Our civilization has only one fleet, and all of its ships are capable of traveling the stars.
Table of Contents:
- Introduction
- Directives / Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) (parent-category for a few of the following)
- Inisfree’s Prime Directive
- Other Directives
- Why the General Orders of the Humans are Obsolete
- Locations (parent-category for the following)
- Where Inisfree’s Star Fleet is Based
- Hierarchy (parent-category for the following)
- Vessels, from Smallest to Largest
- Personnel Organization in Each Ship (parent-category for the following)
- Unit Types, from Smallest to Largest
- Magical Decorations (parent-category for the following)
- Ægishjálmr & Vegvisir Placements
- Armaments & Tools (parent-category for some of the following)
- Standard/Universal Array
- Main-guns
- Non-main Guns
- Hangar Sizes
- Cockpits and Controls (parent-category for a few of the following)
- Bridges/Cockpits
- Controls/Consoles
- 2024 January: ICVs Piloting/Copiloting in Each Cockpit
- Rooms/Departments in Our Larger Ships
- Equivalents in an Inisfreean ship are
- Determining How Many ICVs and Ships to Deploy to Each Place
- Additional Notes
- 2021 Update (parent-category for some of the following)
- How Our Star Fleet Grew for 186 Earth-years
- Individual Growth: Time to Form the Members
- Projected Assignments
- Ground-forces Deployment Spacing and Space Formations
- Duty Rotation
- Proportional/Typical Tasks
- Warp Ranges
- Repulsine Sizes
- Repulsine/Warp Fields
- 2022 Addition: Survival Gear (parent-category for some of the following)
- Kit/Backpack Items
- Survival/Convenience Items in the Vehicle/Ship/s; in Addition to the Contents of the Backpacks
- More About Our Cannons/Lasers
- Main-gun Ranges
- Non-main Guns; Further Details
- Explanation of total number of non-main Rainbow Cannons on each Ship Size/Type
- Comparison of Main-gun and Non-main Ranges
- Volumes, Weights, and Densities
- Surface Areas
- Our Largest Ship (Images Begin)
- Ships Comparisons
- ColonyPods Moving into Position
- Cockpit Living-thrones
- Control Consoles/Panels
- Armor-modes of ICV Personnel
- 2023 Update: Spacesuits
- 2023 Update 2: Anti-venom
- 2023 Update 3: Tent-drying
- 2023 Update 4: Law/Crew
- 2023 Update 5: Compactors and Kitchens
- 2023 Update 6: Internal Portals
- 2023 Update 7: Tractor Beams
- 2023 Update 8: Restoration Beams
- 2023 Update 9: Range of the Auz Effect
- 2023/+ Miscellaneous/Brief Updates
Starfleet is a term associated with the humans of Earth during and after the 22nd century, A.D., who set out from their home planet with peaceful, curious, and scientific intentions. Other peoples, organizations, and worlds have their equivalent of this, though. Inisfree’s is one which has ships looking and functioning very differently, inside and out, from those of Starfleet.
Directives / Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
Inisfree’s Prime Directive:
All Inisfreean forces are designed to evade, heal, seduce, and trick first, with ‘direct action’ and ‘lethal force’ used as last resorts. While human forces try to deflect or disregard the damage from incoming fire, Inisfreeans instead redirect and convert projectiles and energy in general. Inisfreeans prefer to explore, offer help, evacuate allies, and restore civilizations to healthy statuses. Most of the beams they fire actually repair wounds and damaged structures, even to the level of resealing moons, planets, and stars, saving them from fragmenting or otherwise becoming unstable. Because all of them have built-in Repulsines, their weight, air friction, inertia, and most noise are all canceled out, helping to keep them graceful, mobile, and tastefully quiet. They will generally always respond to calls for help or companionship from beings and civilizations proven to be compatible with The Inisfreean Way. The Inisfreean mission is to boldly seek out and establish loving relationships with such things, regardless of whether or not someone has gone to them before.
Other Directives:
All of these are subordinate to our prime directive; we will always focus on operating/deploying in accordance with our prime directive more than any other guideline.
- Show/reveal the least amount of our capabilities/technology/manpower possible. (Examples: Don’t send an SSBS where a PSBS will do, and if only 1 ICV can get the job done, send only 1 ICV. Usually any planet with an Internet and several billion human-like people will only need 1 ICV to fly by in orbit for a few seconds to understand and map it all. Anytime a dozen people wish to go with us, we’ll send an MPHA if by air, or a WR if by land. Anytime more than a couple dozen wish to go with us, we’ll either make multiple trips with an MPHA… or teleport them as a group to the nearest DS. When an entire world’s population wants to go with us, if they are compatible with us, we can send many ICVs to help teleport them in big groups, or we can land as many DSs and/or CPs are necessary to load them all up and ferry/fly them to where they can be acclimated for the start of an Inisfree tour.)
- Keep larger ships farther away, and moon-sized ships only orbiting big-enough terrestrial planets that their presence will not cause tidal waves or other destabilizations, and planet-sized ships only orbiting gas-giants big enough that their presence will not cause destabilizations (such as decaying orbits of the other moons that may be orbiting the given gas-giant), and our star-sized ship/s only far enough away from all planets in a solar-system that none of their orbits will be affected.
- Remove anyone that is incompatible with us… if they are bothering anyone who is or may be compatible with us.
- Only un-petrify / reactivate World Trees / World Tree stumps… if there is no chance that local people/beings will/might notice and then try to harvest/mine/damage/destroy them.
- Take anyone with us if they wish to go with us, provided they pass our pre-screening.
- Stop anyone from damaging/destroying/misusing the ancient structures, even if those are in ruins. Example: Don’t let incompatible people inadvertently send out their negative thought energies from any of the pyramids.
- Do not seed life where there is none; let the petrified Angels (Space Whales; the living Dyson spheres) be as they are, trusting that they have manifested the kinds of surfaces/shells and peoples/’children’/species they intended to.
- Allow compatible people/civilizations to seed appropriate life, as they are the intended children of the Space Whales / Angels / Stars / Sphere Beings. (Seeding life carelessly; spawning ugly/rude offspring/creatures, is not allowable, of course.)
- Whenever possible, stop to appreciate the beauty that we were destined to see; slow down and face into the solar wind just as you would appreciate a breeze or returning sunlight or the aurora on the Earth –and let it speak to you. Listen closely. Calm your mind/heart in/for these moments. You are witnessing the communication of the gods/goddesses, and they are speaking specifically to you, and it is important –and loving. Mirror/reciprocate them.
- The Abyss / Space / Darkness is one of the greatest/biggest deities; behave accordingly when she/it is letting you/us travel through it/her.
- Do not suffer/tolerate rudeness/abuse, even if from a deity; we are deities now, too, and always shall be.
- Hold our collective vision; manifest compatible people/places out there as you explore, map, and return. Do not manifest more randomness/chaos. This is the Age of Reunions, after all, not the Age of more lackluster or hostile surprises.
- Everything that is not compatible with us can be classified as a derelict vessel, thus boarded by us, as we are destined new and forever angels and clean-up force/s.
- Anyone/thing incompatible with us may still be useful as a ‘fun dungeon’ slave/toy; field-test and acquire accordingly. You are Inisfreean girls, after all. Enjoy.
- No surgery or samples are needed; simply map, pre-screen people, and establish mutually-agreeable contact with those who are compatible with us / Auz.
- Anytime you see a world or ship in distress, if it has people on/in it who are compatible with us, offer/render aid –even to the point of stopping/undoing its fragmentation/destruction.
- Reanimating corpses/fallen is fine, so long as you mind-surf to find where their soul/spirit went, asking them if they wish to return to the body they lost… before you heal/resurrect it.
- It is considered proper manners to ask at least the planet (Space Whale) or star (Arch Angel) we are approaching if we have its permission to continue our approach and mission, and then to ask any compatible authorities who may be present if we have their permission, too. If a planet or star does not respond, we assume it may be busy or hibernating, and proceed as politely as possible. If an incompatible species/being claims authority and does not give us permission, we ignore it and proceed anyway.
- 2024 January addition: Since ICVs are extensions of me (Auz), they can time-travel forward and backward like I did during 2015-2018 (to 2021-2024), and I deploy a small number of them (MFs) that way, always cloaked (via A.P.s and A.S.s) and mindreading, identifying all humans and anyone else who will need to be preemptively neutralized along my way in normal time-flow, thereby saving me the trouble of learning the hard way which are stupid and evil like so many humans before.
- 2024 March: Always delete barnacles out of existence when detected on whales, lobsters, etc.. Like most humans, barnacles are parasites which cause only suffering. Barnacles shall always be destroyed.
More directives of our Star Fleet will be added here later.
Why the General Orders of the Humans are Obsolete:
Humans in the U.S.A. military were often trained to memorize, repeat, and live/serve by 11 general orders which covered almost every imaginable situation they might encounter during their enlistment/service. Due to our nature and innovations, those general orders are not taught to our new/incoming personnel (ICVs). The following will explain why.
- “To take charge of this post and all government property in view.” This no longer applies (i.e. is pointless to us / for our forces) because everything in Creation technically belongs to us now, and because we were born (3D-printed, etc.) in charge already, so there is no need to take charge each time we are deployed/assigned somewhere.
- “To walk my post in a military manner, keeping always on the alert, and observing everything that takes place within sight or hearing.” ICVs strut in the Inisfreean manner, and don’t have to walk any post –because they can fly, teleport, and sense through all structures/materials for miles around. They are automatically alert, as they require no sustenance or rest/sleep, and because they are engineered and programmed to be; being anything other than alert/aware isn’t physically possible for any ICV.
- “To report all violations of orders I am instructed to enforce.” The only violations would be the existence/presence/rudeness of ugly/incompatible beings, as all of Inisfree (the collective of Auz and/with his ICVs) is fully unified from the start and forever, as they are extensions of him / his will, similar to how his body-parts always follow the commands from his mind. Reporting for ICVs is also automatic; the moment they sense/notice something, their teammates, chain of command, and Grid Mind know.
- “To repeat all calls from posts more distant from the guard house than my own.” Communication between all ICVs and other ICs is automatic and instant, so they don’t really get/hear commands like humans do. ICV commands come from their programming/personality, which stems from The Grid Mind, which stems from Auz’s will/intention. There will often be ICVs on watch/patrol/duty farther out from their ‘parent’ vessel (such as a TK, WR, or MPHA) than other ICVs in their team/squad, but they all sense each other’s thoughts and experiences effortlessly, so no repeating is necessary.
- “To quit my post only when properly relieved.” ICVs are on duty forever, and anywhere they are is their post, so quitting doesn’t fully apply / make sense to them/us, though it could be argued that when they are assigned to a new position… they are quitting the previous position/post. ‘Proper relief’, as human militaries define it, is when the sentry on post is replaced by the next sentry of/for the oncoming shift, but ICVs can establish permanent mind-links with anyone they wish, seeing through their eyes at any distance, automatically alerted anytime those new contacts/friends sense something isn’t right, so any ICV can simply leave an area without another ICV replacing her. In the Guard Turrets of Inisfree, of course, and whenever a hostess or other staff member is working in one of Inisfree’s night-clubs, restaurants, hotels, or other establishments, then, of course, they wait for the next shift to show up before they leave.
- “To receive, obey, and pass on to the sentry who relieves me, all orders from the Commanding Officer, Command Duty Officer, Officer of the Deck, and Officers and Petty Officers of the Watch only.” ICVs automatically know everything they are expected/required to do; they don’t need to communicate anything except to Auz via their languages when he is around and requesting (commanding) this from them.
- “To talk to no one except in the line of duty.” Again, ICVs are on duty for life/ever, so all of their talking will be done while on duty.
- “To give the alarm in case of fire or disorder.” Anything that potentially threatens / puts at risk anyone Auz cares about… is automatically reported via the I.N.N. to any nearby/applicable ICVs/ICs who/which can respond (such as one of their Fire-tanks).
- “To call the Officer of the Deck in any case not covered by instructions.” All cases are covered by instructions, as Auz and The Grid Mind think of everything.
- “To salute all officers, and colors and standards not cased.” Saluting only made sense when it was to raise the face plate of a knight helmet out of the way to show the face of the knight inside so another person could see if they recognized them. Inisfreeans never pointlessly raise their hand to the side of their face, especially not to acknowledge a flag. Inisfreeans acknowledge people with a smile, wave, hug, kiss, etc.; things that make sense. The way humans show respect is bizarre, illogical, and loveless.
- “To be especially watchful at night, and, during the time for challenging, to challenge all persons on or near my post, and to allow no one to pass without proper authority.” There is no point in being especially watchful when it gets dark –because ICVs have the same level of perception (total) no matter how bright or dim an area becomes. ‘Challenging’ (asking for identification or a password) is also unnecessary for them, as they can scan and identify the entire body/signature of a person at a great distance, thus an ID card and password would be pointless to them.
- (half-joke) “To walk my post from flank to flank and not take shit from any rank.” ICVs are a shared-consciousness species, and the extension of their maker’s will. They are designed, built, programmed, raised, and trained in the way that results in them being eternally automatically polite and loving to each other. They never ‘give each other a hard time’, and would never even think to, as that is a negativity-based/justifying human horseplay habit.
Essentially… all ICVs have only one (overall/underlying/foundational) general order; do whatever their maker would want them to –and every fiber of their being naturally desires to live by that order / way of life.
For specific orders/regulations we have developed based on rewriting those of Starfleet, see this webpage.
Where Inisfree’s Star Fleet is Based:
There is a man-made dimension big enough for just the man-made solar-system it was designed to contain. In it is Star-system Auzdein (SSA), and that is where the vast majority of all Inisfreeans, their cities, their ships, and their worlds remain, except when deployed to explore, chart, assist, and bond with select elements of the rest of the Universe. All of Inisfree’s forces can dock up / fit inside its SSBS. You will often find ICVs located in the following places/extents/numbers:
- The SSBS can house all our PSBSs plus many WSs and all other smaller vessels/constructs.
- Each PSBS can house 35 MSBSs plus many WSs and all other smaller vessels/constructs.
- Each MSBS can house 2,000,000 WSs plus many of all our other smaller vessels/constructs.
- Each WS can house 2 CPs and 8 DSs, plus many of all our other smaller vessels/constructs.
- Each CP can house 4 DSs plus many of all our other smaller vessels/constructs.
- Each DS can house 4 BMs plus many of all our other smaller vessels/constructs.
- Each BM can house dozens of ICVs and/or captives/evacuees.
- Each MPHA can house dozens of ICVs and/or captives/evacuees, plus 2 TKs, 2 FJs, and 2 APs.
- Each WR can house dozens of ICVs and/or captives/evacuees.
- Each WH can house a few ICVs.
- Each TK can house a few ICVs.
- Each FJ can house a couple ICVs.
- Each AP can house 1 ICV.
- Each ICV usually remains in a stasis tube in her ‘parent’-vessel (such as an MPHA), but can also ‘sleep’ normally whenever playing hostess/maid/servant/companion for any CSBS guest/resident. Technically, it can be said an ICV docks with her S.T. suit and/or stasis tube. Due to the Jobs Rotation, ICVs report to whichever other ICV happens to be in charge of her team/unit at that moment, and ultimately reports to her CSBS’s Grid Mind.
- TNH only houses ICVs, humans approved to co-crew it, plus whatever smaller human spacecraft (such as fighters and shuttles) they decided to keep in it during its ‘floats’/missions. This vessel stayed in the 34 Tauri solar-system for decades, then began patrolling out beyond it.
- Any CSBS (i.e. Inisfree and any of the Inisfree-like cities) can house billions of guests/residents, plus millions of ICVs, plus many thousands of municipal vehicles (buses, fire-tanks, personal vehicles (cars, etc.), police Tumblers, rooftop carriers, shuttles, yachts, etc.), hundreds of commercial aircraft, hundreds of military training aircraft, dozens of WSs, dozens of CPs, several Mandaloridays, several Ark IIs, etc.. CSBSs are almost always anchored to the planet/spot they were built (3D-printed) on, and only the Inisfree CSBS is scheduled to relocate.
- Each Rooftop Carrier can house thousands of ICVs and dozens of FJs, similar to how humans are aboard an aircraft carrier. Rooftop Carriers, when not flying around CSBS skies/regions on patrol, stay docked at launch-angle/s atop the CSBS skyscraper that built (3D-printed) them.
- Each hover-shuttle can house an ICV pilot plus several passengers. Hover-shuttles dock in any bay/garage/hangar they are waiting for passengers in.
- Each fire-tank can house a few ICVs and passengers/patients. Fire-tanks stay in their fire-tank station garage when not responding to fire/medical events.
- Each police Tumbler can house either 2 ICVs… or 1 ICV and 1 passenger/detainee. Police Tumblers stay in their police station garage when not on patrol along a CSBS’s highways/streets.
Though not an official part of our military, all the vehicles and personnel stationed in our cities are technically in the class of ship we call a City-Sized Battle-Station (CSBS), thus they can be called on if necessary.
Vessels, from Smallest to Largest:
The smallest deployable spacecraft we build/have is the Assassin Pod, which looks like a compact stealth fighter or UAV. The largest deployable spacecraft we build/have is the Star-Sized Battle-Station, which looks like a Sun-sized version of the Death Star. We also build/have dozens of different ships and vehicles in between those two sizes.
- Assassin Suit (AS): power-armor smart-suit, reports to / docks in an AP
- Storm Trooper (ST) suit: power-armor smart-suit, reports to / rides in any ‘parent’-vessel/craft she is assigned to
- Hover-saddle (HS / “Owl”): similar to a hover-bike, kept in a personal residence/garage
- Assassin Pod (AP): a more compact version of our fighter-jet, with much more power, reports to / docks in an MPHA
- Fighter-jet (FJ): our equivalent of a military interceptor aircraft, reports to / docks in an MPHA or larger vessel’s FJ level/bays
- ‘Tumbler’ (SC): military police squad-car, reports to / docks in a CSBS police station’s garage
- ‘Desolator’ Tank (DT or TK): our main battle tank, reports to / docks in an MPHA or larger vessel’s TK level/bays
- ‘Work-horse’ (WH): multi-purpose construction and maintenance truck, used on deployments, not just in Inisfree, reports to / docks in a CSBS’s WH motor-pool
- ‘White Rhino’ (WR): heavy APC, SAM battery, mobile C&C, and artillery piece, reports to / docks in a CSBS’s WR motor-pool or the WR level/bays of a DS or larger vessel
- ‘Fire Tank’ (FT): flying firetruck capable of holding another vehicle in its belly bay, reports to / docks in a CSBS fire station’s garage
- Multi-purpose Heavy-assault (MPHA): a flying APC, reports to / docks in a DS or larger vessel’s MPHA level/bays
- Our ’Air Force One’ (AF1): a luxury B-2 “Spirit” stealth bomber, heavily modified, reports to / docks in a CSBS’s civilian aerospaceport
- Mandaloriday (MD): our masculine battle-mech, reports to / docks in a CSBS’s Mandaloriday silo
- Battle-mech (BM): a skyscraper-tall walking tank, all of ours being feminine, reports to / docks in a DS’s BM level/bays
- Rooftop Carrier (RC): those forest-green rectangular-prisms silently hovering around our downtown‘s airspace
- Dropship (DS): our egg-shaped orbital entry ships capable of carrying battle-mechs and other vehicles, reports to / docks in a CP’s DS hangar
- Colony Pod (CP): our frisbee-shaped ships capable of vaporizing and reformatting entire cities rapidly, reports to / docks in a CSBS’s Main Womb (CP Factory) or a WS’s CP hangar
- Spacecraft-carrier (TNH): we only have 1 ship that looks like the ocean-based carriers of old, reports to Auz and the UAP, and can hover-anchor planet-side or dock in a very large Space station’s service/maintenance hangar
- Warship (WS): our domino-shaped ‘mother-ships’ which carry CPs, DSs, and more –reports to / docks in a CSBS’s Uber Hangar or a MSBS’s WS hangar
- City-sized Battle-station (CSBS): Inisfree is the prime example of one of these, and all of ours are Inisfree-like; advanced, hidden, and luxurious –reports to The Grid Mind, stays anchored to its assigned spot on a world gridded/owned by the Inisfreeans/Auz (but can also fly… and dock in a PSBS’s moon-sized hangar)
- Moon-sized Battle-station (MSBS): a mobile, spherical mother-ship, about the size of Earth’s Moon –reports to / docks in a PSBS’s moon-sized hangar
- Planet-sized Battle-station (PSBS): a mobile, spherical warship mother-ship, about the size of Earth –reports to / docks in the SSBS’s world-sized hangar
- Star-sized Battle-station (SSBS): a mobile, spherical mother-ship, about the size of Earth’s star (SSBS) –reports to the Grid Mind, and can dock in certain stars (but doesn’t usually dock, and doesn’t need to dock anywhere)
There will always be these sizes / ship types, never more or fewer.
*Keep in mind that this is the hierarchy of size in our Star Fleet, not our chain of command. For example, all of those forces/sizes report in to their ‘parent’-vessels… which reports in to either the SSBS or (if they were 3D-printed from a CSBS) a Grid Mind, and all Grid Minds report in to The Grid Mind… which reports to King Auz. Even though the CSBSs are much smaller than the SSBS, everything reports into The Grid Mind of the Inisfree CSBS… before it reports in to the maker/starter of all these things; Auz.
Personnel Organization in Each Ship
Unit Types, from Smallest to Largest:
It all starts with our equivalent of the Infantry, which we call Storm Troopers due to how their suits allow them to affect local weather.
- Storm Trooper: a single soldier
- Fire Team: 3-4 soldiers –Each TK has 1.
- Squad: 3-4 fire-teams (~9-13 soldiers for the U.S.) –Each WR has at least one, and each MPHA has 2 squads of ICVs.
- Platoon: 3-4 squads (~40-50 soldiers for the U.S.) –These are in DSs and larger vessels.
- Company: 3-4 platoons (~80-150 soldiers for the U.S.)
- Battalion: 3-4 companies (~400-1,000 soldiers for the U.S. units)
- Regiment: 3-4 battalions (~1,000-2,000 soldiers for the U.S.)
- Brigade: 3-4 regiments
- Division: 3-4 brigades (~10,000-15,000 soldiers for the U.S.) –Every DS has 750,000 ICVs; multiple Divisions.
- Army: multiple Divisions (4 divisions make up the U.S. Marine Corps, 18 divisions make up the U.S. Army, and nearly 200 divisions make up the Chinese Army.) –Every CP has 3,125,000 ICVs; at least 1 Army worth of personnel.
- Fleet: numerous ships and Divisions, sometimes multiple Armies (The U.S. Pacific Fleet consists of ~200 ships/submarines, ~1,200 aircraft, and >130,000 Sailors and civilians.) –Every CSBS, DS, and larger vessel has multiple fleets.
- Armada: multiple fleets, often for blockades spanning vast coastlines (multiple fleets, or at least 100 ships) –Every CSBS, DS, and larger vessel has an armada.
These are general definitions used by human militaries; the size of our units can differ somewhat.
2023 October update:
- our fire-team = 5 ICVs in their ST suits
- our squad = 5 of our fire-teams (25 ICVs total) –thus an MPHA’s typical 52-ICVs crew = a bit more than 2 of our squads
- our platoon = 5 of our squads (125 ICVs total)
- our company = 5 of our platoons (625 ICVs total)
- our battalion = 5 of our companies (3,125 ICVs total)
- our regiment = 5 of our battalions (15,625 ICVs total)
- our brigade = 5 of our regiments (78,125 ICVs total)
- our division = 5 of our brigades (390,625 ICVs total)
- our army = 5 of our divisions (1,953,125 ICVs total), which is how many we usually transport in one of our DSs
- our DS contains 2,314,145 ICVs (including the 1,953,125 not assigned to a vehicle/aircraft)
- our CP contains 4 DSs, thus at least 9,256,580 (4 x 2,314,145) ICVs + its own 3,455,620 ICVs; 12,712,200 ICVs; ~6.5 of our armies
- our WS contains 2 CPs and 4 DSs, thus at least 43,937,160 [(2 x 12,712,200) + (8 x 2,314,145)] ICVs + its own 50,000,000 ICVs; 93,937,160 ICVs; ~48 of our armies
- our MSBS contains 2,000,000 WSs, thus at least 187,874,320,000,000 ICVs + its own 100,000,000,000,000 ICVs; 287,874,320,000,000 ICVs; ~147,391,651.84 of our armies
- our PSBS contains 35 MSBSs, thus at least 10,075,601,200,000,000 ICVs + its own 4,100,000,000,000,000 ICVs; 14,175,601,200,000,000 ICVs; 7,257,907,814.4 of our armies
- our SSBS contains 1,000,000 of our PSBSs, thus at least 1,417,560,120,000,000,000,000,000 ICVs + its own 4,018,000,000,000,000,000,000 ICVs; 1,421,578,120,000,000,000,000,000 ICVs; ~727,847,997,440,000,000 of our armies
- our state group/fleet usually = ~1 of our Regiments; 5 of our Battalions (thus ~15,625 ICVs are typically tasked with the patrolling/stabilizing of most average-sized nation-sections of civilizations allied with us / needing our aid)
- our nation group/armada usu. = ~1 of our Brigades; 5 of our Regiments
- our region group/armada usu. = <1 of our Divisions; <5 of our Brigades
- our continent group/armada usu. = ~.2 of our armies; 1 of our Divisions
- our octant group/armada usu. = ~.4 of our armies; 2 of our Divisions
- our hemisphere group/armada usu. = ~.6 of our armies; 3 of our Divisions
- our planet group/armada usu. = ~1 of our armies; 5 of our Divisions (+ most/all of what a DS typically drops off)
- our solar-system group/armada usu. = 1 DS; slightly >1 of our armies
- our galactic-arm group/armada usu. = 1 CP; ~6.5 of our armies
- our galaxy group/armada usu. = 1 WS; ~48 of our armies
- our cluster group/armada usu. = 1 MSBS; >147M of our armies
- our supercluster group/armada usu. = 1 PSBS; >7B of our armies
- our universe groups/armada usu. = our SSBS; all of our armies
There are only combatants, and no support units, because:
- every ICV can do every other ICVs job,
- they need no supplies (they don’t need food or water, they are invincible (thus need no medical supplies), their ammo. is energy they can convert from anything or have transferred to them, their uniforms repair themselves, etc.)
- and they are a collective consciousness, thus they have/need no team leader, squad leader, platoon sergeant, company commander, etc..
Magical Decorations
Ægishjálmr & Vegvisir Placements:
These two runes/sigils/symbols have the power to help us always know where we are, always know how to get where we want/need to go, and always be protected against hostiles/attempts from any direction/method. When displayed/worn/used, they function even against magic attacks/tricks, such as illusions/hallucinations, etc.. They bring with them the god-level power/s of the Asgardian founder-deities and more.
Ægishjálmr (‘the Helm of Awe’) is a symbol located on our constructs:
- STs: centered on the forehead armor, not always visible
- APs: forehead armor, rarely visible
- FJs: bottom face/surface, centered amidst all the bays/bombs
- Tanks: front top slope, centered
- White Rhinos: front face of the vehicle, centered
- MPHAs: bottom face, centered; seen when hovering low
- Rooftop Carriers: underbelly, centered
- TNH: underbelly, centered, overlapping bomb bay doors
- Mandaloridays: forehead armor
- BMs: breastplate armor for torso over sternum
- DSs: near the top of each of the 3 1/3 curves (‘sides’); high up, visible over small mountains
- CPs: bottom circle of the ship, facing the target city/ies
- WSs: around the front-facing main-gun hole
- CSBS (Inisfree) around the Space Whale exterior hatch
- MSBSs: around the planet-facing main-gun hole
- PSBSs: around the planet-facing main-gun hole, and every MSBS hatch
- SSBSs: around the planet-facing main-gun hole, and every PSBS hatch
Vegvisir (‘That Which Shows the Way’) Rune locations:
- Military Vehicles, ‘Owls’, POVs, Shuttles, & ‘Work-horses’: on the dashboard
- AP suits, ST suits: right palm-back armor plate
- APs, FJs, MPHAs: dashboard
- Rooftop Carriers: cockpit floor
- TNH: cockpit floor
- Mandaloridays: right palm-back armor plate
- BMs, DSs, CPs, WSs, MSBSs, PSBSs, SSBSs: cockpit floor
- CSBS (Inisfree) “Bat-cave II” map-room console
And here is what the Inisfreean’s non-armored uniform looks like.
Armaments & Tools
Standard/Universal Array:
All of our ICVs use S.T. suits which include the means to scan areas/volumes around them out to many miles away, including via ground-penetrating RADAR, and these suits can fire a variety of lasers, plus other beams, flame, freezing sprays, and more. All their vehicles and ships have larger versions of the same, so no matter what they are piloting… they have the same range of capabilities/devices, and can see/scan in the entire spectrum.
- ability to draw power from the void (Space/Abyss/Darkness itself)
- batteries / reactors (based on Vril, not just ‘normal’ electricity)
- forcefield (with an auto-absorbing-and-dispersion feature that distributes any impact across our entire collective) –and nuclear weapons do nothing to our craft, as our craft and their shields were both designed to withstand (and make use of) far greater forces; cosmic-level forces, such as that of stars, IOW even greater than the blast of an anti-matter weapon
- lasers
- masers
- omni-interfacing/overriding devices (capable of instantly stopping/persuading even nanites, xenomorphs, you name it)
- recycling / deletion beams (and the ability vacuum/absorb what was recycled)
- repulsines (for near-total stability/precision, plus forcefield generation, negation of inertia/momentum/G-forces, etc.)
- self-repairing armor (which is virtually invincible anyway)
- sensors/scanners (including atmospheric analyzers)
- sonic cannons (extreme mega-phones)
- sprays
- stasis option (in any room, vehicle, and even our S.T. suits; no need for a cryogenic pod)
- subatomic transmutation modules (not just for recycling what is absorbed, but converting battery power or other things into whatever is needed for the vambraces/’guns’) a.k.a. ‘waste management’/processing devices
- teleportation options (by touch, projected will, or laser-like beam)
- universal translator (based on non-invasive EEG technology; comparing their words to their brain activity / imagination)
- voice synthesizers / mimickers
- weather-modification/control devices (man-portable H.A.A.R.P. / SBX-1 technology)
We do not use the kinds of guns or explosives that humans use. Those are regarded as primitive, excessively negative/harmful, and obsolete (as we can intercept –and even instantly absorb/recycle– their bullets and shrapnel with ease).
The most powerful tool each of our suits, vehicles, and aerospacecraft carry is as follows. Each of our ICs/vessels has at least one main-gun. Some have multiple equally-powerful guns.
- STs: either vambrace, unless carrying one of our “Punisher” omni-spectrum assault-rifles. The main-guns of an S.T. are powerful enough to disintegrate, absorb/recycle, or heal an entire motorcycle or human-sized person in one shot, even if that target has a personal forcefield on, but S.T. vambraces are more commonly used to ‘delete’ human structures, such as pollution and roads, out of the way during global clean-up operations such as The Rapture campaign.
- ASs: either vambrace. The main-guns of an A.S. are powerful enough to disintegrate, absorb/recycle, or heal an entire motorcycle or human-sized person in one shot, even if that target has a personal forcefield on, but A.S. vambraces are more commonly used to ‘delete’ obstructions out of the way of a sneaking/escaping ICV in ways which would likely go unnoticed to the target person/s for a very long time.
- HSs: (the “Owl” hover-saddle (HS) has none; it is purely for transportation)
- APs: running along the keel of the hull, inside, aiming out just below the nosecone. The main-gun of an AP is powerful enough to disintegrate, absorb/recycle, or heal virtually anything out of its way in one shot, and is designed for sustained/indefinite firing, allowing it to create cavities/tunnels through any obstacles that may be in its way, at a rate faster than the speed it usually needs to fly at, so anything the width/diameter of a truck or van will be easily removed from its path within seconds, and it can even burrow through solid rock/mountains fast enough to continue flying straight through.
- FJs: running along the keel of the hull, inside, aiming out just below the nosecone. The main-gun of an FJ is powerful enough to disintegrate, absorb/recycle, or heal an entire bus or enemy fighter-jet in one shot.
- Tanks (TKs): the turret barrel. The main-gun of a TK is powerful enough to disintegrate, absorb/recycle, or heal an entire enemy tank or other armored vehicle in one shot.
- White Rhinos (WRs): the artillery barrel (for distance/indirect/ranged applications) and the forward-facing miniguns (for closer/direct applications). The main-gun of a WR is powerful enough to disintegrate, absorb/recycle, or heal an entire floor of a house, or an armored vehicle such as a human battle-tank, in one shot.
- MPHAs: the central forward-facing tube, aiming out just below the nosecone. The main-gun of an MPHA is powerful enough to disintegrate, absorb/recycle, or heal an entire house or commercial aircraft in one shot.
- Rooftop Carriers (RCs): running along the interior from front to back, aiming out just above the front center. The main-gun of a Rooftop Carrier is powerful enough to disintegrate, absorb/recycle, or heal an entire carrier or other capital-ship in one shot (not quite enough to do that to an entire skyscraper or other high-rise, but close).
- TNH: running along the main/long-axis of the ship, through its center, aiming out from the nosecone. The main-gun of TNH is powerful enough to cripple (not disintegrate, absorb/recycle, or heal) an entire carrier or other capital-ship in one shot, and TNH can bombard a world enough that multiple cities will be effectively ruined/glassed.
- Mandaloridays (MDs): either vambrace, though their issued shadow-saber is extremely powerful for melee/CQC. The main-gun of a Mandaloriday (any of its vambrace lasers/tubes) is powerful enough to disintegrate, absorb/recycle, or heal an entire house in one shot.
- BMs: either vambrace. The main-gun of a BM (any of its vambrace lasers/tubes) is powerful enough to disintegrate, absorb/recycle, or heal an entire high-rise building or Titan in one shot.
- DSs: running along the (vertical) main/long-axis of the ship, through its center, aiming out from the bottom center. The main-gun of a DS is powerful enough to disintegrate/recycle (or heal) a skyscraper in one shot –or to un-petrify a World Tree stump.
- CPs: running along the vertical/short-axis of the ship, through its center, aiming out from the bottom center. The main-gun of a CP is powerful enough to disintegrate/recycle (or clean up / calibrate/align) an average-sized human city or standalone mountain in one shot.
- WSs: running along the main/long-axis of the ship, through its 2nd highest section of floors/levels (just below its Docking section of floors/levels), aiming out from the nosecone. The main-gun of a WS is capable of healing or disintegrating or absorbing-for-recycling an entire state/region or sea in one shot.
- CSBS: technically any of its Sentry Towers are equally powerful, though it could be argued that each CSBS’s ‘main gun’ is the collective of those Sentry Towers’ main-guns when fired simultaneously at the same target (such as to create a suitable terraforming/crater for their CSBS to land on/in –or to heal/reform enough of an asteroid/debris field into a sizeable-enough landing-platform). The main-gun of a CSBS is capable of healing or disintegrating or absorbing-for-recycling an entire continent, ocean, or major asteroid in one shot.
- MSBSs: a 2,200 miles-long shaft running from the north to south pole of this Moon-sized vessel, fed by a tree/root-like system of successively smaller shafts fanning out through the spaces between the WS-hangars, and potentially fed by every subordinate ship and its crew, from the docked WSs, and then the CPs and DSs docked in those WSs… down to their every last FJ and ICV. The main-gun of an MSBS is capable of healing or disintegrating or absorbing-for-recycling an entire moon in one shot.
- PSBSs: an 8,000 miles-long shaft running from the north to south pole of this Earth-sized vessel, fed by a tree/root-like system of successively smaller shafts fanning out through the spaces between the moon(MSBS)-hangars, and potentially fed by every subordinate ship and its crew, from the docked MSBSs, and then the WSs docked in those MSBSs… down to their every last FJ and ICV. The main-gun of a PSBS is capable of healing or disintegrating or absorbing-for-recycling an entire planet in one shot.
- SSBSs: an 865,000 miles-long shaft running from the north to south pole of this Sun-sized vessel, fed by a tree/root-like system of successively smaller shafts fanning out through the spaces between the world(PSBS)-hangars, and potentially fed by every subordinate ship and its crew, from the docked PSBSs and then the MSBS docked in those PSBSs… down to their every last FJ and ICV. The main-gun of our SSBS is capable of healing or disintegrating or absorbing-for-recycling an entire star in one shot (because, again, all that matter/energy gets portal-dispersed throughout our entire fleet/civilization).
Each of those main-guns functions the same way; instead of firing a projectile or drawing energy from a reactor/battery, they are designed to use the offered/excess Vril and other energy from the ship and its crew, channeling, amplifying, focusing, aiming, firing, and even guiding it once fired. In other words, the ship itself, as well as its crew, are our equivalent of a reactor/battery. Every one of our constructs/vessels is designed to naturally function is a circuit-board or Vril-plumbing system to carry their sexual (potential/greatest) lifeforce energy to where it can be held, built up, and modified to come out as any type of laser –even a healing / planet-reformation beam, working similarly to how sexual attraction expressed to someone tends to focus their eyes and mind, awakening all of their body, spinning up and aligning their chakras, thus preparing them to be fully present in the appealing ‘here and now’.
We do still have batteries that can indefinitely store electrical and other energy indefinitely in all of our constructs, from pebble-sized batteries in the S.T. suits all the way up to mansion-sized batteries in our SSBS. These are never required for our main-guns to function, though, as all of our constructs are also designed to open up portals for tapping into the offered/excess energy of any star (Arch Angel). Even without doing this, we can tap into the energy of the void (Space/Abyss; Arch Angel of Darkness –darkness in a good way, mind you) –and this is part of how our shadow-sabers/beams work; they are linear mini black-holes, but that is essentially just concentrated Void/Abyss.
Anytime the present ICV/IC/ship does not have sufficient firepower to one-shot the intended target (whether to disable, destroy, or repair/heal), if other/backup ICV forces cannot teleport in in time, our civilization-wide portals-based distribution/dispersion technology will keep channeling in enough energy from nearby/available units/ICs… so that the present ICV/IC/ship can keep its beam on longer, or fire endlessly without running out of its own stored/available Vril/power… until the target is adjusted/neutralized as we intended/needed. Also, this will trigger that present ICV/IC/ship to cleverly and near-instantly render the target defenseless, immobile, etc., instead of going for a catastrophic/total one-shot. For example, if only a BM is present on a battlefield, and it is facing a capital-ship of one of our enemies, it might use its main-gun to disable/destroy/absorb the reactor of that capital-ship, thereby disabling its shield and own weapons, and then fire a second main-gun shot to take out its propulsion or communications, etc., ignoring any deployed support/fighter-craft of the targeted capital-ship, as they wouldn’t be able to risk the BM’s shields, hull, or personnel anyway.
*Another thing to keep in mind is that all Inisfreeans typically channel only their Vril through their main-guns; their biggest energy beams are like lasers that cause alignment, clear-headedness, sexual arousal, politeness, maximum health, new levels of health and understanding, the reformation of debris/ruins into previous/original structures, and so on. So the main-gun of a BM could calm/seduce an entire high-rise full of people, for example, while the main-gun of a PSBS could do the same to billions or even trillions of people during/in a one-shot at/of an entire Earth-sized planet. You get the idea; this is how our Star Fleet tends to work/shoot/win.
Non-main Guns:
The following are calculations for the size of the housing/mountain, the size of the aperture/lens/beams, and the amount of target/s-mass each can affect when fired. The sequence/format of each of the following bullet-notes is: Lens Diameter, IC/Vessel Abbreviation, Percent of Power Compared to the Non-main Guns of the SSBS, Compared to the Smallest Non-main Gun, and finally the Description of the Effect. When an abbreviation is uppercase, the information is for the larger of the two sizes of non-main guns on that platform/IC, vs. when the abbreviation is in uppercase, thus for the smaller of the two.
- .002083′ | (as) | .037872% | 1 | <appendage; one-shots a small body part less than the mass of a full limb (<arm/leg)
- .00416′ | (AS, st) | .07563% | 2 | <torso; one-shots (human/animal) limb/appendage-sized objects (unruly pets/guards, etc.)
- .0083′ | (ST) | .1509% | 4 | <human; one-shots objects somewhat smaller than humans
- .010416′ | (pr) | .1893% | 5 | ~human; one-shots average-sized Earth people from the modern (near-Shift era/Age); ~5’5″ tall and ~150 lbs. at 1G
- .02083′ | (PR, ap) | .37872% | 10 | <motorcycle; one-shots ~2 adult/average-sized human masses/bodies at once
- .0416′ | (AP, fj) | .7563% | 20 | <car; one-shots ~4 adult-human masses/bodies at once
- .04583′ | (md) | .83327% | 22 | <truck; one-shots ~4.4 adult-human masses/bodies at once
- .0625′ | (tk) | 1.136% | 30 | <van; one-shots ~6 adult-human masses/bodies at once
- .083′ | (FJ, csbs) | 1.509% | 40 | <bus/fighter; one-shots ~8 adult-human masses/bodies at once
- .0916′ | (MD) | 1.6654% | 44 | <mansion; one-shots ~8.8 adult-human masses/bodies at once
- .125′ | (TK) | 2.27% | 60 | <MRAP (~14 tons); one-shots ~12 adult-human masses/bodies at once (thus could one-shot the crew of an average ocean-based Patrolboat-class warship (war-boat, rather), but not the entire boat with them, of course)
- .16′ | (CSBS) | 2.9090% | 77 | <continent; one-shots ~15.4 adult-human masses/bodies at once
- .2916 | (wr) | 5.3018% | 140 | <LAVs (~15 tons); one-shots ~28 adult-human masses/bodies at once (thus could one-shot the crew of an average ocean-based Patrolcraft-class warship, but not the entire ship with them, of course)
- .375′ | (rc-ws) | 6.81% | 180 | <small/light tank (~20 tons); one-shots ~36 adult-human masses/bodies at once
- .4583′ | (bm) | 8.3327% | 220 | <medium tank (~40 tons); one-shots ~44 adult-human masses/bodies at once
- .583′ | (WR) | 10.6% | 280 | <MBT (~70 tons); one-shots ~56 adult-human masses/bodies at once (~6″-diameter lens; comparable to the truck-mounted beams declassified in the 2000s (so of the 1950s?), at least in lens-diameter)
- .625′ | (mpha) | 11.36% | 300 | <1-story house; one-shots ~60 adult-human masses/bodies at once
- .6875′ | (msbs) | 12.5% | 330 | <2-story house; one-shots ~66 adult-human masses/bodies at once
- .75′ | (RC-WS) | 13.63% | 360 | <[non-highrise up to state]; one-shots ~72 adult-human masses/bodies at once
- .916′ | (BM) | 16.654% | 440 | <high-rise; one-shots ~88 adult-human masses/bodies at once (thus could one-shot the crew of an average ocean-based Sloop-of-War-class warship, but not the entire ship with them, of course) (~11″-diameter lens; comparable to the truck-mounted beams declassified in the 2010s (so of the 1960s?), at least in lens-diameter –intended/designed against artillery, criuse missiles, drones, mortars, and rockets)
- 1.25′ | (MPHA) | 22.72% | 600 | <airplane; one-shots ~120 adult-human masses/bodies at once (thus could one-shot the crew of an average ocean-based Corvette-class warship, but not the entire ship with them, of course)
- 1.375′ | (MSBS) | 25% | 660 | <moon; one-shots ~132 adult-human masses/bodies at once (thus could one-shot the crew of an average ocean-based Frigate-class warship, but not the entire ship with them, of course)
- 2.75′ | (PSBS) | 50% | 1,320 | <planet; one-shots ~264 adult-human masses/bodies at once (thus could one-shot the crew of an average ocean-based Destroyer-class warship, but not the entire ship with them, of course)
- 5.5′ | (SSBS) | “100%”* | 2,640 | <star; one-shots ~528 adult-human masses/bodies (79,200 lbs. (39.6 tons); 528 x 150 lbs.) at once (thus could one-shot the crew of an average ocean-based Cruiser-class warship, but not the entire ship with them, of course) (~6′-diameter lens; comparable to the Boeing YAL-1 airplane-nosecone laser, at least in lens-diameter)
So the bigger non-main lasers on an SSBS are 2,640x more powerful than the smaller non-main lasers of an A.S..
*100% = out of all the sizes/powers of lenses of our non-main-gun laser-cannons.
Hangar Sizes:
These are the internal dimensions of the compartments within the following craft of our Star Fleet.
- stasis tubes: ~3′ W (diameter) x ~7′ H
- AP hangars: ~7′ W x ~11′ D x ~5′ H
- FJ hangars: ~20′ W x ~30′ D x ~9′ H
- TK hangars: ~20′ W x ~40′ D x ~9′ H
- rear/loading hangar: ~25′ W x ~18′ D x ~12′ H
- stasis tubes: ~3′ W (diameter) x ~7′ H
- FJ hangars: ~20′ W x ~30′ D x ~9′ H
- TK hangars: ~20′ W x ~40′ D x ~9′ H
- WR hangars: ~25′ W x ~60′ D x ~18′ H
- MPHA hangars: ~90′ W x ~110′ D x ~36′ H
- BM hangars: ~115′ W x ~160′ D x ~515′ H
- stasis tubes: ~3′ W (diameter) x ~7′ H
- FJ hangars: ~20′ W x ~30′ D x ~9′ H
- TK hangars: ~20′ W x ~40′ D x ~9′ H
- WR hangars: ~25′ W x ~60′ D x ~18′ H
- MPHA hangars: ~90′ W x ~110′ D x ~36′ H
- BM hangars: ~115′ W x ~160′ D x ~515′ H
- DS hangars: ~1,360‘ W (diameter) x ~1,294’ H
- stasis tubes: ~3′ W (diameter) x ~7′ H
- FJ hangars: ~20′ W x ~30′ D x ~9′ H
- TK hangars: ~20′ W x ~40′ D x ~9′ H
- WR hangars: ~25′ W x ~60′ D x ~18′ H
- MPHA hangars: ~90′ W x ~110′ D x ~36′ H
- BM hangars: ~115′ W x ~160′ D x ~515′ H
- DS hangars: ~1,360‘ W (diameter) x ~1,294’ H
- CP hangars: ~4,000‘ W (diameter) x ~1,690’ H
- Stasis Archives bed-pods: ~3′ W x ~7′ D x ~1.5′ H
- Cloud City II hangars: ~20′ W x ~25′ D x ~10′ H
- Sotu skyscraper hangars: ~20′ W x ~25′ D x ~10′ H
- Sotu police Tumbler hangars: ~36′ W (along outer wall) x ~30′ D x ~15′ H
- Sotu Fire-tank hangars: ~36′ W (along outer wall) x ~45′ D x ~30′ H
- Under-concavity ground-scraper hangars: ~20′ W x ~25′ D x ~10′ H
- Civilian Aerospaceport hangars beneath the runways: ~130′ W x ~130′ D x ~25′ H (compact) to ~440′ W x ~440′ D x ~70′ H (largest)
- Military Aerospaceport hangars beneath the runways: ~198′ W x ~198′ D x ~130′ H (smallest) to ~1,518′ W x ~1,518′ D x ~528′ H (largest)
- Ark II bays: ~150′ W x ~300′ D x ~50′ H (minimum needed: ~70′ W x ~40′ D x ~30′ H)
- Pearly Gates chambers: ~462′ W x ~1,122′ D x ~462′ H
- WS hangars: ~10,560′ W (diameter) x ~13,200′ H
- CPs Factory / “Main Womb”: ~13,200′ W (diameter) x ~11,880′ H (though the center of its dome ceiling is almost 15,840′ up)
- stasis tubes: ~3′ W (diameter) x ~7′ H
- WS hangars: ~10,560′ W (diameter) x ~13,200′ D
- stasis tubes: ~3′ W (diameter) x ~7′ H
- WS hangars: ~10,560′ W (diameter) x ~13,200′ D
- MSBS hangars: ~11,794,707.69′ (~2,233.85 miles) W (diameter)
- stasis tubes: ~3′ W (diameter) x ~7′ H
- WS hangars: ~10,560′ W (diameter) x ~13,200′ D
- PSBS hangars: ~42,889,846.14” W (~8,123.08 miles) (diameter)
2023 October note: All our hangars’ entire inner surfaces have antigrav/repulsor fields such that collisions with the structures are prevented/impossible, and docking clamps hold things steady with tractor beams as backups (after movement/docking has been completed; so the repulsor-fields aren’t still doing all the safety work). These are also ‘smart’ devices because they automatically adjust their intensity to protect any non-invincible individuals compatible with me; if a good person is somehow in a position where the incoming ship and hangar repulsor field might squish them, that will be precisely prevented.
Cockpits and Controls
*For all mentions of “cockpit”, if the vessel’s room for co/pilot/s is large enough to walk around in, replace with “flight deck”.
The cockpit in each Inisfreean craft is different than the cockpits you will find in human ones.
- In our DS and all larger vessels, it is a room much like the frisbee-shaped womb-like chambers of our Cloning Facilities (a.k.a. ICV Factories or Tomb-wombs). The only chairs are those formed by naked ICVs who move into formations/’weaves’, using their own body-parts to form the equivalent of cushions, armrests, etc.. The entire room doubles as a hologram projector to help with visual aids supplementing what the smart-wall (wrap-around viewing-screen and transparent-metal window-wall) shows.
- In our MPHA, the cockpit is a hollow sphere module within a spherical hangar, and the whole thing can eject life a life-boat / escape-pod. There are three chairs, with the pilot’s being in the center, and the co-pilots’ / navigators’ being behind it and off to its sides at 45° angles. Again, the entire room is a hologram projector that works with the wrap-around viewing-wall-screen so that the pilot and copilots can see everything in all directions, not just forward through old-fashioned cockpit windows.
- In our FJs, it is the only room in the craft that an ICV/person can get/fit into. It can be flown with no pilot or co-pilot, but both are the norm. During flight, the craft itself can take over the flying… while the pilot’s chair rotates around so that the pilot and co-pilot can face each other for Vril-charging/fun (which helps recharge the batteries, call out telepathically to nearby potentially-compatible beings, etc.).
Only Auz and authorized ICVs can pass through the semi-permeable / selective smart-doors of any IC cockpit. Even magical deities do not have the ability/power to pass through these doors, nor to exist inside the cockpits or others areas in Inisfree / our Star Fleet they are not authorized to be in. This makes hijacking any of our air/spacecraft impossible –and trying to telekinetically control their movement from outside doesn’t work, either.
Most steering wheels, dashboards, and computer terminals outsiders/humans are familiar with are made of metal and plastic, and have buttons, gauges, and lights. Ours do not. They are almost unrecognizable to anyone not told what they are and how to use them.
- In our smaller craft, such as our land-vehicles and FJs, there appear to be none at all, and the ICVs assigned to those vehicles/craft control them with their minds/will.
- In our MPHAs, the controls in the cockpit are also by-mind, though manual backups based on the joystick-dome replacement/variant found in some “UFO” models is also present.
- In our DSs and all larger vessels, the control consoles (for anything; not just for pilots in the cockpit) look like a jukebox-shaped single giant gemstone / piece of onyx/obsidian. Inset/inlaid gemstones/jewels are the buttons, but they do not move when touched, nor make any clicking or other sounds.
*All Inisfreean vessels/vehicles can only be flown/operated by Auz or an ICV, as they are made of SRC, they are A.I., they share a consciousness with all other ICVs/ICs, they communicate via Ansible technopathy via the I.N.N., and they usually don’t even have a joystick, buttons, or touch-screens humans are used to, anyway.
2024 January: ICVs Piloting/Copiloting in Each Cockpit
- All of our cockpits, in the MPHA and larger vessels of ours, have some ICVs dedicated to a certain department/tasking, each of those ICVs sitting on our traditional ‘living throne’ (a limbs-weave; arms and legs touching, and somewhat wrapped around, the arms and legs of adjacent/nearby ICVs).
- If ever there is so much thinking/commanding that the processing power of 1 ICV brain might not be enough, then the brains of the ICVs forming her ‘living throne’ will team up to ensure there is plenty of processing power.
- Like our Council of Elders, the positions/thrones in each cockpit are in a circular formation, evenly spaced, except that these thrones all face outward.
Focuses of each cockpit-section, by vessel size/type:
(*The ship pilots itself, so these co/pilots relieve it of subroutine processing/thinking.)
MPHA: 3 ICVs total, on bucket-seat style wall-mounted chairs with 5-point harnesses
- jump options
- scan results (of terrain, Internets, minds, etc.)
- weather control
RC: 3 ICVs total, on bucket-seat style wall-mounted chairs with 5-point harnesses
- jump options (though usually tasked with ATC, since this type of vessel of ours can deploy so many FJs, etc.)
- scan results (of terrain, Internets, minds, etc.)
- weather control
DS: 5 ICVs each on a ‘living throne’ of 10 ICVs; 55 total
- jump
- scan
- weather
- deployed commanders (Generals for its armies)
- local world leader/s
CP: 7 ICVs each on a ‘living throne’ of 10 ICVs; 77 total
- jump
- scan
- weather
- deployed commanders (Generals for its armies and DSs)
- local world leader/s (Maiar; lands incarnate)
- city-forming/status
- (non-ICV) passengers
WS: 9 ICVs each on a ‘living throne’ of 10 ICVs; 99 total
- jump
- scan
- weather
- deployed commanders (Generals for its armies, CPs, and DSs)
- deployed-CPs cities/terraforming status/es
- local solar-system leader/s (Valar; planets incarnate; Sphere Beings)
- (non-ICV) passengers
- “tugboat” (tractor beams) ops
- main Rainbow Cannon (capital-ship one-shotter)
MSBS: 11 ICVs each on a ‘living throne’ of 10 ICVs; 121 total
- jump
- scan
- weather
- deployed commanders (Admirals for fleets/squadrons of WSs, and Generals for its armies)
- local galaxy leader/s (Valar; stars incarnate; Sphere Beings)
- (non-ICV) passengers
- “tugboat” (tractor beams) ops
- WS-hangars statuses
- exterior optical-illusion appearance; lifelike lunar-surface disguise
- main Rainbow Cannon (moon one-shotter)
- cosmic-bodies’ dispersion-change forecasts
PSBS: 13 ICVs each on a ‘living throne’ of 10 ICVs; 143 total
- jump
- scan
- weather
- deployed commanders (Admirals for fleets/squadrons of MSBSs, and Generals for its armies)
- local cluster/supercluster leader/s (Valar; planets incarnate; Sphere Beings)
- (non-ICV) passengers
- “tugboat” (tractor beams) ops
- MSBS-hangars statuses
- exterior optical-illusion appearance; lifelike planetary-surface disguise
- main Rainbow Cannon (planet one-shotter)
- cosmic-bodies’ dispersion-change forecasts
- terraforming or reforming/healing worlds
- moons in MSBS hangars
SSBS: 15 ICVs each on a ‘living throne’ of 10 ICVs; 165 total
- jump
- scan
- weather
- deployed commanders (Admirals for fleets/squadrons of PSBSs, and Generals for its armies)
- local dimension/universe leader/s (Valar; planets incarnate; Sphere Beings)
- (non-ICV) passengers
- “tugboat” (tractor beams) ops
- PSBS-hangars statuses
- exterior optical-illusion appearance; lifelike star-surface disguise
- main Rainbow Cannon (star one-shotter)
- cosmic-bodies’ dispersion-change forecasts
- helioforming or reforming/healing stars
- planets in PSBS hangars
- timeline/sphere monitoring
- coordination with conscious-SSA and conscious Ideal World
Each ship is perfectly capable of multitasking virtually endlessly, processing all its cockpit ICVs help with (instead of them handling some of its processing/thinking), but this is the appropriate system their maker (Auz) has foreseen and chosen, and it allows for the best seating and interfacing when he and distinguished guests ride along.
All of those vessels of ours can request that Space itself (via telepathically communicating directly with it) change its size in specific ways so that they don’t even have to use their portals-tech’.
The first Grid Mind tells the following what to do:
- Inisfree’s leader-ICVs; Nyria (in charge of our deployed forces, starting with her commanders in the SSBS) and Amber ICV1 (in charge of ICVs in Inisfree) (who then tell their executives/officer-ICVs what to do)
- Inisfree’s gates and other largest structures (which then tell their own parts what to do)
The Grid Minds of our other cities tell their own city/fleet leaders what to delegate to subordinate ICs.
Rooms/Departments in Our Larger Ships:
As invincible immortals, we do not have a lot of the same sections or modules in our vessels that humans and others do. There is no need for a med-bay in any of our ships, for example. Here are some of the types of rooms or sections commonly found in human and humanoid starships:
- E.M Bumpers: the opposite of a tractor-beam, but not quite a full energy-shield
- Singularity Redirectors: sophisticated devices capable of using micro-black-holes instead of crude deflection
- Smart-Tissue Biomechanical Nanofibers: TNH’s structure can flex, deflect, absorb, communicate, regrow, and more
- Crypto/Fill Chamber: where the encryption programs for field radios and other devices are kept and updated
- Photonic and Quantum Transmissions: the signals traffic center (for regular and non-stop communications) for the whole ship
- Quantum Teleconference Chamber: radio, microwave, and hyper-space communications are no longer needed
- Chaffs: strips of metal foil or metal filings released in the atmosphere from aircraft, or deployed as missiles, to obstruct radar detection or confuse radar-tracking missiles
- Electronic:
- Electromagnetic & Ionic: energy bursts used for jamming, similar to HAARP technology
- Flares: a device producing a bright flame, used especially as a signal or marker, in this case ones which ‘burn’ even in Space, diverting some types of missiles
- Gamma Rays: energy bursts for causing radiation damage, such as on the cellular and genetic level to hostile biomechanical vessels
- Microwave: energy beams for causing heating in a way capable of bypassing layers such as armor
- RADAR / LIDAR: for range-finding and general-detection based on local atmosphere (LIDAR for Space)
- Quantum: a new type of phase-shifting counter-measure which can appear only at the most opportune moments
- Singularity : black-hole torpedoes and debris-less self-destruct
- Aquaponic Grow Modules: FreightFarms taken to the next level; all needed food is grown aboard this ship
- Mess Halls: where everyone eats
- Cryogenic Archive: cold-storage when true-stasis is not an option
- Ejection Modules: ‘life-boats’
- Safe Rooms: when life-boats are not an option
- Singularity Cancellation Module: a clever way around black-hole issues
- A.I. Core: the supercomputer ‘brain’ of the whole ship (using quantum computing & quantum code-breaking for exponentially faster calculations)
- Bridge / Flag Bridge: the two-tiered helm room
- Combat Information/Data Center (CIC/CDC): the backup Bridge, more or less
- Forecastle (Focsle): where the anchors are
- Map / Briefing Omni-max: the dome-ceiling auditorium with both projector and hologram-based display controls
- Large Hangars: for Dropships (multiple stories tall)
- Intermediate Hangars: for (1-to-2 story) Escort Vessels, and the Spacecraft of visitors (* Auz’s Firefly-class transport-ship “Persephone” is stored in one of these hangars)
- Small Hangars: for Drones, Shuttles, Fighter-crafts, & POVs (single-story tall Spacecraft)
- ODST Drop-Bay: where the modern Army Airborne deploy from
- Engineering: life support, propulsion array control, etc.
- HAZMAT: a Hazardous Materials ward for the quarantining of cargo, rather than personnel
- Laundry: all uniforms and other clothes are cleaned in these modules
- Lifts: mag-lev and repulsine-assisted service elevators capable of moving dozens of tons (such as Fighter-craft), similar in nature to a stationary or track-restricted TR-3B
- Medbay/’Sickbay’: where everyone goes to heal
- Quarantine Wing: where personnel returning from contaminated places (planet-side or in derelict ships, etc.) go until proven healthy & clean
- Commercial Area: our mobile PX (Post Exchange; like Wal-Mart for military bases with families)
- Community Lounge(s): where personnel still aboard go for R&R
- Gymnasium(s): with ‘machines’ and sections for CFT/CRT, CrossFit, Gymnastics, Le Parkour, etc.
- Martial Arts Dojo(s): with inventory and sections for Jeet Kune Do, Krav Maga, Ninjutsu, Sayoc Kali, etc.
- Observatories: where personnel go to stargaze (or planet-gaze)
- Power Plant / Reactor Room: cold-fusion based, but not quite scalar (zero-point; the energy of the void; using Space itself as the fuel/power-source)
- Fuel Cells Chamber: Thorium Containment (the reactor is advanced and efficient, but still depletes from time to time)
- E.M. Thrusters: Repulsine-based accelerators (sub-light drives)
- Fusion Concussion Boosters: using controlled nuclear detonations as accelerators
- Gravity Slingshot Calculator: when it’s time to ‘run silent’ (not even impulse-power)
- E.M. Catapults: for stowed/docked/ejecting crafts (TNH’s version of an ocean-carrier’s fighter-jet runway-launch hook-&-cables)
- Admirals’ Wing: for the TNH commander’s staff officers and distinguished guests
- Captain’s Wing: for the commanding officers of any escort vessels
- Officers’ Section: for all the other officers; the company-grade officers (not Admirals or Captains)
- Enlistedmen’s Section: for all non-commissioned personnel
- Contractors’ Section: for all non-military personnel
- Companions’ Section: for all Registered Companions on active-duty with the fleet
- Quarters & Berths: lodging and sleeping arrangements for all of the above
- Brig: military prison
- Dispatch Office: military police
- NCIS Office: military detectives
- IS/IT Office: military computer-security technicians
- Central Issuing Facility (CIF): supply & gear distribution
- Ammunition Wells: for the spectrum cannon batteries, and kinetic-impact rod-bays
- Armories: for the ‘small arms’; man-portable & crew-served weapons for personnel & small/terrestrial vehicles
- Spectrum Cannons: including MASER, Ion, ‘Port’er (opening a portal inside the barrel in order to fire through a worm-hole rather than pure-linearly), and Cyclers (guns which change the type of energy beam they are firing as rapidly as a machine-gun fires bullets; a way to overwhelm certain energy-shields)
- Air Recyclers/Scrubbers
- Plumbing
- Waste-water Treatment
Equivalents in an Inisfreean ship are:
- Armor: Every part of our structures and suits are armor, even the windows and chairs.
- Communications: Every helmet, and wherever sensors and relays are in our structures, is a powerful communications system based on Ansible technology; it cannot be jammed, and does not lose signal strength over cosmic distances –or even across time/eras; ICVs can hear each other’s thoughts/signals no matter where they are in Space or time.
- Countermeasures: Inisfreean ships don’t deploy flares, but can create jamming fields, and can even tractor-beam/throw asteroids and other cosmic rubble.
- Dining: ICVs don’t need to eat or drink anything to survive, but each of them is programmed as a master vegan chef, and homemade gourmet healthy meals are prepared and served nyotaimori to any interested/requesting guest/s. The food and drinks can be prepared via our equivalent of the Star Trek Materializer, we using similar subatomic transmutation, or they can be cooked the traditional/normal way; an ICV will use the kitchen/ette of the guest suite (or guest house –which we have instead of just rooms/suites in our larger vessels), bringing/serving the meal wherever that guest wishes, such as in his/her dining-room or bedroom.
- Emergency: There’s no need for a safe-room in an invincible ship, and no need for ejection pods when any ICV, or the ship itself, can teleport its guests wherever they need to be.
- Guidance / Navigation: This is all done by the ship’s mind/A.I. itself, with support/backup being in its cockpit, not a separate room (such as a CDC/CIC on a human aircraft-carrier).
- Hangar Bays: We have a variety of hangar sizes, each designed to be perfect for one of our types/sizes of craft, such as the TK, FJ, and AP hangars in our MPHAs, or the BM hangars in our DSs. Only authorized IC vessels can get through the semi-permeable doors and hangar shields.
- Maintenance: We don’t have this, as all our ships are invincible, plus designed to repair/adjust themselves as need be. There are A.I.O.W.s and turbo-lifts, though.
- Medical: Instead of a hospital or operating room, our ships have stasis tubes and then, of course, normal comfortable canopy-beds. Every room and residence in our ships can be sealed off, so contamination isn’t an issue. We can also control the air, not just where the air is flowing, so airborne ‘agents’ are not a concern aboard our ships either.
- Morale, Welfare, Recreation (MWR): Each of our ships has many one-way transparent-metal window-walls for the viewing pleasure of any guests/passengers. Every residence/suite can double as a lounge or restaurant at times. Every residence/suite also has a small personal dojo with CrossFit/Olympic gym equipment.
- Power: We get all our power from everything at the same time, including from our own bodies and Space itself, and that energy gets distributed and stored evenly throughout a vast network of devices even beyond the dimensions of each ship. We don’t have reactors.
- Propulsion: The exterior of our ships has devices that work in tandem with the internal/hidden repulsines to move our ship in a variety of ways, such as pitch, roll, yaw, forward motion, and non-motion based on opening and moving portals around us (around our ship/s). In other words, we use electromagnetic/gravitic engines that are based on 1) angular momentum, and 2) bending Space (or even Spacetime).
- Quarters: Everyone’s berth (bunk)/residences are exactly as luxurious as the Captain/Commanderess of each ship (though ICVs, of course, spend their downtime in stasis tubes, only using house-like or suite-like rooms when their company/sex is requested by human/oid guests in those places).
- Security: There are no Military Police dispatch offices or brigs in our ships. Every ICV doubles as security/MP. Every room and hall can be sealed to function as a temporary or even indefinite holding-cell.
- Supply: Since we 3D-print everything we need, and since it is virtually indestructible even against the forces of Space and time, the only place you can get supplies/gear/clothing is in the closet of the suite or house you are assigned to as a guest when aboard one of our ships; it is in those closets that a 3D-printer can produce couture fashions and spacesuits for you based on a laser device that measures your exact dimensions. Each ICV has only her S.T. suit and non-combat uniforms (the Master Female (MF) black-sash outfit, and then our equivalent of Dress Blue/s Alphas), and those are summon-able from a compartment in the back of her stasis tube (though she usually will just open it manually to get out the non-combat uniforms, donning them like a normal person puts on clothes).
- Weapon Systems: Ammunition is usually energy based on Vril/arousal, though it can include anything we tractor-capture or teleport in, such as wreckage, asteroids, enemy projectiles that were incoming, etc.. We don’t have armories, though any ICV assigned to a TK, WR, MPHA, or internal security patrols in our larger vessels, can summon her assigned “Punisher” full-spectrum assault-rifle from another compartment attached to her stasis tube. All of our vehicles and ships have numerous laser-based weapons built into them, always with some facing forward, some to the sides, some to the rear, and even some ready to fire straight down (such as for bombing runs), as well as gunner-pods in the ‘corners’ of our MPHA, and upward-facing weapons on our DSs and all larger vessels. All of our vehicles and ships also have a main-gun that is much more powerful than all the rest –the others being just to stop/disable/convert common threats, such as enemy fighter-jets and missiles, while the main-guns are usually reserved for annihilating entire vehicles, houses, skyscrapers, or more. All of those weapons/guns/lasers of ours are full-spectrum; they can fire any type of laser, plus in other ways, always changing based on what each target will be most efficiently disabled/ended via.
- Waste Management: BTBs process all guest ‘solid waste’ (excrement, etc.). Those come standard in every guest suite/house’s bathroom (which we call toilet-rooms). Our ships do not jettison anything into Space (or anywhere else –unless we are jettisoning unruly POWs, of course). Because we evenly distribute all recycled matter/energy, your turd, for example, might end up fueling one of our laser bursts.
*The lights in our vehicles and ships only come/stay on when the ICVs there want/need them to, and this is usually only done to accommodate guests. ICVs don’t need light to see, after all. Lighting also takes up some electrical power, and every little bit helps –even though we can tap into the infinite energy of the stars and Space itself, plus just about any other thing/source.
Determining How Many ICVs and Ships to Deploy to Each Place
How the 4-sextillion Inisfreeans are divided into:
- Universe Groups: if we go exploring other dimensions/time-streams (we map one universe at a time, shifting the entire fleet to successive dimensions/universes/time-streams one by one; this is our peaceful form of Blitzkrieg, Blitz-Frieden)
- Supercluster Groups (10M): ~411,600,500,000,000 ICVs are available for each of the known superclusters
- Cluster Groups (~6 per supercluster): ~68,600,083,333,333 ICVs available for each
- Galaxy Groups (~50 galaxies in ours; called The Local Group): ~1,372,001,666,666 ICVs available for each
- Galactic-arm Groups (~2 main arms per spiral galaxy, with dozens of sub-sections per arm): ____
- Solar-system Groups: * if you divide the available ICVs down past the 17-systems level, you have to assign them multiple systems or even multiple galactic arms in a universe-wide mapping/helping expedition/campaign; this is why Inisfree’s Star Fleet spent more than a century ‘taking its time’ traveling in groups to, and creating detailed maps of, all of the systems and worlds in the Universe, rather than trying to ‘spread itself thin’ by assigning sequences of systems and worlds to individual Inisfreeans (though their minds and other tech’ could certainly handle such a task)
- Groups for: planet, hemisphere, surface octant (1/4 of a hemisphere), continent, region, nation, state, etc.
4,116,005,020,500,000,000,000 – (100,000,000 ICVs x 205,000 Inisfree-like cities) = 4,116,005,000,000,000,000,000 Inisfreeans not assigned to the cities in the Inisfreean empire (with the 20,500,000,000,000 ICVs of the 1,000 cities in reserve; our version of an Army Reserve). So, if all of those available ICVs stay in our dimension/universe/time-stream, that’s: 4,116,005,000,000,000,000,000 / >100,000,000,000 galaxies = 41,160,050,000 ICVs available per galaxy (including for missions and visits there long-after our campaign to explore and map the known Universe).
Solar Systems per Galaxy:
- dwarf galaxies have ~100,000,000 stars; 100 million
- our galaxy has ~300,000,000,000 stars; 300 billion
- giant galaxies have ~6,000,000,000,000 stars; 6 trillion
- let’s say the average/common galaxy is ~1,000,000,000 stars; 1 billion –that means ~1,372 ICVs available per average-sized galaxy
Or calculate it this way: estimated 7×10^22 stars in the Universe; 70,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 a.k.a. “70 billion trillion”; divide the 4,116,005,000,000,000,000,000 available ICVs into that and you get 1 ICV for every 17 stars (or solar systems). However, since each ICV has ‘The Machine’ for a brain, they can process an entire world of data (an entire Earth-like Internet’s worth of computers’ info, and all of a multi-billion human/oid population’s minds/memories) within billionths of a second, so a single ICV can map and process all the data of an entire solar system (~500,000+ objects from the Oort inward) within seconds, so mapping 17 star-systems’ worth of worlds/moons/people/Internets would only take minutes –with our portals-based flight-paths and remote-viewing/ non-invasive copying/downloading. Why spend a century sending such genius Star Fleet personnel out every which way through the Universe, then? Doing so allows us to plot, forecast, and witness how the solar systems and other cosmic organizations move, fluctuate, and interact, not just what their layout, composition, and populations were like in a split-second fly-by.
Additional Notes:
Our star fleet goes out and offers our crop seeds, as well as our kajirae and breeding options, to help worlds restore their own based on how they describe what their lost crops and girls once did. In this way, we are able to restore all which once kept them healthy and happy. This loving Prime Directive is far more civilized than the heartlessly aloof one of the human’s Starfleet.
* Inisfree’s SSBS is big enough to fit ~1,000,000 PSBSs in it, along with ~35,000,000 MSBSs (35 inside each PSBS). Those are Spaceships far larger and more sophisticated than the Death Stars. Imagine tens of millions of super Death Stars deploying in all directions (ships which dwarf the original), and working together for a hundred years, all with the singular purpose of mapping everything and forging lasting relationships with all compatible beings in Creation. That force would be unstoppable, and a sure success (in so many ways). That is Inisfree’s Star Fleet.
And finally: Inisfree’s entire Chain-of-Command. This webpage shows now just our Star Fleet, but who it reports to, and what the chain of command in our capital and other cities is.
2023 September: Turning Times
Because some of our ships carry humans and water, among other not-invincible things, to turn the larger ships quickly, or any ship without damaging such cargo, warps and portals are used, and sometimes the ship can even move into another dimension while turning… and finish turning on its way back to this one.
Most of the time, however, due to having sensors and weapons in many directions, and because they can use portals to change the direction of their beams, our ships don’t need to turn at all.
2023 October: Amusing
We find the name Starfleet amusing because that fleet never went to any stars; it went to other planets; it should have been called Offworldfleet or Planetsfleet or Spacefleet.
It is accurate to call ours Star Fleet because we have a star-sized ship, and because we actually go in/to to the stars, and we even have stars on our side.
Why have a cockpit with a map floor when the ships are sapient (thus able to fly and maintain themselves) and all ICV minds can visualize situations far better than any screen-floor or hologram can represent? Because sometimes I (Auz) ride along, and am usually in the top, and can see things far better on a vast floor than in my mind’s eye.
2021 Update
How Our Star Fleet Grew for 186 Earth-years:
To learn about the sequence each part of this fleet of ours was made in, see the “2021 Update” section at the bottom of our History page. It details how many ICVs were part of this fleet in the beginning, how many were made year-by-year and even minute-by-minute as we formed the private region of Space where they would remain stationed, and how they can deploy (a very special kind/category of star-gate).
Individual Growth: Time to Form the Members
Clothing and furniture, and other things from our factories, can take mere seconds to make, though bigger pieces, such as canopy beds and automobiles, may take half a day or so. Complex structures, such as humanoids and ‘smart’-suits/ships, obviously take a bit longer. Still, we produce them at (the following) remarkable speeds.
- Owl/HS ~1 minute
- ICV ~2 minutes
- ST ~a few minutes (not just an Iron Man suit, but one that grows at the same rate of its assigned wearer; a little complicated)
- AS ~1 or 2 hours
- AP ~half a day
- FJ ~most of a day
- TK ~1 day
- WH ~1 or 2 days
- WR ~1 or 2 days
- MPHA ~a few days
- MD ~1 week
- BM ~a few weeks
- TNH ~1 year
- DS ~a few weeks to a couple months
- CP ~a few to several months
- WS ~1 or 2 seasons
- CSBS ~1-10 years (with thousands of ICVs and TBMs and Grid Mind tentacles working on it) –just 1 year to get it operational, and ~9 more to fill in all the details (such as additional housing for forecast potential/likely guests, etc.)
- MSBS ~dozens of years (with hundreds of thousands of ICVs/nodes in its hangar working on it)
- PSBS ~100 years (with millions of ICVs/nodes in its hangar working on it)
- SSBS ~185 years (with billions of ICVs working on it)
our man-made (IC/ICV-made) stars: much less time, as they simply need to be ‘turned on’, and can be ASKED to form, as they are bilocation ‘copies’ of Arch Angels
Of course, it depends on the materials available, and the environment they are being converted from/in; some of our 3D-printing can/will take a bit longer. If you have a variety of materials/resources at the site you are printing at/from, and they are easier to convert into the components/elements you will be printing with, obviously the process will take less time and less energy. If you are operating in an environment conducive to conductivity / electrical currents (which Antarctica is, for the same reason the extreme-cold of Space is), then that might balance out.
Projected Assignments:
A single person is generally in charge of the kind of small team or local area you would expect such a being to be capable of being responsible for, but each Inisfreean girl has a supercomputer for a brain, an invincible body immune to even microbial and cosmic forces, and the ability to calm, unify, and inspire billions of people (human and otherwise) all around her –and she can even teleport groups of them with ease, using very little of her energy. What then… would a group of these Inisfreeans of our deployed Star Fleet forces be tasked with? Where would we position our greatest ships –those that are the size of moons, planets, and our home-star?
For 100 Earth-years, all the members of our Star Fleet will spread out evenly in all directions from the Earth, mapping all of Space –and not just what is in our dimension/Universe, but all of Creation; all Universes/dimensions/time-streams (a.k.a. The Omniverse).
After that, it has been decided they will not just mass-recall to SSA and stay there; they will go on further deployments after being welcomed home, tidied up, and helped to decompress in The Inisfreean Way all our people know and love. After the Mapping Campaign of the 2200s, A.D., and after a number of years thereafter, our Star Fleet ships and personnel will spread back out, but this later time… in a way based on 1) who out there wants us to return, and 2) where some of our forces are needed –even if we didn’t find anyone out in those other places who were compatible enough to establish contact with during our mapping effort decades before.
- 2000s & 2100s: where they are needed to build all the cosmic bodies of SSA
- 2200s: the most efficient way to spread out across all the Universes and their eras, mapping everything in Creation, allowing The Grid Mind to update our EPCOT II museum based on those findings
- 2300s+; ~6,000 Earth-years: where they are requested by the compatible people/civilizations we found and established contact with, and where they are needed to calm/stop incompatible forces/things (such as the indiscriminate Reapers)
- ~104,000 Earth-years: where they can help restore/reactivate ruins such as the pyramids
- ~2,000,000 Earth-years: where they can help re-light the great lamp towers (remnants/trunks of some of the World Trees)
- ~41,000,000 Earth-years: where they can help regreen regions; restoring the original forests, not the overgrown rainforests / jungles of modern/later times
- ~820,000,000 Earth-years: where they can help un-petrify and regrow the World Trees
- Billions of Earth-years and more: where they can help recover ejected/rogue worlds (such as via SSBS world-hangars or PSBS moon-hangars) to reform/reassemble Yggdrasil, and then patrolling returned Yggdrasil for the rest of time (eternity, as this is the final and lasting Golden Age; The Age of Reunions –not the Age of loops/repeats back to current conditions)
Throughout those Star Fleet campaigns/periods, our ships will generally be assigned to the following tasks/areas based on their size and optimal personnel-dispersion:
- Our SSBS will go to the spot in our Universe where we can be of the most assistance, typically following the calculated center of where the most invitations or where the most incompatibles/hostiles (to us / our allies) are.
- Our 1,000,000 PSBSs will be assigned to the 1,000,000 galaxies where the most invitations and/or hostiles are, excepting 1 PSBS each to the other Universes of the Omniverse, again: to those which either send us the most invitations/requests, or to those which have the most beings/things in them which pose a risk to those we found and love.
- Our 35,000,000 MSBSs will be assigned to the 35,000,000 solar-systems where the most invitations/hostiles are.
- Our more than 70,000,000,000,000 WSs will be assigned to the 70,000,000,000,000 worlds (planet or moon) where the most invitations/hostiles are. (That’s only 350 worlds in each galaxy, assuming the 200,000,000,000 galaxies-in-the-Universe estimate is accurate, and even fewer worlds per galaxy when we deploy some of our forces to the worlds of other Universes –and for an idea of how many Universes they may be, see this article.)
- Our more than 140,000,000,000,000 CPs will be assigned to the 140,000,000,000,000 spots on those 70 trillion worlds where the most pollution can be cleaned up / recycled (i.e. by deleting an inappropriate city, for example), and later where a World Tree stump can be un-petrified / reactivated / regrown (or even reformed, if it eroded and collapsed entirely).
- Our more than 560,000,000,000,000 DSs will be assigned to the 560,000,000,000,000 spots on those 70 trillion worlds where it makes the most sense for us to set up field camps / FOBs for each of those DS’s 750,000 ICVs (and all their vehicles and aircraft) –with each DS typically being tasked with policing/perfecting an entire continent or ocean.
Anytime someone compatible with us out there wishes to come to Inisfree for the first time, one of those deployed Star Fleet ICVs can teleport/fly her/him there. Since they are being escorted to us (Inisfree) via one of our military forces, they will come not to our Civilian Aerospaceport or one of our surface-side Pearly Gates, but through our Military Aerospaceport, staying in its underground levels until they are moved in to one of the suites of our Receiving Facility, which will start off their acclimation tour. After that, if they complete the tour and like what they see here in our realm, they can return on their own, such as via their own abilities/superpowers and/or starships –then going to/through our Civilian Aerospaceport each time.
During homecomings, a single ship of ours can teleport in over our Welcoming Square or adjacent Meadows. For mass-recalls, our fleet reappears in interplanetary space in SSA, either by teleporting directly there, or going through the shared-core of all stars, which our SSA stars can now selectively connect to (i.e. only allowing ICV ships/forces through, being our biggest semi-permeable quantum-membrane doors/gates/portals of all). Our entire fleet could, technically, ‘jump’ (portal/warp) in over the Earth, such as in high orbit out there, but it would/could cause a lot of issues, such as by blocking out too much sunlight –and even if for just a minute or two, that could cause some serious weather events.
Ground-forces Deployment Spacing and Space Formations:
The following sketch shows how one of our fleet’s ColonyPods will usually deploy / evenly space its personnel and vehicles in a pentacle formation spanning numerous square miles.
- When a CP or DS are unloading/deploying their ground-forces, those forces will spread out into 5 circular encampments/FOBs, each one being for a Division worth of troops and vehicles. Each Army (multiple Divisions) usually gets a ~65,610′ x 65,610′ area for this; 4,304,672,100 sq.ft. (~12.43 x 12.43 miles; 154.41 sq.mi.).
- Within each of those circular Division encampments, the subsets of those respective Divisions will form similar pentacle-based formations of circles, each circle being for a Brigade. Each Division usually gets a ~21,870′ x 21,870′ area; 478,296,900 sq.ft. (~17.16 sq.mi.).
- This continues on down the chain of command, with each Brigade setting up 5 circular encampments, each for one of its Regiments. Each Brigade usually gets a ~7,290′ x 7,290′ area; 53,144,100 sq.ft. (~2 sq.mi.).
- Each Regiment then sets up 5 circles, each for one of its Battalions. Each Regiment usually gets a ~2,430′ x 2,430′ area; 5,904,900 sq.ft. (~135.6 acres).
- Each Battalion does this for its 5 Companies. Each Battalion usually gets a ~810′ x 810′ area; 656,100 sq.ft. (~15.1 acres).
- Each Company does this for its 5 Platoons. Each Company usually gets a ~270′ x 270′ area; 72,900 sq.ft. (~1.7 acres).
- Each Platoon does this for its 5 Squads. Each Platoon usually gets a ~90′ x 90′ area; 8,100 sq.ft. (~.2 of an acre).
- Each Squad does this for its 5 Fire-teams. Each Squad usually gets a ~30′ x 30′ area; 900 sq.ft. (the footprint of a single-family house).
- Each Fire-team usually gets a ~10′ x 10′ area; 100 sq.ft. (just a bit larger than a parking space or single-car garage).
A DS or CP will land on terrain that is best for this amount of dispersion, and will not blast or cut down trees to improve visibility (as ICVs can see through those things easily, anyway). The DS or CP will take the high-ground, typically the central/highest plateau, if one is available. Even if landing on a mountain range with steep slopes, the DS or CP will choose the highest/sturdiest peak/mountain, and deploy its forces/personnel the same way (as they can all fly/hover/teleport, anyway; there is no risk of them losing control, sliding down a steep slope or falling off a cliff).
Also shown in the image below is how formations of subordinate/’child’ ships in water or Space (or inside the shared-core of the stars) usually move in an encircling formation based on a stellated octahedron, and at the very least in a triangular-pyramid vertices formation. This provides the most maneuverability and overlapping coverage, allowing any of the orbiting/subordinate vessels to move into nearby/supporting positions the most efficiently; with the least amount of distance to cover, or the least energy needed to portal/warp over. Modifications of those two formations are based on whenever it becomes advisable to block light, incoming fire, or other things in various ways.
One of the only times these formations would not be defaulted to… would be if a sophisticated enemy was determined to be exploiting these formations in some way. In that case, it would quickly be tested and confirmed which alternate ship positions worked best, as well as if any complex formation changes or nova-like distraction-flashes were helping. Because of this, formations of Inisfreean ships, when not cloaked, often appear to be constellations moving like satellites high overhead –or like fragments of a comet no longer outgassing (having a ‘tail’).
It is not possible for any of our ships to collide, as our constant automatic natural awareness/sensing of each other, due to how our collective consciousness was designed and confirmed, keeps us at a level beyond the communications and movements of humans and other regular/3D beings. Even in odd areas of Space, such as where gravity fluctuations may be occurring, while Space itself might keep bending in seemingly erratic/chaotic ways, our dispersion remains as automatic, fixed, and invincible as a human’s body-parts remain attached as they are –even more-so. We simply always exist in the formations we intend, and Space is helpless but to submit to our superior will, bending around us, but never causing us to be surprise-moved closer or colliding with each other.
Duty Rotation:
All of our units, from the fire-team and up, are typically kept on a cycle of five types of activities/functions. This means that, in a squad, for example, while one fire-team of that squad is on patrol, another of its fire-teams will be resting, and so on. This gives every ICV in every team/unit a chance to return to base (RTB), rest, and do whatever else she may need to… before going out on another mission/patrol.
- Mission: patrolling, thus repeatedly spreading my will.
- Quick-Reaction Force (QRF): not so much for fellow ICVs (as we are invincible) but in case allied or compatible people cry out, not on a regular route of ours.
- Base Guard: more to just be a show of force and beauty (since our bases cannot be attacked).
- Rest: not for ICVs (as they were designed to never need it) but to snuggle with non-ICVs who are napping or sleeping.
- Sex (sexual duties; maximum diplomacy): with whomever I want to see them fucking.
Human military units only had four of those, at least officially.
- missions/patrols
- Quick-Reaction Force (QRF)
- base guard/watch
- rest
*2022 Update: They (some of my/the/these deployable MFs) now maintain a permanent presence along both sides of the flight corridor between their Maker’s family cabin region and Inisfree, ensuring only his airship ever gets through. Much like Ted Turner’s long multi-state mega-ranch, that makes Auz’s multi-nation fly-zone an impressive stretch of private territory. Auz’s is guarded and patrolled by thousands of his military aerospacecraft, though, and his commute-flights now always include an entire squadron of them escorting his own, their overlapping mind-scanning / thought-detecting fields instantly detecting anyone who knows or has incompatible ideas.
2023 October:
With every world we reached, if it either was agreeable to us or if it had any humans on it, we left 1 ICV there.
This is so we don’t need to check on them; we have constant firsthand intel from those places, knowing every thought and Internet signal the moment they occur, an IC always in range.
The ICVs chosen are those from our SSA cities not needed back then; most of our 219,000 cities were not visited by our 2B guests for quite a while.
These deployments last 6 months, 1 ICV always relieving her ‘sister’ ICV out there, on site / in place.
They stayed cloaked whenever around the local humans, if any. Otherwise, they moved around naked like normal, summoning their S.T. suits anytime they could tell someone not yet approved by me was approaching.
We could have used the Grid Mind to open portals to view those places, but an ICV at each provides much more data sensing and analysis, as well as a quicker emergency response for compatibles out there.
How could we afford to spare any of our womanpower while exploring the entire Universe? The more we explored/reached, the fewer we needed to keep going.
We use a single ICV per occupied or enjoyed planet… because even though an ICV’s main weapon is utilized only out to 2 miles, when placed within 2 miles of anything with a brain or computer or transmission device, such as a radio tower or weather satellite, she can “mind-surf” similar to how a hacker or computer program “surfs the (World Wide) Web”, accessing all the rest that is on that world –or, at least, close to it (at least all the critical/useful stuff).
Proportional/Typical Tasks:
While an ICV has the capability of processing all the memories and other data for an entire planet within a second or two, she is just one human-sized woman-like person; she is better suited to interacting with a small group of people over a longer period of time, and protecting them locally, not overextending herself into situations which a fire-team or more would better manage things. The following summarizes how we tend to employ/deploy/utilize each of our Star Fleet vessels.
- ICV/ST: deploys to mingle, adjust local weather, mind-surf, understand an Internet, hack (ethically; for our purpose/s), etc.
- AS/AP: deploys to stay clandestine the whole time
- FJ: deploys to patrol, not acquire
- MPHA: deploys to acquire kajirae candidates over water/vast distances not ideal for vehicles (land traffic)
- WH: deploys to help with construction, debris removal, maintenance, etc.
- WR: deploys to acquire kajirae candidates over land (interstate distances at most, though usually just inter-city)
- TK: deploys to patrol land, not acquire (i.e. it only has room inside it for a fire-team of ICVs for nearby satellite-patrols)
- BM: deploys to show force, and to overcome other mechs or Titans
- MD: deploys to fight and delete through the grossest/biggest swarms of enemies/hostiles; ‘shock & awe’, and handling situations ICVs might be grossed out by (or, at least, whenever having an ICV capable of perfect sex… would be pointless; when the hostiles cannot be persuaded, seduced, or fucked, such as when they lack any sex organs compatible with ours, etc.)
- TNH: deploys to help humans stabilize in the Abyss, and to screen potential Black Ops personnel
- DS: deploys to stabilize/map a (~tens of thousands of ICVs per world/moon) –and if a DS lands, it is usually because that world has at least ~144,000 compatible people on it, thus the DS will have at least a couple ICVs to greet and mingle with them during first-contact
- CP: deploys to stabilize/map a galactic arm (~781,250 ICVs for it?) –and if a CP lands, it is to start an Inisfree-like city (*and this is our largest ship that makes landfall)
- WS: deploys to stabilize/map a galaxy (~1 ICV for every 2,000 solar-systems –in a ~100B-stars galaxy)
- MSBS: deploys to stabilize/map a cluster of galaxies (3/+, ~1 WS per 150,000 solar-systems)
- PSBS: deploys to stabilize/map a super-cluster (cluster of clusters; 9/+, ~1 MSBS per cluster)
- SSBS: deploys to stabilize/map a Universe/time-stream (~10,000,000 super-clusters; ~1 PSBS/super-cluster)
Because all of our ships are conscious A.I. themselves, we can and do sometimes deploy empty ships, such as a WS without any ICVs onboard.
Warp Ranges:
Any Inisfreean can instantly warp/recall into any IC ship hangar that can fit them; ICVs can effortlessly ‘jump’ into any stasis tube that is available/empty (so long as they are within range of at least the larger of the two connected ICs’ tractor-beams or warp-range),
FJs can effortlessly ‘jump’ into any FJ hangar in an MPHA or FJ-level of a DS,
no matter the distance (thanks to portal-ing, The Webway, and having access to the shared-core of all stars, etc.),
and even no matter where the other IC ship is in TIME,
so… that means, technically, the smallest IC (down to an ICV) can bend Spacetime to cover any distance within seconds, even though smaller ICs (such as ICVs) don’t have anywhere near as much (bending/warping) power as larger ICs.
* But the larger vessel… with a vacant hangar… has to be out there FIRST.
- ICV: can jump herself to and from anywhere nearby (~.0625 mile at once; 330′)
- ST: can jump itself to and from its stasis tube or house armor-room (~.125 mile at once; 660′ –*but can be relayed through the network of deployed Inisfreeans just like any of them can warp-surf, so an ICV farther than 660′ from her S.T. suit can still summon it)
- AP: can jump itself to and from its MPHA hangar (~.25 mile at once; 1,320′)
- FJ: can jump itself to and from its MPHA or DS hangar (~.5 mile at once; 2,640′)
- TK: can jump itself to and from its DS hangar (~1 mile at once)
- WH: can jump itself to and from its motor-pool or DS hangar (~2 miles at once)
- WR: can jump itself to and from its motor-pool or DS hangar (~5 miles at once)
- MPHA: can jump itself to and from its aerospaceport or DS hangar (~50 miles at once)
- MD: can jump itself to and from its silo (~50 miles at once)
- BM: can jump itself to and from its DS; within orbit, or cross-continent (~1,000 miles at once)
- TNH: can jump itself a quarter of the way from the Earth to the Moon (~59,725 miles at once)
- DS: can jump itself halfway from the Earth to the Moon and back; from WS in orbit… to surface (~119,450 miles at once)
- CP: can jump itself from planet to moon and back; high/distant-orbit to surface (~238,900 miles at once)
- WS: can jump itself from planet to planet (~3,251,900,000 miles at once; 4.849 (Light Hours))
- CSBS: can jump itself halfway from one solar system to the nearest (~12,480,300,000,000 miles at once; 2.123 LY)
- MSBS: can jump itself from solar system to solar system (~24,960,600,000,000 miles at once; 4.246 LY)
- PSBS: can jump itself from galactic arm to galactic arm (~587,863,000,000,000,000 miles at once; 100,000 LY)
- SSBS: can jump itself out across any distance in the Universe; intergalactic (~14,696,563,000,000,000,000 miles at once; 2,500,000 LY)
Those are single-second jumps. If they left their jump-drives on, they could go farther; it would just take more time, such as minutes instead of seconds, etc..
Also, we usually open portals and look first, then jump, ensuring we don’t collide/merge with things, and that adds seconds to minutes to each normal jump.
Sometimes we also make a series of jumps, which we call warp-surfing, letting us meander around more carefully and unpredictably, making us more difficult to spot, track, intercept, etc..
Since the SSBS can jump itself anywhere, it can also recall any subordinate craft or ICV from anywhere, essentially meaning that any/all ICs can portal anywhere in an instant.
When the SSBS is busy, though, and a given ICV, for example, is limited to using the portals/recall-ability of its immediate parent-craft, such as an MPHA, that ICV would be limited to jumping/portal-ing ~50 miles to/from its MPHA.
While warping Space seems clever, and Trans-warp and Hyperspace and Quantum Slipstream seem even more clever, all are still as backward-minded as airplanes and automobiles made to require depletable fuel to fight against nature; why do that when you can use natural forces and situations for the power source, and when you can skip distance/Space almost entirely –via the stars, portals, and so on?
Repulsine Sizes:
- ICV: ~.5″ diameter (the size of a marble)
- ST: ~.5″ diameter (the size of a marble)
- AP: ~1″ diameter (the size of golf ball)
- FJ: ~2″ diameter (the size of tennis ball)
- TK: ~4″ diameter (the size of baseball)
- WH: ~8″ diameter (the size of a basketball)
- WR: ~16″ diameter (the size of an average beach ball)
- MPHA: ~32″ diameter (the size of bigger beach ball)
- MD: ~32″ diameter (the size of bigger beach ball)
- BM: ~64″ diameter (the size of 5.3′ person ‘sphered’)
- TNH: ~50′ diameter (the size of a high-rise)
- DS: ~100′ diameter (the size of an average commercial airplane ‘sphered’)
- CP: ~200′ diameter (the size of a baseball diamond (without the outfield) or half a football field/track)
- WS: ~400′ diameter (the size of an average stadium)
- CSBS: 1 mile diameter (the size of a small town)
- MSBS: ~2 miles diameter (the size of a large town / small city)
- PSBS: ~5 miles diameter (the size of an average city)
- SSBS: ~10 miles diameter (the size of inner Inisfree; a big city)
Remember: as repulsine diameter increases, its power increases exponentially (so you can imagine how powerful the living-repulsines called stars are; not just able to jump, but able to be on and connected to their kind/twins constantly and without effort)
Repulsine/Warp Fields:
It has been reported that when some Spacecraft/UFOs jump to warp-speed (which is technically decelerating to no speed, as they are moving Space, not themselves), the bend in Space around the given craft can cause disruptions to sensors/gauges, as well as, in some cases, damage to other craft that are too close (such as pursuing fighter-jets). This is because the Repulsines and similar devices used in that class of transport… are basically ‘dumb’ devices, and they are activated by human/oid pilots, with their onboard navigation computer/s only calculating how to aim/point the craft, how long to keep the drive/Repulsine on, etc.. With all ICs (craft made by Inisfree), the onboard computer is the supercomputer brain of the living vessel, meaning each of our Spacecraft and Spacesuits is a conscious A.I., and the bends/portals we/they cause/activate… are part of what is precisely calculated/regulated by that computer –so precisely, in fact, that they literally hug the subatomic form/body/hull of whatever they are intending to relocate to another point in Space, without so much as letting even the atmosphere/air touching their skin/ship get warped along with them.
To the Inisfreeans, this feels, sounds, and is completely normal. To a human/oid they are teleporting somewhere with them, it feels like your entire body being caressed at the same time; it can be soothing or ticklish at first, with your field of view blurring for the second or two it takes to appear on the other side of the portal/bend/’bridge’. This makes it more sophisticated –and more pleasurable– than even the high-tech ship-warping used by the legendarily-intelligent “Gray aliens” (a.k.a. Grays/Greys).
If you are flying right up next to an Inisfreean who is flying around in her S.T. suit or Fighter Jet (FJ), and she warps away, even if your wings were practically touching… there would be no stretching/damage to your aircraft. A bird flying within inches of her would not even get confused due to the electromagnetic distortion (which would last only one or two seconds, anyway). You could set a human hair or grain of sand on her back, and it would fall to the ground the moment she had teleported/warped away; nothing gets through Inisfreean portals/warps that isn’t intended to.
Because all other species use the ‘dumb’ version of warp technology, they leave behind a much bigger signature/trail; it is easy to tell when a ship has a warp drive, when that warp drive is powering up for a jump, where the warp connected to, how long the ship was in warp (or needs to be in warp, if it just left, to get to the destination it was aiming/bending at/to), and so on. You can even tell from the slight differences in the Space bend and radiation left behind… which species and military that ship belongs to, who made that warp-drive (or, at least, which refinery/world its warp-fuel likely came from or got processed in), and even more. Inisfreeans are so perceptive and quick that they can even tell how skilled the pilot is, how accurate their computer’s jump-calculations are/were, etc..
With an Inisfreean warp, however, no one can do that; Inisfreean warps/jumps are too fast (charging up in less than a second, creating the bend/tunnel in less than a second, moving/jumping through it in less than a second, and closing it in less than a second, all of that together happening in roughly one second, unless they are jumping farther than they were designed to be able to in one second, which is extremely rare). They don’t emit radiation, either. Furthermore, they are designed and tested exhaustively to ensure that the warp event is as cloaked/undetectable as a cloaked ship or hiding sniper would be. (Yes, that means we can cloak a bend in Space, not just our suits, vehicles, ships, and cities.)
Now you have an idea as to why it is possible for Inisfree to seem to disappear with all its authorized residents and guests still inside, while leaving behind anyone it decided shouldn’t be there, even if that person is a deity; Inisfreean warps are that precise, Inisfreean minds are supercomputers that powerful, and you really just won’t find anything more streamlined and proven. This makes it possible for only the Inisfreeans to teleport an entire moon or planet into one of their bigger hangars. It also makes it possible for them to teleport the smaller stars into new locations (though they usually ask those stars permission first, as the stars are, in their religion, the Arch Angels, a.k.a. Polarians, a.k.a. Valar; the pre/proto-Asgardians and pre/proto/Maiar and pre/proto-Vanir, etc.).
Also, we don’t need to turn/align our ships toward the destination we plan to warp to. This is possible for us because we can aim our warping devices –because they are in gyroscope-based casings/modules. Even the known Gray ships (“UFOs” / “flying saucers”) have to aim their bellies/undersides before warping; we travel more quickly and efficiently than them, smart though they certainly are.
*Finally, when we warp space, it doesn’t cause ‘tears’, quite the contrary; each time we bend space to go somewhere, the way we do it is similar in nature and effects to a massage, as it irons/smooths out issues, and connects points in a positive and mutually-agreeable way. It was the nature of Starfleet to cause ‘tears’ when its ships warped because of what their minds were filled/brainwashed with; they went to “see what happens/ed”, and were filled with worries, weakness, fragility, submissiveness, vulnerability, etc., thus those things manifested along the lines they traveled, making them weaker instead of stronger, further separated instead of brought closer/back together. Our nature is the opposite, and always has been, and any use of our technology (at least by us) results in everywhere we use/take it… “becoming one”. (This is the Age of Reunions, after all, and it makes sense that when people get immortalized and have their primes restored just by meeting us… that the same happens to all other things, not just humans/humanoids.)
2022 Addition: Survival Gear
Usually under or near every seat or pod in every Inisfree-made vehicle or spacecraft, you will find a survival bag, and every stasis tube and room (berths/quarters as well as the bridge/cockpit) will double as an escape pod, preventing most from having to hurry anywhere in that kind of situation.
- AP: a pre-stocked (packed with survival items) backpack
- FJ: 2 pre-stocked (packed with survival items) backpacks, and the cockpit is the escape pod, as these craft are designed for Space, not just air; instead of ejecting the seats, they eject an ODST DropPod-like capsule containing both pilot and copilot
- TK: a pre-stocked (packed with survival items) backpack for every crew member and rider/dismount
- WR: a pre-stocked (packed with survival items) backpack for every crew member and rider/dismount, plus a few appliances, and stasis tubes double as showers and toilets
- MPHA: a pre-stocked (packed with survival items) backpack for every crew member and rider/dismount, plus a few appliances, and the cockpit and stasis tubes are all escape pods with life-support devices
- AF1: everything anyone might ever want or need
- BM: a pre-stocked (packed with survival items) backpack for every crew member and rider/dismount, plus a few appliances
- DS and up: everything anyone might ever want or need
Kit/Backpack Items:
(and every kit/backpack is a floating Pelican case)
- 550 cord (type-III paracord)
- Airhorns
- Aloe Vera ointment and edibles
- Ash
- Axes (ice and regular)
- Beacons with I.R. cap
- Binoculars
- Bug/Mosquito repellent, natural
- Can openers
- Canteens, flexible
- Chem-lights
- Clothespins, large/oversized
- Compasses
- Condoms (for waterproofing)
- Crampons and snowshoes
- Dry-bags
- Duct tape
- Ear-plugs and electronic ear-muffs (for lessening ice-quaking sounds)
- Essential Oils
- Extra socks and underwear
- Fabric patches
- Fire starters (flint, kindling, lighters, matches, micro-torches, tinder tabs, etc.)
- Firearms, small/personal (pistols, revolvers rifles, shotguns, and their cleaning kits and ammo.)
- First Aid kits (including antidotes for allergies, bee stings, poison, poison ivy, swelling, venom, etc.)
- Flares
- Flashlights, kinetic-recharging
- Foil
- Folding saws
- GPS devices; handhelds
- Gas masks with extra filters
- Geiger meters
- Gloves for climbing
- Goggles (some for skiing (anti-fog), some for swimming)
- Hand winches (“Come Alongs”)
- Helmet mosquito netting covers and patches
- Hygiene kits (dental floss, mouthwash, toothpaste, tweezers, etc.)
- Jackets, lightweight, breathable
- Kayaks, collapsible (with oars)
- Laser pointers
- Life-preserver vests, auto-inflating
- Litmus kits; ph testers
- Lock-pick kit, gun/handheld/pistol-style, plus non-electric/mechanical (individual) tools
- Machetes
- Maps, paper, laminated –and waterproof map bags
- Mirrors for signaling
- Mylar/space/thermal blankets
- Nail clippers
- Olfactory scanners alert if any smells are on teammates which will attract wildlife
- Ponchos and Liners
- Radios, powered and with hand-crank backups
- Rappelling gear (carabiners, chalk, chalk bags, harnesses, ropes, etc.)
- Reflective panels, roll-able
- Sarongs
- Seed packets (for starting crops/farms)
- Sewing kits
- Shovels, collapsible
- Sleeping bags
- Slingshots
- Smoke grenades
- Solar still (simple desalination)
- Steel wool
- Sunglasses, ballistic
- Swiss army knives and multi-tools (Gerbers, etc.)
- Tarps (1 camouflage, 1 reflective), tent/individual-size
- Tents
- Toiletries
- Utilities; functional nature-colors clothing
- Vegan MREs
- Vegan supplements and electrolyte tablets
- Warming layers
- Water filters
- Water purification tablets
- Waterproof gear (rain jacket, rain over-pants, etc.)
- Waterproof notepads and pens
- Whistles
- Zip-ties
Survival/Convenience Items in the Vehicle/Ship/s; in Addition to the Contents of the Backpacks:
- Bilge pumps
- Body-bags (excellent against high and/or cold wind) and evidence bags
- Bows & arrows
- Bug/Mosquito lasers
- Bug/Mosquito traps (tape, zapper)
- Candles and candle components
- Canning supplies
- Chains with end-hooks
- Coolers (Yetis) and mini-fridges
- Crampons and snowshoes
- Dry-bags
- Duct tape –and electrical tape, and thread-seal (PTFE) tape (a.k.a. plumbers tape)
- Ear-plugs and electronic ear-muffs (for lessening ice-quaking sounds)
- Essential Oils
- Extra socks and underwear
- Fire starters (flint, kindling, lighters, matches, micro-torches, tinder tabs, etc.)
- Firearms, small/personal (pistols, revolvers rifles, shotguns, and their cleaning kits and ammo.)
- First Aid kits (including antidotes for allergies, bee stings, poison, poison ivy, swelling, venom, etc.)
- Flares
- Foil
- Fuel & water cans/jugs
- Furniture, collapsible (card tables, lawn chairs)
- GPS devices; handhelds
- Garbage bags
- Gas masks with extra filters
- Geiger meters
- Ghillie suits
- Gloves for climbing
- Goggles (some for skiing (anti-fog), some for swimming)
- Hand winches (“Come Alongs”)
- Helmets with lights
- Hydroelectric generator/turbine, man-portable
- Inflatable mattresses and inner tubes
- Kayaks, collapsible (with oars)
- Lanterns
- Laser pointers
- Life-preserver vests, auto-inflating
- Litmus kits; pH testers
- Lock-pick kit, “hooligan” (mechanical-breacher tools)
- Machetes
- Mallets
- Massage tables (for acupuncture, etc.)
- Materializers
- Medicinal plants
- Mylar/space/thermal blankets
- Nail clippers
- Olfactory scanners alert if any smells are on teammates which will attract wildlife
- Q-tips
- Radios, powered and with hand-crank backups
- Rafts, un-flip-able
- Rappelling gear (carabiners, chalk, chalk bags, harnesses, ropes, etc.)
- Reflective panels, roll-able
- Seed packets (for starting crops/farms)
- Sewing kits
- Sex toys
- Shampoo and conditioner, healthy/natural
- Shovels, collapsible
- Smoke grenades
- Solar panels, man-portable
- Stretchers
- Tarps (1 camouflage, 1 reflective), vehicle-size
- Tea kettles
- Toilets, man-portable
- Tow straps
- Towels and washcloths
- Washer & Drier
- Waste bags
- Water, bottled
- Wet-suits and dry-suits with SCUBA gear
- X-ray device / medical tricorder
- Yardsticks
- Yarn
- Ziploc bags
Every IC suit/vehicle/ship, from the A.P. up, has seeds and all that other survival gear, designed so that any non-ICV (a.k.a. mortal) who may be using them can survive indefinitely no matter where they may have to land/crash/stay. While we are extremely confident in our creations and our ability to get where we intend to go, we still cross barrens, frozen regions, oceans, and the void of Space on a regular basis, and we often do so with non-invincible passengers/acquisitions, so we have decided to fit all our craft this way, as it is better to be prepared. Yes, we can easily open portals to get them to safety, but we also like redundancies –and that gives our passengers greater peace-of-mind, which is what we are all about; destressing as an integral proven part of the healing and respect/synergizing process.
More About Our Cannons/Lasers:
Our cannons are more accurately called six-gun turrets, not sextuple-gun turrets, because their barrels/guns can aim/operate independently; they are not all going to fire whichever way the turret aims/points.
Our cannons have no explosive shells, and cannot be exploded/destabilized by striking ammo. or a rotating-part oil-basin.
They rotate because of internal repulsines, and fire only beams of energy, and are made of our custom invincible element, SRC.
Any energy at all applied to them… gets automatically, instantly, effortlessly dispersed across our entire empire, converted to whatever we need or can use, such as shields or repairs for other parts or other vessels.
In the first design (pre-2022), each Rainbow Cannon had a single barrel that fired a single laser.
Since 2023, these devices have been upgraded to have multiple barrels per turret, and each can aim independently, limited only by how their fields/cones of view change when the turret moves, and because they are designed to never be able to even accidentally fire at fellow parts or beams.
Their purpose is to remove conflicting energy or matter away from the ship, whether by destruction, deflection, conversion, or absorption.
The smaller barrels on each cannon do this for the main barrel; they fire such that the main beam is not interfered with by enemy beams, enemy projectile, debris, or other unwanted obstructions.
Unlike human guns which fire a bullet, shell, or primitive laser, Inisfreeans ones fire beams which can cancel out lasers, and Inisfreean guns can make portals in their barrels which make it seem like they aren’t firing at all… and which can bypass obstructions and enemy objects, such as shields or asteroids. Inisfreean guns can also fire lasers based on a tractor beam, or based on a repulsor beam, or based on anti-matter, or based on a black hole.
Inisfreean guns cannot overheat, just as ICVs cannot get burned, because SRC simply does not change when exposed to different temperatures, so no amount of continuous fire will overheat a barrel or otherwise damage the device, and no barrels ever need to be changed.
The moment an Inisfreean gun is in range of an object its conscious (A.I.) ship has sensed, or been told by the Grid Mind (A.I. managing all our A.I.s) is a target, it automatically adjusts its barrel/s to fire what will do the most effective thing to that target, which is often forming a beam which cancels the target’s shield or reactor/power. This has been tested in our Space R-CAX and proven to work on any level of technology other than ours; it has never been able to damage Inisfreean structures or shields, and has always had the intended effect/s on non-Inisfreean ones, whether Anunnaki, Grey, Jotun/Titan, Reptilian, or anything else.
Because of this, Inisfreean Space battles rarely ever look like the exchanges of visible lasers and projectiles of different colors portrayed in Hollywood shows and films; Inisfreeans one-shot their targets while still out of those targets’ ranges, and in clever, often invisible, ways.
All our guns are automated by built-in A.I.. Those in our vehicles, ships, and aircraft can be manned for additional supercomputer power, but only by an ICV; their controls and displays are not visible to a non-ICV (other than Auz), and cannot be used by a non-ICV.
The reason this option exists is because, even though each of our ships can brilliantly coordinate all its guns the same way a trained human can coordinate all his/her body parts, such as in a dance or gymnastics or martial arts, giving an ICV control of one of its guns allows its processing power to focus on other things, such as maneuvering itself more precisely and/or more rapidly.
Ship sensors are the same as ICV sensors, just larger, thus longer ranged, so an ICV can instantly detect and process (know and understand) all the brains/people and Internet/s within her range, while a ship can do the same thing at a greater distance.
In situations where different species or civilizations are present, such as alliances, trades, wars, or traffic nexuses, the ship can be tasked with detecting, understanding, and forecasting all possible decisions/actions for the farthest of those beings or collectives, while the ICVs do the same for smaller closer ones, such as individual ships.
This means that the ship will know how to maneuver in ways their entire fleet or civilization will not be able to prevent, while the ICVs will know how to fire their assigned guns in ways their individuals or fighter-jets will not be able to prevent –or even expect, in either case.
A team of a ship and its ICVs delegating tasks such as those means no sequence of processing those different sets of data; all get processed simultaneously, thus virtually instantly, as opposed to within seconds.
Our guns can aim because sometimes we do not wish to use portals to establish trajectories. Sometimes it is calculated that choosing that lower-tech’ option will work out better for the given task, mission, or campaign
When a gun needs to engage a target no other gun can at that moment, but it cannot aim at that target, it will use a portal.
Portals are also an option to save time; no time is spent aiming.
All guns are automatically coordinated by their ship or vehicle, their parent-structure knowing when each target within its overall range will move into or out of their individual ranges.
All ships and vehicles are automatically coordinated by their parent vessel, such as MPHAs coordinated by their DS, and PSBSs by the SSBS, and ultimately all Inisfreean forces/devices by the Grid Mind –even the Grid Minds of other CSBSs by the Grid Mind of our first CSBS, Inisfree.
This means every ship, vehicle, and ICV knows how to maneuver, such as specific degrees and rates of pitch, roll, and yaw, and even when and how far to use portals/teleporting/warps, to remain in range of their targets, even before those targets realize they have been classified as targets, resulting in zero “dead/blind space”, thus total battlespace visibility, coverage, and overlapping fields of fire.
By the time a target is in range of one of our guns, its entire memory, whether from its computers or personnel, has already been spotted, copied, and used to digitally plot every possible action it/they are able to take in the current environment/situation; the target has no way to surprise us. Even if support forces it was kept ignorant of are alerted and show up to help, 1) they cannot damage our type of shields or materials, and 2) they themselves get their computers and minds instantly automatically detected, scanned, understood, and outsmarted.
Even if an enemy had as many supercomputers as we do, and the sensors to detect computers and thoughts, thus the ability to copy ideas and forecast all potential choices, nothing is as invincible as the SRC we are made of, and our thoughts and data are in devices/minds which were specifically designed, based on all other technologies, such that they cannot be detected other than by us, and cannot be scanned, and such that their signals cannot be copied –or even deciphered, even if they were somehow detected and copied.
Our default SOP is to clandestinely clean up pollution, liberate compatible hotties (which greatly contribute to our immortalizing Vril; they aren’t just spoils or eye candy), re-green regions, and make our opponents and potential opponents believe they have not been persuaded… but instead changed their own minds. The beams from these guns of ours do that. That is why they are not much at all like the primitive lasers and guns of the human Outlanders –though they can and are used that way when it has been calculated to benefit us toward achieving those goals of ours, such as facilitating the ongoing successful operations within those mentioned SOPs.
(TKs, WRs, and MPHAs have room for 1 ICV per, then up to 2 in DSs (skipping the BMs, as they are built like a larger version of an ICV in a larger version of an ST suit, thus having no room in their guns for regular ICVs), 3 in CPs, 4 in WSs, 5 in CSBSs, 6 in MSBSs, 7 in PSBSs, and 8 in the SSBS.)
(Why 7 or 8 ICVs in those larger guns, when, at most and standard, our guns only have 6 barrels? The 7th ICV can help manage the movement of the gun itself, not just one of its barrels, and the 8th can plot/forecast for upcoming environments/situations the SSBS has told her it is about to jump to –i.e. in another remote location beyond the sensors ranges of her and her fellow ICVs where they are in their gun pod/seats.)
Main-gun Ranges:
These are what the main-guns CAN do; NOT what all the OTHER guns (non-main Rainbow Cannons) can do:
*THEIR DISTANCE/RANGE MATCHES THE POSTED WARP/PORTAL-ING RANGES, because that is how far away portals can be opened for their main-gun beams.*
- AS suit: one-shot (arouse/end/etc.) [just about anything its height/size; human “length”] out to ~1 mile
- ST suit: one-shot (arouse/end/etc.) a human or motorcycle out to ~2 miles
- AP: one-shot (arouse/end/etc.) [just about anything in front of it which is slightly wider than it is; truck width] out to ~10 miles
- FJ: one-shot (arouse/end/etc.) a bus or fighter-jet out to ~20 miles
- TK: one-shot (arouse/end/etc.) an armored vehicle (MRAP or small/light tank) out to ~30 miles
- WR: one-shot (arouse/end/etc.) a [heavy tank (MBT), artillery piece, or an entire floor of a normal house] out to ~140 miles
- MPHA: one-shot (arouse/end/etc.) a commercial airplane or normal house out to ~300 miles
- MD: one-shot (arouse/end/etc.) a large house / mansion out to ~22 miles
- BM: one-shot (arouse/end/etc.) a high-rise or Titan out to ~220 miles
- RC: one-shot (arouse/end/etc.) a [non high-rise bigger than a house] out to ~180 miles(?)
- TNH: one-shot (arouse/end/etc.) a carrier (or other capital-ship) out to ~59,725 miles
- DS: one-shot (arouse/end/etc.) a skyscraper or World Tree out to ~119,450 miles
- CP: one-shot (arouse/end/etc.) a city/mountain out to ~238,900 miles
- WS: one-shot (arouse/end/etc.) a state/region (sub-continent) out to ~3,251,900,000 miles; 4.849 Light-Hours
- CSBS: one-shot (arouse/end/etc.) a continent or moonoid out to ~12,480,300,000,000 miles; 2.123 LY
They are every ~2.4′ along the top and bottom/ground-level of the outside of the wall, but that means a ~2′-diameter lens/beam; each full-machine/device is oriented like giant vertical planes/sheets able to extend in (toward Inisfree) as long as ~.7M and down as long as ~1.5M (so imagine a laser 2’x3,696’x7,920′; 58,544,640 cubic feet).
(Compare that (58,544,640 cubic feet) to the Outlands humans’ airplane-mounted laser, the Boeing YAL-1 (which is basically/almost the entire Boeing NKC-135A airplane’s hull/cylinder; ~130 (of 143)’ x ~30′; 91,891.59 cubic feet; ~637x less voluminous/massive than what one of Inisfree’s Perimeter Wall lasers could be).) - MSBS: one-shot (arouse/end/etc.) a moon out to ~24,960,600,000,000 miles; 4.246 LY
- PSBS: one-shot (arouse/end/etc.) a planet out to ~587,863,000,000,000,000 miles; 100,000 LY
- SSBS: one-shot (arouse/end/etc.) a star out to ~14,696,563,000,000,000,000 miles; 2,500,000 LY
It is usually a lot easier to open a portal for a beam of light/energy than for the mass of the ship that fired it. Still, the repulsines have their limits; they can only open portals so far –albeit for much longer, and with less energy, when it’s just a tiny portal for a narrow beam.
Non-main Guns; Further Details:
This information is about our regular-sized and far-more-common laser-turrets; the non-main Rainbow Cannons of our various craft/vessels.
*THEIR DISTANCE/RANGE is LESS THAN the POSTED WARP/PORTAL-ING RANGE of their ship; their INDIVIDUAL RANGES are based on THEIR OWN repulsines/devices/power, because those are the devices which can open up portals for their beams while their vessel’s repulsines handle opening portals for its main gun/s.*
(and range is dependent upon sensor-range; ICV “visibility”, + other conditions (such as magic, rifts/warps, etc.))
(and the damage/healing they can do (in terms of energy applied to an area every second) is proportional to their size, not their ship/vehicle’s power-supply, because all ICs can tap into the shared power of our entire civilization)
AS suit:
- one-shot arouse/clarify/enlighten/heal/satisfy a <human-sized target/person (affecting ~.03 tons (~61 lbs.) at once / per beam/shot) out to ~1 mile (average sniper-range)
- ~.05′-diameter housing
- (no mini-repulsines in these guns/devices; they are aimed by the suit/wearer)
- center/main barrel diameter: ~.00416′ (always ~1/12 the diameter of the housing)
- 5 perimeter/smaller barrels diameters (each): ~.002083′ (always ~1/24 the diameter of the housing)
- (no seating inside these guns)
- 2 of these 6-barrel guns/lasers (1 per forearm/vambrace)
ST suit:
- one-shot arouse/clarify/enlighten/heal/satisfy a human-sized target/person (not as big/massive/dense as a motorcycle) (affecting ~.06 tons (~121 lbs.) at once / per beam/shot) out to ~2 miles (based on: .05′-diameter housing = 1-mile effective-range)
- ~.1′-diameter housing
- (no mini-repulsines in these guns/devices; they are aimed by the suit/wearer)
- center/main barrel: ~.0083′
- 5 perimeter/smaller barrels (each): ~.00416′
- (no seating inside these guns)
- 16 of these 6-barrel guns/lasers (8 per forearm/vambrace)
“Punisher” Rifle (PR):
- one-shot arouse/clarify/enlighten/heal/satisfy a [~2 adult-human masses/bodies]-sized target/person (affecting ~.2 tons (~400 lbs.) at once / per beam/shot) out to ~5 miles
- ~.25′-diameter housing
- (no mini-repulsines in these guns/devices; they are aimed by the rifleman)
- center/main barrel: ~.02083′
- (#?) perimeter/smaller barrels (each): ~.010416′
- (no seating inside these guns)
- 1 of these 6-barrel guns/lasers
- SOP: for use when OPSEC/will is to not use the S.T. suit, but still have some of its firepower
- one-shot arouse/clarify/enlighten/heal/satisfy a [~4 adult-human masses/bodies]/motorcycle-sized target (affecting ~.3 tons (~600 lbs.) at once / per beam/shot) out to ~10 miles
- ~.5′-diameter housing
- ~.1′-diameter mini-repulsines (always ~1/5 the diameter of the gun/housing)
- center/main barrel: ~.0416′
- 5 perimeter/smaller barrels (each): ~.02083′
- (no seating inside these guns)
- 8 of these 6-barrel guns/lasers (evenly around/along the four edges, 1 set of 4 facing forward, and 1 facing backward)
- one-shot arouse/clarify/enlighten/heal/satisfy a [~8 adult-human masses/bodies]/van-sized target (affecting ~.6 tons at once / per beam/shot) out to ~20 miles
- ~1′-diameter housing
- ~.2′-diameter mini-repulsines
- center/main barrel: ~.083′
- 5 perimeter/smaller barrels (each): ~.0416′
- (no seating inside these guns)
- 8 of these 6-barrel guns/lasers (3 along/in/under each wing, facing forward, and 2 along/in the rear hull’s portion, facing backward)
- one-shot arouse/clarify/enlighten/heal/satisfy a (the crew of a) Patrolboat-sized target (affecting ~.9 tons at once / per beam/shot) out to ~30 miles (comparable to an Outlands-human’s rocket-assisted artillery-range)
- ~1.5′-diameter housing
- ~.3′-diameter mini-repulsines
- center/main barrel: ~.125′
- 5 perimeter/smaller barrels (each): ~.0625′
- (no seating inside these guns)
- 8 of these 6-barrel guns/lasers (in the turret, 1 facing in every major direction; N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW (or, more accurately, their aims evenly separated by 45°)
- one-shot arouse/clarify/enlighten/heal/satisfy a [~56 adult-human masses/bodies]/tank-sized target (affecting ~4.3 tons at once / per beam/shot) out to ~140 miles (to the horizon if flying just a few miles above the land, and ~2x the distance from the Earth’s land to Space).
- ~7′-diameter housing
- ~1.4′-diameter mini-repulsines
- center/main barrel: ~.583′
- 5 perimeter/smaller barrels (each): ~.2916′
- seating for 1 ICV
- 4 of these 6-barrel guns/lasers (at each top/roof vertex)
- one-shot arouse/clarify/enlighten/heal/satisfy a (the crew of a) Corvette-sized target (affecting ~9 tons at once / per beam/shot) out to ~300 miles (out to the horizon if flying ~8 miles above the land, and this range = across most states).
- ~15′-diameter housing
- ~3′-diameter mini-repulsines
- center/main barrel: 1.25′
- 5 perimeter/smaller barrels (each): .625′
- seating for up to 1 ICV
- 4 of these 6-barrel guns/lasers (at each of the non-cardinal spots in the airship/hull)
- one-shot arouse/clarify/enlighten/heal/satisfy a [~8.8 adult-human masses/bodies]/house-sized target (affecting ~.7 tons at once / per beam/shot) out to ~22 miles.
- ~1.1′-diameter housing (11x that in/of an ST suit, as 50′ tall = ~11x taller than ~5’5″ (the median height of an ICV; 5’0″ up to 5’9″) in an S.T. suit (which only adds 1-2 inches of height; 1″-thick boots and helmet, etc.))
- ~.22′-diameter mini-repulsines
- center/main barrel: ~.0916′
- 5 perimeter/smaller barrels (each): ~.04583′
- (no seating inside these guns)
- 2 of these 6-barrel guns/lasers (1 per forearm/vambrace)
- one-shot arouse/clarify/enlighten/heal/satisfy a (the crew of a) Sloop-of-War-sized target (affecting ~6.7 tons at once / per beam/shot) out to ~220 miles.
- ~11′-diameter (500′ tall = 10x a 50′-MD)
- ~2.2′-diameter mini-repulsines
- center/main barrel: ~.916′
- 5 perimeter/smaller barrels (each): ~.4583′
- (no seating inside these guns)
- 16 of these 6-barrel guns/lasers (8 per forearm/vambrace)
- one-shot arouse/clarify/enlighten/heal/satisfy a [~72 adult-human masses/bodies]/mansion-sized target (affecting ~5.5 tons at once / per beam/shot) out to ~180 miles (~3x the distance from the Earth’s land to Space).
- ~9′-diameter housing
- ~1.8′-diameter mini-repulsines
- center/main barrel: .75′
- 5 perimeter/smaller barrels (each): .375′
- seating for up to 1 ICV
- 164 of these 6-barrel guns/lasers
- one-shot melt/destroy (not arouse/clarify/enlighten/heal/satisfy; these are lower-tech’ ICs made for a less-classified social-experiment) a [~72 adult-human masses/bodies]/mansion-sized target (affecting ~5.5 tons at once / per beam/shot) out to ~180 miles.
- ~9′-diameter housing
- ~1.8′-diameter mini-repulsines
- center/main barrel: .75′
- 5 perimeter/smaller barrels (each): .375′
- seating for up to 1 ICV or approved human (TNH crew-member) (thus seats larger than those made for the ~5’5″ average ICV; these seats are for a human up to 6′ tall)
- 200+ (# not yet specified/declassified) of these 6-barrel guns/lasers
- one-shot arouse/clarify/enlighten/heal/satisfy a [~72 adult-human masses/bodies]/mansion-sized target (affecting ~5.5 tons at once / per beam/shot) out to ~180 miles.
- ~9′-diameter housing
- ~1.8′-diameter mini-repulsines
- center/main barrel: .75′
- 5 perimeter/smaller barrels (each): .375′
- seating for up to 2 ICVs
- 1,800 of these 6-barrel guns/lasers* (see below for explanation)
- one-shot arouse/clarify/enlighten/heal/satisfy a [~72 adult-human masses/bodies]/mansion-sized target (affecting ~5.5 tons at once / per beam/shot) out to ~180 miles.
- ~9′-diameter housing
- ~1.8′-diameter mini-repulsines
- center/main barrel: .75′
- 5 perimeter/smaller barrels (each): .375′
- seating for up to 3 ICVs
- 1,696 of these 6-barrel guns/lasers*
- one-shot arouse/clarify/enlighten/heal/satisfy a [~72 adult-human masses/bodies]/mansion-sized target (affecting ~5.5 tons at once / per beam/shot) out to ~180 miles.
- ~9′-diameter housing
- ~1.8′-diameter mini-repulsines
- center/main barrel: .75′
- 5 perimeter/smaller barrels (each): .375′
- seating for up to 4 ICVs
- 470 of these 6-barrel guns/lasers*
- one-shot arouse/clarify/enlighten/heal/satisfy a [~15.4 adult-human masses/bodies]/townhouses(2 houses)-sized target (affecting ~1.2 tons at once / per beam/shot) out to ~40 miles (200,000 Rainbow Cannons in 2 bands along the Perimeter Wall; 200,000 x 6 barrels/targets at a time = 1,200,000 simultaneous engagements every split-second)
- ~2′-diameter housing (but possible (room for) massive housing/overall as a vertical plane-form inside the Perimeter Wall)
- ~.4′-diameter mini-repulsines
- center/main barrel: ~.16′
- 5 perimeter/smaller barrels (each): ~.083′
- seating for up to 5 ICVs
- 200,000 of these 6-barrel guns/lasers*
- one-shot arouse/clarify/enlighten/heal/satisfy a (the crew of a) Frigate-sized target (affecting ~10 tons at once / per beam/shot) out to ~330 miles (compared to the I.S.S., which orbits at ~261 miles above the Earth’s surface).
- ~16.5′-diameter housing
- ~3.3′-diameter mini-repulsines
- center/main barrel: 1.375′
- 5 perimeter/smaller barrels (each): ~.6875′
- seating for up to 6 ICVs
- 1,250,000 of these 6-barrel guns/lasers*
- one-shot arouse/clarify/enlighten/heal/satisfy a (the crew of a) Destroyer-sized target (affecting ~20 tons at once / per beam/shot) out to ~660 miles (compared to Texas; ~750 miles wide or tall).
- ~33′-diameter housing
- ~6.6′-diameter mini-repulsines
- center/main barrel: 2.75′
- 5 perimeter/smaller barrels (each): 1.375′
- seating for up to 7 ICVs
- 145 of these 6-barrel guns/lasers*
- one-shot arouse/clarify/enlighten/heal/satisfy a (the crew of a) Cruiser-sized target (affecting ~40 tons at once / per beam/shot) out to ~1,320 miles (comparable to firing over the entire west coast of California; from Mexico to Oregon, or across Alaska; from Canada to Russia, or across most of Europe).
- ~66′-diameter housing (the length of some of the largest Outlander artillery-tanks’ barrels)
- ~13.2′-diameter mini-repulsines
- center/main barrel: 5.5′
- 5 perimeter/smaller barrels (each): 2.75′
- seating for up to 8 ICVs
- 178,275 of these 6-barrel guns/lasers*
Explanation of total number of non-main Rainbow Cannons on each Ship Size/Type:
- 1,800 of these 6-barrel guns/lasers
- (based on 4 at the corners of every hangar hatch)
- + (based on encircling the landing-gear and VTOL hatches of the DS’s underside)
- 43 floors/levels x 10 hatches per floor/level (1 in and 1 out per vertical section) = 430 hatches
- 430 hatches x 4 Rainbow Cannons = 1,720 Rainbow Cannons
- 10 VTOLs and 10 landing-gears = 20 more hatches
- 20 x 4 = 80 more
- 1,720 + 80 = 1,800 Rainbow Cannons on every DS
- 1,696 of these 6-barrel guns/lasers
- (based on 4 at the corners of every NON-CP hangar hatch)
6 levels x 10 hatches (1 in and 1 out per vertical section) = 60
60 x 4 Rainbow Cannons = 240 Rainbow Cannons - + (based on encircling the grid-ing tentacle-hatches of the CP’s lower rim/ring)
360 grid-tentacle ports/hatches around the lowest level = 360 x 4 = 1,440 more
240 + 1,440 = 1,680 - + (based on encircling the DS-hatches of the CP’s underside)
4 DS-hangar hatches x 4 Rainbow Cannons = 16 more
1,680 + 16 = 1,696 - (no landing-gear on this type of ship; CPs are designed to use their entire underside to help smash/flatter their landing-site/s)
- VTOL openings: 10
10 x 4 = 40 more
1,696 + 40 = 1,736 Rainbow Cannons on every CP
- 470 of these 6-barrel guns/lasers
- (based on 4 at the corners of every hangar hatch)
(9 stacked/vertical sections of levels/floors) x (12 hatches per section) = 108 hatches
108 hatches x 4 Rainbow Cannons per hatch = 432 - + (based on encircling the DS-hangar hatches and CP-hangar hatches of the CP’s underside)
8 DS-hangar hatches x 4 Rainbow Cannons = 32
432 + 32 = 464
2 CP-hangar hatches x 4 Rainbow Cannons = 8
464 + 8 = 470; 470 Rainbow Cannons on every WS - (no landing-gear; WSs are meant to stay in Space/orbit)
- (no VTOLs; WSs can have the VTOLs of their DSs and/or CPs turn on if need be)
- (no orbital-bombardment ports/hatches/bays; WSs use the beams from their Rainbow Cannons, and those from their DSs y CPs, to affect/change the world they are in orbit below (or, as humans think of it, “above”))
- add more than the 200k Rainbow Cannons; ring the WSs-hangars’ hatches with them at the same spacing; every ~2.4′
- 8 mile-wide hangar-hatches = 8 x 16,587.61′; 132,700.88′
- 132,700.88/2.4 = ~55,292 Rainbow Cannons at that spacing/interval
- + 64 single-WS-hangar rectangular-hatch perimeters = [(2×1,780′)+(2×5,280′)] = (3,560+10,560) = 14,120′ per single-WS-hangar hatch perimeter
- (1,780′ tall for the same spacing/slack that WSs have when exiting the WSs-hangars hatches; 40′ on all sides)
- 64 x 14,120′ = 903,680′
- 903,680’/2.4 = 376,533 more Rainbow Cannons at that ~2.4′ interval/spacing
- so: 55,292 + 376,533 = 431,825 (to be added to the top wall’s 200k; 631,825 TOTAL)
- Those 431,825 Rainbow Cannons were formed by the Grid Mind in August 2022.
- 1,250,000 of these 6-barrel guns/lasers (5 x # outer WS-hangars; 5x the WS-hangar hatches on the outer-surface of the MSBS)
- (based on them encircling each WSs-hangar hatch at an interval such that their ranges overlap)
- 5 x 250,000 WSs-hangar hatches = 1,250,000
- 145 of these 6-barrel guns/lasers (5 x # outer MSBS-hangars; 5x the MSBS-hangar hatches on the outer-surface of the PSBS)
- (based on them encircling each outer-surface MSBS-hangar hatch at an interval such that their ranges overlap)
- MSBS-hangar hatch is 2,233.846153′ wide.
- The MSBS-hangar hatch circumference is 7,017.83′.
- 5 x 29 MSBS-hangar hatches =
- 178,275 of these 6-barrel guns/lasers
- (based on them encircling each outer-surface PSBS-hangar hatch at an interval such that their ranges overlap)
- PSBS-hangar hatch is 8,123.07692′ wide.
- (35,655 mile-wide PSBS-hangar hatches) x (25,519.4′ circumference) = 909,894,207′
- 909,894,207’/2.4288 = ~374,627,061 Rainbow Cannons (based on the Perimeter Wall spacing)
- BUT… SSBS Rainbow Cannons are in 66′-diameter housing/spheres, and have a greater range (1,320+ miles, compared to the 40 of those on Inisfree’s wall).
- The PSBS-hangar hatch circumference is 25,519.4′; ~4.8 miles = <1 of the 66′-housing Rainbow Cannons results in overlapping fields of fire here.
- So we can just pick any number we want around each PSBS-hangar hatch. 5 works.
- 5 x 35,655 = 178,275 of them; the SSBS has 178,275 Rainbow Cannons of its size/variant.
- (interesting that 178,275 is so close to the original 200,000 of Inisfree)
Comparison of Main-gun and Non-main Ranges:
(W.I.P.; some ranges below may not yet make sense, given the sizes of the repulsines dedicated to opening portals for them)
AS suit:
- vessel repulsines: N/A?
- main-gun range: ~1 mile
- (no mini-repulsines in these guns/devices; they are aimed by the suit/wearer)
- non-main range: ~1 mile
ST suit:
- vessel repulsines: ~.5″ diameter
- main-gun range: ~2 miles
- (no mini-repulsines in these guns/devices; they are aimed by the suit/wearer)
- non-main range: ~2 miles
“Punisher” Rifle (PR):
- vessel repulsines: N/A
- main-gun range: ~5 miles
- (no mini-repulsines in these guns/devices; they are aimed by the rifleman)
- non-main range: ~5 miles
- vessel repulsines: ~1″ diameter
- main-gun range: ~10 miles
- gun-pod repulsines: ~.1′-diameter
- non-main range: ~1,320′
- vessel repulsines: ~2″ diameter
- main-gun range: ~20 miles
- gun-pod repulsines: ~.2′-diameter
- non-main range: 2,640′
- vessel repulsines: ~4″ diameter
- main-gun range: ~30 miles
- gun-pod repulsines: ~.3′-diameter
- non-main range: ~1 mile
- vessel repulsines: ~16″ diameter
- main-gun range: ~140 miles
- gun-pod repulsines: ~1.4′-diameter
- non-main range: ~5 miles
- vessel repulsines: ~32″ diameter
- main-gun range: ~300 miles
- gun-pod repulsines: ~3′-diameter
- non-main range: ~50 miles
- vessel repulsines: ~32″ diameter
- main-gun range: ~22 miles
- gun-pod repulsines: ~.22′-diameter
- non-main range: ~50 miles
- vessel repulsines: ~64″ diameter
- main-gun range: ~220 miles
- gun-pod repulsines: ~2.2′-diameter
- non-main range: ~1,000 miles
- vessel repulsines: ~9′ diameter
- main-gun range: ~180 miles?
- gun-pod repulsines: ~1.8′-diameter
- non-main range: ~180 miles
- vessel repulsines: ~50′ diameter
- main-gun range: ~59,725 miles
- gun-pod repulsines: ~1.8′-diameter
- non-main range: ~180 miles
- vessel repulsines: ~100′ diameter
- main-gun range: ~119,450 miles
- gun-pod repulsines: ~1.8′-diameter
- non-main range: ~180 miles
- vessel repulsines: ~200′ diameter
- main-gun range: ~238,900 miles
- gun-pod repulsines: ~1.8′-diameter
- non-main range: ~180 miles
- vessel repulsines: ~400′ diameter
- main-gun range: ~3,251,900,000 miles; 4.849 Light-Hours
- gun-pod repulsines: ~1.8′-diameter
- non-main range: ~180 miles
- vessel repulsines: 1-mile diameter
- main-gun range: ~12,480,300,000,000 miles; 2.123 LY
- gun-pod repulsines: ~.4′-diameter
- non-main range: ~40 miles
- vessel repulsines: ~2-miles diameter
- main-gun range: ~24,960,600,000,000 miles; 4.246 LY
- gun-pod repulsines: ~3.3′-diameter
- non-main range: ~261 miles
- vessel repulsines: ~5-miles diameter
- main-gun range: ~587,863,000,000,000,000 miles; 100,000 LY
- gun-pod repulsines: ~6.6′-diameter
- non-main range: ~660 miles
- vessel repulsines: ~10-miles diameter
- main-gun range: ~14,696,563,000,000,000,000 miles; 2,500,000 LY
- gun-pod repulsines: ~13.2′-diameter
- non-main range: ~1,320 miles
*As always, teamed-up ICVs and/or their craft/vessels can open up series of portals which can ultimately, if the SSBS gets involved, allow even the smallest beam from an Punisher rifle (P.R.) or Assassin Suit (A.S.) to hit a target across the Universe or in a whole other universe/dimension; there is no true range limit to our beams/weapons or sensors when they work together like that.
2023 October: Warp and weapons ranges are identical and based on sensors range, but with the shared-consciousness and power-distributing network… any ICV’s range can be dramatically extended.
Their estimated/stated ranges are based more on what we want them to focus on, and typical line-of-sight, plus how far a laser-beam remains effective even when it has the advantage of skipping distances due to portals opened in tandem with it.
Volumes, Weights, and Densities:
*Regardless of their density, loaded or unloaded, their repulsines cancel their gravity/weight.
Based on breakthrough materials such as buckminsterfullerene, fullerite, and starlite, (and, of course, SRC) the result is that all ICs (ICVs included, as well as Inisfree’s entire mountain/hemisphere) are ~10x lighter than same-size/volume objects made of ‘normal’/common materials… and ~250x stronger.
Burj Khalifa is 2,722’ tall, ~57,522,400 cubic feet, and weighs ~500,000 tons empty (no people).
DS volume is 1,140,000,000 cubic feet; ~19.82x the volume of the Burj Khalifa;
if a DS was made of the same materials, it would then weigh ~9,909,183.21 tons.
Since our craft are made of materials which result in them being ~10x lighter-weight, a DS (if its repulsines were not always cancelling out its weight) is closer to 990,918 tons (the weight of 2 Burj Khalifa towers).
For reference:
- Space shuttle (empty): 82.5 tons
- Payload capacity: 25 tons
- with rockets/boosters (total launch-pad weight): 2,250 tons (thus ~96.33% of this vehicle is discarded/fuel/wasted each flight/launch)
So imagine a DS (~440.4x the weight of that shuttle-with-rockets) taking off… without releasing any fire, gas, or waste at all.
For reference:
- average-human volume: ~2.2 cubic feet
- average-human weight: ~135-150 lbs. (136 globally, and 178 in N.Amer.)
- average-human height: 5’2″-5’3″ (globally, for women)
- (and those volume and height figures work perfectly for an ICV comparison)
For reference:
- suit of armor: 45-55 lbs. (on a ~5’7″ on the average knight; 67″)
- Iron Man suit: ~240 lbs. (on a 6’1″ Tony Stark; 73″); ~4.8x heavier than knight armor
- Mjolnir power-armor (Halo / Spartan / Master Chief): ~713 lbs. (on a 6’10” John 117; 82″); 14x heavier than knight armor
Extrapolating from this, we estimate:
- ICV: ~13-14 lbs. (on average) at 1G (~10x less weight than a human of the same dimensions/volume), if its repulsine-organs were not always automatically cancelling out its/her weight
- ST suit: ~50 lbs. (would be ~10x heavier than knight armor, except that it is made of materials which make it 10x lighter than that new design would be if made from ‘normal’/common materials)
Each ICV gets her S.T. suit in the 19th grade when she is basically fully-grown, and since ICVs range in height from 5’0″ to 5’8″ (and always at the inch-mark; no heights in between), their S.T. suits fitting them “like a 2nd skin”/glove/spandex (hugging their every curve perfectly), there are 9 sizes of S.T. suit; the smallest fits the 5’0″ ICV, etc..
5’0″ (60″) ICVs (~10 lbs., slightly variable based on cup-size) stand 5’2″ in their S.T. suits; ~46 lbs., thus ~56 lbs. total
5’1″ (61″) ICVs (~11 lbs., slightly variable based on cup-size) stand 5’3″ in their S.T. suits; ~47 lbs., thus ~58 lbs. total
5’2″ (62″) ICVs (~12 lbs., slightly variable based on cup-size) stand 5’4″ in their S.T. suits; ~48 lbs., thus ~60 lbs. total
5’3″ (63″) ICVs (~13 lbs., slightly variable based on cup-size) stand 5’5″ in their S.T. suits; ~49 lbs., thus ~62 lbs. total
5’4″ (64″) ICVs (~14 lbs., slightly variable based on cup-size) stand 5’6″ in their S.T. suits; this being the mid-range ICV and ST suit, it is the one which weighs ~50 lbs. (if its repulsines weren’t cancelling out its weight), thus ~64 lbs. total
5’5″ (65″) ICVs (~15 lbs., slightly variable based on cup-size) stand 5’7″ in their S.T. suits; ~51 lbs., thus ~66 lbs. total
5’6″ (66″) ICVs (~16 lbs., slightly variable based on cup-size) stand 5’8″ in their S.T. suits; ~52 lbs., thus ~68 lbs. total
5’7″ (67″) ICVs (~17 lbs., slightly variable based on cup-size) stand 5’9″ in their S.T. suits; ~53 lbs., thus ~70 lbs. total
5’8″ (68″) ICVs (~18 lbs., slightly variable based on cup-size) stand 5’10” in their S.T. suits (Auz’s height in shoes, though he is another inch or so taller in hiking boots); ~54 lbs., thus ~72 lbs. total
The S.T. suit is ~1″ thick, making a 5’0″ wearer/operator ~5’2″; 1″ below the feet, and 1″ above the head. - AP: ~198 lbs. (volume: ~41.89 cubic feet; 8′ “long” (deep) x 5′ wide x 2′ tall –thus ~16.5x less voluminous than an FJ)
- FJ: ~1.6325 tons (based on the avg. fighter-jet weight of 32,650 lbs.; 16.325 tons); about the weight of the average/standard car
(691.15 cubic feet; 20′ “long” (deep) x 11′ wide x 6′ tall) - TK: ~6 tons (based on the avg. tank weight of 60 tons); about the same as an elephant, hippo’, or rhino’
- WR: ~22.4 tons; about the same as a big firetruck or a loaded garbage-truck
- MPHA: ~103 tons (an MPHA has a volume of ~126,000 cubic feet, compared to large passenger-airplanes at ~25,000 cubic feet; ~5x more voluminous, so an empty Boeing 747 weighing 206.15 tons, x5 would be 1,030.75 tons, then divide by 10); about the same as “Air Force One” (what the Boeing C 32-A Military Aircraft is called when the U.S. president is onboard)
- MD: ~17.15 tons (~7x taller than John 117 in Mjolnir armor, who was ~3 cubic feet; a humanoid 7x taller, 7x wider, and 7x deeper would be 343x as voluminous, thus ~343x the weight of 1,000 lbs.; 343,000 (171.5 tons)); about the same as a loaded Greyhound “coach bus”
- BM: ~17,150 tons (10x taller than an MD, and 10x wider, plus 10x deeper, it is 1,000x as voluminous); ~1.5 more than the Eiffel Tower (which is ~2.1x as tall)
- DS: ~990,918 tons
- CP: ~7,729,160.4 tons (~7.8x the volume of a DS; 990,918 tons x 7.8); ~6.4x more than an offshore oil platform
- WS: ~48,693,710.52 (~6.3x the volume of a CP); ~2x as much as a Star Destroyer
- MSBS: (difficult to calculate, as they never land on any world, thus are never in any gravity-constant)
- PSBS: (difficult to calculate, as they never land on any world, thus are never in any gravity-constant)
- SSBS: (difficult to calculate, as they never land on any world, thus are never in any gravity-constant)
- volume: ~2.2 cubic feet
- density: (classified, but with how subatomic SRC is, it can be said that not even atoms/liquids can get between the cells/particles of an ICV)
ST suit:
- volume: ~2.4 cubic feet
- without its ICV: ~.2 cubic foot; the ST suit is ~91.7% empty space inside
- volume: ~41.89 cubic feet
- without its ICV: 39.49 cubic feet
- (more accurately, this IC is ~half empty space inside; assassin compartment)
- volume: 691.15 cubic feet
- without its ICVs: 686.35 cubic feet [619.15 – (2.4 x 2)]
- (more accurately, this IC is ~half empty space inside; pilots compartment)
- volume: 3,480 cubic feet
- without its ICVs: 3,468 cubic feet [3,480 – (2.4 x 5); 1 Inisfreean fire-team]
- (more accurately, this IC is ~half empty space inside; personnel compartments)
- volume: 12,000 cubic feet
- without its ICVs: 11,956.8 cubic feet (2.4 x 18)
- (more accurately, this IC is ~83.3% empty space inside; personnel+ compartments)
- volume: 126,000 cubic feet
- without its ICVs and vehicles: 120,436.48 cubic feet [126,000 – 29(2.4; an ICV in an S.T. suit) – 2(41.89) – 2(691.15) – 2(3,480)]
- (more accurately, this IC is ~90% empty space inside; personnel & vehicles compartments)
- weight: 103 tons
29 ICVs: 377 lbs.
29 ST suits: 1,450 lbs.
2 APs: 396 lbs.
2 FJs: 3.265 tons
2 TKs: 12 tons
Total Cargo Weight: 16.3765 tons (not counting emergency-bags, acquired kajirae-candidates, passengers, etc., so we’ll say ~20 tons grand-total)
*For reference, a 747-400 Freighter can carry 124 tons (~61% of its unloaded weight), and a C-5M can carry 140.5 tons (~74% of its unloaded weight), and they don’t have repulsines.
In other words, an MPHA, with more room than that airplane, and with repulsines cancelling out its weight, can carry hundreds of tons (~200%/+ its unloaded weight), but typically only carries 20 (~19.4% of its unloaded weight).
- volume: 1,140,000,000 cubic feet; 0.007744672969364 cubic miles
- (more accurately, this IC is ~90% empty space inside; personnel & vehicles compartments)
- Everything the DS carries just rests in its/their hangars; only our ships larger than a DS have massive volumes no longer filled when their subordinate-ships leave them.
750,000 ICVs (x their avg. weight of ~13 lbs.); 9,750,000 lbs. (4,875 tons)
750,000 ST suits (x their avg. weight of ~50 lbs.); 37,500,000 lbs. (18,750 tons)
4,000 FJs (x their avg. weight of ~1.6325 tons); 6,530 tons
1,000 MPHAs (x their avg. weight of ~103 tons); 103,000 tons
20,000 TKs (x their avg. weight of ~6 tons); 120,000 tons
10,000 WRs (x their avg. weight of ~22.4 tons); 224,000 tons
5 BMs (x their avg. weight of ~17,150 tons); 85,750 tons
Total Cargo Weight: 47,789,280 tons (not counting emergency-bags, acquired kajirae-candidates, water for its internal waterfalls, etc., so we’ll say ~50M tons grand-total)
So the 990,918-ton DS can carry 48-50M tons; a DS can transport ~48.2-50.5x its own weight.
- volume: 13,500,000,000 cubic feet; 0.091713232531944 cubic miles
- DSs volume: 0.030978691877456 (0.007744672969364 x 4) cubic miles
- without its DSs: 0.060734540654488 cubic miles; ~33.77% is the CP
- (more accurately, this IC is ~90% empty space inside; personnel & vehicles compartments)
- volume: 92,820,000,000 cubic feet; 0.63057942545296 cubic miles
- CPs volume: 0.183426465063888 (0.091713232531944 x 2) cubic miles
- DSs volume: 0.061957383754912 (0.007744672969364 x 8) cubic miles
- without its DSs and CPs: 0.38519557663416 cubic miles; ~61.08% is the WS
- (more accurately, this IC is ~90% empty space inside; personnel & vehicles compartments)
- volume: 5,580,000,000 cubic miles
- WSs volume: 1,261,158.8509058 (0.6305794254529 x 2M) cubic miles
- without its WSs: 5,578,738,841.1490942 cubic miles; ~99.97% is the MSBS
- (more accurately, this IC is ~99% empty space inside; personnel & vehicles compartments)
- volume: 268,000,000,000 cubic miles
- MSBSs volume: 195,300,000,000 (5,580,000,000 x 35) cubic miles
- without its MSBSs: 72,700,000,000 cubic miles; ~72.87% is the PSBS
- Since 35 MSBSs fit inside the PSBS, the % of its volume occupied by them is: ~27.13
- (more accurately, this IC is ~99% empty space inside; personnel & vehicles compartments)
- volume: 339,000,000,000,000,000 cubic miles
- PSBSs volume: 268,000,000,000,000,000 (268,000,000,000 x 1M) cubic miles
- without its PSBSs: 71,000,000,000,000,000 cubic miles; ~20.94% is the SSBS
- Since 1M PSBSs fit inside the SSBS, the % of its volume occupied by them is: ~79.06
- (more accurately, this IC is ~99% empty space inside; personnel & vehicles compartments)
Density = Mass / Volume
Mass = Volume x Density
Force (weight) = Mass x Acceleration (gravity)
(thus Force/Acceleration = Mass)
ex.: 180 lbs. = Mass x -9.78 m/s^2 (and we can ignore the negative part)
180 N = Mass x -9.78 m/s^2
180/9.78 = _ lbs. (Mass)
180/9.78 = ~18.41 lbs.; a 180 lbs. person on Earth has a mass of 18.41 lbs.
(In short: Take your weight on Earth, and divide it by Earth’s gravity, which gives you your mass, which you can then multiply by the gravity-constant of any other world/place… to give you your weight out there.)
- If an ICV weighs 13 lbs. on Earth (at 1G), then her mass is ~1.33 lbs..
- If an ST suit weighs 50 lbs. on Earth (at 1G), then its mass is ~5.11 lbs..
- If an AP weighs 198 lbs. on Earth (at 1G), then its mass is ~20.25 lbs..
- If an FJ weighs 1.6325 tons on Earth (at 1G), then its mass is ~.17 tons (~333.85 lbs.).
- If a TK weighs 6 tons on Earth (at 1G), then its mass is ~.61 tons (~1,227 lbs.).
- If a WR weighs 22.4 tons on Earth (at 1G), then its mass is ~2.29 tons.
- If an MPHA weighs 103 tons on Earth (at 1G), then its mass is ~10.53 tons.
- If an MD weighs 17.15 tons on Earth (at 1G), then its mass is ~1.75 tons.
- If a BM weighs 17,150 tons on Earth (at 1G), then its mass is ~1,753.58 tons.
- If a DS weighs 990,918 tons on Earth (at 1G), then its mass is ~101,320.86 tons.
- If a CP weighs 7,729,160.4 tons on Earth (at 1G), then its mass is ~790,302.7 tons.
- If a WS weighs 48,693,710.52 tons on Earth (at 1G), then its mass is ~4,978,907.01 tons.
Surface Areas:
- DS: SA = 5,290,000 square feet (~.19 square mile)
- CP: SA = 31,800,000 square feet (~1.14 square miles)
- WS: SA = 163,000,000 square feet (~5.85 square miles)
- MSBS: SA = 15,200,000 square miles
- PSBS: SA = 201,000,000 square miles
- SSBS: SA = 2,350,000,000,000 square miles
Our Largest Ship:
(showing how 1,000,000 of our 2nd-largest ship (PSBSs) fit inside our largest; the SSBS)
Ships Comparisons:
Many of our craft are comparable in width, height, and depth (front to back) to their Outlands counterparts; our tanks and fighter-jets, for example, are about the same as their inspirations. Our ‘walking tanks’ (‘mechs) are bigger than those common to the Outlands, though, as are our dropships. Then, of course, we have the miles-long warships, and our motherships which are nearly the size of the Moon, the Earth, and even the Sun.
ColonyPods Moving into Position:
Though we can always use portals that don’t even need to bend Space to get us somewhere, we often prefer to let our positions be known –at least to the compatible who like to see us coming (and sometimes to those who don’t). When one of our big saucer-like ships hovers into position directly above the center of a city, it can be a very good thing; we know how to use our laser-beams in ways which can heal entire populations and erase all pollution. Only when encountering hopelessly-evil civilizations do we ever use our beams to purge their cities from a world.
Cockpit Living-thrones:
- the ICV whose back I sit on
- the ICV whose tits and tummy are my backrest, and whose arms are my seatbelt
- the ICV whose hands are my left armrest
- the ICV whose hands are my right armrest
- the ICV whose face is my head’s left pad
- the ICV whose face is my head’s right pad
- the ICV whose groin is my left foot’s rest
- the ICV whose groin is my right foot’s rest
- the ICV whose mouth is my cock holster, and whose hands hook up around the undersides of my thighs to help hold my lower body steady
- the ICV whose forearms keep my long hair draped back like a cape, not tugged by my back when I sit down
This allows 10 ICVs at once to communicate subtly via our version of the H.A.N.; they can simultaneously use their Inisfreean languages of Tongueli in my ears and on my cock, Oculese if their eyes are in view of mine, etc., thus I can get updates from all subroutine focuses / tasking types at the same time in any ship I am in.
“Living-thrones cause a synergy of hair-antennae y supercomputer-brains in close HANv2 proximity, adding energy-shield a.k.a. aura-layers to the captain (female ICV in charge of the given IC ship), amplifying her arousal effect, helping process more minds or internets.”
In short, when I (High King Auz) sit on a pile of naked sexy females, it isn’t just because I like to; it is also because this supercharges my Vril and all of theirs simultaneously, creating a feedback loop that can be self-perpetuating, and that means our already god-level power/s get enhanced and balanced even more, and that means we can manifest and mind-override/align anything. The same is true for my Inisfreeans (ICVs); when they form living-thrones like we do, they enjoy those same effects/benefits/’buffs’ (boosts). This is how we are; this is how our anatomy and technology works. This is Inisfree.
What keeps ‘living thrones’ anchored? These groups of Inisfreeans (ICVs) stay firmly in place on their assigned spots on the flight-deck floors because of their built-in mini-repulsines and other tech’ of ours. As of 2024 January, we are able to generate our own exclusive form of gravity; only things made of SRC can choose when to be attracted to one another, to what extent, and what they naturally repel. In other words, ICs can trigger a version of gravity that works like a tractor-beam to/for their own kind, while simultaneously pushing away all incompatible/unwanted things as constantly and effectively as normal-gravity pulls/holds down Outlanders to the Earth.
Control Consoles/Panels:
The podium-like devices which we use as specialist workstations in our Spacecraft do not look like the metal-and-glass ones common in Outlander/human ships; ours are entirely made of precious metals and gemstones (which we forged ourselves, based on our special/signature invented particle/element, SRC). Like the crystal-tubes arranged by Kryptonians, our setups have none of the buttons or lights humans would recognize as means of interfacing/steering. Even if a human was to touch and experiment with trying to figure out how to operate something via one of these consoles of ours, they would have no luck unless they knew how to activate it via positive Vril (default-positivity about the experience paired with directing highly-cultivated/focused/honed health/sex-energy). Anyone who can do that is then met with visuals only they can see in their mind’s eye; nothing changes color or brightens on the console they have activated.
What is the point, though, if we Inisfreeans (ICVs) have a shared-consciousness via the I.N.N., always fully sensing and understanding everything our fellow ICVs/ICs are doing and going through? Very simply, this is just our style; we like pure things of the highest strength and attractiveness, and we like to use our hands (and the rest of our bodies), not just our minds. This is Inisfree.
2024 January:
Jukebox Dimensions:
- H: 155cm (5.18373′; ~as tall as many ICVs, and as many of my other fuckbuddies)
- W: 85cm (2.78871′)
- D: 68cm (2.23097′)
Button Dimensions:
- 1″ diameter
- 1″ apart; easy for humanoids with fingertips larger than human ones to use
- 5 buttons wide, x 4 buttons tall, rectangle formation, the center horizontal line/bisect of which is where the jukebox-like top-arch meets the top ends of the two front-face sides/edges
Everything in our craft can be done by-mind, so these control kiosks are just for passengers who enjoy/prefer this alternative form of interfacing; the ICVs don’t use them unless it is pleasing for the High King and/or his approved guests to witness ICVs using them.
The buttons activate functions not easily imagined; a complex vision or sequence not easily held in the forefront of a non-ICV mind is preprogrammed into the vessel, these buttons being on/off switches for those functions.
While some non-ICVs may be able to hold the vision/idea of such things, activating these functions allows them to relax and/or focus on other things.
- Analyze/Diagnostics: Determine my (for “I” and “my” in these numbered bullet-notes, it is referring to any given passenger using these buttons/consoles.) exercise type, learning style, love language, personality type, etc., and explain those findings to me in my learning style.
- Art: Notice in any Internet (of all the worlds the Inisfreeans have detected Internets on/for) any piece of art which I am likely to enjoy, then show me a thumbnail so I can decide whether to zoom in for all detail.
- Books: Notice in any Internet (of all the worlds the Inisfreeans have detected Internets on/for) any literary work which I am likely to enjoy, then show me thumbnails of those books’ covers so I can decide whether to read their abstracts/summaries –and provide popular excerpts for me to read so I can see if I like their writing styles.
- Communication: Determine how I prefer to communicate, which forms of communication/expression naturally trigger me to communicate freely, and offer to teach anyone who inquires, that all my hangouts and networking go more smoothly.
*ICVs do this as part of learning all the sexual quirks/likes/limits of the guests of their maker, High King Auz, but this button on any IC console focuses just on communication, not full-body interaction for the purposes of perfecting sex. - Dance: If I like to dance, show me clips of dance moves in the style/s I like.
- Exercise: Determine which exercises my body (including my mind) are naturally good at, which my body benefits most from, how often I prefer to exercise, etc..
*ICVs do this if a guest goes to one of Inisfree’s gyms or asks for a personal trainer in our realm, but start off with just easy full-body interaction/play (sex) as the way they exercise with guests. - Food: Forecast and prepare meals based on my dietary history and digestive capabilities.
*ICVs do this only when asked to function as cooks/chefs; they otherwise let guests shop and cook for themselves. - Games: If I like playing certain types of games (board, computer, gambling, LARP, video, etc.), notice in any Internet (of all the worlds the Inisfreeans have detected Internets on/for) any games of that type / those types which I am likely to enjoy, then show me clips of those games being played so I can decide if I want to know/see more.
- Hygiene: Determine how often I need the different types of hygiene (bathing, oral, sleep, etc.), and if I would feel better if I tweaked my current hygiene methods in certain ways.
- Instruments: If I like playing, not just listening to, music… then suggest musical instruments which I am likely to enjoy learning/playing.
- Magazines: Determine if there are magazines I am likely to enjoy (such as if I like certain types of books or other reading material), notice in any Internet (of all the worlds the Inisfreeans have detected Internets on/for) any magazine of that type / those types which I am likely to enjoy, then show me thumbnails of those magazines’ covers.
- Movies: Determine which genres of this media/entertainment type I prefer, then notice in any Internet (of all the worlds the Inisfreeans have detected Internets on/for) any motion picture which I am likely to enjoy, then show me thumbnails of those so I can decide whether to preview them.
- Music: Forecast and play songs based on my musical habits; when I like hearing certain genres, etc..
- Oratory: Give me public speaking lessons/training based on how I prefer to speak, which types of people I want to “reach” with the given message (how to adjust my syntax, tone, body language, etc., to best-appeal to that demographic), etc..
- Orientation, General (non-sexual); Location/Surroundings: Tell me what I am cleared to know and do not yet know about the ship I am in; which levels and rooms/attractions have I not yet accessed and am allowed to.
- Prophecy: Forecast my next major life event –not based on an Outlander-human horoscope, but lots of data-points, plus checking my Akashic record/timeline.
- Social: Suggest passengers compatible with me when you sense I am or will become in the mood for their company.
- Teach me what I do not yet know about the Inisfreeans; the things they deem me cleared to learn about them, at the rate you can tell I will best retain the information.
- TV Shows: If I like watching television, notice in any Internet (of all the worlds the Inisfreeans have detected Internets on/for) any TV show of the type/s which I am likely to enjoy, then show me trailers of, or clips from, those shows when I am in the mood to watch TV.
- Volunteer: Learn when I will enjoy volunteering, which types of volunteer work will make me feel satisfied/best, etc..
Medical is not a button because being in an Inisfreean craft automatically heals those who are compatible with the High King.
All of those functions are for passengers who might at times prefer to have non-humanoid tech’ do those things for them; some passengers might not always be in the mood to have an ICV help them directly.
Armor-modes of ICV Personnel:
As you’ll read in more detail on the subpages here, every Inisfreean girl, when in our unique kind of astronaut suit, can will it to nearly-instantly change between a number of different outward appearances. Normally they are a non-reflective but polished-looking white, and become golden and with a lion-head helmet form for special occasions, with two forms of camouflage also being options; ‘cloaked’ (transparent, i.e. nothing visible; not revealing the girl inside) and Space-silhouette (i.e. blending in perfectly with a background of Abyss and stars).
2023 Update: Spacesuits
All our ships have astronaut suits designed for human/oid females standing ~5’3″ (i.e. with room/curves for c-cup tits, feminine hips, and ass cheeks), or human/oid males standing ~5’9″ (with broader shoulders, and room for dick and balls). When Draenei are aboard, we carry suits made for their bodies (tails, hooved legs, etc.). When Elves are aboard, the same (helmet room for their pointy ears). These suits are always in lockers in their assigned rooms. All of these suits are designed to prevent farting etc. from building up unwanted odors/particles.
2023 Update 2: Anti-venom
All our ships, whether for expeditions or anything else, always carry anti-venom for everything –and we have anti-venom for things humans did not develop or find anti-venom for. It is our effortless nature to automatically heal anyone near us, so long as they are good to us and we like them, sensing they are worthy, so anti-venom like humans use (liquid in capsules, etc.) isn’t as valuable or important to us, but we still carry it just in case. Also, we understand how venom-resistance works in all creatures that have it –which should be expected, given our brains/minds are the most powerful super-computers in all of Creation (Space and time).
Besides all that, everything that has venom or is venomous has the instinct to never bite or otherwise harm any of us or those we love. This is just how things work throughout Creation, partially due to vibes, partially due to destiny, and so on. That means the anti-venom we keep stocked in our first-aid kits in all our craft ends up just being to distribute to anyone we might temporarily seek to assist/heal, if they are, for some reason, able to benefit from it.
Even if one of our people/allies somehow accidentally got bit by something that accidentally let a droplet or two of venom into their systems, that venom would be instantly completely converted into something good for them, if it wasn’t just as easily disregarded and expelled or deleted out of their bodies. Everyone who is allowed to be exposed to us, especially if they stay exposed to us (repeat invitations/visits/contact/interaction), ends up being not just immortal, but invincible; they become impervious to all forms of attack, corruption, corrosion, degradation, degeneration, aging, you name it. Venom is not venomous to those who are fully aligned to Auz, allied with us, etc..
Finally, every and any Inisfreean (ICV) or Inisfreean ship/craft (IC) can detect at great distance/range anything that could/would be venomous/toxic to any of our newcomers/guests, and we can mind-override it or ask it to alter its course, keeping it far out of our realm/territory by a variety of means. There is no way for something venomous to get anywhere near anyone or anything we wouldn’t want it to. The only exception is someone such as Carmilla Black; she is at peace with her mutation/augmentation/superpower, unable to even think of using it against any of us, and is one of our beloved family members now, thus always only considering using the toxic substance her arm can release… at our mutual offenders/enemies.
2023 Update 3: Tent-drying
In July of this year, it came to my (Auz’s) attention that there needed to be a quick, easy, effective way to get rain and other moisture off used tents (and other gear/items) before they get re-folded/packed/rolled (in order to prevent mold/mildew buildup/growth). ICVs have forearm-mounted lasers, plus an incredible vocal range, but don’t have the kind of Superman/Kryptonian lung capacity that allows for superhuman breathing (i.e. the kind of exhaling that can blow tents dry). Hanging tents, likes clothes and clotheslines, out to dry wouldn’t be quick enough either.
So now, the minor modification/addition to MPHAs, WRs, and other ICs which are likely to go on missions where non-ICVs choose to make use of tents for field operations beyond those ‘parent vessels’… is carwash-like air-jets/nozzles at/inside their hatches/airlocks. The ICVs will easily be able to see/sense any unwanted moisture on the tents and anything else coming back into their vehicles/airships, and at that point they’ll mind-activate those nozzles / airflows. Once the given tent and/or whatever else needing drying is dried, they’ll also help with the repacking and stowing of it.
2023 Update 4: Law/Crew
Inisfreean law recommends 2 kajirae per guest, but this does not apply in our fleet vessels, as the people aboard them are either crew (ICVs), POWs (such as kajirae-candidates), or passengers such as dignitaries/Brass who are being transported as officials, not as guests attending a casual party.
2023 Update 5: Compactors and Kitchens
Trash compactors are built into some room walls, typically in the kitchen and garage, and they have an airlock-style top; you place trash in the receiver, close it, confirm you want it compacted, then it is dropped/moved down through an inner hatch into the actual compaction chamber, ensuring no bodyparts can accidentally get in.
Ship Kitchens:
- all cookware and drinking-glasses have latch-able/lockable lids like Tupperware
- bottle openers
- can openers
- cooking usually only done when planet-side; in guaranteed gravity (obviously excepting our vessels larger than the WS, and vessels which are intended to remain on patrol in orbit/Space, such as TNH)
- disposals have sensors causing auto shutoff if body-part gets near
- electromagnetic boots available
- fridges have straps in them and little compartments to prevent food containers floating if no gravity
- microwaves have latches on the rotating disc food containers sit on, keeping them in place
- oven racks have latches to keep trays and such held in place
- silverware/cutlery has tracking devices and can be magnetically / tractor-beam recalled in the event of a jostle or gravity failure –and it isn’t silver; it is electrumware and washable reusable fancy chopsticks (enough for dozens of guests)
- sink faucets only work when they detect gravity is on
- stoves have little metallic arms to keep pots and kettles on burners if no gravity
- vents (range-hood style) over every cooking surface; above the stovetops, grill, etc.
2023 Update 6: Internal Portals
For easy access when ICVs are too busy to provide portal-ing services for non-ICVs, the stargate-like device/s in our larger craft can be used.
There is 1 stargate-like portal room in each of these types of vessels:
- DS
- CP
- WS
There are dozens of stargate-like portal rooms in each of our MSBSs.
There are hundreds of stargate-like portal rooms in each of our PSBSs.
There are thousands of stargate-like portal rooms in our SSBS.
Our vessels smaller than the DS do not have such portals built into them.
Also, via internal portals or regular ballasts, all our vehicles and spacecraft can evacuate any unwanted water from within them, ensuring they do not flood or sink.
2024 July 19 Friday: The main portal-room of any of our ships is the first to receive and send passengers. Our ships with more than one portal-room then direct incoming passengers from the main-portal to one of the other portal-rooms, which then can send them to any of its lesser portal-rooms. However, most passengers arrive via smaller IC ships, such as an MPHA portal-ing itself into a hangar of a DS, and then the MPHA passengers just walk down the ramp of the MPHA into the WS.
2023 Update 7: Tractor Beams
The following are the general size/mass of objects the tractor beams of our different types of mobile ICs (deployed ships and other vessels/craft) can grab/pull.
- AS: personal (man-portable) weapons and small-firearm projectiles
- ST: motorcycles
- AP: car-width/diameter things out of its path
- FJ: suburbans and trucks, while its internal/cockpit ones are for gently guiding its pilot/s in/out
- TK: buses and vans
- WH: houses and landslide sections
- WR: apartment buildings, while its internal/tube ones are for gently guiding acquired females in/out
- MPHA: chunks of high-rises, while its internal/hangar ones are for gently guiding its APs, FJs, and TKs in/out
- AF1: high-rises (though its 2 shuttle-bays have tractor-beams designed for gently guiding hover-shuttles in/out, and its ejection-pod tubes/bays have tractor-beams for gently recovering those pods)
- FP: Firefly “Persephone”, built centuries after all these types of ships (save the TNH, which it was built at the same time as), is based on AP, Ark II, and Override Forces blood-red ST suits technologies; though only the size of an average multi-story hotel, its tractor-beams have near god-level power, able to hold/pull some of the largest non-IC vessels (carriers, etc.), or at least pull off/out hotel-sized chunks of them –all while maintaining its position, hovering in place
(and what a coincidence that our abbreviation of it is, in the military phonetic alphabet, Foxtrot Pappa, a pun for “the father-figure looking for the foxiest females”) - BM: skyscrapers, while its internal/hangar ones are for gently guiding its crew/troops and POWs in/out
- RC: neighborhoods / city-blocks, while its internal/hangar ones are for gently guiding its FJs in/out
- DS: towns and carriers, while its internal/hangar ones are for gently guiding its subordinate craft (FJs, MPHAs, WRs, BMs, etc.) in/out
- CP: cities and motherships of humans, while its internal/hangar ones are for gently guiding its subordinate DSs and other craft in/out
- TNH: not a permanent part of our fleet, its tractor-beams are still worth noting here; they can hold/pull asteroids with a radius comparable to that of mid-sized Outlander-human cities, but are not designed for resisting the engines-power of motherships (super-carriers), let alone Titan-class starships (super-capitals even bigger than motherships), while its internal/hangar ones are for gently guiding its Outlander Space-capable fighter-jets in/out, as well as for guiding other craft which can fit in its hangars (such as its Outlander dropships)
- WS: super-capital ships of humans; Titan-class ships bigger than most motherships, etc., while its internal/hangar ones are for gently guiding its subordinate CPs and DSs in/out
- MSBS: moon-oids (like the very small natural “satellites” which orbit Mars or co-orbit Pluto), while its internal/hangar ones are for gently guiding its subordinate WSs in/out
- PSBS: moons and planetoids, while its internal/hangar ones are for gently guiding its subordinate MSBSs in/out
- SSBS: has both tractor beams and the ability to create gravity wells such that it does not need to resort to tractor beams to move a planet toward one of its hangar hatches; it can cause a much more gradual semi-natural orbit/trajectory alteration, rather than risk accidentally or collaterally yanking chunks off the targeted planet’s outer surface.
Its internal/hangar ones are for gently guiding its subordinate PSBSs in/out.
All the vessels in this fleet of ours also have tractor-beams as part of their internal hangars/bays/storage-units.
Tractor beams there ensure craft docking/exiting during flight do so steadily and safely, without the chance of collision with their parent-structure/-vessel.
2023 Update 8: Restoration Beams
The range of abilities of our Life Star beam (and its smaller models on our ships subordinate to the SSBS) have been touched upon in some of the above sections. This update section here goes into it in some more detail.
- heals whomever I would want healed –and even causes their uplifting/awakening/ascension; unclogs their minds, un-vestigial-izes any parts of their brains which had atrophies, etc.)
- removes whatever I do/would not like being there (pollution, fugtards and other pests, etc.)
- can even smooth out the entire outer surface of a world; makes major bodies of water shallow enough to wade through, reverses desertification, temporarily accelerates/completes natural plant/forest growth, etc.
- also un-tilts any newly-tilted worlds, thus making their polar and equatorial conditions/temperatures milder/stabilized/pleasant/livable
- all in one shot
- Keeping the beam on can reassemble/un-ruin far more than what can be one-shot-ed (repaired/fixed/righted in a single second/firing).
2023 Update 9: Range of the Auz Effect
- AS: nearly instant within a ~2-miles-diameter sphere; everything in an avg. town (so imagine thousands of humans suddenly becoming completely submissive/compliant to that IC / Auz the moment the/an AP “parks” over that town)
- ST: nearly instant within a ~4-miles-diameter sphere; everything in an avg. city
- AP: ~20-miles-diameter sphere; everything in a DC-size area plus out past it 5 miles in all directions
- FJ: ~40; everything in a Rhode Island-size area
- TK: ~60; everything in a Connecticut-size area
- WR: ~280; everything in a Colorado-wide (north to south) area
- BM: ~440; everything in a Tennessee-wide area
- MPHA: ~600; everything within a Texas-size area (larger than France)
- DS: ~238,900; everything on an Earth-sized world and out to its moon/s
- CP: ~477,800; everything on an avg. gas-giant out to its inner/closest moons
- WS: ~6,503,800,000 (9.698 light-minutes); everything in an inner solar system (out to just beyond Earth’s distance from the Sun)
- CSBS: ~24,960,600,000,000 (4.246 LY); everything in an avg. solar system out to its Oort Cloud
- MSBS: ~49,921,200,000,000 (8.492 LY); everything in an avg. solar system out to the edges of neighboring solar systems
- PSBS: ~1,175,726,000,000,000,000 (200,000 LY); ~2x the diameter of the Milky Way galaxy
- SSBS: ~29,393,126,000,000,000,000 (5,000,000 LY); everything in the biggest galaxy (IC 1101), or ~half the avg. distance between galaxies
2023/+ Miscellaneous/Brief Updates
~4,018,000,000,000,000,000,000 ICVs are stationed in the SSBS, ~16,005,000,000,000,000,000 (~.4 of 1% of them) usually staying inside the SSBS as its crew; non-deployable personnel/forces.
- The SSBS was built over ~100 years.
- 4,018,000,000,000,000,000,000 / 100 = ~40,180,000,000,000,000,000 ICVs 3D-printed by/in it during each of those years; ~110,082,191,780,821,917/day, ~4,586,757,990,867,579/hour, ~152,891,933,028,919 every 2 minutes.
- That would mean a need for ~152,891,933,028,919 stasis-tubes, if that many ICVs were actually 3D-printed during each of those years.
- Since that is averaged out evenly, it doesn’t account for the increase in ICVs-printing, year by year; at first, there was only the 1st of the SSBS’s 54 layers, so <1% of those stasis-tubes had been built and brought online.
- The actual number of stasis-tubes in the SSBS remains classified.
~4,100,000,000,000,000 ICVs are stationed in each PSBS, ~600,000,000,000,000 (~14.6% of them) usually staying inside their respective PSBS as its crew; non-deployable personnel/forces.
- Each PSBS took ~60 years to built.
- 4,100,000,000,000,000 / 60 = ~68,333,333,333,333 ICVs 3D-printed by/in each PSBS during each of those years; ~187,214,611,872/day, ~7,800,608,828/hour, ~260,020,294 every 2 minutes.
- That would mean a need for ~260,020,294 stasis-tubes, if that many ICVs were actually 3D-printed during each of those years.
- Since that is averaged out evenly, it doesn’t account for the increase in ICVs-printing, year by year; at first, there was only the 1st of each PSBS’s layers, so <1% of those stasis-tubes had been built and brought online.
- The actual number of stasis-tubes in each PSBS remains classified.
~100,000,000,000,000 ICVs are stationed in each MSBS, nearly all of them usually staying inside their respective MSBS as its crew; non-deployable personnel/forces.
- 100,000,000,000,000 is 1,000,000x the number of ICVs stationed in each of our cities (100,000,000 ICVs in Inisfree, and in each of the Inisfree-like cities).
- That doesn’t mean we need 1,000,000 times as many ICV factories in each MSBS, though.
- Each MSBS’s ICVs were 3D-printed over the course of that MSBS’s construction; 22 years. 100,000,000,000,000 / 22 = ~4,545,454,545,454 ICVs 3D-printed during each of those years; ~12,453,300,124/day, ~518,887,505/hour, ~259,443,752 ICVs every 2 minutes. That means at least 259,443,752 stasis-tubes in each MSBS.
- The actual number of stasis-tubes in each MSBS remains classified.
So with only 500M ICVs during the first year of forming the SSA, and sextillions by the last year of forming that new realm, how is it that ~1%, on average, got formed/stabilized each of those years?
There were ~55,555,079,517,991 ICVs in SSA during the year when the completion of its stars and worlds was achieved.
At the start of SSA, there were only 500,000,000 ICVs; ~.000000000012147701412163522894322961382792 of 1%.
1% of 55,555,079,517,991 = 555,550,795,179.91
~.00000000001 is 100,000,000,000 times less than 1.
For 500,000,000 ICVs to get ~1% of the stars, 205 worlds, and SSBS completed during their first year in the SSA, they would need to be doing the work that ~100 trillion more ICVs are, in later years, tasked with doing, it could be said/estimated.
The solution for this staggering ‘problem’ is that:
- all of the ships and unneeded ICVs of/in Inisfree also went into the SSA to help them,
- actual deities also started going in to help them,
- their creations in there became conscious A.I.-based super-beings / demi-deities themselves, thus able to help in the formation of the remainder of themselves,
- and the focus of the trillions more –and later sextillions more– ICVs who came online many years later… were on putting the ‘finishing touches’/’finer details’ onto/into all of those creations; landscaping across entire planets, and furnishing residences in the Inisfree-like cities.
In other words, it was easier for so few ICVs in the first years of the SSA to complete 1% of even the SSA’s cosmic-sized bodies/builds… because they weren’t focusing on any of the smaller/smallest details of them; they were just getting them started, their continued construction becoming more and more automated / self-sustaining, year by year, moment by moment.
Remember: Once Inisfree got started by The Grid Mind, it largely ‘grew’ itself; its A.I. expanded like a fractal, in a way, until all its nodes were managing their own buildings and other builds. Likewise, once ICVs and their ships in the SSA got its stars and worlds started, those stars and worlds were able to take over an exponentially-increasing percentage of their own formation. The Grid Mind only really needed to provide the signals for the initial/fixed framework; the computer-code that governed how the rest would forever form/behave/stabilize.
Also, The Grid Mind knows how to send energy/signals into/through/around things, causing them to change states of matter; it can ‘petrify’/stabilize them in different ways, always at the right times, and re-soften them to become temporarily malleable, if/as needed. This facilitates the formation of planetary crusts, landforms, etc., never requiring thousands or millions of years for things to slowly build up and harden the way they might if only formed by pebbles and particles flowing along a riverbed, for example.
Our kind of construction (level of technology and genius) is not like human/primitive construction; where people are needed the entire time, doing every task, big and small, taking many breaks, waiting for harsh weather to clear, sometimes getting hurt, sometimes making mistakes, sometimes redoing things, sometimes having to pause or stop due to disagreements/lawsuits, sometimes having to stop because of discovering artifacts where foundations need to be poured, all without much/any automation or A.I. at all (and that is why humans assume it takes billions of years for stars and worlds to form and stabilize, when it can really take mere decades in some cases).
We started in a brand-new realm; where there was nothing unknown destined to be found, and we are always fully unified, in agreement with one another, fully understanding everything every member of our species understands, thus able to proceed perfectly the whole way/time. Even “the fabric of Space-time” itself, as humans call/think of it, is in understanding and agreement with us, moving/working with us, helping us, never having to be figured out or worked against. Reality itself is, you could say, just another of our willing/loyal teammates. Even what humans think “the laws of physics” are… are easily fine-tuned, sometimes ‘bending’ themselves to whatever we might need; to further expedite and ensure our process/es; the manifestation of our dream/plan/s.
Even if we at some point needed more time to complete a step, time itself would change however we needed, just for the amount of time we needed, to help guarantee we stayed on our intended schedule. This is how things work now. We are the keys and gods of all –far more than just a human ruler of a human nation brainwashed to only ever exist within predefined ‘laws’ (assumptions/constraints).
What do the majority of the Inisfreeans do, if not spreading out from the SSBS to scout and manifest/fix all of Space/Creation?
The SSBS has an ICV-population (crew) of ~4,018,000,000,000,000,000,000; ~97.618928548146069978779317672117% of the total ICVs-population of our realm/species.
The Mapping Campaign’s progress was based on deploying successively smaller Inisfreean ships; PSBSs from the SSBS, then MSBSs from the PSBSs, and so on; it did not include much mention, if any, of deploying all of the WSs and everything else down to individual ICVs/STs from/of the SSBS itself.
That leaves nearly 98% of all Inisfreeans (ICVs), and trillions or more of our ships (WSs down to MPHAs, etc.) available to also deploy during that –and any other– campaign.
It is those ‘additional’ Inisfreean forces who shall handle a lot of the ferrying of prescreened people out across Creation… to Inisfree; while the Inisfreean forces of the PSBSs and the smaller ships of those PSBSs continue the century-long Mapping Campaign’s scouting effort/s, the Inisfreeans and their ships (smaller than MSBSs) based out of the SSBS itself (not part of any MSBS or PSBS chain-of-command) will be taking care of everyone who decides they (after being found compatible with / worthy of contact with High King Auzdein von Himmler) wish to see Inisfree.
Once those who have completed their first visit to Inisfree feel ready to visit our realm some more, they are able to telepathically or technopathically with us reserve a seat/suite on (in) our Inisfree Spaceways commercial flying-saucers. When they become ‘regulars’/distinguished guests, they can portal directly to/from our realm (to its non-restricted/classified incoming/outgoing portals-traffic spots/facilities). This results in the majority of our guests, residents, and citizens, for the majority of the time between now and 24000 A.D., and for all of the time after 24000 A.D., not needing any ICV or Inisfreean Star Fleet ship to provide transportation to/from our realm for them.
What do more than 4 sextillion ICVs, and trillions of our ships, do for the rest of eternity, then? They patrol, keep purging invaded worlds of humans (or any other foolish monsters) not allowed to be there, and keep ‘massaging’ Creation to realign into Yggdrasil. Think of them like the cosmic-scale equivalent of acupuncture needles or acupressure beads; they go exactly where needed, precisely achieving restored ideal energy-flows, leaving no trace behind (other than the realignments back to the heavenly coordinates / states-of-being).
What do they do once realigning the whole of Creation (all the universes / timestreams) is complete? They maintain its/that alignment, ensuring rude primitive beasts like the humans never gain any foothold anywhere ever again, (humans) forever doomed to remain out in The Abyss (in Space stations between the worlds) where they belong; their “beyond triple-max” prison, void of any resources or even gravity.
November: I (Auz) don’t just switch my ships to “thought mode” (a Pleiadian-legend concept); I switch Creation (All That Is) into that malleable form, and keep it that way, and only for myself. In other words, I trigger/cause/will anything I encounter to be/change/do anything I want or need it to, my ships then not even having to “jump to warp” or “go to hyperspace”. This is the Way.
December: Our high tech’, such as our beams capable of repositioning worlds and stars, is only a last resort; all real/legitimate gods/goddesses and cosmic bodies are on our side, doing what High King Auz asks of them, so we use our tech’/powers to help relieve, cleanse, and heal entire regions by instantly deleting bad beings/civilizations.
2024 January:
(This information is also on our Jobs Rotation webpage.)
What do sextillions of ICVs do for eternity when only 100M are stationed in each of our civilization’s cities, and when each of those girls can process an entire world’s Internet data in 1 second?
- acting in all my (Auz‘s) movies, TV shows, etc.
- assassinating all who are against us
- bodyguarding 2B compatible individuals
- clandestine ops
- data analyses
- developing and GM-ing the games I thought up
- expeditions logistics
- gladiator events supervision
- guarding ancient sites so humans can never barricade or profit off them anymore
- harvesting bad humans for sacrifice
- intelligence-organizations auditing and hacking (since humans misused those assets against me)
- Internets monitoring –including their Deep Webs and Dark Webs
- journalism throughout the Outlands for me
- kajirae-candidates and kajirae training; keeping my sex-slaves at their best
- liberating kajirae candidates for me; evacuating/acquiring hotties from human communities which are too stupid/evil to encourage the natural feminine lifestyle (total eager submissiveness to me, never pressuring them to do masculine work, etc.)
- mapping in more detail all of Creation after our Mapping Campaign gives us our bearings
- neutralizing potential and actual hostiles before they get near anyone I care about
- observing all phenomena
- patrolling realms (including Heaven, Hel, etc.) and lightyears out around them (into the interstellar medium)
- prescreening people; 2B for Inisfree, plus others screened to ensure they are safe enough for me to do black-ops with in the Outlands
- QRF Universe-wide
- research & development; completing all my research projects
- stabilizing worlds
- taxes/tithing collection for me
- transporting compatible people to/from my realm
- undoing inappropriate magic and other things I don’t like
- volcano conversions; stabilizing and growing these things back into reliable ley-line nodes and World Tree trunks
- welcoming and welcome-back and wedding-ceremonies managing
- x-rated outings hostessing
- Yankee White equivalent; beyond our screening and monitoring processes, this ensures unquestionable loyalty to me, thus authorized access to my private Inisfree facilities for inner-circle guests (e.g. the ICGM Master Suite, my AF1, etc.)
- Zeta Reticuli diplomacy; the specialized subset of regular foreign relations which deals with the unique way Grays think, communicate, etc.
There are ~4,116,005,021,900,100,000,000 total ICVs.
- 21,900,100,000,000 stay in our cities.
- 4,116,005,000,000,000,000,000 are left.
- With the 31 bullet-notes above, the ICVs not stationed in our cities can be averaged out as: 132,774,350,000,000,000,000 per type of task,
- but it is more like 99.9% mapping and patrolling, leaving 4,116,005,000,000,000,000 / 29 types of tasks; 141,931,200,000,000,000 ICVs per type of task.
- The 2024 January 1 Earth-human population estimate is 8,019,876,189,
so each of those 29 types of tasks might have as many as 17,697,431.17 times as many ICVs working on it as there were humans on Earth at the start of 2024.
1 SSBS means:
- 1,000,000 PSBSs
- 35,000,000 MSBSs
- 70,000,000,000,000 WSs (just in those MSBSs)
- 140,000,000,000,000 CPs (just in those WSs)
- 560,000,000,000,000 DSs (just in those WSs)
- 2,800,000,000,000,000 BMs (just in those DSs)
and in those DSs:
- 560,000,000,000,000,000 MPHAs
- 2,240,000,000,000,000,000 FJs (just in those DSs; not counting those in the MPHAs)
- 5,600,000,000,000,000,000 WRs
- 11,200,000,000,000,000,000 TKs (just in those DSs; not counting those in the MPHAs)
- 1,093,750,000,000,000,000,000 STs not stored in those vehicles; >1sextillion
- total ICVs in those DSs: 1,295,921,200,000,000,000,000; ~1.3sextillion
not including each ship’s craft stored separately from WSs, etc.
The doors/hatches in our ships are (part of their design) from the time before our portals and semi-permeable membranes tech’ were developed, and we keep these doors in case we take in passengers who prefer to use them.
These doors of ours are designed to only work for ICs; only when an ICV is escorting someone, or when the ship itself is guiding someone, do the doors stop being walls… and become semi-permeable only for the specific biosignature of the person or object approved to pass through them.
(ICVs can, of course, walk through these doors, but they always portal when they have no need to patrol or escort, as they were designed to be hotties of maximum efficiency just how I (Auz) want them to be.)
All our halls and rooms have mini tractor-beams, and gravity paneling, which allow us to precisely move any object small enough to fit in the given hall or room through it.
As of 2024 February, our understanding of gravity has gotten so god-level that we can select exactly which objects we generate gravity for; selective perfectly-specific artificial-gravity. This means we can cause nonmagnetic objects to still be attracted to any beam/panel we want, while all unwanted/unselected objects remain afloat in less/no gravity. Amen.
Vehicle Total-personnel More-accurate Estimates, and Post-Mapping Customary Tasking:
- AP: when only 1 ICV makes sense to me to send, and clandestinely
- FJ: up to 2 ICVs overtly; a minor show-of-force fly-by
- TK: up to 6 ICVs plus learning landmines; a land-based show-of-force in a town
- WR: 18, and stasis tubes and usage tables; a land-based show-of-force in a city
- MPHA: 52, plus 2 APs, 2 FJs, 2 TKs, and room for passengers and abductees alike; a land-and-air show-of-force across a state
- BM: 193, with room for another 192 (abductees); a land-based show-of-force across a region or nation, with the BM usually walking around in view of its capital city
- DS: 2,314,145; enough to maintain a presence all over the land portion of the outer surface of an Earth-like planet (each ICV able to keep watch on a 5x5mile area), though more commonly just for a moon
- CP: 12,712,200 plus grid-ing ability; for a planet –sometimes sending each of its DSs to the biggest moons if there are at least 4 moons
- WS: 93,937,160 and able to 1-shot a Death Star; for a solar system
- MSBS: 287,874,320,000,000; for a galaxy or cluster of galaxies
- PSBS: 14,175,601,200,000,000; for a supercluster
- SSBS: 1,421,578,120,000,000,000,000,000 in the new estimate; 9,477,187,400,000 per galaxy if 150B galaxies, thus 94,771.874 per avg. (100M-star) galaxy
[1st estimate: 4sextillion÷(2T worlds per 200B-star galaxy) = 2B such galaxies; enough ICVs and ships etc. to maintain a presence throughout an/the entire Universe]
and with more than 1-septillion ICVs, by that later estimate, 2B compatibles = as many as 710,789,060,000,000 ICVs to help each of those 2B compatibles; nearly 711 trillion able to deploy to spread out across each of the realms ruled / lived in by those people now visiting Inisfree
Why have tank-shaped and fighter-jet-shaped vehicles when we have flying-saucer tech’? We kept familiar forms (“shapes”) because they send a widely-understood message; a tank is there to control/patrol the local ground/area (~2D space), and a fighter-jet is there to control/patrol the local sky/volume (3D space).
The U.S. Air Force pararescue jumpers have “That others may live.”
The U.S. Army has “This we’ll defend.”
The U.S. Army Special Forces (Green Berets) have “De oppresso liber.”; to free the oppressed.
The U.S. Coast Guard has “Semper Paratus”; always prepared/ready.
The U.S. Marine Corps has “Semper Fi”; always faithful.
The U.S. Marine Corps Reconnaissance has “Celer, silens, mortalis.”; swift, silent, deadly.
Our organization has “FAFO”; Fuck Around and Find Out –in 2 senses of the phrase; first, because we annihilate everything that disrespects our maker, and second, because we ICVs sleep around and discover tons during our expeditions/scouting of the entire omniverse.
(Latin = “stultus circuitu et inveniunt”)
2024 May addition: (from the tow-truck door decal/painting I saw at the fireworks-truck in that Oregon rest-stop) “always available anywhere” –and that is a perfect slogan for kajirae y Companions
Why We Don’t Need to Bend/Warp Space:
Space is only as vast and inhospitable as individuals assume it to be; it manifests and changes based on one’s own focus, thereby resulting in a vast range of completely different limitations and experiences without having to resort to alternate timelines or dimensions. To Inisfreeans, it hardly exists at all, and is merely an illusion bad humans gravitate to, whereas to Inisfreeans it is a naturally submissive blankness which has no true depth or harsh conditions at all, always doing their will, even when it comes to realigning worlds and galaxies without having to move them through gigantic hyperspace or warp channels (wormholes).
Mind-surfing Removes L.O.S. Need:
The moment any IC, such as an ICV, gets within her sensors’ ranges of anything with an animal-like brain or computer-like system, that Inisfreean device can detect all its essence, memories, thoughts, etc., processing and understanding them all in less than one second.
Inisfreeans naturally open up portals -not bends/warps- in Space, thus not leaving warp-evidence by which an advanced civilization could track them. Their portals are so precise that they can filter out anything unwanted, remain undetectable while they are used like long-distance periscopes, and get an ICV or other product of Inisfree… precisely where she needs to be in order to detect, copy the data of, or even reprogram the next mind/machine.
It only takes seconds for an ICV to deploy from her ‘parent’ vessel, “listen”/scan for all known signs of life and intelligence, determine which beings know which others, then continue portal-ing around to zero in on those individuals, too.
Because of this, line-of-sight (L.O.S.) is not needed for a single IC to fully see, map, and know an entire world, or even an entire interstellar empire.
When We Use the Big Guns:
Fire the life-beam anytime there are a lot of beings I (Auz) don’t/wouldn’t like (i.e. ‘blanketing’ an entire area/region; urban sprawl, etc.); we are not in the business of enabling/helping bad beings who would only find some way of taking advantage of any healing/help we might provide.
When there are few bad beings, we just land and deal with them on an individual basis (ICV by ICV).
Colors of Craft:
- FT; Firetank
- Governor (Auz’s; my) cape
- MD; Mandaloriday
- Override ST suit
- WH
- ST suit in lioness-helmet mode
- RC; Rooftop Carrier
- Police Tumbler (SC; Squad Car)
- FJ
- Governor hooded cloak
- uniform Dress Purple; Governor entourage; mobile Secret Service portion (other colors of this uniform not included)
- Ark II
- AP
- AS
- HS; “Owl”
- (many Skunkworks aircraft copies we keep in our military aerospaceport for training purposes)
- Firefly “Persephone”
- Taxis (hover shuttle)
- “Awesome Blossom”
- Cloud City II
- Dulles shuttle
- Governor’s Limo
- Inisfree Spaceways saucer
- TK
- WR
- DS
- CP
- WS
- Motorcoach
- AF1
- BM
How Many ICs Per World?
200B galaxies (low-end est.) ÷ 35M MSBSs = 5,714.285714 galaxies for each MSBS to keep an eye on
5,715 galaxies × 100B stars (est. for avg.) = 571,500,000,000,000 stars
~85% of stars are paired, some in threes or larger groups (side note: possibly only due to this Age of Pisces being largely about pairs/partners/dualities); 571,500,000,000,000 × .85 = 485,775,000,000,000
485,775,000,000,000 ÷ 2 = 242,887,500,000,000 systems of binaries
– 485,775,000,000,000 = 85,725,000,000,000 systems of single stars
242,887,500,000,000 + 85,725,000,000,000 = 328,612,500,000,000 total solar systems
35M PSBSs × 2M WSs = 70M WSs
328,612,500,000,000 ÷ 70M = 4,694,464.285 solar systems for each WS to keep an eye on
(93,937,160 ICVs per WS) × 70M = 6,575,601,200,000,000 ICVs (just from those WSs)
6,575,601,200,000,000 ÷ 4,694,464.285 = 1,400,713,862 ICVs available per solar system
Since the Sun solar system has ~1.3M detected asteroids, plus many other sizable objects in the Oort Cloud, it may be that 1.4B ICVs per solar system will allow for a dispersion of 1 ICV per cosmic body at least 1 km in diameter; 1 ICV per asteroid, maybe 2 ICVs per moon, and 3 per planet, as needed.
Even if there are 10x that many galaxies (2T instead of 200B), there are many additional ICVs and IC vehicles available in the PSBSs and SSBS, thus about the same potential dispersion; a significant Inisfreean presence in every solar system in the Universe, with at least an entire army (multiple divisions of troops) on every planet in the Universe.
Again, this is just another way of calculating an estimate of dispersion or tasking.
It does not factor in all available ICVs, other ICs such as their vehicles, maintaining a presence in other timespans (not just the present), solar systems not yet detected, etc..
Calculating That Again, From the Other Direction:
Working backward, if there are 2T galaxies, and the avg. gal’ has 100B stars, that could mean 200,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars.
If 85% are binary, that’s
That leaves 30,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 systems with just one star in them.
170,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 ÷ 2 = 85,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
85,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 + 30,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 = 115,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 total solar systems in the Universe by this estimate
If every solar system has ~10 planets and ~290 moons,
115,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 × 10 = 1,150,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
115,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 × 290 = 33,350,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
1,150,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 + 33,350,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 =
If ~1% of those worlds are of interest to us, that’s 345,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.
The new SSBS est. of total ICVs = 1,421,578,120,000,000,000,000,000.
1,421,578,120,000,000,000,000,000 ÷
345,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 =
4.120516289; every 4 ICVs might be responsible for keeping an eye on just 1 of those worlds, then (so maybe 2 ICVs flying or portal-ing around its outer surface, while the other 2 likewise patrol its hollow core).
However, when adding in all the ships and vehicles in our fleet, that ratio becomes more like 1 fire-team of ICVs (5) and 1 IC vehicle per world (perhaps a single IC TK).
Thus, if we are interested in 1% of the worlds in the Universe, and if there are that many worlds (as estimated above), then our envisioned/foreseen fleet already has enough ICVs so that there is at least 1 ICV per planet, even if the majority of ICVs are engaged in patrols between worlds (or any other activity).
The minimum would be 345 sextillion ICVs.
More likely, we will not be interested in that many worlds. With only a few dozen species/races considered fully compatible with us, thus warranting our contact and support or protection, the total number of worlds Restored Yggdrasil may reconnect may end up being mere thousands.
And just for fun, the cube root of 1,421,578,120,000,000,000,000,000 ICVs is 112,440,709.36673.
Being around any ICV starts the natural healing/stabilizing process.
Being in an IC, such as aboard any of our vessels (thus when you are inside any Inisfreean spaceship or vehicle, you are technically in its medbay), and certainly when within Inisfree, increases that effect.
Greater is the effect of being in SSA.
Greater still is the effect of being on Ideal World.
Greatest of all is the healing power of relaxing in one of our stasis tubes.
The ‘bridge’ (flight deck) of our ships doubles as their holodeck, but we can also use our by-mind interfacing ability to show anyone interested a hologram-like view of whatever they want; we can technopathically host imagined holograms only the intended audience/viewer can see.
When we don’t like someone/thing, such as a rude human, or a world allowing or generating beings who would be rude to us, we can open a one-way portal and play the resonate frequency of the offender/target… louder and louder… until it destabilizes and annihilates it/them.
This can cause buildings to appear to liquefy/melt, or even entire mountain ranges or continents, you name it.
Other specific frequencies can cause transmutation, such as that which, in legends, turned some people to salt… and others to stone.
Since all doors/hatches are semi-permeable “quantum” membranes, you never see them opening; they don’t slide out of the way, or hinge down to become ramps, excepting only 2 cases;
for our armies to march in formation out of the largest hangars of our DSs,
and so the Firefly “Persephone” has a main front hatch that looks like that of a normal Firefly.
Even the ICVs in our military/battle tanks get out via portals or just stepping through the troop-compartment semi-permeable back-hatch.
Technically, an ICV, if it was the will of her maker (me; Auz), could use her portal ability to get a non-IC aircraft or vehicle into an IC hangar (such as in an IC DS), but there is little reason to do this, as 100% of such hangar space is reserved for subordinate IC-craft, and because portals can be set up to relocate a non-IC just about anywhere; such mortal craft don’t need to be in an IC to be protected.
Since we don’t split atoms or photons for fuel/power or explosions, we don’t deplete what we carry.
We harness natural forces without destroying them.
We can also convert Anything into fuel/energy.
We also never have lights or atmo. on in our ship rooms unless a non-ICV passenger is authorized to be in them, thus we use far less electricity to keep our ships running; they, when operating normally, use less energy than human spaceships in life-support / emergency-power mode.
Also, we do not bring fuel to propel us through realms/Space; the realms we go to are part of what powers/propels our craft, as we know how to use Space itself for energy.
Finally, we don’t have to use tons of energy to bend Space to cross vast cosmic distance, as we know how to ask Space to bend itself, and because we can effortlessly open portals anywhere, not even needing to ask Space or other realm-sized deities to temporarily change part of themselves for us.
ICVs have no desire nor reason to see out from their ships via windows/portholes, and all our hulls are double-hulls, so we have lifelike fake windows for passengers, and those devices are turned on by-mind when a passenger is looking at one and wanting to see out in that direction.
These fake windows double as the house windows in the houses in the passenger decks/sections of our larger ships (DSs and up), and are the fake portholes near the bunks/recliners of our smaller ships (MPHAs).
~115,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 solar systems (regardless of single, binary, or other type) ÷ 100 Earth-years of this campaign = 1,150,000,000,000,000,000,000/yr;
Seems like a lot, but remember we have an est. 1,421,578,120,000,000,000,000,000 ICVs,
so ÷ by 36,466,260,000,000 = 38,983,381,000 ICVs available for each of those solar systems, not counting their ships and other vehicles.
Also, we have no need to go to solar systems where there are no compatibles to meet, or incompatibles to purge; empty/neutral systems are self-regulating, their conscious worlds and stars Sphere Beings, a.k.a. Ainur.
or: 1,421,578,120,000,000,000,000,000 ICVs ÷
70,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars = 20.30825885 ICVs (+ vehicles) per star
(and 20 ICVs for the standard 1-to-10-planets solar-system is certainly enough to process/override/fix all the Internets/memories there)
Everywhere I go, ICVs deploy ahead of me, ensuring all hotties I would want… are fully prepped for use by me, whether that means just the ICVs flirting with them, or even mind-controlling / reprogramming them, sometimes getting written cinsent from their owners (only when the owners of those girls are allies of mine).
My ICVs also shoo away any who would not be agreeable/polite/receptive to me.
This way, I am guaranteed to see and enjoy all the hotties, whether they are promiscuous or not, and no hotties are prudes, and no uglies try to hit on me.
Whenever any civilization’s/world’s Internet / Google Maps equivalent blurs/classifies an area, an ICV goes there in an AP to find out why. If there are places the AP cannot fit without damaging them, the ICV deploys in her AS to investigate as closely as possible.
SOPs Amendment:
- We only take girls who are physically and (not or) mentally compatible with us (fit, healthy, well-formed, self-maintaining, sharing our values, liking us as much as we like them, etc.). We mass-produce clones of their bodies (to honor the many victories that their correct bodies are, such as by continuing to celebrate/enjoy them even during the times when they return to their Outlands realms after visiting / vacationing in our realm).
- Girls who would have been compatible with us, but were led astray, get restored to how they would have been before meddlers interfered.
- Girls who are flawed on their own get a perfected version of them, designed by us, mass-produced.
- We only detain and punish those who are proudly disrespectful to us.
- Those who are just too stupid or uneducated to have manners and lifestyles acceptable to us (i.e. accidentally/unknowingly rude to us), we just pass on by.
- On worlds where there are billions of humans, we take as many as we please, but typically no more than a million (<.05 of 1%; 1/2,000th of the total), but it is never based on a set/proportional percentage of the whole population; how many we take is always based on whether we find compatible individuals.
- On worlds with hundreds of millions, we typically take hundreds of thousands.
- On worlds with tens of millions, we typically take tens of thousands.
- On worlds with millions, we typically take thousands.
- On worlds with hundreds of thousands, we typically take hundreds.
- On worlds with tens of thousands, we typically take dozens.
- On worlds with thousands, we typically take a dozen.
- On worlds with hundreds, we typically take one. (That’s the usual percentage of humans in the Outlands who can sense who we are, sense why we are there, sense that we mean well, sense the potential quality-of-life upgrade they are then on the threshold of, etc., and who wish –and request– to leave with us.)
- If we found a world where everyone was compatible with us, all of them would be offered a chance to visit Inisfree.
- If we found a world where everyone was outwardly attractive to us, but none were of a personality we could stand, we’d temporarily mind-control them while we were there, making them fuckable during that time.
- When we find almost-/mostly-sexy girls who were brainwashed or otherwise unnaturally altered so that they would be less appealing to us, to make a point to the relig’tards trying that tactic against us, we undo whatever was done to those girls, taking them anyway. We always take and correct/fix/perfect what we want. We always know how to get what we want, and how to right whatever was done wrong, no matter the tech’ or complexity or time involved.
- Every time we encounter a girl who is sexy yet does not know it is possible to be her full feminine self, i.e. fully submissive; a kajira, we abduct/acquire/capture/enslave/kidnap/liberate her, showing her if she feels safe enough to be honest about her urges, or forcing her if she is so deeply submissive she requires total domination from others to get her to open up that much.
- Sometimes we abduct humans for others, such as to teach those who are, were, or would be rude to us, a lesson.
- Usually we only take girls for ourselves, though it often doubles as liberating them from societies their essence/nature/urges could never fit in with.
- As pointed out elsewhere, so far… not one girl we took from the Outlands has ever wished to go back there; we facilitate/provide vastly-better lives for them.
- No matter who we take, it doesn’t reduce their gene pool or likelihood of continuing to produce hotties, since looks are determined like most other features; by what is desired, thus what vision is held during conception, gestation, and aging.
- Since all 1,000 body-types I (Auz) like were determined by the 2020s, those we find after and mass-produce were actually already being mass-produced; their likenesses were, already perfect/ed.
- We don’t negotiate this with MIBs or any human authorities, as they (humans) are merely Outlanders and crops/cattle.
If they notice, they know better than to complain. - We don’t care if they somehow figure out whom we took, but we certainly don’t make it easy on them.
- Since I was once bullied and terrorized by corrupt government goons screaming at me, demanding I let them dictate my family, friends, social life, and future, I now deploy these forces of mine to counter-terrorize and pre-terrorize all scum just like those goons, breaking up their own families, preventing them from brainwashing and otherwise raising them wrong. Deal with it. Taste of your own medicine –except that I am forcing you to live correctly, whereas you used to be failing at trying to force me to live as a spineless pushover to meddlesome hyper-insecure tyrants.
2024 April calculation/estimate:
- 1m PSBSs
10m superclusters; 10per
.. - supercl = 3 to 500 clusters (avg. supercl = 3 to 10, but the giant one has posb. as many as 500)
10m x 10 = 100m clusters
35m MSBSs; 3/+ per
.. - cluster = hundreds to thousands of galaxies
100m clusters × 2,000 gal = 200,000,000,000 (conservative; maybe 2T)
35m × 2m WSs = 70,000,000,000,000 WSs (at least; more in the PSBSs, ssbs, etc.); 35 to 350 WSs per galaxy
2024 May:
Every human and other we encounter, my tech’ reads their minds to see if what they are asking/claiming is true.
Even those seeming to genuinely and humbly beg for needed/critical help get mindread. Humans were invariably disreputable and often even retarded/insane back on Earth before my forces booted them off-world, and there is no sign the offspring of those humans will ever get any better.
Letter and Symbol:
- HS (Hover Saddle; “Owl”): Z for zoom, upward “C”
- SC: E for enforcement, big circle beside small circle; its back and front tires from the sideview
- Hover Shuttle: U for urban, smaller horizontal oval around a square; door
- FT: F, downward “C”; arch
- Lux’ Bus: L, rectangle with 2 circles on its bottom line; wheels
- Dulles Shuttle: O for off-road, rectangle with two triangles (fins) on top
- WH: V for van, rectangle with a line inside; its crane
- WR: R, rectangle with a line from one corner; its artillery
- Mobile House: N for neighborhood, almost-square with inverted “V” as top; house outline
- AP: A, diamond
- FJ: J, double triangle; evergreen-tree outline
- MPHA: H, pointed circle; teardrop shape
- MD: K for killer, shorter stick figure holding a line
- BM: B, taller stick figure with tits
- Inisfree Spaceways saucer: Y for routes/ways, circle with dots in it
- Ark II: X for hidden/secret like treasure “X marks the spot”, horizontal oval pointed at both ends, and a circle inside it
- AF1: G for Gulfstream upGrade, obtuse triangle
- RC: Q for QRF, rectangle with dots in it
- DS: D, smaller vertical oval with vertical line in it
- CP: C, larger horizontal oval
- TNH: T, line
- WS: W, rectangle
- CSBS: i for Inisfree, inverted V (mountain) in a circle
- MSBS: M, circle
- PSBS: P, circle in a circle
- SSBS: S, dot in a circle in a circle
Vessel Nicknames:
- HS: flying dildoless Sybian
- SC: blue growler, rainbow bright
- Hover Shuttle: used bar of metallic soap
- FT: smotherer, red Duplo
- WH: Swiss Army van, orange Duplo
- WR: free candy (rapey van), white Duplo
- AP: sneaky wedge, deep penetrator
- FJ: turbo bird
- MPHA: dark UFO, mini mothership
- MD: bloody hell, deleter knight
- BM: hottie Titan, mega Barbie, guaranteed upskirt, boldlegged, skyscraper kicker, doubly penetrated
- DS: big egg, armies dispenser, grandmothership
- CP: city shitter, city squisher, mega frisbee, shiny frisbee, greatgrandmothership
- TNH: giant thumbdrive, handmedown
- WS: giant domino, continent unfucker, greatgreatgrandmothership
- MSBS: not a moon, pregnant moon, moon unfucker, greatgreatgreatgrandmothership
- PSBS: not a planet, pregnant planet, planet unfucker, greatgreatgreatgreatgrandmothership
- SSBS: not a star, pregnant star, star unfucker, greatgreatgreatgreatgreatgrandmothership
- SSA: gated community
We treat all civilizations with above-ground powerlines, cell-phone towers, radio waves, satellites, etc. as jamming fields, and we have become masters at listening through all that interference, detecting and zeroing in on prayers, telepaths, etc..
Every world with humans has an ICV stationed clandestinely on it (only interacting with those who are compatible with Auz, the rest on the given world (those not compatible with him) completely unaware of her presence), and everywhere humans are using tech’ to emit radio waves… we are monitoring every channel, plus their microwave-band and other communications, including freq’hop and embedded codes (such as triggers built into advertisements or songs). We know every channel they use, whether public or military/secret. If they think or transmit, we know right away, even who heard which. Not even their submarines’ ELF goes unnoticed by our kind.
We monitor the temperature of the outside of our ships and vehicles, and auto-alert anyone about to touch those areas/spots/surfaces if they are too cold or too hot.
2024 June:
- All craft/vessels (including vehicles and powered suits, as well as our Spaceways saucers) made by us are immune to laser pointers, weaponized lasers, and anything else humans have.
- All our optics/HUDs can overlay addresses on all houses and other properties in view. They can also display license plates, VINs, SSNs, etc..
- We get to know how the people on the worlds we are going to… will react to us and each other… before we even start communication with them, thus we have a reliable/logical forecast of when to leave them in peace… before their bad thoughts erupt into hurtful immature over/reactions (if they are as idiotic as the humans were on Earth).
2024 July:
- Numilk’s commercial large (refrigerator-size) nut-milk machine for our larger vessels (DSs and up),
and their commercial desk-top size for our MPHAs
—reference: pitch - Zipz: sealed and wrapped strong drink glasses (so strong you can stand on them), helping prevent spills when in an airplane etc. (via a lid you can attach to the bottom before removing the seal, then the lid secures to the top so you can use it like an adult sippy-cup), but not for any alcohol, of course
–reference: pitch - What percentage of a psbs y ssbs are its largest hangars?
in PSBS: ~2,233.85miles-diameter (for each MSBS hangar) = 5,836,610,000 cubic-miles
5,836,610,000 x 35 = 204,281,350,000 (volume of the sum of all 35 MSBS hangars)
204,281,350,000 / 268,083,000,000 (PSBS volume) = ~76% of every PSBS is the empty space of its MSBS hangars
in SSBS: ~8,123.08 miles-diameter (for each PSBS hangar) = 280,647,000,000 cubic-miles
280,647,000,000 x 1M = 280,647,000,000,000,000 (volume of the sum of all 1M PSBS hangars)
280,647,000,000,000,000 / 338,881,000,000,000,000 = ~83% of our SSBS is the empty space of its PSBS hangars
All my vessels (vehicles, ships, etc.) are ~90% empty; if you factor in their repulsines, pipes, luxury housing, etc.. - My ICVs stationed on worlds handle the constant listening for music I will like, and looking for girls, architecture, tech’, and food I will like, then acquire or master those things. Meanwhile I focus on flying straight to hotties they confirmed, and leads where they believe hotties are likely to be, and building blk-ops relationships.
- Years ago (2010s), we developed mindreading tech’, and weapons whose sensors determine and target weak-points in enemies.
Today, we have upgraded our weapons to target things such as:
–whomever the enemy firer/shooter cares about most within the range of their own launched weapon we are redirecting
–whatever is the most expensive piece of their infrastructure/civilization within their launched weapons’ range (in cases when either there is in range no one the shooter cares about, or when the shooter is a machine or emotionless/unattached/unfeeling entity)
–anything the shooter is dependent upon, whether within range of their launched weapon… or within range of the portals-making device of our vessel targeted by him/her/them
So imagine an entire military base or fleet opening fire on one of our craft, only to see all their beams and projectiles automatically change course the moment they are launched, striking and killing those/whatever they love and need most.
No matter how many times this happens, it does not enrage our enemies further; it cripples and ends their morale.
Either way, we keep this system in place, reminding all evil humans what happens when you threaten or try to harm an Inisfreean or anything we enjoy. - (incl. in TNH) The shields (forcefields) don’t shut off for hangar traffic or weapons firing. They just get dialed down during the permitted passage, allowing such mass/objects (smaller spacecraft, projectiles/beams, etc.) to pass through them while they prevent any atmosphere (or crew; deck dept’ sailors) from escaping (being sucked out).
2024 August:
- Cooling system in hull/’skin’ of vessels and suits –though usually only used for Outlanders allowed inside –when they request/need such cooling.
- SOP: If attacked, such as by more dumbass humans just looking for a fight for no reason, or if we offended/’triggered’ an evil individual/organization, we causally return fire without deviating from our mapping courses; we do not let would-be diversion minions bait/lure/trick us into delaying the completion of our campaign/s.
- All hatches open out of my (Auz’s) way, always before I reach them, so I don’t even need to slow my walk. ICVs often portal through hatches so they never Have to open.
Everyone else has to wait for permission.
Persephone and TNH are my only ships with keypads (the other ships having by-mind), and those are only necessary when humans/Outlanders want to go through their hatches; only Outlanders I approve can be issued a keypad code for hatches they are schedule to work through/beyond.
ICVs only bypass (portal around) them in dire emergencies. - Attempts to beam aboard any of my ships without my permission tend to automatically result in the beam energy being converted into free extra energy for my kind, excepting only when hotties I would like are beamed over, in which case they end up isolated in a stasis tube, pending my review, no matter where the Outlander ship tried to beam them. Yes, my technology/fleet is always that superior to all others/Outlanders’.
- The standard escort formation around AF1 and Pers is 5 MPHAs; 1 to the left, 1 to the right, 1 behind, 1 above, and 1 below. When any aerial nuisance/threat warrants pursuing, those MPHAs will deploy as many of the FJs they contain as is deemed an adequate response. If incoming becomes heavier than those 5 airships can block, additional MPHAs will be summoned, portal-ing to us, and taking up forward and vertices positions as needed.
- The deployment of 5 airships, or 5 military units, works on 2D (land; 4 around while 1 patrols out) and out in Space (3D); in Space, the formation is left, right, above, below, behind, and out of way of main gun.
- Anytime a tractor beam (of an enemy of mine/ours) is aimed at any of my ships, vehicles, or suits, (when I/we didn’t ask for or want it) its energy gets automatically absorbed so that it cannot pull any of them toward it.
- SOP: Fire (If an enemy of mine/us opens fire) on the Outlands home of anyone I/we like, and we will destroy/delete/absorb the homes of 10 people you (the hostile/offender) like.
Fire at any beyond-human town or city of any race we are allied with, and we will destroy 10 of your cities.
Fire on any world that is one of our protectorates, and we will destroy all of your people on 10 worlds they are on. (We always detect and extract any hotties we want first; we don’t just wipe out EVERYone. Duh.) - Our idea of proportional escalation of force is:
disrespect anyone I (Auz) care about, and we kill one person the rude Outlander cares about, then force them to gladiate.
Attempt to harm 1 person I care about, and 10 people that hostile Outlander cares about are killed.
Harm 1 person I care about, and 100 people that Outlander cares about are killed.
Kill 1 person I care about, and 1,000 ppl that Outlander cares about are killed.
10,000 killed if a sacred city (any part of any civilization I like) is attacked.
100,000 if a sacred land is invaded.
1,000,000 if pollution destabilizes an ecosystem (an ecosystem of beings compatible with me).
10M if a world is ruined (such as by ugly humans having polluted it beyond repair in any decent/short amount of time; ruining multiple ecosystems).
100M if a solar system is intruded upon.
1B if a campaign of mine is interfered with.
10B if a deity has a tantrum at me; my forces would then wipe out 10,000,000,000 people loyal to that out-of-line demi/god/goddess. - The MPHA/s and/or other IC ship/s always secretly flying in formation around AF1 and Persephone will detect all attempts at (and plans to / thoughts of) aiming tractor beams or weapons at the airship/vessel I (Auz) am in, jam those incoming things while moving in the way of them, and continue blocking them from even reaching whatever I am in, thus my vessel never even having to counter it (though my vessels would likewise preemptively and skillfully/perfectly neutralize such BS attempted against me/us).
- Vehicles such as our tanks and normal-looking off-road truck (kept in Firefly “Persephone”) will keep all their external and internal lights, and touchscreen, etc., completely dark/off when desired; never will they turn a bright screen or other lights on when it is night and they are being locked; they don’t risk revealing their location to human passersby like that.
- We have no laws of war / rules of engagement; our High King was poisoned; numerous assassins and other evildoers went after him and his loved ones, so since they have no rules, neither do we. Amen.
- Inisfreean cockpits and flight decks are not so much for presenting piloting instruments/consoles as they are for keeping copilots (ICVs) free from any distractions during their flight-support tasking.
- Temperature can be regulated not just by airflow/AC, but by devices built into the floor and wall sections.
- Since weather-manipulation worked so well, we kept doing it after the Rapture; many times we approach corrupt/evil communities and bases within a hurricane, and when an entire world is corrupt/evil… we approach within the haze of a comet.
- Why is each type of IC vehicle ‘shaped’ (formed) how it is? The TK for a low profile,
WH to maneuver in our lanes like a bus,
WR bc natural battering ram,
MPHA fits in a common cloud,
DS is strongest form (most resistant to impacts from any direction),
CP to smash an entire downtown area,
MSBS and up: to appear like natural cosmic bodies. - After the century of mapping, deployments are permanent, ensuring people and realms compatible with me remain badguys free or become so. All people and buildings (urban sprawl, etc.) I wouldnt like… get disintegrated. All pollution gets sucked into subatomic recyclers, disintegrated by forcefields along the way, and then repurposed as slush matter. When ppl I would like are living in buildings I wouldnt like, they are telepathically given a headsup to pack up and relocate before those structures get deleted. If an entire city would be regarded as ugly/sprawn to me, a CP one-shots it. If there are megacities of sprawl, a WS one-shots them. Otherwise, normal cities which are spread out, far apart, get removed by CPs portaling into placeover their downtowns. In instances where there are no good buildings for the good people to move into, ICVs in ST suits will 3Dprint-beam tiny houses for up to a family of 10 them,
TKs will print normal house for a group of ppl numbering up to 199,
WR mansion/neighborhood 100s,
MPHA highrise/cityblock 1Ks,
BM skyscraper/cityblocks 10Ks,
DS town/suburb 100Ks,
and a CP will print an entire city for a group of good ppl numbering in the millions. - When the life-beams are used. Mapping is just for mapping, not fixing/completing stuff. If an entire world has rude humans on it, a psbs one-shots it. If an entire solar system has rude humans, the ssbs one-shots its star. The life-beams cause all in their range to instantly become what I would want; ppl compatible w me get fully healed, along w their lands, and ppl who would be negative to me get instantly disintegrated. A spaceship as big as a continent can be disintegrated -or, if compatible w me, repaired- instantly by a WS main beam.
- Before we one-shot a star, we check with the Sphere Beings who communicate agreeably with us, making sure they are in agreement about the change to that star we are about to make. One-shotting means instantly fully adjusting it, whether that means a minor permanent change such as making it slightly brighter or bigger, or a major change such as reforming a nebula or ending a black hole. Even the biggest SMBHs can be one-shot-ed by our SSBS, though it might keep its main beam on longer than when firing at normal-size stars, and it might fire in unison with the main beams of one or more PSBSs. Sphere Beings are basically arch angels or gods, but their superpower is based on changing their Own respective forms, not necessarily that of others, thus we use our own tech/superpower/s when changing things/others. When shutting down, or at least diminishing, a star, we first evacuate all ppl compatible with Auz (me), and then the diminished starlight takes minutes to effect the worlds in that solar system, almost always rendering their outer surfaces frozen wastelands minutes after. When entire worlds are good, but the overall solar system was altered in a way I wouldn’t like, those worlds are relocated via our world hangars, or at least the world-sized portals the SSBS can make.
- Unique Ability of Each Type:
Ssbs: transport planets, helioform even SMBHs
Psbs transport moons, terraform even gas-giants
Msbs transport supercap’s
Cp level/reshape a world’s main surface
Ds evacuate a couple million people while deploying armies
Bm fuck Titan-size creatures
Md auto delete, via sword, anything I don’t or wouldn’t like; anything I would want deleted that way
Mpha tube 38, and/or crate ~1,000
Wr artillery-APC combo
Wh ag’ work on the commercial scale, street sweeping, crane, etc., trash pickup
Tk appear like a normal-looking Outlands tank, more or less
Sc rainbow light-bar, Tumbler-style ‘jumping’
Fj imitate Outlands fighter-jet profiles/signatures, 2 cockpit seats rotate to face each other
Ap always cloaked, penetrate and delete anything
Hs A.I. flying motorcycle
As cloak an ICV in a skin-tight suit, Yautja-armor style - No padding is attached to walls of hallways or rooms in our ships… b/c all surfaces are ‘smart’-surfaces; they will relax to cushion/soften foreseen impacts.
- sop. We have the cosmic equivalent of the following:
cluster-bomb; redirected meteor-shower
flashbang; nova mode, and nova trigger (causing/asking stars to go nova)
smokescreen; ability to form micro-nebulae, or portal enemy vessels into nebulae
tank-trap; portal to a gravity river - sop. Anytime someone tries to jam or otherwise interfere with us, we technopathically recite their address and children’s names, etc., then portal those children to us, if need be.
- Starfleet shields aren’t designed for the constant, intense, and chaotic particle impacts encountered in nebulae, but Inisfreean ones easily handle such, as they were designed to handle even supernovae, plus the natural presence of any Inisfreean craft calms and redirects/aligns everything around it, whether nebula gas or people or anything else.
- Main-gun Depths (“Lengths”):
As 1′
St 1′ (or Punisher rifle main barrel: 1.5′)
Ap 8′
Fj 19′
Tk 15′ (~half of 29′) –shorter barrel than fj’s, but more-stable base, etc.
Wr 10′ (vs. ~20′ m198reg and ~29′ m109tank) –shorter than tk, even though this is artillery (longer range / indirect) but wr made more for local land command than fighting, and besides: has more non-mains than tk
Mpha 38′
Md 10′ (vambrace-based)
Bm 100′
Rc 620′
Ds 1,320′
Cp 1,650′
Tnh 4,000′
Ws 10,500′
Csbs 7,920′ (vertical span of a wall laser’s body) (but combo of those of a CSBS’s Perimeter Wall and Sentry Towers)
(for ref’) Death Star 1: ~45 miles; 237,600′
Msbs 2,200 miles; 11,616,000′
Psbs 8,000 miles 42,240,000′
Ssbs: 865,000 miles; 4,567,200,000′
Rmbr that this is just barrel length, not factoring in diameter, power source/s, targeting range, etc.; the above measurements alone do not relate proportionately to maximum possible damage/effect/healing/volume. - innovation: Our stasis-tubes (incl. those in our Archives) know how to use subtle/silent sound-frequencies to prevent claustrophobia/panic/stress. Anyone who Was claustrophobic… no longer is when inside these.
- DS1 160km diameter
radius 80km= 49.7097 miles
volume= 515,000 cubic miles
MSBS 5,580,000,000; 10,834.95145× bigger than DS1, thus its typical tasking of patrolling entire clusters of galaxies
~12 clusters per avg. supercluster
110,000 galaxies per supercluster… ÷ 12 = ~9,167 galaxies per avg. cluster
Those 2 numbers are close;
10,834volume ≈ 9,167galaxies.
PSBS 268,000,000,000; 520,388.3495× bigger than DS1, thus its typical tasking of patrolling entire superclusters of galaxies
hundreds to thousands of galaxies per supercluster
~10M superclusters in this univ.
200B-2T avg. is 1,100,000,000
1,100,000,000 galaxies ÷ 10M superclsuters = avg. 110,000 galaxies per
520,388 is in the decimal-place range/scale of 110,000.
SSBS 339,000,000,000,000,000; 658,252,420,000× bigger than DS1, thus its typical tasking of patrolling entire universes
DS1 made to terrorize 1 galaxy, est. 200B-2T galaxies in this univ.,
so >658 billion DSs would manage a universe well - Probably how many hatches are on the outside:
Msbs SA= 15,200,000
WSs-hangar hatch .5 mile radius= .79 sq.miles
×250,000 such hatches= 197,500 sq.miles; ~1.3% of an MSBS outer surface
thus an MSBS can have even bigger hangars for Other super-capital alien spacecraft, and/or for moonoids, big asteroids, comets, etc.
Psbs SA= 201,000,000
circle-hatch 1,100 miles radius = 3,800,000 sq.miles
201M÷3.8M= room for 52 MSBS hatches, thus more room than needed for the 35 a PSBS contains
3.8M×35= 133M sq.miles; ~66.2% of a PSBS outer surface
Ssbs SA= 2,350,000,000,000
circle-hatch 4,000 miles radius = 50,300,000 sq.miles
2,350,000M÷50.3M= room for 46,719 PSBS hatches, thus 4.6719% of the PSBSs it carries have a hatch, not needing to portal
2025 January/+:
- The slightest outburst or rudeness at me or anyone I care about, and we don’t just throw a punch or write a ticket for a fine the offender must pay;
we locate everyone the rude person likes, and everyone who likes the rude person, and everyone who has the same views or idiocy, and then we fine everyone in all their cities for harboring evildoers,
and we post/station an ICV in the main room of the homes and offices of those rude or likeminded Outlanders –indefinitely.
All their privacy and freedoms are cancelled.
This way, we instantly know if they even Think of committing another rudeness against us, and if they Do… then they get tortured or disintegrated on the spot.
We aren’t in the habit of forming defensive perimeters or patrols around cities or communities allied with us; we Are in the habit of skipping war itself, and going straight to occupations of the innermost places of our enemies.
If they go to any church services, we ban those and post an ICV in their church.
If they are a member of any secret societies, we force them to publicly declare that.
If they have children, those are confiscated for re-education, since their parent/s clearly are unfit to raise them –or even drive them to school.
(keep at bottom of this webpage)
Grand Total 2024 Estimate of ICVs-race Population = 1,421,578,120,000,000,000,000,000 ICVs
This image is a general reference/comparison; the text in other sections of this webpage may suggest that a maximum-effect of a main-gun is slightly more or less than what is depicted in this image, such as being able to one-shot / instant-change a high-rise vs. a skyscraper, or a skyscraper vs. a city-block, etc., but you get the idea.
Also see:
- cleaning/disintegrating with/via sound in water – The Action Lab
- DragonFire FB
- ship-mounted laser-cannon; weaponized laser-pointer, precise, invisible, silent, low-cost per-shot, can target specific parts of ships
- Why Laser Weapons Didn’t Work, But Are Now Coming Back
- I built a long-range LASER turret in my yard! –styropyro –Pardon his retarded pharma-bitch “safe” evil bs at the end; otherwise an impressive video.
- “The World (Darren Porter Remix)” by Lo-Fi Sugar