Our people’s essences or main motivation are listed here.


Table of Contents:

  1. Why This is Important
  2. People by Category
  3. Final Notes


Why This is Important:

This webpage was created because there is a very high amount of content in this website; it took decades to realize, write, transfer/convert, upload, edit, further revise, and tie all together; we do not expect new visitors/readers to be able to make sense of it all without help from content such as what is here on this webpage.

The desires/motivations/urges listed below help everyone understand why things have manifested here and abroad as they have, and why the following people continue to develop and unit as they have been.  From this, we can extrapolate back in time, tracing the development and fragmentation/connections, like a family tree, showing where all their desires come from.  In other words, learning all these stable people’s desires/natures reveals to us more about the World Trees their races stemmed from, and, of course, the Worlds Tree all those other great trees came from.

When it comes to just individual introductions and other interactions, this webpage is a great quick reference; fellow writers/spellcrafters/networkers can come here to check if their planned approach and ‘icebreaking’ are likely to work.  Be forewarned, though:  these people are very intuitive/aware, and are already mostly, if not wholly, ascended; they will sense your intentions, so don’t waste your own time by trying to misuse the desires listed here to tempt/distract/derail them.  Their desires/natures/callings are not to be trifled with; they are to be embraced, encouraged, and stoked.

Auz has been instinctively and politely traveling to and ‘testing’, for lack of a better term, all of the following people and more, always in ways which reveal whether their greatest desire is to be polite and supportive… or something else (at least for now; eventually, the alignment still happens).  As soon as each one demonstrates his/her priority is to get to know him, respect his nature/culture, and ask how they can contribute to this post-Shift project/campaign, introductions to Inisfree and all other good things begin.  This is how it is done.

Attempting to suppress or deprogram desires/natures has never worked, by the way; those who seek the information here, and encourage it, are wise and destined to be successful.

Also, of course, you should not expect any of them to reveal from the start to you just what their deepest desires and natures are, as that is even more-powerful information than their private/family-name.  Sometimes they aren’t even fully aware of their true nature or all the factors which have lead to it.  Sometimes… they are also shy or otherwise nervous about even uttering/mentioning it, haven been bullied so much by the monstrous invaders (humans; chaos-incarnate, which always tries to cause more chaos/instability/uncertainty in others and their/its surroundings/realms).


2012-2013 Mutates:

These people were first encountered by Auz during one of his expeditions to New York and a few other places, who gained a ‘mutant’ (X-Men style) power; they were not born with the ability.

  • Adeline Reese:  Her greatest desire is to learn more about magic, as it is largely what caused or contributed to her transformation near The Shift.
  • Andrilae Volcare:  to learn all she can about this time she was Shifted into, that she might better appreciate why she came to it, if there was a reason beyond just Shifting/chance/newness, and then, of course, to return (regularly, if not permanently) to the time, land, and people she came from
  • Bela Night:  to master her new were-panther shapeshifting ability
  • Camille Delgado:  to get better control of her vampire urge/s, in part to secure/continue her business venture
  • Catalypse Veau:  to hunt and consume those who hunt and consume; it is in her very bones/blood to seek out and destroy humans in this dimension as much as her kind senses and zeroes in on them in Hel/Hell and others (and her mutation/Shift is/was that she had previously been limited to those other demon-dominated/regulated realms, so she isn’t used to being/hunting in this human-civilization one)
  • Coraline Revelle:  to get better at her new super-speed/running ability
  • Freya Storm:  to eventually get back to her were-panthers home-world, Panthera (and her mutation is that she stays in human form almost all the time after being Shifted to our world; on hers, people are more accurately described as being were-humans, all of them preferring their panther forms, having no reason to hide them)
  • Georgina Sinclair:  to figure out how she can use her shapeshifting to help with her very controversial work
  • Lilith Mortimer:  to get a handle on her new vampire existence/lifestyle, and to maintain her employment
  • Melina Love:  to have good sex with as many interested people as she can (which, she’ll later be further motivated by learning, will dramatically help them with their moods, stress, health, and own stabilizing/superpower/s –as long as she masters being more soothing to them than distracting or addicted)
  • Rayvan Wolfbaen:  to manage her still-overpowering empathic sensations/moods, that she might be able to walk through human areas without being overloaded –or risking exposing her telltale ears
  • (Mutates were not born Mutants, as Outlander humans call/classify them; they were not going to have beyond-human abilities until something outside them caused/triggered that.  Mutates mostly desire to make peace with that major change they now live with –which is something High King Auz is a natural/pro at facilitating for them.)


2017 NYC Expedition:

These people were first encountered by Auz during one of his returns to The Big Apple.

  • Alanna Richards:  to make more time for the art and cooking she loves, and to meet more people who lovingly complement her shyness/introversion –while continuing to be useful with her language skills which have served her well, allowing her to maintain her freedom and respectable income
  • Amelia Voght:  to continue dancing (ballet) and living a normal life, keeping her superpower out of the spotlight
  • Amora:  to get to use her seduction superpower/s on an even grander scale than before, now (and forevermore) in full alignment with High King Auz’s campaign/plan/vision
  • Ana Kravinova:  _
  • Anna Marie D’Ancant: “Rogue”, first succubus known to be compatible with the Inisfreeans
  • Anita Browning: “Needy”, a redheaded Naga
  • Avril Kincaid: “Quasar”, S.H.I.E.L.D.; quantum bands
  • Carmilla Black: “Scorpion”, the clubber & assassin with the green arm
  • Carol Danvers: “Miss Marvel”, photon bursts & flight
  • Celeste Fairfax: boobsy goddess in the park, dealing with shell-shock
  • Cindy Moon: “Silk” a.k.a. Spidergirl
  • Coleen Wing: refugee from, and former martial-arts student of, “The Hand”
  • Crystalia Amaquelin: “Crystal”, explorer & royal adviser of Attilan
  • Daisy Johnson: “Quake”
  • Daniel Rand: heir to the Rand Corporation, and “The Iron Fist”
  • Diana Fairchild: “Regenesis” developer
  • Dinah Laurel Lance: “Black Canary”, fighter with vocal powers
  • Elektra Natchios: the red-strapped ninja, “Elektra”
  • Erik Lehnsherr: “Magneto”, founder of Genosha
  • Gamora Zen Whoberi Ben Titan: a green-skinned assassin, and a Guardian of the Galaxy
  • Hope Summers: the “Mutant Messiah” adopted by “Cable”
  • Jean Grey: “Phoenix” (PB Sophie Turner), numerous mental powers
  • Jeanne-Marie Beaubier: French blanket
  • Jessica Jones: a detective with superhuman strength
  • Kamala Khan: intern for Trish Walker, and an exceptional writer
  • Lady Sif: an Asgardian warrior and other things
  • Laura Kinney: “X-23”, Wolverine’s ‘daughter’
  • Laynia Petrovna: skinny S.H.I.E.L.D. agent who opened a portal in a park in upstate NY
  • Lazarus: a mysterious redheaded woman with a regeneration tomb
  • Levinia Octavius: sister of “Doctor Octopus”
  • Lily Evans: (barely-known mutant from AtF, profile no longer present) mother of Harry
  • Lorna Dane: introduced by Magneto, her father; she is another magnetism-based mutant
  • Magara Nygard: an Asgardian with great strength, also a curator
  • Natasha Romanoff: “Black Widow” (PB Angie Everhart), Russian network
  • Nico Minoru: a Master Sorceress in training under Dr. Strange
  • Nina Mills: assassin and seductress
  • Ophelia Sarkissian: S.H.I.E.L.D. agent and other things
  • Ororo Munroe: “Storm”, weather powers
  • Regan Wyngarde: “Lady Mastermind”, related to the original Mastermind
  • Sara McDohl: voice superpowers, member of The Watch
  • Susan “Sue” Victoria Storm-Richards: “The Invisible Woman”, invisibility power, shields, genius
  • Tandy Bowen: “Dagger”, light-creation and wielding
  • Tess Black: half Frost Giant, formerly of S.H.I.E.L.D. and The Watch
  • Trish Walker: talk-show hostess with a sizable network
  • Valeria Richards: daughter of Susan Storm; genius, and princess of a secret European nation
  • Wanda Maximoff: “Scarlet Witch”, red-colored energy manipulator
  • (Many people living in a place often, whether they are conscious of it or not, desire to remain based in that place, maintaining its manifestation.)


2017 SF Expedition:

These people were first encountered by Auz during one of his trips to San Francisco.

  • Aleiah Mae Laine: shifter, red owl
  • Alice Richards: bi angel, killer (PB Emilia)
  • Azrael Sigfred: angel with access to realms beyond the ‘Heaven’ dimension
  • Dakota Reanne Sterling: (hotter v of Lights; PB) pyrokinesis, pan-sexual
  • Inara Thain: bi mermaid (Hermione v; PB)
  • India Louise Farrin: blue-haired telepathic
  • Lucine Lopez: 526-year-old vamp’
  • Mira Kan: hippie Cecaelia; kind sea-witch
  • Riley Dmitriev: bi normie
  • Sarina Vivienne Adalgari: 480-year-old vamp’, (PB Shadowhunter)
  • Triton Sirena: selkie pan-sexual (Gal Gadot teen v)
  • (Many people living in a place often, whether they are conscious of it or not, desire to remain based in that place, maintaining its manifestation.  In the case of San Francisco, the only way to preserve it was to rebuild and rule over it the way High King Auz knew the people out there should; in full alignment with him and his kind.)


2022 NYC Expedition:

These people were first encountered by Auz during one of his last trips to The Big Apple.



These are allies of Auz who are thousands to millions or even billions of years old.

  • Diana Prince: “Wonder Woman”, daughter of Zeus, now a goddess warrior
  • Eleanor Nemeseia: redhead angel cast out for loving all sides
  • Flair Bellethiel Casselstone: (a.k.a. Tykara) half-Elf, half-Fairy, vibrant redhead supermodel
  • Garona Halforcen: half-Draenei, half-Orc, former assassin and spy-master, current warrior, and adviser on all matters regarding planet Draenor (Asteron’s local name?)
  • Jaina Proudmoore: ancient arch-mage from a time when dinosaurs still roamed the Earth, and the elf-castles were still fairly new, none yet in ruins
  • Kendra Saunders: “Hawkgirl”
  • Lin Mae: commander of the Crane Corps of the Great Wall of China, many generations ago
  • Naurhin: elf ranger met in Italy northwest of rebuilt Rome
  • Queen Azshara: Night Elf goddess and queen
  • Trance Gemini: a living star in humanoid form
  • Valeera Sanguinar: Blood Elf thief and warrior
  • (hundreds of Valkyries): now that Asgard is in its ‘Winter era’, these women now serve Inisfree and the Nordic alien worlds
  • Varda Elentári: elf lady who made many of the stars visible from Earth
  • Windrunner triplets: Alleria, Sylvanas, and Vereesa; beautiful Blood Elves
  • (Ancient beings are smarter, stronger, and more super/beyond-human the farther back in time you look or go, and they are often not just the humanoid incarnation/manifestation/representation of a race/species or place/realm, but also of an entire era –i.e. a consciousness-focus; what most people, if not everyone, was naturally thinking about, manifesting, and maintaining/refining during that/their time/era.  This means that, for example, Azshara was not just a powerful queen of the Night Elves; she was their most beautiful form, and the nature of their/her race’s beauty, and the entire timeline/lifespan of their/her race.)


Ascended Masters:

Though there are different types of ascension, these are some who have unlocked their full destined potential.

  • Amberle Elessedil: forest Elf ~5,000 AD on Earth (Shannara Chronicles)
  • Enoch: an ancestor of Noah
  • Lilith: one of the first Earth-human females and proto-vampires
  • Noah: the one and only
  • Rasputin: a special healer who gained favor amongst Russian royalty
  • Solomon: “Jedidiah”, wealthy king of Israel, son of King David, who knew the sigils and processes for employing angels and other powerful beings
  • (When anyone “ascends” (i.e. finds one of the ways to evolve beyond being based/anchored in the Physical Plane –or any other dimension/realm/world in which he/she started), it is apparent that their greatest desire, nature, and destiny was to do that.  Thus it can be said that they are not just a human/oid incarnation of a place, will, or other thing, but of ascension itself, at least in one of its many forms/paths.)


Clones & Engineered People:

Many people not made the human/mammalian way are allies of Auz and the Inisfreeans.

  • Druuna: her clone and the original
  • Jenna Kardashian: Intelligence community liaison for a few of the human-colonized worlds of the 34 Tauri system
  • Max Guevara: a human clone whose DNA was spliced with various animals’ (designation X5-332960073452)
  • Miranda Lawson: a Cerberus officer (yes, she was kept alive by Inisfree contact)
  • ‘Stepford Cuckoos’: Esme, Celeste, Mindee, Phoebe, Sophie, and 5,000 others (met before 2012, possibly met for the 1st time at Xavier’s, so in NYC 2017 expedition that is why Esme and the others who were in charge of big companies immediately invited Auz in to catch up on old times)
  • (Clones have a lot of the essence/nature of those they were cloned from, but also have permutations/variations of that, as they grew up with their own experiences, memories, interpretations, and so on.  People engineered not by cloning, but by combining different parts of different DNA strands/sequences, and/or by mixing in the blood or other parts/chemicals from aliens, deities, or what-have-you, expectedly have a mix of all those things’/sources’ desires… in a ratio proportional to the parts; a person who has more DNA/blood/parts from one thing will have more of that one thing’s desires/essence.)


Colonial Marines:

These are a few of the people who served as Space warriors protecting human settlements and other assets beyond the Earth.

  • Rain Ocampo: USCMC pilot (of the UD-4L “Cheyenne” Dropship)
  • Wolfgang Krieger: USCMC Force Reconnaissance
  • (While these people served in the military Space forces of their homelands/worlds’ SSP/s, their greatest desire was to be loyal, useful, successful/exemplary members of those forces, and that always meant adventuring bravely out across The Abyss (Outer Space), often to protect (defensively or proactively) –or avenge– the colonies out there which their units were tasked with.)



While many who make it to Inisfree become deified and immortalized, these people already were.

  • Aorlie: future goddess and queen of mankind
  • Erda: Norse goddess of Earth
  • Gefjon: Norse goddess of plenty
  • Gullvieg: Norse goddess of sorcery
  • Hnoss: Norse goddess of beauty
  • Iduna: Norse goddess of youth
  • Mackenzie Vella: daughter of a Fate
  • Nehalennia: Norse goddess of travel
  • Ostara: Norse goddess of Spring
  • Pele: Hawaiian goddess of fire, love, passion, and promiscuity
  • Vana: Norse goddess of wisdom
  • (Gods and goddesses are the humanoid incarnation/projection/representation of a force of nature; the desires they exhibit are those of the force which they are, so, for example, when Pele gets fired up and volcanoes start erupting in her domain… that is because she is fiery passion and eruptive energy/warmth incarnate/itself; that is how she is and communicates, not at all suggesting she is overly emotional, immature, or unstable.)


Earth Humans:

These people Auz has met do not have what their masses call superpowers.


Firefly ‘Persephone’ Crew:

These are the handful of specialists handpicked to fly with Auz aboard his personal spacecraft in the early 2500s.



These are people from/of the planet kept on the opposite side of the Sun from Earth, and know, better than all Earthlings, what the two sexes are really all about.


Human Mutants (met ~2010-2012):

These people were revealed/disclosed to Auz right before The Shift, each with a superpower humans thought were mutations.


Inisfreean Leaders:

These are the people who pioneered Inisfree and remained rightfully in charge of it.

  • Amber ICV1:  Her greatest desire is to manage her maker’s city, eternally serving him/it as its Secretary of State.
  • Auzdein von Himmler:  His greatest desire is to live the life this website explains; to be healthy, explore, clean up (and keep clean) all environments (i.e. remove Chaos Incarnate; get distractions/clutter out of the way so that the natural order will reactivate/re-stabilize all things), rediscover the wisdom of the ancients (such as by inviting and meeting them), bond and unite with those who are compatible with him, and forever lead that alliance/collective/family via its new and forever/permanent capital, Inisfree.
  • Djinnifer:  This supercomputer’s greatest desire is to maintain the invincible structure of Inisfree (including the S.S.A. and all Inisfreean forces), as well as the correct records of everything its maker wishes it to keep organized in its databanks/memory, while choreographing all traffic in Inisfree… plus all in-mind notifications/symbols to High King Auz.
  • Nyria Serra:  Her greatest desire is to manage her maker’s Space fleet/s (all ICVs doing work outside Inisfree), eternally serving him/it as its Secretary of Defense.
  • (All ICVs, with every fiber and particle (SRC) of their being, always desire –and know how– to do the will of their maker, High King Auz.  All his other creations do, too; everything he has built in Inisfree / via SRC, has that same nature.  Whatever he wants, all those beings/things instantly sense and do for/with him.)



These are obviously people who are amphibious.

  • Queen Atlanna: former leader of the ocean-faring and underwater nation Atlantis
  • Queen Mera: leader of the Atlanteans and other Mer-people, hydrokinesis, turbo-swimming
  • Mara: mermaid met on the coast of Italy, turbo-swimming
  • Nadia: siren, vocal/hypnotic powers, turbo-swimming (PB Palicki ‘Siren’ from TV’s Aquaman)
  • Sirena of Mako: an Australian mermaid, vocal/hypnotic powers, learning minor weather manipulation
  • Fihini:  to see the continuation of the Earth… in its pre-human pristine state, which she is delighted to now be consciously co-creating/re-manifesting with High King Auz
  • (All people who live “under the sea” desire, above all else, to maintain the pristine conditions of their local body/bodies of water.  This is because they were manifested of it, oceans being a form of some of the most ancient Elementals, second only to the Sphere Beings (stars; Arch Angels).  In other words, being surrounded by the concentrated liquid form/blood of those timeless super-beings keeps each mermaid and merman completely connected with those older beings’ will/s the whole time they are in the/their water.  This is comparable, if not even more powerful/persuasive than, the effect vampires experience when they share their blood.)


Pioneers; Deep Space Explorers:

These are some of the untold billions of people who have been mapping and taming their portions of the Universe.

  • Aghartan astronauts:  people (including some Asgardians) who explored down and out from the inhabited core of the Earth
  • Angels:  the very first astronauts and pioneers of The Abyss (Space) –and those who helped create it
  • Anunnaki astronauts:  such as those who came to Earth in ancient times to mine its gold
  • Asgardian astronauts:  such as Thor and others who explored out across The Abyss from their realm
  • Basiago’s group of Mars jump-gate pioneers
  • Eldar (Elf/Elves) astronauts:  those who patrol the root-like routes of the greatest tree of all
  • Grey astronauts:  the ‘classic’ aliens reported to be behind (see what we did there?) so many abductions
  • Hav-Musuvs astronauts:  ancient advanced people who once lived in a mountain near Death Valley
  • “Imperial Barbie”:  the sexiest member of The Empire (Star Wars)
  • Lyran astronauts:  lion-humanoids –just those who are compatible with the Inisfreeans
  • Mayan astronauts:  just those who are compatible with the Inisfreeans
  • Nacht Waffen members (astronauts and others):  the members of Germany’s secret Space military who are compatible with the Inisfreeans
  • Nordic astronauts:  the tall, tan, blonde, humanoid model-looking aliens who are compatible with the Inisfreeans
  • November Annabella Terra: “Nova” (designation: Agent X41822N), pioneer (and sexiest member) of the Terran Confederacy
  • NYMZA members:  Space pioneers from the 1800s
  • Pleiadian astronauts:  arguably the sexiest aliens; these are the platinum-blonde model-quality ones who are very sensitive to thoughts and emotions
  • Rama/Vimana astronauts:  ancient/pre India’s pilots and Space explorers (and colonists?)
  • Reptilian astronauts:  the people who pioneered and stabilized Yggdrasil/Webway even before the Eldar got out there
  • Rey Solo:  one of the sexiest female Jedi
  • Sarah Louise Kerrigan: former Terran Ghost, former Queen of Blades (human mutate and Zerg high-queen), now healed and stabilized
  • Secret Space Program members (astronauts and others):  American, Australian, British, Russian ones, etc.
  • Solar Warden members (astronauts and others):  SSP personnel who patrolled the Sun solar-system for generations
  • Starfleet members (astronauts and others)
  • Stargate field operatives:  those who figured out how to reactivate and travel through these devices left on Earth
  • those of the Serpo team:  those who set up an exchange program with Greys from another world
  • Thule astronauts:  perhaps closely related to the Hyperboreans (those who came before the Lemurians)
  • Valar (the first into the dimensions/realms) and the Maiar (who were the first to (form) the first worlds):  those who did not need technology to pioneer Space –and who further shaped it (after the Arch Angels (stars) created it)
  • the sextillions of ICVs, including Zedicon Prime
  • (Those who explore deep into The Abyss (Outer Space), more than anything, have a deep-seated desire not just to explore it, but to always have more of it to explore.  This means, whether they know it or not, they are manifesting (or, at least, further defining) more of it, no matter how far they go.)


Registered Companions:

These are the most refined women of the 34 Tauri solar system; they are Space-age ‘escorts‘.

  • Inara Serra: legendary Companion, raised in Guild Training House Madrassa on planet Sihnonand now Mistress of House Serra, the Guild Training House on planet Londinium
  • (Each of the other Registered Companions listed in our saga/website desires, more than anything else, to be the most pleasing and soothing person on her world.)


Representatives of Races in Inisfree:

Each of these people speaks for an entire humanoid collective.


Secret Space Program (SSP) Personnel:

These are the people who did not necessarily pioneer new regions of Space, but who have completed various operations out in it as part of the classified portions of their homeland/world’s Space organizations.

  • Julia Mackey: a special kind of exobiologist
  • Samus Aran: bounty hunter who defeated the Metroids
  • (People in the SSPs of various nations and worlds have a natural attraction to life and work in The Abyss (Outer Space), and put the needs of their units and homelands/worlds so much above their own that they even consent to memory-alterations/wipes, as prescribed by their chains-of-command; they do whatever it takes to keep their Space programs as secret as they’ve always been –perhaps because when too many outsider minds start thinking about such things, Space being what it is, that can result in chaotic manifestations out there, and that is the last place in the whole of reality where anyone would ever want, or could deal with and survive, such a thing.)


Sol Protection Administration (SPA) Personnel:

These are a few of the people who patrolled the Sun solar system for a number of decades.

  • Alexia: SPA field agent
  • (The people who work for the SPA are those who have it in them to always want to protect the Sun solar system from any threats, such as would-be invaders.)



These are some of the most powerful magic-wielders known.

  • The blonde in H.P.: a sorceress and model from Scotland
  • Cho Chang: a sorceress and model from China
  • Clarissa Adele FairchildClary Fray”, a hunter of misbehaving supernatural beings
  • Katara Navarre: Auz’s sister from the other side
  • Teagan Strange: daughter of Dr. Stephen Vincent Strange, the Sorcerer Supreme
  • (Magically-able people, in general, all desire to use (and improve/enhance) their magic in ways which support the world/s they know.)



These are the most prominent personnel who were stationed aboard the spacecraft carrier called The New Horizon (TNH).

  • Adolf Colbert: Captain
  • Bailey Azedes Junipher: Fleet Companion
  • Dallas McNamara: Chief Armorer
  • Dan Sawatari: Chief Engineer
  • Glen Masters: Chief Mechanic
  • Mackenzie Collins: Intel. Officer
  • Mica Demidova: Intel. Officer
  • Tethir Djinn: Medical Officer
  • Vince Nassida: Chief of Security
  • Zhanna Mariya: ODST Commando
  • (Everyone aboard TNH desires to put each other first, meaning they try to channel their individual desires/natures in ways which support the ideal completion of this social experiment; they are all striving, with every day, shift, and mission, to learn how to cooperate together as one cohesive force, more than a mere joint task force or alliance, almost a family.  Those who don’t prioritize that are encouraged to return to their units across 34 Tauri.)



      These are the loving vampires who joined Auz’s family and the Inisfreean alliance.

      • Erika (of Kraven of Viktor of Marcus Corvinus): a vampire-maid and social-climbing courtier of the Old World Coven, now representing all vampires of Slovakia
      • Jaide LeMorte:  goddess born in Egypt and turned vampire millennia ago
      • Jane Volturi: now in charge of the vampires of Italy
      • Nyssa Damaskinos: a pure-blood vampire princess from Prague, daughter of vampire overlord Eli Damaskinos, she now resurrected and stabilized, representing all the vampires of that nation
      • ‘Prince’ Luxianna: vampire princess of NYC during its Rapture fall, now representing all the vampires of that state
      • Queen Akasha (of Caine): one of the first vampires, born in Uruk (now Iraq), today resurrected and stabilized, and she represents all the vampires of that nation
      • Santanico Pandemonium (of Amancio Malvado): (a.k.a. Esmeralda, Kisa, and La Diosa) snake-dancer and vampire queen of Mexico, now representing all the vampires of that nation
      • Selene (of Viktor of Marcus Corvinus): former Death Dealer (Lycan huntress; killer of werewolves), now mother of a vampire-werewolf hybrid, and representing all the vampires of Hungary
      • (In general, vampires desire, more than anything else, not merely blood when they get weary/thirsty, but to be near, and doing the will of, the older vampire who sired/made them.  This is because vampire ‘childer’/sires don’t just have the teachings of their parent/sire in one part of their bodies (i.e. thoughts in the mind/brain), but the actual concentrated essence/life-force (i.e. blood) of their ‘parent’ –in every part of their bodies; they literally have the essence/will, in physical form, of their makers, thus the much stronger desire in all vampires to be extensions of their makers’ will.)


      Newly Met; After 2018:

      These people are a recent mix which could be spread out into several of the categories above.


      Ambi’s Guests in 2019:

      These were the first whom the High Queen introduced to High King Auz shortly after starting a family with him.



      This is the first member of the Greek Pantheon who made herself known to High King Auz, seeking an arrangement with him.

      • Aphrodite:  Her desire is to be desired, and she is naturally so desirous that she even mostly desires herself.  Her fellow deities put this to logical use, offering her to those they know will desire and enjoy her, as it usually results in the rest of them being appreciated, even protected sometimes.


      Ambi’s Guests in 2020:

      This is the 2nd group of people the High Queen introduced to her husband, High King Auz.

      • Eden: dancer and escort
      • Angelike: slave given as payment to her when a job could not be completed
      • (These desired to become kept gifts from Ambi to her husband, Auz, so that is what has manifested.)



      This is another mixed-categories group of more-recent introductions/disclosures.


      Ambi’s Guests in 2022:

      This is the 3rd group of people the High Queen introduced to her husband.

      • Angelique:  High Queen Ambrosia’s confidant and fellow citizen of Nod
      • Arwen Undómiel:  heroic Elf maiden turned royal, now out of hibernation
      • (These two desired to answer Ambi’s summons, and to meet Auz, though not necessarily to fully connect/bond with him.)



      These are the people whom Auz’s destiny resulted in him meeting this year.

      • Irizi’ar’alani:  be the first living bridge between her race and mine; the Inisfreeans (ICVs), etc.
      • Gem:  She desires most to be a good hostess to any/all who enter her realm/construct –and she now understands that learning from Quorra, and from people from the other ‘world’/’side’, is the most effective way to do that; doing so allows her to anticipate their questions and cater to their orientation needs.
      • Quorra:  She desires most to learn all there is to know about her maker’s ‘world’/’side’.  That is why she is so focused and unhesitant when protecting him and other humans/people who make it into her realm/construct; they are her greatest chances to learn even more.
      • Starlight:  always be of service to me



      • Bloom Peters:  continue mastering her pyrokinesis -in ways I (Auz) desire/love/prefer her to
      • Brandon Breyer:  be understood and positively reacted to, which he always finds from me and everyone else in Inisfree
      • Hope Mikaelson:  be an exemplary/pioneering tribrid -especially by my standard
      • Lathavi:  share the history and secrets of the Telosians and their/her ancestors with me



      These are the people Auz met and allied with this year.

      • Narissa:  The whole reason she joined and excelled in the secret society she was recruited into on her homeworld… was that her greatest desire was to preserve her people/civilization/culture –and that desire of hers was so great that the confusing and alarming visions transmitted into her mind’s eye upon ritual physical contact with the artifact that secret society exposed its initiates to… barely even phased her, the woman standing unshaken by them… when all the other Romulan women around her, all also having touched the artifact, had fallen, overwhelmed to the points of madness and death.  (Now you have some idea just how devoted she is to High King Auz, her husband, since she knows –and can sense in every fiber of her being– that he wished to protect her and her kind/world/empire just as much.)





      These are the people Auz met and allied with this decade.

      • Catherine Halsey Her greatest desire was to learn all she could about The Forerunners.  It just so happened that to do that, she needed to develop the Spartan Program(s) and use much of her brainpower in the defense of mankind, unleashing those “Spartans” against The Covenant which kept glassing entire colony-worlds (i.e. making it very –and increasingly– difficult for her/them to continue getting out to Forerunner sites/ruins/derelicts).



      This and the following section are the only two which include some individuals not destined to learn of our realm; these two sections are to keep track of those who contributed in some way to the monitoring of the prison-galaxy where some millions of breeding-obsessed humans were relocated when our own could no longer pardon or accommodate this catastrophe-causing/repeating defect in their kind anymore.



      This was the time when Auz and his latest ICV met the most of the active humans contributing to their expansion across New Eden.



      • Mairi Aria follow in her sexy mother’s footsteps; being a wonderful liaison for me; between their empire and mine


      Final Notes:

      All good races/species first desire to maintain their own beauty (i.e. their natural, pure, complete, healthy, intended, destined form/body), then to maintain the beauty of that of their realm/territory (meaning they will not compromise/sacrifice their own stability by transferring their focus/lifeforce to something else, as they understand that the stability/beauty around them is caused by them first maintaining their own), and, in this post-Shift permanent Golden Age, always via their (fully-stabilized; flawlessly-beautiful) females making love with Auz whenever he has time for them (as that is what stimulates/causes/unleashes/harnesses Vril, the greatest form of free and sustainable energy, that energy then automatically healing and perfecting all that is in range of it –which is any/everything the people wielding it are thinking about; the range of Vril is based on their imaginations/thoughts/synergy, not on distance like humans erroneously assumed).

      None (of the good/holy beings) have any desire to create offspring/babies (because all the new creations were the focus/nature/destiny of the pre-Shift beings/time), and none get pregnant anymore, as pregnancy, just like health and sickness, come from mind/choice/thought/decision, not particles or fluids or microbes or anything else (meaning that now that they are all conscious of that fact, they alone decide whether or not they get pregnant; it has nothing to do with chance or sperm anymore, Chaos/chance no longer being the dominant/persuading force in the Universe).

      All those desires (listed above) align and complement each other well.  You may have noticed that High King Auz only meets and works with people whose natures/desires support his.  You may also have noticed that together… they “fill in all the gaps” of the entirety of Creation; as the one mega-family of uplifted/unlocked-as-deities, their greatest desires all weave together, completing the manifestation and reinforcement (immortalization) of all realms in all Universes, amen.

