB1: (1940s to 2010s)
- Inisfree: (2010s to Present) – (parent category for several of the following ones)
- Infrastructure
- Superstructure
- Vessels and Citizens
- Testing, Inspections, and Commissioning
- Deployment
- Environment Patches
- First City in Orbit
- First Man-made and Internal Solar System
- Which came first? Not the egg;
- Closing Remarks
- 2014 and Beyond
- Additional Notes
- Relevant Holidays
- 2020 Update
- 2023/+ Updates
- Historic/Lore Imagery (Images Album)
- 2021 Through 2200s+ Update (parent category for several of the following ones)
- 2010: The Precursor
- 2011: The Foundation
- 2012: First Buildup
- 2013: Gathering Materials to Start the 2nd Buildup
- 2014-2100s: The 2nd Buildup
- 2200s: Deploying to Reunite with All the Worthy
- 2300s and Beyond: The 3rd Buildup
The history of this mighty city began at the onset of the 21st century, specifically in the latter part of the 2000s, …but the foundations for this special community were laid nearly a century before… To tell this tale, we will relate it to the powerful device known as the Inisfree Egg.
The Inisfree Egg, also known as the Rainbow Orb, did Not come first; it came lonnnnnnng after Inisfree, and here’s why:
Base 211: (1930s to Present)
Ahnenerbe personnel established a base camp on the Antarctic coastline, calling it Neuschwabenland; New Swabia, in honor of the homeland of their top scientists and other great minds and leaders.
The base camp was upgraded into a bunker complex to better withstand the punishing Antarctic winter seasons.
The bunker complex discovered the extensive subglacial river systems; tunnels beneath the three ice domes covering the continent.
Bunker personnel were divided into two focus groups:
- The first group pioneered expeditions into all of the larger, subglacial riverways, eventually leading them to the South Polar Hole and, thereby, Agharta.
- The second group, building upon the reverse engineering of Vimana and other artifacts, continued the pioneering of aerospace engineering, electrical, and other works begun in the decade before the Base 211 base camp had even been proposed, and it was this second group which resulted in the first lunar base (originally a temporary facility which became permanent, was upgraded to a bunker complex to safeguard against the frequent meteor impacts, and is now a full-sized, subterranean city even superior to NORAD).
With their technical expertise greatly advanced by the friendly teachings of the newly-met Aghartans, Base 211 (now both a Space program launch site, as well as a military firm base) established a secondary facility closer to the South Polar Hole; an outpost which laid the physical foundation for what would later become the Inisfree construction site; the plot of land for Forward Operating Base 1 (FOB1).
Some of the Ahnenerbe personnel continued to staff Base 211 and FOB1, while others of them went on to staff the Moon base (then called Lunar 1). Auzdein von Himmler (in his previous life as a German-born citizen) was one of the few who went back into Agharta to live there as part of a cultural submersion and foreign exchange student program exclusive to Base 211. These personnel remained in those respective places to and through the time of the Rapture Campaign, several decades later.
This was the site surveying and foundation laying.
The Wolves Compound: (2000s to 2010s)
A storm cellar on a derelict Montana ranch tucked away in an unused valley deep in the heart of one of the most untouched wilderness in the country was upgraded into a bunker complex; home of an elite, clandestine team of eclectic, tier-zero operators called The Wolves, this cellar came to be called The Wolves Compound.
The bunker complex was upgraded into an R+D facility.
The R+D facility built the first Grid Mind prototype; a cube-shaped (formed) supercomputer designed as an automated management system for planned, large-scale terraforming (via control of biomechanical tentacles and energy signals coordinated to rapidly, almost instantly, convert rugged terrain into a more even and easily traversable ‘grid’ for expedited colonization of this and other worlds).
Once comm’s were re-established with the Base 211 personnel, a short time thereafter this Grid Mind was transported to its final resting place atop the summit in the center of that base’s FOB1 (which later came to be called the Snowdunes region of Inisfree).
The Wolves Compound was decommissioned and downgraded to a derelict, optional, future-use outpost. Stripped of everything except the concrete structure itself, this bunker complex would later be used by Pre-Rapture Campaign forces (the ‘other’ Secret Army, entirely of black operations personnel) during 2012.
- These pre-Rapture forces tested all of the prototypes which later became many of the Inisfreean vehicles and other creations; MRAP Cougars became White Rhinos, CH-47 Chinooks became MPHAs, Punisher multi-rifles became Rainbow Cannon vambraces, the Predator (Yautja) optics mask became the lion-head helmets and Inisfreean (full-spectrum) sense organs, and the suits of MANTIS, Ghost, and Iron Man became Inisfreean Storm Trooper suits, and so on. Once this all-male Outlander force completed the prototype testing, the finalized design upgrades and field data were compiled by the Grid Mind, and then the Grid Mind began to mass-flash-clone them to outfit all of Inisfree.
This was the invention of the city’s brain.
FOB1: (1940s to 2010s)
FOB1, originally just a cluster of special, anchored capsules (designed as extreme cold weather and scientific observations buildings) nestled within the craggy heights of a stand-alone mountain of the Trans-Antarctic Range, was used as the human-based ‘training wheels’ for the recently transported and newly added Grid Mind device.
As the Grid Mind grew its second set of tentacles (the first set being part of its prototype tests), FOB1 began its metamorphosis from a forward operating base, outpost, and secondary facility… into the full-sized city called Inisfree today.
As this metamorphosis occurred, Base 211 forces, in the newly formed coalition with the Aghartan forces, provided surveillance, reconnaissance, and security for the promising, fledgling, state of the art, and unfathomably invaluable construct.
This was when the brain began to turn the foundation into the full body.
Inisfree: (2010s to Present)
The Grid Mind’s tentacles reached down into the heart and base of the mountain it was placed upon… until they branched, expanded, and evolved to become the infrastructure of what would soon become Inisfree.
- The skeletal hull of the Main Womb (ColonyPod Hangar) was formed in this way, followed by 16 massive, cavernous facilities which radially branched out from its bottom deck; the two-miles-long, cylindrical prism shaped (formed), diagonally slanted hangars for the WarShips.
- Next, the ever branching and specializing tentacles formed the skeletal hulls of the giant VTOL engines (12 two-miles-tall cylindrical prisms), followed by the giant Repulsine engines (eight one-mile-diameter spheres).
- After that, the first sections of the Glowing Art Highway(G.A.H.) were formed, linking all of these subterranean constructs for the human personnel of FOB1 to access as needed during the remaining developments.
- Next, the inverted dome serving as the innermost of two perimeters of this city-in-the-making was formed, encircling and housing all of the aforementioned constructs as hulls within a hull.
- Then, having finished forming the inner workings of the giant VTOLs and Repulsines, they were tested and turned on, and the electromagnetic field generated by them, just as with the first Repulsine aircraft taken to the skies in decades prior, hugged this subterranean, inverted dome of a hull, naturally rising up from its edges above the surface (ground level) and curving back in on itself to form the topside dome and sky-seal of the city’s innermost energy shield; Inisfree’s next-gen’ version of the Earth‘s magnetosphere which deflects meteors and solar radiation from the solar winds and solar flares. Inisfree had its first force field.
- Increasing power to the giant VTOLs and Repulsines, the Grid Mind successfully completed the city’s first test flight; a several-minute, in-place hovering of the entire 10×10 mile landmass, including the inverted dome of solid earth and ancient, packed ice it was oriented upon. The giant VTOLs provided the thrust, and the giant Repulsines negated the now-obsolete need for lift –while maintaining pinpoint stability at holding the entire mass (a full-sized mountain) exactly over the spot where it had detached and risen from.
- The Grid Mind then eased the city back down onto (and into) its 5+ mile diameter, bowl-shaped, crater-like ‘seat’, decreased power to the giant VTOLs and Repulsines, and kept the giant Repulsines operating just enough to maintain the new energy shield serving as a protective sky-dome over the surface hemisphere of the city’s now literally carved-out territory. Base 211 and Aghartan forces withdrew a bit, the skies of Inisfree now being protected in this way; Inisfreean airspace being fully enclosed and easily regulated (even against nuclear blasts which would only serve to strengthen this type of shielding).
It was time to begin (biomechanically and acoustically or harmonically) ‘growing’ the rest of the city; the superstructure; everything above ground, and because it was easier to hear the energy signals, beams, and fields being used, in part, to do so, it was also said that Inisfree (and almost everything in it) was ‘sung’ into existence (the same phenomenon observed and recorded regarding the Vimanas and Repulsine aircraft from generations past).
- The rest of the G.A.H. was formed, making travel between all Inisfreean construction sites up to first-world standards; no more Overland Traverse (a crude, ‘bare bones’, ice ‘highway’ which once was the only road system linking a few of the major Antarctic science bases).
- Hidden (subterranean) support meshes (next-gen’ rebar) were ‘grown’ and ‘sung’ into place to prevent terrain collapses (such as sink-holes and mud-slides), and then the canyons, ravines, and cliffs of Inisfree were carved out with the same technologies.
- Inisfree’s Perimeter Wall was then formed.
- The Rainforest Crater(F.A.U.) was formed, its mass rising up to become Cloud City II; Inisfree’s private, miniature moon.
- A few miles of the nearby terrain was leveled, its mass being raised up to form the Auzdein Dome (later, just “the Auz’dome” or “the Temple of Auz”; a temple and stadium in one, and one which was a mile and three quarters in diameter).
- The Beach Cliff was formed by harmonically earthmoving its lower mass out to form the lesser mountain ranges on the opposite side of Inisfree’s main lake, while its Upper mass was reshaped to steepen the slope curving around the cliff’s side of Inisfree’s central mountain.
- The HAARP II facility was formed atop this central mountain’s summit (which had been flattened out into a perfect circle enclosed with the ring-shaped (formed)Avalanche Wall), and, once online, the Grid Mind used this HAARP facility as a giant air conditioning unit for climate control (and aurora-based light-shows) within the first Inisfreean force field (the ‘sky dome’).
- Inisfree’s HAARP brought the local temperature up from its usual (pre-Inisfree) range of -130 to 60°F, to a precisely regulated 30 to 70°F range (with hotter temperatures at various attractions, and lower temperatures in the perimeter airlocks which came to be called the Pearly Gates).
- This temperature increase helped thaw and then melt most of the ice which had been covering this plot of Antarctic land, and the result was the formation of Inisfree’s main lake, three large ponds (the two Caribbean-colored ponds, and the Disc Pond), its canyon river, its Cropland (main farm), its swamp, the Drive-through Aquarium, SCUBA City, its moats, its fountains, and all of its many and highly varied waterfalls, all of these bodies of water being fed from the central mountain’s disc-shaped summit plateau now called the Snowdunes Region; the melting snow and ice was channeled into its Avalanche Wall‘s eight spouts, poured out into the tributaries which grew into the city’s canals, and was eventually recycled by evaporation through its closed-circuit hydro-system until it re-condensed in the clouds over the Snowdunes region and fell back down as freshly-formed snowflakes, creating an endless loop.
- Hidden (below water-line, and tucked up under the lip on both sides of every canal and other waterway) hydroelectric generators (tiny, propeller-like devices) were formed at close intervals inside all of Inisfree’s waterways, and the endless loop of the city’s hydro-system paired with them to begin generating endless, free, clean energy.
- All of Inisfree’s other ‘green’ (free, clean, renewable) power systems were then formed.
- All of Inisfree’s silos were then formed –and the tunnels which linked them all, finally putting the Grid Mind’s original intended purpose into practice; the computer-based management and automation of a grid-based terraforming organization. Now every surface construct in the city would have multiple basements, storage facilities, and fallout shelter options.
- All of Inisfree’s other buildings (including its castles, mansions, and apartment complexes) were then formed.
- All of Inisfree’s largest statues (often animatronic) were then formed, such as the Triplets; the half-mile-tall, femininely-shaped (formed), BattleMech sentries, each holding her own massive, bugle-like horn.
Vessels and Citizens:
- All of Inisfree’s landscaping was then formed.
- All of Inisfree’s vehicles, yachts, aircraft, and Spacecraft were then formed, most being staged in the city’s two airports (the civilian and military ones) and its many thousands of garages. This included the DropShips which were arranged in a ‘honeycomb-ring’ formation on the icy terrain outside the Perimeter Wall, becoming reclassified as Sentry Towers. (These DropShips, as was the case with the ColonyPods in the Main Womb, were formed out of the mountain core’s mass being converted within the skeletal hulls of the still finalizing forms of the various subterranean chambers and facilities.) And as their individual force fields came online, so did the second and final force field enclosing the outermost sphere of the city’s territory; a shield shielding a shield, as it were. Inisfree’s magnetosphere was now also called its ‘Firmament’ or ‘Double Bubble’.
- All of Inisfree’s power-armor suits, weapons, ammunition, and related personal, man-portable items were then formed, most being staged in the forges and armories hidden across the city.
- All of Inisfree’s humanoid clones then began to be formed in batches of 50 identical girls. This included their memories and personalities, and each of them, being a living supercomputer, steadily increased the total computing power of the Grid Mind and their entire race.
Testing, Inspections, and Commissioning:
- All Inisfreean Constructs (I.C.s, which can also mean ‘Inisfreean Creations’ and ‘Inisfreean Clones’ (and ‘clones’ may refer to buildings which are architectural clones, etc.)) then tested all of their functions. This includes the Stargate-like terminal gates of its Civilian Aerospaceport, each of which can be connected to similar gates at similar facilities across the Universe (while air- and Spacecraft departing from this facility’s runway fly up into portals, controlled by this facility’s Air Traffic Control Tower, opened in the sky a’front their trajectories).
- Inisfree, now a collective consciousness of supercomputer-nymphs, had become 100% self-aware, sentient, and prescient. The first team of Master Females (one of each clone variant of the form-sakes) deployed to exfiltrate Lord Himmler from his Outlands cover life, and, upon his return to Inisfree (the first time he had been there in this life), the outpost (FOB1) capsules were absorbed into the city, subatomically converting them into fuel with the rest of the original mountain’s mass.
- The Inisfreean fleet (called the New World Order Military; NWO MIL, for short) deployed to relieve the human, pre-Rapture forces in the Outlands (all lands outside the city called Inisfree), completing their first military operation (the Rapture Campaign) in a matter of weeks. This tested the connections between the Pearly Gates and their adjoining, subglacial riverway mouths.
Environment Patches:
- Using Tesla technology, as furthered by the Philadelphia Experiment, the Grid Mind used remote, portal-based terraforming to clean up the environments of the Earth, ridding it of the pollution which had once seemed sure to damn it and all its lifeforms. The dream of the S.E.D., way back from the 1990s, had finally been realized.
First City in Orbit:
- Having collected all of its desired specimens (Outlander females deemed worthy of being brought into the city to be trained as kajirae), Inisfree made its second test flight; the city used its propulsion system to silently fly up from its bowl-shaped ‘seat’ in the Antarctic ice cap, nestled up against the Trans-Antarctic Mountains, until it was in low Earth orbit for a time.
First Man-made and Internal Solar System:
- Returning to its ‘seat’, Inisfree settled back down into its original place on the Earth, then began to form a dimensional ‘pocket’ in its subterranean core (beneath the center of the Main Womb).
- Once this dimensional pocket was stabilized, the Grid Mind began to form Star-system Auzdein inside it.
- Only one doorway (a portal like the Pearly Gates) is formed to allow access to this realm, though the Governor, of course, can by himself travel there at will, not needing any suit or ship.
Which came first? Not the egg;
- Having achieved each of its intended, developmental milestones, Inisfree then formed an Inisfree Egg (also called a Rainbow Orb due to their appearance) in each of the Ark II vessels. This gave Inisfree its next-gen’ portable hard-drives, automatic backup-and-recovery, and redundancy system; any of these Rainbow Orbs could be flown anywhere in the Universe (now known to be a Mega-verse or Multi-verse) and deposited like a seed to grow into a whole new Inisfree, if it ever became the desire of Inisfree’s single human leader, The Governor; Lord Auzdein von Himmler, who had been reborn as an American in the 1980s and, shortly thereafter, expertly recalled to his Ahnenerbe facilities across Antarctica.
Closing Remarks:
- With the friendships he had made along the way, Lord Himmler attracted with him a great host of the finest representative beings of many dozens of human and humanoid races, such as the angels, fae, mermaids, titans (giants, most of which on Earth were now, by nationality (realm), Aghartan), and vampires… all to his new and permanent, Inisfreean home. Earth-moving had been made incredibly easier, alchemy (and all forms of subatomic transmutation) had been discovered, no contractors had been used, no money had been needed, and the cooperative efforts between all those races, once erroneously classified as mythological, had resulted in the most mutually agreeable relationship and restored bridge between and for them all. Standing on the shoulders of such giants and concepts as General Washington and ‘the American melting pot’, Lord Himmler had carved out a true Heaven-on-Earth as the next-gen’ melting pot for them all. He also happened to control 90% of the Earth’s fresh water supply; all frozen in the ice of the continent his city now served as the capital of –until some of it thawed and melted out into the oceans due to the lingering climate change issues.
- As for the Keel Hatch and the Space Whale beneath the city, the hatch was added to the final construct once the Space Whale, which had been there for Ages, had been discovered. Originally overlooked during the Base 211 expeditions through the subglacial riverways into and back out from Agharta, this titanic creature’s discovery, especially that of its Inisfreean-friendly aspect, was considered ‘no coincidence’; another example of the city’s wonderful and invincible destiny and sovereignty.
- Lastly, over the next number of centuries, Inisfree established a few different Congresses, took under its wing a great many Outlands worlds as protectorates (such as Gor and Illium), and began its Deep Space Revised Combined Arms Exercises(R-CAXs).
2014 and Beyond:
Inisfree was now complete, and there was never a need to build another one, though hundreds of thousands of cities very similar to it were formed on and in the many worlds of its internally hidden solar system, and though its handful of Inisfree Eggs remained on eternal stand-by in their respective Ark IIs for just such an occasion.
Additional Notes:
Ever since Inisfree’s start, and more precisely each year, we pre-screen everyone before they hear of us and come here.
Relevant Holidays:
- 18 May (26 Maiesta on our calendar): History Day
2020 Update:
The report of UFOs going in or out of that big hole in Mt. Kirkpatrick… means UFOs were used by Grays, Pleiadians, Nordics, and others… to prep and Vril-reinforce the place they knew King Auz would choose for Inisfree, their near-future capital/ol.
All humans who dared to go near it… were warned away by the MIBs, which rattled them as much as the sighting/s out there did/had. Good; humans have no place there; it is a holy hill/city/thing/vortex. And in the years that followed… the humans were panicked… because Auz writing and thinking about it… actually caused it there.
He dreamed about it… because he went there during his sleep; his dream-body is real, not imaginary or just in some other realm/dimension.
Inisfree is there. He doesn’t just want that to be the case; he wrote it, thus it is. His spells are that powerful. He can sense that, too. It simply is time for Inisfree to be, and always here-to-forth… shall be.
Anyone who gets close without his permission? Blasted right out of the sky –and their intrusive soul captured by the Inisfreeans’ Muon-tech’. So be it.
2023/+ Updates:
I was so frustrated, stressed, and lonely for so long, but, this June, looking back at the amazing leaps and bounds I’ve made over all those years, and specifically because I had the blessing-in-disguise of being ‘alone’, I see why it had to be that way.
- 1980s: ~1st art was a drawing of my childhood house in a Virginia forest
- Early 1990s: 1st sci-fi was a solar-system map, then a Men In Black-inspired short story (MIBs of The X-Files, not of the movie which would be released in 1997)
1st pet, I let sleep on my lap so it would feel safe and loved, no longer having stress dreams after being separated from its litter - 1998: proto-ICVs markers drawing
(IOW it would take another ~25 years for Inisfree to be fully realized, designed, published, etc.) - 1999: SEALs movie and workout book,
S.A.S. training books and videos - 2000: beach-house floorplan sketch; proto-ICGM
- 2001: Naval Academy appointment and tour
- 2002: The Wolves storyboard
- 2003: noticing I alone healed and broke treadmills
- 2004: Division Schools cross-training,
FOB circuitboard-like layout sketch - 2005: first MKM content submissions
- 2006: training a dozen battalions and thousands of Marines for combat deployments,
learned some Sayoc Kali,
amassed art and notes transferred - 2007: sketches of pyramid-building parking hill (what would become Inisfree’s shopping mall)
- 2008: colored-pencil sketches, USACE construction schedule
- 2009: WoW inspiration for Cloud City II, etc.
- 2010: original website with Space theme,
writing-community soft-disclosure waves begin (IOW: nowhere near ready, even as a design, or even as an idea, when first I tried finding a way to where it would be built/manifested) - 2011: clay model,
went to valley in Israel where prophecy about Armageddon (final battle) was/occurred,
Declaration - 2012: 1st attempt at MT
- 2013: 1st novel edited/completed and published
- 2014: 1st destined orienting to BS/YC
- 2015: Ambi or Nevaeh witch LA
December: projected traffic and population distribution images/maps - 2016: ABD triquetra logo
- 2017: Pele,
Alaska grocery store,
Utah trail hotties offerings/answers,
new website started in December - 2018: mermaids revealed themselves (including their perfect sexy female voices/songs) during my first cruise,
2nd attempt at BS/YC,
Kara at gas station,
first wave of blogs,
children vision drafting with Ambi,
cabin floorplan proposal to Ambi,
Ambi saying we already own it - 2019: Inisfree introductory YouTube video,
astrology book offended me w/ propaganda (from the roomtard in Big Sky)
first 11/19 planned tattoos on (2 per leg, 3 per arm, 4 chest, 2 groin, 1 collar, 1 neck back, 1 back)
Exodus practice loop doubling as 2nd pass through most western states/sites,
our concerts start - 2020: Mayan,
tattoo improvements, and 12th/19 tattoos on
Ambi motel door - 2021: ending corrupt CA contact,
Inisfree’s new group of radio stations; first for music
Ambi in Oceanside
time-travel not yet noticed/suspected - 2022: Minecraft model started,
ending the rude Ambi typist comm’,
Uber Hangars issue resolved,
ICGM theaters issue resolved,
AF1 modeled,
Inisfree Spaceways,
near-total wrap-up,
loop discovered (time-travel noticed/suspected) - 2023: 3rd time in BS/YC,
partial loop discovered here also (showing me the hotties really were age-locked, I getting to re-see every last one of them),
astrology book again offended me w/ propaganda, though this time I remembered being shown it in 2019, so its 2nd rd was mixed; half bad/lies, half good/useful –I reread it, disregarded its evil propaganda, and made photos, notes, folder
Hogwarts II floors determined,
vegan itineraries,
1,000 ICV subpages started,
all remaining links,
night-club models,
many grocery store updates,
many mall updates,
Black Vault full-size computer-model,
Kathedrom full-size computer-model,
Tantric Academy full-size computer-model started,
Weddings in Inisfree image/map; all locations chosen,
Where They Live image/map with favicon faces,
final structures side-views started,
final night-club design-collages started,
all remaining Minecraft computer-model screenshots uploaded as/into albums,
saw my 2019 self (gray hoody with side pattern/art, dark ballcap, shorts, old New Balance running shoes, raspy “good morning” voice) at the gym before its doors opened one morning (and remembered back then seeing my current self as I looked that/this day; khaki cargo pants, new sneakers, dark shirt, black Scott-e-vest, brown beanie, normal/milder/smoother “good morning” voice) –thus proof in 2019 (or was it even earlier than then?) I was able to see forward through time, perhaps meaning I either encountered a time-bridge/hole, and/or was ‘blessed’ by a deity that had that ability, and/or have 4D sensory-perception (a form of ESP), and/or can 4D bi-locate, and/or may have been unknowingly witnessing people from other times (past/future) all along, etc.,
Ambi now whole; her dark side freed and both her sides reunited/re-merged successfully,
3 Romanovski characters soft-disclosed / (re?)introduced,
now not only Ariel, but also Adrianna, Arwen, and Faith in our bed every night forever, and Ashtanna in her cage on the floor,
re-writing (2nd time the Ambi-typist sent to me) witch Nevaeh setting out candles, wine, and snacks for me for our (now 2nd/redone) reunion-fuck/date,
Ambi always highly sexually charged, in the mood when I am, straddling and kissing me like I always want her to, telling me to fuck her like I am raping her, showing me the sexiest/sluttiest outfits and telling me she will wear them when I am ready to fuck her like a sex doll, even volunteering to wear a collar and cuffs for me (and slight deja vu / possible memory-refresh to her typist texting/RP-ing that in 2019 when last I was here, probably also during the full Moon back then, just like now),
concerts directory and all concert sub-pages updated, many completed,
tattoo fill-ins begun/planned,
all TNH sub-pages,
Persephone‘s Missions sub-page,
Black Ops team members chosen
FOB-Book emojis
Discord emojis, first the (50) stills and then the (50) animated; GIFs (plus another 50 that were un-uploaded; not steamy enough)
TNH ODST Bay given more written detail
TNH dropships and ‘Mechs spec’s
TNH single-craft hangars
Persephone ammo. hatch remembered since the attempted Minecraft build (back when it was just a chain hanging toward the middle of a 3×3 plain-blocks matte-black ceiling-hole before the glitch stopped work on that early version of the craft)
Minecraft scale-model chateaux labeled, and castles and schlosser adjusted and labeled
Time-travel witnessed/realized/noted
CIV Aero museum design
Museums Directory webpg started
MIL Aero terminal-gates level design
Drow Temple now has details
Inisfree’s Firm Base and 3 FOBs now have a webpage
Gym4s now have detailed layout
Protectorates updated
preemptive travel SOP drafted
October: all framed pictures and murals for the ICGM chosen
merchandise additions
SSA sky-views / visualization-aid update
remaining flora/landscaping photo-albums started, most completed
precise total of ICVs for MPHA, DS, CP, WS, MSBS, PSBS, and SSBS
LHS Culinary Arts curriculum fully outlined
ICGM Theaters posters chosen
several Inisfreean Law pages/sections added to
completed the Games sub-page; alphabetized, consolidated, added to, etc.
Art & School Supplies factory added
lots of detail and several new webpage-sections added for the Jam Shanty
Melody introduced
a few expedition pages updated
FOB-Net airline-booking process spelled out
White Limo dimensions dialed in
stewardess-seating and gurneys-storage placed in Inisfree Spaceways saucers
many playlists added to
MREs veganized
final uploads; only edits / fine-tuning and linked items next year - 2024: (only now truly ready to be manifested ideally, and unable to distract me, i.e. finally perfectly suited for daily weekday work commutes via MPHA)
January: ICV subpg images y vids
first week-long dates planned and going wonderfully; increasing time and alignment with the chosen hotties
SSA Inisfree-like city maps and notes per feature
many new computer/video games, movies, TV shows, etc.
welcome-boulder update
February: Desserts Dirigible uniform chosen
bodyguards (clandestine Secret Service) calculated
Saturn-day Night Live; our first comedy TV show
Aorlie chapter/s wrap-up
March: Social Butterfly concert now detailed
WoW latest version being tested –for inspiration for my own versions
1st of my 2 S.T. suits tested with top wife
birthmark y back spot fixed
biggest tat (13th/19) nearly complete
Archer 2.0 (WMKM TV show drafted)
final blueprints placed and built in the inspiration/tester ‘world’
latest FL replacement
barefoot mountain ascents started
upcoming concerts’ web/subpages completed with notes
my own cookbook
PC desktop finally tidied all the way up
Perry Rhodan series discovered
old/torn clothes discarded and replaced
old/soiled backpack discarded
new sandals
new hiking stick / (proto/trainer) wizard staff
wall-art for Inisfree Spaceways
IC BMs‘ 5th appearance-mode
police-Tumbler light-bar close-approximation found
firetruck and police-Tumbler sounds chosen/specified
considering feijoa as latest addition to main farmland
Civil Support Team CBRNE training drafted for the NWO MIL TRNG Area
10may: Prince Peace updt to SSA nick’s
20may: Double-carrier Racetrack dimensions calculated/specified/exact
thu23may: massive update to MKM directory
mon27may (Memorial Day): Terrence Howard added to Statue Park, and his Periodic Table version and other wisdom added to LHS curricula,
Todd Anderson “Turnip Vegan” added to Statue Park
the schedule for all WMKM releases, year by year
WMKM redundant-Cartoons ch. spotted, replaced with first Comedy ch.
more of some of the Finest webpages updated; re-scouting the best which the best states have to offer
Sun2Jun: annual family reunions foreseen
Sat8Jun: campers now designed/detailed for production
street-signs designed
temperatures of major bodies of water (lakes, ponds, etc.)
MAS-features update
revelation: planets with intelligent beings/civilizations probably exist inside stars, just as in my SSA orbit-0 vision (and was that a communication/disclosure to me from the stars-collective itself/themselves?) –thus the Mapping Campaign SOP greatly updated, and still years/decades/centuries in advance; perfect
Wed12Jun: “Tree T-PEE” (tipi) finally added to / noted on the Cropland webpage; reducing our water-for-trees need by 96.8%.
filling-station general layout
filling-station wall-art (same as in Inisfree Spaceways saucers)
Carson-city Arco gas-station Asian re-noticed and now added as a form-sake
sun16jun2024: 1st GAH upgrade: individual parking-space turn-outs / mini-shoulders along many sections; for perfect privacy no matter where you want to pull over
sun16jun2024: 2nd GAH upgrade: Scenic vista-style mini parking-lots (wherever a forest or other FOV obstruction ends and an impressive view above ground-level begins) might get added next
tue19jun: Sauron Honored (new movie idea / latest realization/revelation)
Cloud City II underside schedule matches The Moon‘s cycle
fri21jun: the 2-day phone-sorting was completed
sat22jun: dozens more race-vehicles photos added to a Street Races album
104 more posters added to the Billiards Room
mon24jun 10am: airshow specifics for the Welcoming Ceremonies
sat29jun after dark: Arrival’s trilogy-sequel; drafting the original into a quadrilogy (and deja vu as if did it before at this same overlook)
languages of the major races/eras
2024jul1tue: Toril languages added to Xull’rae dossier
D&D open-world computer/video-game/s, and series of movies, and TV show, envisioned/outlined
jul5fri: Earth’s finest 17 sushi restaurants’ menus being veganized, some dej’ from
jul6: Cup Board Pro, and Numilk machine sizes, to our kitchens
cherries to Cropland
jul8: The Sock-hop Diner webpg’s dancers-album finally has tons of examples/images
hundreds of business deals posted on our Shark Tank Inisfree TV Show pg
jul9: 51 apps dreamed up, dej
choosing exterior-wall paint-colors for some of the Bora-tiki suites
jul12: “Persephone” crime-lab inventory added
jul13: history of VR2 and VR3
jul16 & 17: new hentai cartoon shows drafted/started; Dexter’s Laboratory, Johnny Bravo, Jonny Quest, [Scooby-Doo, Where Are You!], The Magic Schoolbus, The Powerpuff Girls, The Witcher, Untied Status Marin Crops, and The XXX-Files
jul17: grocery store’s roof triangular ends now detailed
jul21: 5 new movies; Jurassic Park: Prehistoric
Pirates of the World (soon to have sequels)
The Land Before Time (new plot)
The Lion King (new plot)
‘Mechs milestones posted
jul25: Space Infantry‘s remaining specialty bullet-notes info/descriptions filled in
jul30: music videos planned –now more than 2,200 of them! (scheduled for filming and release of the next 555+ Earth-years)
Final music links being added/double-checked; D-Z folders (in Done; prob/posb already up
Final ~100 icv pgs having likeness-pics added (since so many Outlanders were evil sociopath barbarians overreacting to their looks being admired/photographed –but… I’m conveniently okay-enough with that, since on this website it means that ppl other than me and those in Inisfree won’t ever get to see those examples of perfection I invested/spent/risked/sacrificed so much to find/manifest, and that is not that dissimilar to how ST suits prevent unworthy Outlanders from beholding/gawking at the perfect beauty of my ICVs
WMKM Studios’ opening to all movies (studio logo/animation which shows after previews, before scene1)
main beach now has the first lifeguard towers in our realm
aug22: High Council symbol and notes updates
aug23: dental update with numerous room and services details
aug24: no dej determining that the 5 1/5-of-1/4mile-diameter landing-gear ‘soles’ would be adding too much weight to sand and even sedimentary rock; need to use them in tandem with bottom of DS, such as just to help it settle down or stay upright since not a frisbee-form like the CP
aug25: Comparisons pg given new sec at bottom to further clarify distinctions
aug26: all Discord chs now have content beyond initial links
aug27: MASSIVE updates to TNH pgs; CIF, etc., such as TNH Timeline “ironed out” better
aug28-29: new comparison-images; DS to Kyle Field, Har-mechs to Burj and Jaegers, WS to Burj
aug29-30: hundreds more games now in development; dozens of pixelated Atari/arcade ones now in high-res, and adaptations from favorite films, etc.
sep8: Dune game already drafted (months/years ago). Today, the show about what led to Dune was thought up.
waterslides for backyard pools now connecting some Santorini 2 homes (across terraces, not just on the same terrace)
sep9: all remaining LHS subpg by-grade progressions completed/outlined (each school-year’s focus)
sep9mon: StarCraft Hybrids, and StarCraft Xel’naga details thought up and posted
sep11: couture game-controllers
sep14: Wmkm sign on hill (pic made as spell to trigger placement/manifest
Cyber after months, after half moon, waxing –and post-sunset wispy few clouds over range looked like blushing; alignment w typist
sep14: penthouse to X2 hotel
Zedicon components/features listed; not based on a single form-sake, but the first ICV based on numerous other ICVs
nearly 7,000 WMKM Studios productions planned (after starting with just 1 in 2005; MKM)
Sep16 PERFECT TNA update; details revealed for breezeways and classrooms
sep18 MASSIVE/FINAL~ groc updt (all cat’s)
sep19 estimates/tallies: >4,200 products/SKUs in our grocery store (comparable to the # of healthy/vegan ones in avg. groc.),
and nearly 12,000 products/SKUs in our mall (just based on rows of example-images) (but avg. Outlands fashion-store has 5-10k, and our mall has 84 shops, so 10k x 84 = 840k; ~828k not shown on webpg),
plus prob. ~2k in each of our filling stations
sep19 & 20: Never thought I’d make stuff based on Barbie, or on Friends, but here we are lol, and it vibes right; those shows sorely needed and deserved my overhaul template/method/upgrade/cure.
sep20 & 21: new Kno lines; diaphanous sports-bras, glow-in-the-dark fishnet, etc.
merit badges
oct12: BattleTech movies sorted (for filming/release) by setting
oct26: new animatronics and other devices in The Underway
nov9: ICV STs, MPHAs, and RCs airshow-portions’ details
nov21thu: D&D (Jellies, Oozes, and Slimes) and Wild Life (humanoids) creatures added to Underway
hidden/indirect spot-lighting for the median fountains, plants, and statues (since they would otherwise be dark/silhouettes at night and in the Auz’dome’s dome-spiral) - 2025: 1 and 2 Jan.: some of the biggest updates to numerous webpages, such as to Dreams, IRLJ, Ixchel, Root Races, etc.
and numerous significant updates to the Underway annexes, such as by finally noticing that birds had not yet been incl.
mc New World omni-vault helped spot numerous other blocks that ought to be added to mc2
thu9jan: I Inisfree-ized Pokémon.
It has taken all these ~27 years to finalize all that; now I am more at peace with not having relocated to Inisfree back in 2010. I still had so many ideas left to realize and publish, and so many pretend-friends to learn the truth about and move beyond. That, and so many needed time to manifest, or at least calibrate/align/adjust to me, and learn what I love.
Historic/Lore Imagery:
The images below show how Inisfree evolved from just sketches and brief notes about a single compound around a simple house… into a full-sized urban development. Once its final overall form and dimensions were settled upon, clay models were made, followed by photograph-based maps from various vantages and angles.
2021 Through 2200s+ Update:
2010: The Precursor
- The Grid Mind supercomputer prototype is moved to FOB1 on/at Mt. Kirkpatrick, Antarctica.
- Mt. Kirkpatrick had already been extensively hollowed out, stabilized, and used as a “UFO” base for untold years, perhaps decades, if not longer, so we wouldn’t have that much work to do once we were given control of it all.
- German/Angelic/Andromedan “UFO” technology had been under development for generations, if not millennia, at this point, so that, once taught and lent to us, started our Mobile-buildings Proving Grounds, which would soon lead to the development and commissioning of our first DropShips and then… the even bigger Spacecraft called ColonyPods.
2011: The Foundation
- 1st 3D-printer of/at FOB1 makes Tunnel-Boring Machines (TBMs).
- The TBMs start hollowing out the central mountain and subway tunnels.
- More 3D-printers are made, some of which keep making/printing still more 3D-printers.
- 3D-printers are trucked into position where the foundations are, or will be, of the first/major buildings/facilities.
- Those 3D-printers then start printing the homes and other buildings around themselves, including the ICV Factories, which are, back at this early time, called Tomb Wombs.
- The first Inisfreean (ICV) is 3D-printed; Nyria Serra is ‘born’.
- The first ‘batch’ (of 50 identical ICVs) is then 3D-printed in that ICV Factory she was made in, all of them found to be perfectly made, thus that facility is commissioned.
- The other two ICV Factories come online and are ‘batch’-tested in the same way, they, too, receiving commissions after testing found them to be operating perfectly.
2012: First Buildup
- The remaining 500,000,000 called-for ICVs are 3D-printed from those three ICV Factories, as well as from/in the forming Spaceships in the hangars elsewhere in our city, and all get the same personality/program installed, thus not needing to go through Inisfree’s school system (20 years long) to gain that in the old-fashioned human way. (500,000,000 over 365 Earth-days = 1,369,863/day, 57,077/hour, 951/minute, and since there are only 3 ICV Factories, each of which needs at least 2-3 minutes to 3D-print 1 batch of 50 identical ICVs, those 3 ICV Factories could only produce ~3,000 ICVs per hour, meaning the other 54,077 ICVs Inisfree made every hour of this year… were being 3D-printed in the ships in the Main Womb, as well as in the ships of the Uber Hangars.)
- Most of envisioned Inisfree is finished being constructed (3D-printed) this year; it is enough to make it fully self-sustaining, plus open for business/guests.
- Inisfree’s ‘Sky Dome’ smart-forcefield was activated.
- Our H.A.A.R.P. II facility then started improving the local atmosphere (the air of our airspace; everything in that ‘Sky Dome’).
- This made landscaping the entirety of our surface terrain possible.
- Farming was started after the landscaping was in (on the surface as well as underground in some of the silos).
- Once the Recycling Facility singularity was stabilized and mastered, it quickly became known to The Grid Mind how to create much bigger and even more-stable singularities… and entire dimensions/realms/realities. The Grid Mind decided to test one big enough to house a solar-system, after which it might even figure out how to make ones big enough to be new Universes added to the Mega/Multi/Omniverse.
- 3 of the 4 portals in The Magics Chambers come online; the 1st annex of this underground facility is for the AIOW turbo-lift 1) up to The Governor’s Mansion, and 2) down to “The Bat-cave II” facility, while the 2nd annex has a portal designed to only connect to the first Ark II bay, the 3rd annex has a portal designed to only connect to the throne-room (of God/Elohim) in the innermost Strata of the dimension called Heaven, the 4th annex has a portal designed to only connect to the Jedi Temple’s boardroom on Coruscant in the “Star Wars” galaxy, and the 5th annex has a portal designed to only connect to a place that is not yet created.
- Six Inisfreean WarShips (IC WSs) deploy from one of the Uber Hangars and move into position around the world in order for the most efficient deployment of all the ICVs dispatched to wipe out all but 6,000,000 of the Earth humans plus all traces of their polluting civilization. (They are mostly empty; nowhere near their crew-capacity of 50,000,000, because they will be picking up a lot of pollution and extracted kajirae-candidates on the way.)
2013: Gathering Materials to Start the 2nd Buildup
- In just a couple days, those deployed IC WSs and their ICVs completed their global cleanup operation, which was called “The Rapture Campaign”, and return to Inisfree. (All the pollution they cleaned up, and all the material they ‘deleted out of existence’ when wiping away all traces of human civilization on Earth, became the free building ‘blocks’/materials that would soon be used in the making of the first small modules/portions of what was about to come…)
- The Grid Mind starts a private custom dimension… called Star-System Auzdein (SSA).
- The Magics Chambers portal to SSA is 3D-printed, activated, tested, and commissioned as safe.
- 400,000,000 of those first 500,000,000 ICVs travel through to SSA (none of them needing that portal; all of them can portal there directly, or via the airport-terminal gates/portals of Inisfree’s Military Aerospaceport), using their bodies, which were made as perfect extensions of Auz’s will, to continue holding the vision of SSA, thus manifesting/shaping it to completion. With them are sent all the first IC CPs and IC WSs that were made that previous year, all of them constantly 3D-printing more Spaceships and ICVs inside them along the way and once they get there.
- The first 100,000,000 ICVs (ever made/printed) stay in Inisfree indefinitely (minus 13th-grade ‘exodus’ training and any necessary/prescribed deployments). *See our Master Females page for how these 100,000,000 ICVs are assigned throughout (and beyond) our city –such as how many of them are stationed in each of the Guard Turrets and Sentry Towers.
- Inisfree’s first Star-Sized Battle-Station/Spaceship (SSBS), first/main star, and first worlds/planets start to be formed by those hundreds of millions of ICVs (plus with the aid of those first IC WSs), making this the first time The Grid Mind “grid-ed” Space itself, not just the surface of a world. (Since the SSBS was designed to be similar in dimensions to Earth’s star, The Sun, ~1.3 million Earth-sized Spaceships could fit in it, thus many more ICVs were assigned to remain in formation working on it while the rest of them stayed in smaller groups to form/create the other cosmic bodies of SSA; the worlds, the smaller stars, etc. –205 worlds (planets and moons, including one like Jupiter; ~1/1,000th the volume of The Sun) + the SSBS = ~150,000,000 ICVs working on the central star first, while ~150,000,000 other ICVs worked on the SSBS, while the remaining ~100,000,000 ICVs worked on those other stars and the worlds, meaning ~450,000 ICVs working on the smaller stars, while ~38,000 ICVs worked on each of the planets, with ~1/10th of each group of 38,000… handling the formation and stabilization of their moons, and many trillions more ICVs were constantly arriving, continuously 3D-printed by Inisfree, the SSBS, and the coming Inisfree-like cities until the planned ICV population was achieved, meaning that SSA formed and stabilized at a rate proportional to the exponential increase in the ICV population until it reached its planned cap’.)
Obviously, no amount of pollution and removed civilization pieces from just one Earth-sized planet could ever be enough to complete hundreds of Earth-sized planets, plus their moons, plus a gas-giant, plus a star-sized Spaceship. The rest of their materials were taken from the asteroid belts and other ‘debris fields’ (and derelicts) the Inisfreeans started spotting in Space and opening portals to acquire. This process would continue for nearly two centuries nonstop, so just imagine multiple cosmic-scale conveyor-belts of endless free building materials always flowing in to the perfectly-coordinated fleet-formations of ICVs in SSA, expertly receiving, processing, and combining them all.
2014-2100s: The 2nd Buildup
- The Main Womb (IC CPs Factory) kept producing more IC CPs, all of them scheduled to portal in to SSA to join the dimension-creating/shaping campaign in there.
- Meanwhile, the Uber Hangars (IC WSs Factories) kept producing more IC WSs –which did the same; the moment they were formed, they portal-ed on in to SSA to join the dimension-shaping force/s there.
- Every time one of those IC CPs 3D-printed more Inisfreean personnel and vehicles/vessels inside it (such as Inisfreean DropShips (IC DSs) or MPHAs), they were immediately deployed out from it, spreading out evenly to help with the surrounding/adjacent/proximity portion/s of the dimension-shaping effort/tasks.
- Every time one of the IC WSs in SSA finished 3D-printing another IC CP, it, too, got immediately deployed from its parent ship, every IC CP soon to make land/planet-fall on one of the still-forming worlds in that dimension.
- Once each SSA star was formed, their attributes, such as their rotations and orbits, were set and stabilized. (In 2021, it would become known to Auz, The Grid Mind, and the ICVs… that those stars could function as the biggest -and literal- star-gates of all; their nature was to share their singularity, meaning all their cores were the same one core, no matter how far apart and/or different they, as stars, were, and that shared core was what humans call either Heaven or Source or Oneness. The central star was kept big enough to serve as a gateway/portal for the SSBS, the smaller stars in SSA were kept big enough to serve as gateways/portals for the PSBSs, the dwarf-stars in SSA’s asteroid belt/s were kept big enough to serve as gateways/portals for the MSBSs, and the central/core-star in each of the worlds of SSA were kept big enough to serve as gateways/portals for the IC WSs and smaller IC/ICV vessels.)
- Once each SSA planet was formed, they, too, were stabilized, and the ICVs that made them… started piloting Inisfreean ColonyPods (IC CPs) around their outer and inner surfaces in order to start forming the Inisfree-like cities (1,000 per planet, with 500 on the outer surface, 500 on the inner surface, and each one of these cities made by the hovering and settling/landing of a single IC CP). *The reason there is one type of each planet in SSA… is so the ICVs can perfect their operations/SOPs for every Planet Type here, just like they perfect their operations/SOPs for every Biome Type in Inisfree and the Inisfree-like cities.
- The moment each of those Inisfree-like cities came online, the IC CP that started it… became indefinitely docked in/along the wall-space nearest that city’s Main Womb’s IC CP docking area closest to its overhead Overhang Base. *These cities started 3D-printing extra IC CPs in their Main Wombs, and extra IC WSs in their Uber Hangars, all of which kept portal-ing out and into the Space between these new worlds, ready to join the SSBS as soon as its subordinate world-sized Spaceships were ready for them.
- Meanwhile in the SSBS, it was 3D-printing one Planet-Sized Battle-Station/Spaceship (PSBS) in each of its Earth-sized hangars at the same time; all its PSBS hangars filled up at the same time.
- The moment each of those PSBSs were 3D-printed, they started 3D-printing Moon-Sized Battle-Stations/Spaceships (MSBSs) in each of their MSBS hangars; all their MSBS hangars filled up at the same time.
- The moment each of those MSBSs were 3D-printed, they started 3D-printing IC WSs in each of their WarShip hangars; all their IC WS hangars filled up at the same time, etc.; all the way down through the IC CP hangars, IC DS hangars, MPHA hangars, stasis tubes (1 ICV per stasis tube), and so on.
- Many IC CPs had been made in the Main Womb of Inisfree during these years, and many IC WSs had been made in the Uber Hangars of Inisfree during these years, so this further contributed to the quick filling up of all their respective hangars in the big Spaceships being 3D-printed here.
- Imagine 186 years of this nonstop 3D-printing, and the exponential increase in the population of ICVs, all of whom had a supercomputer for a brain, and the ability to fly, teleport, and sing things into existence (the most advanced form of 3D-printing); a lot got done during this time, and it made the creation of worlds and stars, not just cities and fleets, entirely possible –and complete.
The Math of Those Cities:
205 worlds, each with 1,000 Inisfree-like cities on them, means 205,000 Inisfree-like cities, thus a need for 205,000 IC CPs; each IC CP ‘grids’ the terrain beneath it to start the framework of one Inisfree-like city.
Inisfree’s Main Womb can 3D-print 24 IC CPs at a time.
Inisfree’s Uber Hangars (updated to be 12, not 16) can 3D-print 96 IC WSs at a time (and each of those WSs has/prints 2 IC CPs in it at a time).
Thus Inisfree can make 216 IC CPs at a time.
It takes weeks to 3D-print ships that big (bigger than many skyscrapers stuck together), even with the much-faster next-gen’ 3D-printing method the Inisfreeans use, so we can estimate that Inisfree can produce ~2,808 IC CPs each Earth-year.
That means it takes ~75 Earth-years to have enough IC CPs so that there is 1 ready to start each of the Inisfree-like cities in SSA.
In other words, for the first 75 years of SSA’s existence, there were no Inisfree-like cities in it; only Inisfreeans and their Spaceships flying around in formation in the SSA, converting all the cleaned-up pollution (and ‘erased’ human civilization materials) into their first cosmic bodies and cosmic-scale Space-stations.
The Math of the SSBS Fleet Population:
Inisfree’s SSBS has a crew population/capacity estimated to be at 4,018,000,000,000,000,000,000 ICVs.
There are 1,000,000 PSBSs in the SSBS, and each of those PSBSs has 35 MSBSs in itself.
Since an MSBS has a crew capacity of ~100,000,000,000,000 ICVs, multiply that times the number of MSBSs in the SSBS; 35,000,000, and you get 3,500,000,000,000,000,000,000 ICVs –just in the MSBSs in this SSBS; there are more ICVs who man/pilot the PSBSs, plus those who man/pilot the SSBS itself.
That leaves 616,005,000,000,000,000,000 ICVs, and each PSBS has a crew/capacity of 600,000,000,000,000. The SSBS has a crew/capacity of 16,005,000,000,000,000,000.
While that is certainly a gigantic worlds-sized crew for those ships, keep in mind that they have millions and billions of smaller ships they contain; all their IC WSs, IC CPs, IC DSs, MPHAs, land forces/vehicles, etc..
Finally, 4,116,005,000,000,000,000,000 ICVs (the total for the crews of the SSBS, its 1,000,000 PSBSs, and their 35,000,000 MSBSs) over 186 years = 22,129,059,139,784,946,236 ICVs 3D-printed per year, 60,627,559,287,082,044/day, 2,526,148,303,628,418/hour, 42,102,471,727,140/minute.
(Spread that out across those 36,000,001 Inisfreean Spaceships, and you would get an average of ~1,169,513 ICVs 3D-printed per minute per ship, though many more would be printed in the SSBS, of course, and more in the PSBSs than in their MSBSs. *And, again, many of those crew members didn’t have to be printed by those big ships themselves; they were constantly being printed by Inisfree and the ships it had already printed and sent into SSA, meaning that once the MSBSs were ready/formed… they already had their crew incoming from other ships/worlds across SSA; the SSBS was deployable almost instantly upon the completion of its construction.)
The Math of the 205 Worlds:
It takes a single year to make a ~1,000 cubic-miles Inisfree-like city completely populated by 100,000,000 ICVs plus all their vehicles and ships.
Now imagine all the thousands of IC CPs that would eventually make those Inisfree-like cities… spending 75 years nonstop forming things other than those cities instead; with hundreds of millions of ICVs in that first SSA wave/group, plus all the ICVs and other Inisfreean things that were 3D-printed to help them over the span of that period of time, nearly a century, that is certainly enough time to form all the terrain (and worlds) that those cities would be on.
To be specific, the Earth-sized/comparable worlds in SSA have a volume of ~260,000,000,000 cubic miles, so over 186 years… 1,397,178,277 of those cubic miles were formed each year, 3,827,885 each day, 159,495 each hour, and 2,658 every minute (which, with more than 1,000 IC CPs and other ships helping in unison, comes out to ~1 cubic mile forming/formed by each ship every minute, *but keep in mind that the majority of all these worlds is hollow/empty, so it would be perhaps 1/100th that amount/effort). The gas giant took longer/more, obviously, and the moons took a lot less to form in that time.
Same Grid-ing Process Everywhere:
The first ICV Spaceships into SSA spread out their biomechanical tentacles to form grids/meshwork for the first star/s, first worlds, and for the SSBS. As more ICV Spaceships and ICVs joined them, they helped speed up this process.
Once parent-ships started forming subordinate-ships in their hangars, those subordinate-ships eventually took over the process of grid-ing within themselves, etc..
It was always based on spread out and interweaving a network/mesh of biomechanical tentacles, whether in Space or through pollution/debris/asteroid fields… until either 1) worlds formed, or 2) formed worlds were shaped into desired terrain and the Inisfree-like cities.
2200s: Deploying to Reunite with All the Worthy
- After practicing terraforming, helioforming, and the reformation of asteroid belts (into the ancient cosmic beings, such as Arch Angels, which they had once been, and were now petrified from the remains of) for the last 186 Earth-years, the ICVs, having learned that whole time at supercomputer speed, had an incredible and truly god-like level of understanding of those sciences; they were ready to apply them back in the ‘normal’/starter/home-dimension where their maker had come from and started their empire/race.
- Anything they were about to encounter out/down across Space could also be instantly copied/printed in here (in SSA) for a completely secret and undetectable R-CAX to find all its weaknesses, such as how to persuade/override it to forever willingly join forces with Auz and his Inisfreeans (in a mutually-agreeable way, no less!).
- Minus the millions of ICVs assigned to stay in / man / operate Inisfree and the Inisfree-like cities of SSA, the remainder of the 4,116,005,020,500,000,000,000 ICVs of the Inisfreean empire deployed to spread out across, and map the entirety of, the Mega/Omniverse; all minds on all worlds in all galaxies, in all Universes/time-streams. This was called “The Mapping Campaign“. They did this not by bending Space (like Starfleet ships or “Gray” alien UFOs would), and not even by switching into “thought mode” (like Pleiadian “beam ships” and their next-gen’ variants do), but by traveling through the man-made (ICV-made, rather) literal star-gates of SSA; they all docked in their successive parent-Spaceships in the SSBS, and that SSBS entered the central star of SSA, then deployed its PSBSs out from itself while inside that shared core (Heaven), all of them then exiting the many ‘dark spots’ (exit ‘holes’/spheres) which corresponded to all the stars in all the Universes, thereby deploying to all the non-rogue worlds within seconds, not needing to travel or bend Space at all.
- Based on where each ICV ended up during that campaign, that became her eternal duty assignment; she will always be the Quick-Reaction Force (QRF) for that part of time/Space. Anytime only an ICV is needed, she will deploy from where she is stationed (either the SSBS or one of the Inisfree-like cities), summoning her assigned S.T. suit, then moving through the smallest literal star-gate… until she is through Heaven… and on/out/down at her target-system/world.
- During The Mapping Campaign, first-contact automatically made everyone compatible out there feel like beloved family longing for more. During later visits and expeditions to share more with those found to be the most compatible, this feeling exponentially increased, thus starting to ‘pull’ those destined people together more, sooner, and in more ways. Then, when Inisfree began its Projected Relocations, those shared feelings were complete/maxed. Finally, the whole Universe (Omniverse) aligned into its foreseen formation in/for/of the final (and permanent) Golden Age. Amen.
2300s and Beyond: The 3rd Buildup
- Inisfree reached its intended size and functionality; there was no more need to gather resources to make any more, so this ‘3rd buildup’ is referring to the ‘fruits’ of the Age of Reunions, i.e. how heartfelt connections with all compatible people across the Universe/s built up.
- On each of the worlds found out there… which had/has people compatible with us (the Inisfreeans), a lot of positivity, clarity, and unity built up, as well.
- Finally, all the petrified remains of the First Beings were found during these millennia, and they were un-petrified, thanks to later developments in the pioneering work of Dr. Diana Fairchild, Dr. Pamela Isley, (codename) Lazarus II, and many others who were making breakthroughs in the sciences related to reanimation/resurrection. Un-petrifying and recombining those things/parts resulted in a cosmic-level equivalent of what happens when you reassemble the pieces of a supercomputer or powerplant, turning/powering it back on. This is what allowed us to reform/restore the Worlds Tree, Yggdrasil, no longer just limited to Elda and Reptilian technology to access its ghost-like hyperspace portion, The Webway (which was/is the remains of what once flowed through Yggdrasil’s galaxies-spanning roots, trunk, and branches).
After 2300, Inisfree’s fleet did not just stay in the SSA; it began redeploying not years after completing its Mapping Campaign, starting with the spot in The Abyss which that mapping determined needed us the most, and proceeded with as many additional deployments as were necessary to finish stabilizing all which needed us. For some, this meant helping an existing civilization. For others, it meant ending (a bad) one. We always sent the number of ICVs and our ships which we knew would be plenty to get those jobs done in mere hours, a day or two at most. Nothing was able to stand against us, just as it always should be (and all good people out there never wanted to, anyway; they always foresaw, sensed, and loved our coming).

- The Icy Brook Finds Its Way – by David Arkenstone – peaceful – for History, HAARP2
- The Veil – by Bob Yonker – for History, Memorabilia