Here are all the jobs in Inisfree (including those in/for Star-System Auzdein (SSA)).


Table of Contents:

  1. Alphabetical by Name
  2. Jobs We Don’t Have
  3. Job Shifts
  4. Number of ICVs Working at Each Location
  5. 2024 Calculations
  6. Conceptual Images


Alphabetical by Name:

  1. Agriculturist/Agronomist/Farmer:  These girls work and manage our Cropland (farms) and Biodomes.
  2. Air-traffic Controller:  Our civilian air-and-spaceport and military air-and-spaceport both have many of these.
    Also, of course, so do our ships large enough to deploy subordinate-craft of their own; our MPHAs, RCs, DSs, CPs, etc..
    In our social-experiment carrier, however, technically the only job the ICVs stationed there have is supporting the human crew if/when they want help from ICVs.
  3. Athlete / Sports Player:  You’ll find hundreds to thousands of these at our Flower Towers field/area, as well as at our paintball-parkour areas (the Wedge, the Carrier, and the Warfare Area), and all of them can function as coaches or teammates.  Technically, those staffing and playing at our Laser-tag Arena are athletes / sports players, too.
  4. Band Member:  Those who come to Inisfree to perform live music, such as VR2 and VR3, have these to help.
  5. Camping Hostess:  Every glamp-site in our city has one.
  6. Chauffer/Driver:  Every vehicle in our city has one, and they usually come in pairs; both the driver and “copilot”/”co-driver” can trade positions, as needed.  This includes our Delivery Drivers (for food and/or custom/printed vehicles).
  7. Chef:  Not just our restaurants, but every kitchen in our realm has at least one.
  8. Climbing Assistant / Rock-climber:  These girls help people ascending and descending our outdoor climbing attractions/landforms, such as Devils Tower II.
  9. Combat-Vril Instructor:  Every “Halo map” (life-size live-fire version) in our NWO MIL Area has one.
  10. Congress-girl Aid:  Every goddess found worthy by us of getting to volunteer to represent her people/world/s when she visits Inisfree, especially during sessions of any of our 5 Congresses, has one.
  11. Curator:  Experts clean, host, maintain, and otherwise manage our museum and our King‘s Memorabilia Room.
  12. Cyclist / Cycling Instructor:  These girls teach people how to ride bicycles for marathons and even BMX fun/tricks.
  13. Dancer:  There are dozens to thousands of these at each of our night-clubs, as well as at our Outdoor Raves.
  14. Dentist:  Distinguished in many ways from their counterparts outside Inisfree, these girls always do a perfect job for our dental clinic (an annex of our hospital) patients.
  15. Designer / Developer / Producer:  Once very separate roles/jobs in the Outlands, these have been combined at our WMKM Studios.
  16. Disc Jockey (DJ):  Every one of our night-clubs has one.
  17. Diver/Swimmer:  You’ll always find many of these in our SCUBA City facility and Sea-tanks mega-aquarium/s attraction.
  18. Doctor & Nurse:  These staff our city’s hospital.
  19. Equestrian / Riding Instructor:  Inisfreean girls at our Equestrian Escape facility can teach you how to ride horses as well as the legendary Mongols did.
  20. Executive:  Representatives of the companies/corporations worthy of doing business with us always send their sexiest female employees/leaders to Inisfree, where they serve as regional-office executives; here, they are c-level elites of those businesses/ventures, and are regarded by us as the princesses/goddesses of them.  There are thousands of these executives in Inisfree, and together they represent hundreds of allied/compatible companies.  WGI by itself, due to its many subsidiaries, has hundreds of female executives.
  21. Firefighter:  You’ll find these based out of our Firetank Stations.
  22. Fitness Coach:  Every gym in our city has more than one, as does our Obstacle Course.
  23. Gatekeeper:  These man (“girl”, in our case) our Perimeter Wall and the Sentry Towers just beyond it.
  24. Golf Coach:  You’ll have the best golfing tips, guidance, and demonstrations in the world from these girls, right at our very own golf course.
  25. Greeter:  This is the job of meeting newcomers for the first time at our Welcoming Square.
  26. Horticulturist/Landscaper:  Every forest, garden, greenbelt, and meadow in our city has at least one.
  27. Janitor/Groundskeeper:  These keep our beaches and other outdoor areas litter-free.
  28. Librarian:  Inisfree has multiple major libraries, and all of them are staffed by our standard flawlessly-sexy girls.  Even our Black Vaults and Stasis Archives have them, and there they double as guards on patrol.
  29. Lifeguard:  These are around our beaches (at our canals, lakes, moats, and ponds, and even some of our swimming pools, plus the “Lazy Lava River” of our Amusement Park), as well as around our waterfalls, and on every yacht and other ship we keep here, plus at our waterside communities (such as Bora-tiki and the Venetian Lake Apartments).  You’ll also see them at the top and bottom of our Avalanche Wall.
  30. Maid:  Every home (apartment all the way up to mansion and palace) in our city has at least one, with larger residences (such as the Ceiling Mansions) having several.
  31. Manager:  Every hotel, lounge (types:  Sotu/skyscraper, submarine, timber-mine, and under-GAH), night-club, restaurant, and other building in our city has one, and sometimes there is one per floor, not just one per building per shift.  Our mall has one per shop per shift.
  32. Masseuse:  Every girl at every job doubles as this, as part of her Sex Worker status.
  33. Mechanic/Technician:  Our motor-pools have these.
  34. Moon-bounce Attendant/Guide:  You’ll understand why this is an important/necessary job once you see the size of our moon-bounce.
  35. Observer:  These girls staff our Observatory, and they help keep an eye on many things across what we call “The Abyss” (Outer Space), as well as beyond.
  36. Performer:  Not just dancers, musicians, and/or singers, these girls help with stage acts/plays and other big performances/”productions” at our Performing Arts Center.
  37. Pilot:  All our ships have more than one of these; they work as a team of at least three (though our Ark IIs don’t require them).  Even the skyscraper called WGI HQ Tower, technically (at least once a year), has a pilot (though that is typically the Grid Mind).
  38. Playground Attendant:  These are not at our Windchime Playgrounds, but are always at our Parkour Playground.
  39. Police-girl:  You’ll find these patrolling from our Tumbler Stations, as well as manning (“girl-ing”) our Guard Turrets.  There is always one on our side of every portal we operate, such as the one in our Highway Pyramid and those in our Civilian Aerospaceport terminals.  Our “HAARP II” facility also has them on guard.  Our ColonyPod Hatches‘ circular edges/borders are patrolled by them anytime they are about to open or close, helping keep our guests and residents at a safe distance.  Even the secret highway sections connecting our Giant Hangars and Giant Repulsines are patrolled by them.
  40. Printer:  These construction workers man (“girl”/staff) our 3D-printing factories and the sites they help build upon.  Some of them also work from our Work-horse vehicles (they take care of fallen-tree processing, highway service/patches, remote-site printing, trash clean/pick-up, vehicle towing/removal, etc.).
  41. Projector/Projection Technician:  Our movie theaters (our Drive-in Theater, and the Dropship Theater) are able to screen/play all the right/favorite films for us because of these girls.
  42. Recycler:  Our recycling center is staffed by these.
  43. Referee:  Since our people have a “shared consciousness”, automatically understanding/witnessing all our individuals do, these aren’t as needed as they were to humans in the Outlands, but we still have them for sports at our various sports areas/centers.  They also help us keep our gladiator events at the Subterranean Vatican in good order.
  44. Registered Companions:  While every Inisfreean girl always doubles/triples as this, non-Inisfreeans (who are always extremely sexy human/oids, based on our orientation/standards) train for many years to be outstanding in this elite-tier sex-worker profession, and these Registered Companions are escorts you can rent/reserve for as long as you want (or, in 34 Tauri, for as long as you can afford).
  45. Researcher / Research Assistant:  We call these our “Lab Bunnies”, and they are “lab partners” in multiple sense of the term, helping us have all the energy and clear ideas we need for all of our amazing research projects.  This job title/type includes our scientists.
  46. Ride Attendant/Controller:  All our Amusement Park rides are kept in perfect running order by these Inisfreean girls.
  47. Sailor / Ship Captain:  We have a very impressive collection of yachts and other watercraft that require this skill/job.
  48. Secret Service & Mobile Entourage:  Some of our Master Females are always on duty at the greatest estate in Inisfree.
  49. Secretary:  We call these (and anyone who works in our downtown area, pun not intended) “Office Bunnies”; same concept as Playboy Bunnies and Ski Bunnies (i.e. they are very happily sexually-active in their respective areas/fields).
  50. Sex Worker:  Every Inisfreean girl at all times has this default/secondary/double role –and loves it.  Those who work in our Shibuyas focus almost entirely on this line of work.
  51. Shopping Assistant:  We have these girls at our grocery store and shopping mall, and they help people feel comfortable finding/taking what they need/want, understanding they don’t have to pay/checkout.
  52. Skate Master:  This job name is a “tip of the hat” and amusing nostalgic reference to its unrelated namesake from the military, and you’ll find these professional roller-skaters and skateboarders at our Skate Parks/Pits, plus in our night-club largely showcasing such movement/techniques.
  53. Ski Instructor:  Valhalla II‘s slopes are always skied and checked by these.
  54. Skydiver / Wing-suiter:  If you like freefall sports/activities, one of these specialists will fall/”fly” with you.
  55. Sleep Hygiene Expert:  This new specialty is often encountered when reserving a “bed arm” or “sleepover suite” in our Bed & Breakfast Spire.
  56. Subway Attendant/Pilot:  Our subway trains are always manned (“girled”, in our case) by these.
  57. Tanning Assistant:  These girls host our solariums.
  58. Teacher:  Every classroom/subject at LAA, LHS, and TNA has one.
  59. Technical Support:  All our tech’ is self-diagnosing and repairing, but any ICV can explain what is going on at any time, if any of our guests want to know.
  60. Temple Maiden:  All of our temples have several to dozens of these.
  61. Tour Guide:  Only in the beginning did our founder host tours; now, it is many of his creations who do.
  62. Trail Keeper:  These girls casually walk/hike the many trails we have up and around our central mountain, as well as those on/over our smaller mountain ranges, keeping them in good order, and always litter-free.
  63. Troop/Soldier:  We generally just call them Master Females, and it means they are part of our city/empire/realm’s military forces, including those for expeditions, plus search & rescue.
  64. Waitress:  All our restaurants have many of these.
  65. Warden / Kajirae Trainer:  Inisfreeans make the finest (in both senses of the term) jailors and pet handlers/holders of all time, and we have thousands of them on duty at every moment, keeping our kajirae and kajirae candidates in line, safe, beautiful, and learning what we need/want them to.  These Inisfreeans (our wardens / kajirae-trainers) also handle any POWs we may take in from time to time.  You’ll find this job being performed at our Receiving Facility (formerly called our Quarantine Facility) and at our Kajirae-candidates Training/Housing Facility (formerly called our Subterranean Prison).
  66. Yoga Instructor:  Some of these demonstrate our tantric partners yoga asanas/positions at/on the Balancing Platforms (a.k.a. the Partners Platforms, or the Yoga Spires).
  67. Zookeeper:  These girls help ensure all the “beyond human” people living/healing in our city’s animal rehabilitation resort have everything they need.


Jobs We Don’t Have:

A lot of things once done manually in the Outlands are now obsolete and/or automated here in our realm.  Here are some examples:

  1. Airport Runway Personnel:  Our aircraft and spacecraft maintain/repair themselves, so we don’t have aircraft mechanics, inspectors, or other support personnel for those things / in that sense; all we need for them are pilots (even though they can also pilot themselves), stewardesses, and air-traffic controllers (even though they can coordinate their trajectories / flightpaths via one of our private Internets, called the I.N.N.).
  2. Attorneys/Lawyers:  No one disagrees/argues like this anymore, and people can always represent themselves.  We have no confusing legal jargon, no courts, no judges, and no trials.  Long ago have we grown/evolved/ascended beyond the flawed notion/assumption that letting strangers with no firsthand witnessing decide the fates of others.
  3. Baggage-claim Personnel:  We don’t have baggage claims, because 1) almost everyone comes to our realm nude and with no luggage (because they don’t need any; we provide for all their wants and needs here), and 2) everyone is allowed to carry their “personal items/effects” onboard and back off all our air/Spacecraft here.
  4. Bankers & Brokers:  We also have no investment bankers or stock brokers.  This is because we have no Stock Exchange, or even any banks at all (other than our seed banks/vaults, which are staffed and guarded by some of our librarians).
  5. Butchers:  Everyone is a vegan while in Inisfree, and we don’t make any animal products, nor do we offer any at any of our stores.
  6. Electricians:  Our Inisfreeans handle this, and our electrical system/technology is very different from what humans/Outlanders use.
  7. Fishers:  While some people who visit us are sometimes pescatarian, we don’t fund the fishing industry/ies in any way, we don’t allow fishing in our city/realm, and we don’t go fishing, ourselves.
  8. Masons:  3D-printing took care of this.  We don’t have the fake ones (Freemasons, who aren’t masons at all), either.
  9. Pharmacists & Pharmaceutical Manufacturers:  We never give anyone pills, or claim that pills are real/effective/safe medicine.  In Inisfree, people are healed by mind/thought/intention-fields; the energies of the auras, as adjusted by the brains and hearts of those projecting/creating them.  They are also healed by our Tantric/Vril-level of love/interaction, plus the absolutely-flawless healthy vegan gourmet food and drinks we make and provide here in our city.
  10. Plumbers:  Our Inisfreeans handle this, and our plumbing system/technology is very different from what humans/Outlanders use.
  11. Politicians:  There is no voting, and no politics, in Inisfree; it is the private property/residence/home of just one man (the/our god-king).  This means lobbyists don’t exist, either, and lobbying is impossible.  We don’t even have a government system that could be lobbied.
  12. Real Estate:  There are no real-estate agents in Inisfree, because everything is free and assigned, never bought, sold, or otherwise paid/charged for.
  13. Religious Personnel:  This includes bishops, cardinals, monks, nuns, pastors, popes, priests, you name it.  There is no religion in Inisfree; we only have our culture and its sacred values/practices.  Religion was one of the many abominations invented to brainwash, clog up, confuse, divide, and otherwise weaken so many beings, and it, as one of the incarnations of Chaos, is no more.
  14. Reporters:  Our Inisfreeans automatically record/document/share everything they witness/sense, and WMKM Studios, with the help of The Grid Mind, sorts/organizes it all, getting what is worthy broadcasting… assigned to our different radio and/or television Ansible-based stations/channels.
  15. Sculptors:  Outside our art academy (LAA), this is handled by our 3D-printers.
  16. Sewer System Workers:  Waste is subatomically recycled/converted into other things through various devices all across our civilization/city, so we don’t have or need the kind of sewer lines/pipes often found in Outlands/human cities/towns.
  17. Social Workers:  Things run so smoothly here now that we have aligned to the same pure vision, and because we do not reproduce like humans do, that this line of work has never been needed in our realm/timeline.
  18. Torturers:  Outside consensual sex-dungeon pass-times that sometimes involve edging (very mild sexual ‘torture’/teasing), we absolutely do not harm anyone to this level, and we look down upon those who do.  Most Outlands/human “doctors” and politicians are classified by us as torturers.
  19. Welders:  3D-printing made this obsolete, at least to a certain degree –and Inisfreeans would handle it whenever needed now.
  20. Whalers:  This is unthinkable to us; we never hunt/hurt whales.


Job Shifts:

All our jobs are to places in Inisfree which have three shifts, and all shifts are offset throughout each area/biome/region in our realm by ~5 minutes; when there are multiple businesses/stores in the same part of our city, none of them have a shift that starts at the same time, meaning that everyone shows up to this part of our city at different times because the shifts of all those businesses there are offset.  This prevents any rush-hour traffic or traffic-jams from forming.  We are based on logic, balance, teamwork, and de-stressing, after all; Inisfree is a healing center –and the capital of Heaven on Earth.

  1. Shift 1 is the day-shift at each location/business, and its hours are from 6 A.M. to 2 P.M., with lunch starting at 10 A.M..
  2. Shift 2 is the evening-shift at each location/business, and its hours are from 2 P.M. to 10 P.M., with lunch starting at 6 P.M..
  3. Shift 3 is the overnight-shift at each location/business, and its hours are from 10 P.M. to 6 A.M., with lunch starting at 2 A.M..

That being said, it is usually just the Inisfreeans (ICVs) who have 8- or 9-hour shifts here in our city; most others here with us are guests, or are residents who choose to work part-time (4-hour shifts, if that), and always just when they feel/sense it is the right time to (thus not on a set/inflexible schedule).

Also, when there are two or more businesses/stores in the same place/area, such as downtown or at our beach strip, starting with the 2nd business, all of those businesses will start and end their shifts, including their lunch-breaks, 5 minutes after business-1 does; since business-1 in each area of Inisfree starts its Shift 1 at 6 A.M., for example, business-2 in that area will start that shift at 6:05 A.M., and that shift’s lunch at 10:05 A.M., etc..  This is one of the best ways we use to ensure traffic is always moderate to light, well-dispersed in our realm.


Number of ICVs Working at Each Location:

Inisfree and each of our Inisfree-like cities has 100,000,000 ICVs stationed in it permanently; forever.  This section details how those 100M are spread out.  All our creations (ICs) can pretty much run/operate/maintain themselves, but it is part of our culture to always have flawlessly-pretty girls there as hostesses and other employees/helpers.

  1. Agriculturist/Agronomist/Farmer:  ~153,846 ICVs manage the other helpers at our main farm
  2. Air-traffic Controller:  Our civilian air-and-spaceport and military air-and-spaceport both have many of these.  ~3,370,000; ~several at our CIV Aero (all in the same/1 ATC tower),
    ~a dozen at our MIL Aero (~3 per ATC tower),
    a few in each of our RCs (its co/pilots),
    ~dozens in Cloud City II,
    and the cockpit staff/officers (co/pilots) in each of our larger ships double as ATCs [3 in each MPHA (1,000 MPHAs in each DS, x1,120 = at least 1,120,000 MPHAs, x3 ICVs per MPHA cockpit = 3,360,000),
    5 in each DS (x1,120 = 5,600),
    7 in each CP (x256 = 1,792),
    9 in each WS (x128 = 1,152),
    11 in each MSBS (x35,000,000 for our entire fleet = 385,000,000, but not included in this per-city tally),
    13 in each PSBS (x1,000,000 = 13,000,000, but not included in this per-city tally),
    15 in the SSBS (but not included in this per-city tally)]
  3. Athlete / Sports Player:  ~5,000 ICVs;
    [(9 Flower Towers x 8 playing fields on each = 72 areas for teams and cheerleaders) +
    (1 Flower Tower with 4 playing fields; baseball ‘diamonds’ = 4 more areas for teams and cheerleaders)] x
    [(13 ICVs per team; 11-12 players with 1-2 backups/coaches) x
    (2 teams per playing area/field)] +
    (17 cheerleaders per team; a prime number, and the exact amount to make a 3-level triangular-pyramid formation/stack) =
    (76 playing areas/fields x 26 ICVs; 2 teams per field) +
    (76 areas/fields x 2 teams x 17 cheerleader-ICVs) =
    1,976 player-ICVs and 2,584 cheerleader-ICVs; 4,560 ICVs +
    more ICVs to help with the playing of paintball-parkour at its 3 designated areas in our realm; the Wedge, the Carrier, and the Warfare Area +
    more ICVs for staffing and playing at our Laser-tag Arena
  4. Auctioneer:  (2024 January add) Our auction house always has 1.  1
  5. Band Member:  Those who come to Inisfree to perform live music, such as VR2 and VR3, have these to help.  ~a couple dozen
  6. Camping Hostess:  Every glamp-site in our city has one.  ~2,000,000
  7. Chauffer/Driver:  Every vehicle in our city has one, and they usually come in pairs; both the driver and “copilot”/”co-driver” can trade positions, as needed.  This includes our Delivery Drivers (for food and/or custom/printed vehicles).  ~millions
  8. Chef:  Not just our restaurants, but every kitchen in our realm has at least one.  ~millions
  9. Climbing Assistant / Rock-climber:  These girls help people ascending and descending our outdoor climbing attractions/landforms, such as Devils Tower II.  ~dozens
  10. Combat-Vril Instructor:  Every “Halo map” (life-size live-fire version) in our NWO MIL Area has one.  ~hundreds
  11. Congress-girl Aid:  Every goddess found worthy by us of getting to volunteer to represent her people/world/s when she visits Inisfree, especially during sessions of any of our 5 Congresses, has one.  ~tens of thousands
  12. Curator:  Experts clean, host, maintain, and otherwise manage our museum and our King‘s Memorabilia Room.  ~2 in the Memorabilia Room, and thousands in the EPCOT II
  13. Cyclist / Cycling Instructor:  These girls teach people how to ride bicycles for marathons and even BMX fun/tricks.  ~dozens
  14. Dancer:  There are dozens to thousands of these at each of our night-clubs, as well as at our Outdoor Raves.  ~thousands; dozens in our smaller clubs, hundreds at outside dances, and thousands in our largest clubs
  15. Dentist:  Distinguished in many ways from their counterparts outside Inisfree, these girls always do a perfect job for our dental clinic (an annex of our hospital) patients.  ~dozens
  16. Designer / Developer / Producer:  Once very separate roles/jobs in the Outlands, these have been combined at our WMKM Studios.  ~thousands; at least a few per game/movie/show/station (radio channel/program)
  17. Disc Jockey (DJ):  Every one of our night-clubs has one.  51
  18. Diver/Swimmer:  You’ll always find many of these in our SCUBA City facility and Sea-tanks mega-aquarium/s attraction.  ~dozens to hundreds; ~100 in SCUBA City, and ~200 in the Sea-tanks
  19. Doctor & Nurse:  These staff our city’s hospital.  ~hundreds
  20. Equestrian / Riding Instructor:  Inisfreean girls at our Equestrian Escape facility can teach you how to ride horses as well as the legendary Mongols did.  ~dozens
  21. Executive:  Representatives of the companies/corporations worthy of doing business with us always send their sexiest female employees/leaders to Inisfree, where they serve as regional-office executives; here, they are c-level elites of those businesses/ventures, and are regarded by us as the princesses/goddesses of them.  There are thousands of these executives in Inisfree, and together they represent hundreds of allied/compatible companies.  WGI by itself, due to its many subsidiaries, has hundreds of female executives.  ~hundreds
  22. Firefighter:  You’ll find these based out of our Firetank Stations.  ~hundreds
  23. Fitness Coach:  Every gym in our city has more than one, as does our Obstacle Course.  ~hundreds
  24. Gatekeeper:  These man (“girl”, in our case) our Perimeter Wall and the Sentry Towers just beyond it.  60 in each of the 12 pedestrian gates, N/A in the Uber Hangar gates, a few in the Space Whale hatch-chamber, and ~hundreds of thousands in each Sentry Tower
  25. Golf Coach:  You’ll have the best golfing tips, guidance, and demonstrations in the world from these girls, right at our very own golf course.  ~dozens
  26. Greeter:  This is the job of meeting newcomers for the first time at our Welcoming Square.  ~hundreds to thousands
  27. Horticulturist/Landscaper:  Every forest, garden, greenbelt, and meadow in our city has at least one.  ~thousands (checking personal gardens monthly, and patrolling public spaces daily/hourly)
  28. Janitor/Groundskeeper:  These keep our beaches and other outdoor areas litter-free.  ~thousands
  29. Jet-ski Instructor:  (2024 January add) ~dozens
  30. Judge of Pet Shows:  (2024 January add) These double as commentators at these events.  ~dozens
  31. Librarian:  Inisfree has multiple major libraries, and all of them are staffed by our standard flawlessly-sexy girls.  Even our Black Vaults and Stasis Archives have them, and there they double as guards on patrol.  ~dozens in the Library of Congress II, several in the LHS and TNA libraries, a few per Black Vault, and hundreds in the Stasis Archives, with Secret Service posted in the ICGM Library doubling as its librarians
  32. Lifeguard:  These are around our beaches (at our canals, lakes, moats, and ponds, and even some of our swimming pools, plus the “Lazy Lava River” of our Amusement Park), as well as around our waterfalls, and on every yacht and other ship we keep here, plus at our waterside communities (such as Bora-tiki and the Venetian Lake Apartments).  You’ll also see them at the top and bottom of our Avalanche Wall.  ~hundreds; a dozen at the 2 Arch City ponds, a dozen at Crater Lake, a couple dozen at Waterfall City II, a few dozen in Cloud City II, dozens at our Amusement Park, ~100 around our Main Lake, and ~100 along each of our canals (1 every ~180′), with the dive-instructors in SCUBA City doubling as its lifeguards, and the Secret Service on duty by the 4 swimming pools of the ICGM (gym, roof, and 2 terraced) doubling as their lifeguards
  33. Maid:  Every home (apartment all the way up to mansion and palace) in our city has at least one, with larger residences (such as the Ceiling Mansions) having several.  ~millions
  34. Manager:  Every hotel, lounge (types:  Sotu/skyscraper, submarine, timber-mine, and under-GAH), night-club, restaurant, and other building in our city has one, and sometimes there is one per floor, not just one per building per shift.  Our mall has one per shop per shift.  PLUS 10 for the 10 Flower Tower shops.  PLUS 1 for the Country Club.  ~tens of thousands
  35. Marksmanship Coach / Range Master:  (2024 January add) Each of our shooting ranges and similar areas has at least 1.  ~dozens
  36. Masseuse:  Every girl at every job doubles as this, as part of her Sex Worker status.  100,000,000
  37. Mechanic/Technician:  Our motor-pools have these.  ~hundreds
  38. Moon-bounce Attendant/Guide:  You’ll understand why this is an important/necessary job once you see the size of our moon-bounce.  ~several
  39. Observer:  These girls staff our Observatory, and they help keep an eye on many things across what we call “The Abyss” (Outer Space), as well as beyond.  ~several
  40. Off-roading Instructor:  (2024 January add) Our jamborees have these coaches/guides/managers/teachers.  ~dozens
  41. Performer:  Not just dancers, musicians, and/or singers, these girls help with stage acts/plays and other big performances/”productions” at our Performing Arts Center.  ~hundreds
  42. Pilot:  All our ships have more than one of these; they work as a team of at least three (though our Ark IIs don’t require them).  Even the skyscraper called WGI HQ Tower, technically (at least once a year), has a pilot (though that is typically the Grid Mind).  ~thousands just for the civilian/public craft, with additional ones for our defense/rescue craft
  43. Playground Attendant:  These are not at our Windchime Playgrounds, but are always at our Parkour Playground.  ~dozens
  44. Police-girl:  You’ll find these patrolling from our Tumbler Stations, as well as manning (“girl-ing”) our Guard Turrets.  There is always one on our side of every portal we operate, such as the one in our Highway Pyramid and those in our Civilian Aerospaceport terminals.  Our “HAARP II” facility also has them on guard.  Our ColonyPod Hatches‘ circular edges/borders are patrolled by them anytime they are about to open or close, helping keep our guests and residents at a safe distance.  Even the secret highway sections connecting our Giant Hangars and Giant Repulsines are patrolled by them.  ~thousands
  45. Printer:  These construction workers man (“girl”/staff) our 3D-printing factories and the sites they help build upon.  Some of them also work from our Work-horse vehicles (they take care of fallen-tree processing, highway service/patches, remote-site printing, trash clean/pick-up, vehicle towing/removal, etc.).  ~hundreds
  46. Projector/Projection Technician:  Our movie theaters (our Drive-in Theater, and the Dropship Theater) are able to screen/play all the right/favorite films for us because of these girls.  ~dozens
  47. Recycler:  Our recycling center is staffed by these.  ~hundreds
  48. Referee:  Since our people have a “shared consciousness”, automatically understanding/witnessing all our individuals do, these aren’t as needed as they were to humans in the Outlands, but we still have them for sports at our various sports areas/centers.  They also help us keep our gladiator events at the Subterranean Vatican in good order.  ~dozens
  49. Registered Companions:  While every Inisfreean girl always doubles/triples as this, non-Inisfreeans (who are always extremely sexy human/oids, based on our orientation/standards) train for many years to be outstanding in this elite-tier sex-worker profession, and these Registered Companions are escorts you can rent/reserve for as long as you want (or, in 34 Tauri, for as long as you can afford).  ~100,000,000
  50. Researcher / Research Assistant:  We call these our “Lab Bunnies”, and they are “lab partners” in multiple sense of the term, helping us have all the energy and clear ideas we need for all of our amazing research projects.  This job title/type includes our scientists.  ~dozens
  51. Ride Attendant/Controller:  All our Amusement Park rides are kept in perfect running order by these Inisfreean girls.  ~dozens
  52. Sailor / Ship Captain:  We have a very impressive collection of yachts and other watercraft that require this skill/job.  ~dozens
  53. Secret Service & Mobile Entourage:  Some of our Master Females are always on duty at the greatest estate in Inisfree.  ~700 (600 stationed in the ICGM, and ~a few dozen typically accompanying the High King; me)
  54. Secretary:  We call these (and anyone who works in our downtown area, pun not intended) “Office Bunnies”; same concept as Playboy Bunnies and Ski Bunnies (i.e. they are very happily sexually-active in their respective areas/fields).  ~hundreds to thousands, based on demand/need; when non-ICV executives are doing work here and wanting ICV help
  55. Sex Worker:  Every Inisfreean girl at all times has this default/secondary/double role –and loves it.  Those who work in our Shibuyas focus almost entirely on this line of work.  ~100,000,000
  56. Shopping Assistant:  We have these girls at our grocery store and shopping mall, and they help people feel comfortable finding/taking what they need/want, understanding they don’t have to pay/checkout.  ~hundreds, mostly in our mall
  57. Skate Master:  This job name is a “tip of the hat” and amusing nostalgic reference to its unrelated namesake from the military, and you’ll find these professional roller-skaters and skateboarders at our Skate Parks/Pits, plus in our night-club largely showcasing such movement/techniques.  ~dozens
  58. Ski Instructor:  Valhalla II‘s slopes are always skied and checked by these.  ~dozens
  59. Skydiver / Wing-suiter:  If you like freefall sports/activities, one of these specialists will fall/”fly” with you.  ~dozens
  60. Sleep Hygiene Expert:  This new specialty is often encountered when reserving a “bed arm” or “sleepover suite” in our Bed & Breakfast Spire.  ~dozens
  61. Snowmobile Instructor:  (2024 January add) ~several
  62. Subway Attendant/Pilot:  Our subway trains are always manned (“girled”, in our case) by these.  ~dozens
  63. Tanning Assistant:  These girls host our solariums9
  64. Teacher:  Every classroom/subject at LAA, LHS, and TNA has one.  ~hundreds
  65. Temple Maiden:  All of our temples have several to dozens of these.  ~several in our smaller temples (e.g. any shrine-mansion), and up to thousands in our largest temple (The Auz’dome)
  66. Tour Guide:  Only in the beginning did our founder host tours; now, it is many of his creations who do.  ~dozens to hundreds, as needed/booked
  67. Trail Keeper:  These girls casually walk/hike the many trails we have up and around our central mountain, as well as those on/over our smaller mountain ranges, keeping them in good order, and always litter-free.  ~hundreds
  68. Troop/Soldier:  We generally just call them Master Females, and it means they are part of our city/empire/realm’s military forces, including those for expeditions, plus search & rescue.  ~100,000,000
  69. Waitress:  All our restaurants have many of these.  ~thousands (though our kajirae do most of the waitressing, managed by ICVs who also handle hostessing)
  70. Warden / Kajirae Trainer:  Inisfreeans make the finest (in both senses of the term) jailors and pet handlers/holders of all time, and we have thousands of them on duty at every moment, keeping our kajirae and kajirae candidates in line, safe, beautiful, and learning what we need/want them to.  These Inisfreeans (our wardens / kajirae-trainers) also handle any POWs we may take in from time to time.  You’ll find this job being performed at our Receiving Facility (formerly called our Quarantine Facility) and at our Kajirae-candidates Training/Housing Facility (formerly called our Subterranean Prison).  ~tens of thousands (at least 1 per prison/kennels silo; 2,601 just for the upper half of this facility, and more as needed; when more Masters/owners board their slave-girls here –plus hundreds in Receiving/acclimation, though many of them double as tour-guides who lead groups of newcomers to the surface)
  71. Yoga Instructor:  Some of these demonstrate our tantric partners yoga asanas/positions at/on the Balancing Platforms (a.k.a. the Partners Platforms, or the Yoga Spires).  ~dozens
  72. Zookeeper:  These girls help ensure all the “beyond human” people living/healing in our city’s animal rehabilitation resort have everything they need.  ~dozens

At least 11,622,340 positions/ICVs inside the square (perimeter) wall.
At capacity (23000 A.D. & on), ~half the 100M inside it, and half outside it (in the Sentry Towers).
(50M ICVs evenly assigned to 96 Sentry Towers = )


2024 Calculations:
(This information is also on our Inisfree’s Star Fleet webpage.)

What do sextillions of ICVs do for eternity when only 100M are stationed in each of our civilization’s cities, and when each of those girls can process an entire world’s Internet data in 1 second?
(Many of the following jobs/tasks are for their jobs-rotation outside our cities/realm.)

  1. acting in all my (Auz‘s) movies, TV shows, etc.
  2. assassinating all who are against us
  3. bodyguarding 2B compatible individuals*
  4. clandestine ops
  5. data analyses
  6. developing and GM-ing the games I thought up
  7. expeditions logistics
  8. gladiator events supervision
  9. guarding ancient sites so humans can never barricade or profit off them anymore
  10. harvesting bad humans for sacrifice
  11. intelligence-organizations auditing and hacking (since humans misused those assets against me)
  12. Internets monitoring –including their Deep Webs and Dark Webs
  13. journalism throughout the Outlands for me
  14. kajirae-candidates and kajirae training; keeping my sex-slaves at their best
  15. liberating kajirae candidates for me; evacuating/acquiring hotties from human communities which are too stupid/evil to encourage the natural feminine lifestyle (total eager submissiveness to me, never pressuring them to do masculine work, etc.)
  16. mapping in more detail all of Creation after our Mapping Campaign gives us our bearings
  17. neutralizing potential and actual hostiles before they get near anyone I care about
  18. observing all phenomena
  19. patrolling realms (including Heaven, Hel, etc.) and lightyears out around them (into the interstellar medium)
  20. prescreening people; 2B for Inisfree, plus others screened to ensure they are safe enough for me to do black-ops with in the Outlands
  21. QRF Universe-wide
  22. research & development; completing all my research projects
  23. stabilizing worlds
  24. taxes/tithing collection for me
  25. transporting compatible people to/from my realm
  26. undoing inappropriate magic and other things I don’t like
  27. volcano conversions; stabilizing and growing these things back into reliable ley-line nodes and World Tree trunks
  28. welcoming and welcome-back and wedding-ceremonies managing
  29. x-rated outings hostessing
  30. Yankee White equivalent; beyond our screening and monitoring processes, this ensures unquestionable loyalty to me, thus authorized access to my private Inisfree facilities for inner-circle guests (e.g. the ICGM Master Suite, my AF1, etc.)
  31. Zeta Reticuli diplomacy; the specialized subset of regular foreign relations which deals with the unique way Grays think, communicate, etc.

2024 February:  Bodyguarding; Secret Service in The Outlands
(provided by ICVs from SSA)

  1. 2011 after May prototyping commissioned/validated:  a few ICVs, all just for me (Auz) so far (Base 211 personnel seconded out to the Inisfree construction site have their own security)
  2. 2012:  several ICVs just for me; nearly 1 squad of them
  3. 2018:  1 MPHA and ~1 platoon of ICVs for my cabin/fam’
  4. 2020s:  (the 595) ICVs on duty as non-mobile/-entourage Secret Service (i.e. stationed in The Governor’s Mansion) are house-guarding, not bodyguarding, thus not tallied here.
  5. 2024 March:  Secret Service here to forth assigned to all who are authorized to visit Inisfree when those guests are outside my realm;
    in Inisfree, the 100M ICVs stationed in Inisfree are their protection, of course,
    and when they travel back to their own realms… they get 1-3 ICVs as clandestine protection (bodyguards who stay out of sight; actually invisible; technologically ‘cloaked’);
    1 ICV for anyone who got approved via prescreening to start being screened (interviewed) by us for possible visitation-to-Inisfree approval
    2 ICVs for anyone who visited Inisfree and decided he/she likes it enough to visit again
    3 ICVs for anyone who became a regular visitor of Inisfree and accepted an offer from us to be a Congressperson in 1 of our 5 Congresses
  6. 2025:  ~1,470,588 people now approved to return to Inisfree,
    59 of them members of our Global Congress,
    and 47,058 being screened
    [47,058 + ((1,470,588-59) x 2) + (59 x 3)] = 2,988,293 ICVs assigned as bodyguards outside our realm (though ~1/13 of those ICVs are not on duty, as that is the % of that total of guests/approved who are visiting / returning to our realm this year)
  7. 2100:  ~5,000,000 people now approved to return to Inisfree,
    347 of them members of our Global Congress,
    and 50,000 being screened
    [50,000 + ((5,000,000-100) x 2) + (100 x 3)] = 10,050,100 ICVs assigned as bodyguards outside our realm (though ~1/13 of those ICVs are not on duty, as that is the % of that total of guests/approved who are visiting / returning to our realm this year)
  8. 2201:  (1st session of Solar-system Congress; 20 Congresspeople in it)
    ~10,050,000 people now approved to return to Inisfree,
    220 of them members of our Congresses (~200 Global, 20 Solar),
    and 50,000 being screened
    [50,000 + ((10,050,000-220) x 2) + (220 x 3)] = 20,150,220 ICVs
  9. 2301:  (1st session of Solar-system Congress; 20 Congresspeople in it)
    ~15,050,000 people now approved to return to Inisfree,
    714 of them members of our Congresses (347 Global, 347 Solar, 20 Galactic),
    and 50,000 being screened
    [50,000 + ((15,050,000-714) x 2) + (714 x 3)] = 30,150,714 ICVs
  10. 2401:  (1st session of Universe Congress; 20 Congresspeople in it)
    ~20,050,000 people now approved to return to Inisfree,
    5,714 of them members of our Congresses (347 Global, 347 Solar, ~5,000 Galactic, 20 Universe),
    and 50,000 being screened
    [50,000 + ((20,050,000-5,714) x 2) + (5,714 x 3)] = 40,155,714 ICVs
  11. 2501:  (1st session of Mega/Omniverse Congress; 20 Congresspeople in it)
    ~25,050,000 people now approved to return to Inisfree,
    15,714 of them members of our Congresses (347 Global, 347 Solar, ~10,000 Galactic, ~5,000 Universe, 20 Omniverse),
    and 50,000 being screened
    [50,000 + ((25,050,000-15,714) x 2) + (15,714 x 3)] = 50,165,714 ICVs
    During this century, the ~25-30M people now bodyguarded by some of our deployed ICVs were all on ~750,700 worlds, and the majority of the population/s of many of those worlds, even though those worlds were protectorates of ours, were not compatible enough with us to be assigned bodyguards of their own.
  12. 4000:  ~100,000,000 people now approved to return to Inisfree,
    88,030 of them members of our Congresses (347 Global, 347 Solar, 55,851 Galactic, ~15,833 Universe, ~15,652 Omniverse),
    and 100,000 being screened
    [100,000 + ((100,000,000-88,030) x 2) + (88,030 x 3)] = 200,188,030 ICVs
  13. 24000:  ~2,000,000,000 people now approved to return to Inisfree,
    168,247 of them members of our Congresses (347 Global, 347 Solar, 55,851 Galactic, 55,851 Universe, 55,851 Omniverse),
    and 0 being screened
    [0 + ((2,000,000,000-168,247) x 2) + (168,247 x 3)] = 4,000,168,247 ICVs

Once we reached “capacity” in the 24th millennium, A.D., we did not need to task anymore of our ICVs (of SSA) with bodyguard work.
Uninhabited worlds we liked/healed/reassembled/manifested were guarded as protectorates, but we don’t think of guarding an entire moon or planet as bodyguarding it, just keeping an eye on a hibernating Sphere Being (which are a race so powerful, they really don’t need bodyguarding at all), thus really more of just a courtesy from us to them.

Rate of Reassigning ICVs to These Jobs:

Since some jobs in our realm have many more positions than others, such as there being millions of ATC-ers but only 9 Solarium hostesses, we rotate ICVs through roles in job fields with far fewer positions much more frequently than we rotate ICVs through roles in job fields which have many more positions;
many more positions of the same kind of work are simultaneously filled by many more ICVs,
and far fewer positions of the same kind of work can only be filled by very few ICVs at a time.
For example, an ICV doing ATC work might be in an ATC tower for an entire year,
while an ICV hostessing a Solarium might only do that for 1 or 2 days out of the year.
That example could result in ~3M ICVs trying the ATC job/s each year,
but still only to 1,642 to 3,285 (9×182, or 9×365) ICVs trying the Solarium hostess job each year.

Job in our city/realm with the most positions:  ATC; ~3,370,000 positions
Fewest pos’:  auctioneer; 1
To get ICVs rotating into those two jobs at the same rate:
If 3,370,000 ICVs serve as the 1 auctioneer, each ICV for 1 hour:
3,370,000 ÷ 365 = 9,232.876712
9,232.876712 ÷ 24 = 384.7031963
thus if we want every hour of the day to have not 385 ICVs, but 1, then the auctioneer position in Inisfree is filled by 3,370,000 ICVs every ~385 years.
1 ICV/hr × 24 × 365 = 8,760
3,370,000 ÷ 8,760 = 384.7031963
Since there are 3,370,000 ATC positions, 1 ICV could stay in any of those for 384.703196 years; that way, every 384.7031963 years, the same number of ICVs fill all the ATC roles… as the number of ICVs filling the only auctioneer role.
Alternatively, we could host auctions in more than 1 auction house, such as the auction houses of the Inisfree-like cities, as well as in The Outlands.
Also, ICVs don’t care how often or seldom they are told to change jobs in our realm or fleet, so we don’t really need to set this system up one way or the other.

Since the 100M ICVs assigned to Inisfree are roughly split into halves (jobs outside the perimeter wall, and jobs inside the perimeter wall), they ‘rotate’ into the Sentry Towers’ jobs for half a year, while the inside-skydome jobs keep rotating more often; work outside the wall is like a 6-month military-deployment (or at least like border-patrol duty) for them.

Jobs that do not rotate:

  1. Secretary of Defense:  This is always Nyria Serra ICV0‘s job.
  2. Secretary of State:  This is always Amber Heard ICV1‘s job.

There are always 100M ICVs in every one of our cities; enough to easily defend and cater to all our guests in any era.
Whenever more ICVs are needed, they come from the SSBS; it has all the deploy-ables. Bodyguard-ICVs all come from it.
The only time ICVs left a city they were assigned to was to complete The Rapture.



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